
Jensen picked her up without hesitation. "Of course. We'll get you on a nice seatand you can sign autographs." He promised, silently hoping her stalker wasn't there either. He worried about her. He slipped off his mask. "Yeah, sorry about that. Lots to prepare with Krystal being engaged. We all know she gets so caught up pleasung everyone else she forgets herself." Jensen teased with a chuckle, kissing krystal's head after he sat Jackie down on her chair.

Krystal smiled wacing at all the fans as she sat next to misha. "Hello everyone! Its so honoring you all came!" She yelled excitedly, and you could just see the glee in her face. Jensen had yet to tell her about her best friend's stalker, but when he did, she would be on it like donkey kong.
B hmmm yea.sitting would be nice."she agreed smiling as she settled into her chair.amili n g at everyone as they sorted through the line, amused as she listened to the girls flirt with jensen, even if she quietly worried about it, and told herself she was being silly, but still hearing your boyfriend be g flirted with was hard. )poking up startled when she saw ian making his way through the line, tense and ready to bolt but forcing g herself to stay
Jensen nodded, kissing her head. "Yes, sitting will be good for you." He replied, kissing the top of her head as he set her down.

Jensen was cordial to all the fans, giving them hugs and just generally being his sweet self as they went through the many fans wanting autographs. There were so many fans.

When Ian finally got to Jackie, both Krystal and Jensen wher holding her protectively behind them. "What do you want? I thought I banned you from my hotels?" Krystal growled softly, she and jensen making sure he couldn't see her. He would know she'd be much further along now. Jensen handed him a signed photo of Jackie. "Just leave now and I won't call security." He told him, looking every bit as serious as Dean.
"Only if I don't stay 20 feet away from jackie. Ad you can see, I'm not in her line, I wanted to see ackles. Big fan, man."ian smirkedat hum, that smug annoying smirk as he took the picture and walked away. Jackie took a shuddering breath, shifting to rest her head against his back, closing her eyes. Knowing she had to stay away from ian, otherwise he'd tell the world she was pregnant with jensen's baby.".. how much longer do we have?"
Jensen frowned, but handed him the picture. He rolled his eyes slightly. "I'm sure you are" came his sarcastic reply, not at all amused by this. He wanted to wipe that smirk right off ian's smug face, but he couldn't start a fight at con with Jackie's ex and fellow CW star. That would stir up a shot load of bad press that might even end in them finding out she wasn't carrying ian's baby anymore. Jensen stroked Jackie's hair. "Another hour, then we're free for the rest of the day." He promised, signing photos with his free hand.
"Kay. A hour."she muttered sighing quietly as she relaxed.

4 months later jackie made a face as she walked th rough their apsrtment, making a face at the flowers sitting on the dining table. Even knowing they were from her stalker didn't ruin the fact they were beautiful. Though she'd like them better if they were from jensen. Jensen should totally be apologizing for the next milinium for getting her pregnant. She felt horrible and she was fairly annoyed she couldn't even put her own shoes on, much less do any of her own stunts, the most anyone wasn't letting her do was sit in the bunker and play librarian as the guys went hunting. Sighing as she leaned against the doorframe she turned her head to look at jensen as he walked in, annoyed that he still got to work when mostly she was on be rest."hey."
Jensen smiled, walking over to kiss her. "Hey. So, wanna go watch krystal freak out misha by telling him she's pregnant? That's the scene they're about to do. If you ask me though, its not that far from the truth. Krys has been paler than normal. Have you noticed?" He asked, hugging her close. Her leg was healed now, but he knew she was hurting from the pregnancy. "I'll rub your feet while we watch misha look like a deer in headlights." He said, chuckling.
"Yes I want to see that. That'll just be amusing."jackie said snickering a little before nodding."it probably isn't that far from the truth."she agreed leaning into him. "Yes that would be awesome. My feet are killing me. Not that I can see them anymore but they do hurt."she whined a little
Jensen chuckled a little. "Indeed it will be. Whose baby you think she's having? Jamie's or Misha's?" He asked with another chuckle, picking her up as if she weighed nothing. Supernafural gave him alot of upper body strength. He took her to the impala, giving her a kiss before starting it. "This shall be very amusing" he replied, excited to see it play out. He had made the directer promise not to let them do It until he got back to the bunker set.
“Hmmm, probably misha’s.”She looked amused startling as she was picked up, rolling her eyes a little as she leaned her head against his shoulder.”You’re going to hurt yourself sometime doing that.”She whined a little, smiling as they headed over. Looking amused as she heaved herself out of the car, making a face at jensen. “This really isn’t a practical car for a pregnant woman.”She whined, oh yea, definitely sounded like a whiney, restricted activity bailey.
Jensen chuckled. "Could be. Or maybe its twins and shes somehow carring them both." He replied, simply joking.

Jensen helped her out of the car the best he could, kissing her head. "Aw, i'm sorry. Don't worry, it won't be to much longer." He promised, kissing her softly as they walked to the place to watch krystal and misha.

As soon as they got there, the camera's started rolling. "Casteil, my love, we have to talk" krystal told the other angel, hiding a small stuck behind her back.
“I know. Still to long.”she muttered, sighing softly as she let the other help her walk, definitely not happy, she was hurting and in pain, and with each day it seemed she was getting bigger. Looking relieved when jared settled her chair next to jensen’s, settling into it with a sigh.

