
Jensen smiled in thanks before he frowned. "Shit. I had forgotten about that. I hope jackie will be well enough by then." He mused, watching as the other pucked up Krystal, who was snoring lightly. "We'll have to keep close watch on her, because she'll haveto come too." He admitted with a sigh, glad for the few days to recover before having to face a mess of fans who he loved, but may not understand.
Bi know. And she probably will be, but we'll have to make sure she stays off that leg as much as she can, and hope no one figures out what she did."jared made a face because as kind as his fans were, he had a feeling they weren't going to be nice about this..

At con jackie sighed a little as she stood carefully, putting weight on her leg, wincing at the pull from her stitches, but stayed up as she slipped her boots on, dressed in one of jensen's band t shirts she stolen out of his closet, and one of his flannel shirts, along with a pair of his jeans, because they were loose enough not to agitate her leg, the woman looked ready to go."you ready jensen?"she said nervous about going to their first panel, but hoping that no one would think it odd jensen had already claimed the seat next to hers as his...not that any of their friends had protested the choice.
Jensen nodded. "Yeah. We will." He agreed, worried about his girlfriend and about whatbthe fans were gonna say.

Jensen nodded, giving her a kiss. "Yeah. You want your crutches?" He asked, knowing it would help the woman get down to the con.

Krystal sat down on jackie's other side. She hugged the woman, kissing her head. "Its gonna be okay." She promised, giessing that somebody had a deflection plan, but not knowing who.
Jackie looked ready to protest the use of her crutches before nodding a little."yea I better."she sighed smiling as she took thrm from jensen, smiling gently at him before nodding."yea it'll be okay...let's go.b she said as she made the way downstars, wincing a little at the sheer number of people waiting for them
Jensen smiled as she took the crutches, kissing her head. " good." He replied, hugging her into him as they got down to the con. Loads of people crammed around them, but luckily, krystal was there to offer some help. Jensen mouthed a thank you to her. "Dear fans, we have to let the cast getbto their seats, then we can start. Please do understand!" She promised them, yearsbof being an heiress in the spotlight showing through. She knew Jackie could only stand so long without hurting herself. Stiches only worked so well.
Jackie smiled slightly as krystal got everyone to move, though by the time they got to the stage her leg was throbVing with a low steady pain. Swallowing hard as she tried to hide just how badly she was hurting letting the others answer questions even though she did when she was asked about how she liked it, or how things were going. So far, no one had asked about her and jensen, though she knew it was just a matter of time.
Jensen answered all the questions he was asked, and Krystal slipped jackie an asprin. She had noticed the woman was in pain. Things went on smoothly for awhile, a particularly annoyed fan asked avquestion. "So, now that your wife has died Jensen, do you intend on marrying Jackie?" The fan asked, Jensen spitting out his water. He hadn't prepared to answer a question like that. He sighed, letting out a breath. "I honestly don't know what the future holds. My wife's death is still to fresh. Whatever I decide to do, I am sure you will all hear about it in due time" he explained, trying not to show how offended he'd been by the question.
Jackie smiled a little as she took the aspirin, looking up at the wuestion, eyes wide as she heard it. Flinching as she felt jensen's water spatter her arm, having not prepared for the wuestion, and ready to deny they were together, if only because she worried about him and what being with her would do before looking at jensen."....we're still recovering from the loss of a friend, and a wife. Can we please not ask to much."jackie said flinching at the angry buzzing of 'whore' and 'attention hound", making the woman tremble and shift closer to jensen, which just made things worse but she couldn't face this alone.
Jensen frowned, running a hand through his hair. "Please understand everyone. I'm still very much dealing with the death of my wife, and would like If you dodn't ask questions about that. I keep fighting, and I just hope you can support me." He told the group, looking quite deflated. He neede the miracle of a good distraction to make his fans stop. He loved them, but they were making assumptions about what they didn't know.
"Jen, can we go?"jackie looked up anxious and upset, fingers tapping against the stitched skin, using the pain to focus."you know. I had planned on waiting, but I think this is as good time as any."james said as he poked his head through the curtain, grinning a little as he stepped in, eyes worried."krystal. Love. Will you marry me?"
Jensen hugged her to him close, curious as James poked his head out. "Just a minute. I want to see what Jaimie does" he wisperedbto her, pulling her closer. He was wondering what James had planned, but was silently happy he'd had the fortitude to plan something.

Krystal tilted her head as James came out, looking quite confused. When she heard his question, tears cane to her eyes. "Yes, James, I will marry you!'" she exclaimed, pulling him up for a kiss. She couldn't see Misha's reaction from behind her.

After, the crowd erupted in screams of happiness and awws, skillfully diverting their attention. Jensen used this to his advantage, slipping away with jackie carried bridal style
Misha looed startled and surprised, and a little hurt as he watched them, though he smiled softly. Watching them."good. Oh, good."james muttered looking relieved as he hugged her close.

Jackie sighed softly, resting her head against jensen's chest, ignoring everyone as she let the man carry her, fingers holding tight to his shirt. Upset and hurting, but trying to keep it together, not wanting to upset him.
Krystal sat him down and snuggled him a bit as the questions started coming for the couple. She whisperez in James's ear. "Did you think I'd say now?" She asjed, lookinh curious. She did love him.

One fan stood, mic in hand. "How long have you known you loved Krystal? Don't think we don't catch those looks you give her" she asked, but the question was directed not at James, but at misha. It would be interesting to see what he answered.