“Yes?”Cas looked up from the book he had been reading as he looked at Sam as teh man read his book across from him, looking up at the other angel, wondering if sam knew what was going on.
Jensen kissed her head when he sat. "Lets just watch the amusing unfold." He said, grabbing one of her feet and rubbing it.

Sam walked out of the room, hands up. "Don't look at me" he said, but hus eyes said he did know. He walked off stage.

Krystal smiled at Casteil. "Something amazing yet improbable has happened my dear castiel." She started, thrusting the stick out to him. "I'm pregnant, Cas. We're gonna be parents." She added in a soft tone, her voice showing just how excited she was, even if she had no clue how it happened.
Cas huffed a little as he watched sam go, before looking at krystal. "Yes?"He said looking curious before his eyes went wide, looking startled and confused as he considered what he was staring at."W-what?"
Krystal smiled, sitting down next to him on the couch. "I took like 10 of these, Cas. Even if it is improbable, modern science is rarely wrong." She explained levelly scooting just a little bit closer to him. The angel wanted to be held by her angel boyfriend. She gave him a light kiss. "So, what do you think, love?"

Offscreen, Jensen was snickering quite amused.
Cst stared at her, swallowing thickly as she nodded. " is."He muttered reaching out, wrapping a arm around her. "I think this child will be well loved."He muttered.

"This is great."Jackie muttered snickering quietly as she rested her head against jensen's shoulder.
Krystal let out a soft chuckle, snuggling into him as she gave him another light kiss. "Yes. I think they certainly will be. You just try and pry them away from their uncles Dean and Sam and aunt Bailey after they're born." She replied, content to just relax with him a little while. Life was good.

Jensen snicked too. "It really is. Kinda makes you wonder what misha might be thinking while filming" he replied, still rubbing her feet.
"I'm sure uncle dena is going to be to busy with his own rugrat to bother mine."Cas said snorting a little, pressing a kiss to her head.

"Probably that he's insane, and that you're up to something."Jackie said eyeing her boyfriend, because she knew him, knew he was plotting things even when she didn't try to dig in and figure out what he was thinking about.
Krystal chuckled, smiling a little. "They'll grow up like siblings, I'm sure." She replied snuggling him. She was just happy to be close to him, and kissed him again. "Are you happy, Cas?" She asked, looking curious. On the inside, she couldn't wait to tell Misha that the she actually is pregnant.

Jensen chuckled. "Maybe. But if I was planning something, they'd know about it." He said, simply relaxing with her.
"Indeed I am. It is a surprise, but a good one."he promised looking amused as he ran a hand through his hair, sighing softly.

"...that doesn't make me feel better, since misha and jared are the ones your plotting with."she muttered.
Krystal smiled, giving him a kiss. "Well, good. Cause I'm happy too" she said, smiling softly as they relaxed. The director yelled cut and Krystal hopped off of Misha. "Can we talk in my trailor?" She asked, squeezing his hand.

Jensen chuckled. "Don't worry, you'll like this." He promised, winking.
Misha smiled nodding as he got up."of course. Lead the way."he smiled as he followed after her.

"I'm not sure I will."jackie said eyeing him even as she dug her toes into his thigh. Perversely her sex drive had sky rocketed even when she felt to fat and unwieldy for sex
Krystal smiled leading him to her trailor. Jamie was out of town, so he would have to find out later. She needed to tell Misha now. She smiled at him, sitting him down on the couch in her trailor as she closed the door. She talked softly, using the romanian nickname for his real name as opposed to his own. It was something she only did when they were alone or having sex. "Dimka, what would you say if I told you the script wasn't far from the truth?" She was curious of his reaction.

Jensen smirked as he rubbed her feet. "Don't you wven trust me at all?" He asked, pouting cutely. He let out a soft sound as she dug her foot into his thigh, then smirked again, carring her off to his trailor. He had a full size bed in the for when he wanted a real nap. He set her down on the bed, closing the door behind him. He kissed her. "So, what does the hunter want from her lover?" He asked, winking at her.
Misha smiled a little as he followed, looking at her confusedly, tilting his head as he considered her, looking thoughtful before frowning a little. Looking so cutely confused. “What?”He muttered

Jackie sighed softly as he rubbed her feet. “Well, trusting you got me in this condition. I’m not feeling to great about trusting you.”She muttered sulking a little even as she smiled at him. Sighing as he carried her, not bothering to protest as he did, looking amused as she was sat down, kissing him back. “I want to be pretty again. Skinny again.”She sighed admitting to what she’d been fretting about for days, weeks even, and tried to not tell him.
Krystal sat next to him, giving him a kiss. She took his hands. "I am pregnant. About 2 months along. Haven't been with Jamie in at least 3, Dimka." She told him softly, curious of what he might do.

Jensen kissed her nose. "Well, when you put it that way, but I want you to know, its something you'll like. Krystal helped too. Yoy'll see soin." He promised, kissing her head as he laid her down. He frowned a moment before kissing her again. "You are pretty. What gave you the idea that you arn't? You're beautiful" he promised, starting at her lips and kissing her all over. He wanted her to know that no matter her size he would love her. That he'd always loved her.
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