Jensen was glad they were able to slip away without attracting attention. When the were safe in their room, he laid her down, giving her a proper kiss. "Let me take a look at the stiches. Krys gave me this natural balm that numbs the area." He explained, looking worried for her.
"Yes. Maybe."james muttered blushing looking up startled at the wuestion before he realized it wasn't for him. "What?"misha sputtered looking startled."I...I don't know what you mean."

Jackie sighed softly as she was laid on the bed, looking sleepy as she laid back onto the pillows, she hadn't quite recovered yet. Nodding a little as she slid out of her jeans, wincing at the sight of the slightly bleeding and red and puffy skin that was just starting to heal.bits okay...doesn't look infected. Just sore..."
Krystal snuggled into him, but watched misha in curiosity. She let out a tiny chuckle. "Of course I wouldn't." She wispered, giving him a kiss.

This time another fan piped up. "Yeah, tell us! The chemistry is off the charts with you two! Are you holding your feelings because she's with someone else?" She asked, completely focused. Jamie had distracted them so well, they had forgotten all about jared over in the corner.

Jensen nodded, cleaning up the blood then puttingbthe salve on it. "Krys says this is somethong she got from her botanist friend Damien. Says its helps with pain and swelling. " he explained, applying the salve before bandaging her back up and laying down with her. They were lucky they only had one panel today. "Wanna hide here for the rest of the day?" He asked, giving her a kiss.
Misha stared, looking like a deer in the headlights, not even noticing jared was filming them and silently laughing his ass off. Jamie looked at mIsha amused before looking at krystal."you want to save him?he sorta looks like he's dying a bit."

Jackie sighed softly, the numbness feeling good as she smiled a little.bthanks."she muttered.letting him bandage her leg as she kissed him back, looking battered and hurting, nodding a'll make things worse....but I don't want to face then again..."
Krystal let out a tiny chuckle, giving Jamie a kiss. "Yeah. Poor guy" she replied, though her eyes showed she was actually curious to know his answer. "Alright, lets not make poor Misha have a heartattack." She told the fans, the moderator telling them that the panel was over. She looked to both Jamie and Misha. "Come on. Lets go back to my place. I wanna talk to you both." She said, smiling at them. She might be being selfish, but sometimes the heiress deserved to have cake and eat it too.

Jensen gave her a kiss as he snuggled her. "Maybe, but i'm not that worried. The headlines of Krystal's engagement are gonna be big. You know her, she'll try to keep the attention on her as much as she can for our sake." He tried to reassure, snuggling into her as he turned on the tv. Krystal's engagement was alreadybon the news. The PR princess was doing her job well.
Misha lookedrelieved as they ended the panel, relaxing as he stood and said goodbye. Looking at her curiously before nodding."lets."he said relieved that that was the only panel for today. Though he was sure to get the question again later probably

Bhey are..."she agreed sighing a little as he flipped on the tv, closing her eyes as she reached out drawing a hand to her stomach because she could feel their child starting to move and she wanted to dhare, but also because she was tired and sleeping on her side with him wrapped around her wss one of the best positions to sleep in, even if shifting around made her leg throb.
Krystal smiled, waving goodbye and walking off stage with Jamie, misha following behind. She had her car pulled up, and got in. "Come on you two. I'll make you food!" She said, opening the doors for them. They'd soon be back at her mansion.

Jensen snuggled her, putting a soft hand on his girlfriend's stomach. "Shes moving" he commented, eyes showing his hopebthat it would be a girl. While Jensen was a man, he had grown up mostly with women around like Chris evans had. He kissed her head. "I hope its a girl, anyway. I wouldn't know what to do with a boy, despite being one." He explained, snuggling into her. He was happy simply being near her.
Misha nodded looking up at her, blood sounds good. Though should we check on the other two?"

Jackie nodded s litfle."yes she is."she sighed wuietly, amused at his desire for a girl. It was adorable."hm, I'm sure you'd figure out what to do with a boy."she sighed softly, trying to relax, but the fans had hurt her badly,adding to the pain of daneels parents parents.b UT she didn't want to worry jensen.
Krystal smiled. "Jensen just texted and said they were gonna hide in their room the rest of the day. They'll be fine." She promised, knowing the other man was worried. She was too, but she also knew that the news odf her engagement was spreading fast. The fans were focused on that roght now.

Jensen chuckled. "Maybe so, but I want a girl. She'll be as beautiful as her mother." He replied, kissing her softly. He snuggled her close and stroked her hair, trying to make her feel better. He gave her a kiss. "You want to talk about it?" He asked, still snuggling her.
Misha tilted his head before bodding, relaxing a little."okay. Good. They should just hide out."he sighed a little as they headed for krystals house.

Jackie flushed at that. "Youre fairly beautiful yourself. Maybe she'll take after you."she teased, turning her head to look up at him, shifting to lay on her back, resting her head against his shoulder. "...I just...I don't know. I don't think this is a good idea for either of us....b she sighed. Was she actually trying to break up with him?yes, yes it looked like it.
Krystal nodded and smiled, driving off to her house. When they hot there, she set her con stuff on the table, then beckoned both James and Misha into the living room. "Sit. I'll nake some snacks, then we'll talm." She told the both, kissing their cheeks before leaving for the kitchen.

Jensen chuckled. "Hm, maybe, but i dunno. I'm not sure a girl could handle my jawline." He joked before he frowned. Was she really trying to do this now? Jensen snuggled her closer, giving her a kiss. "Yes we should. Don't let the fans get under your skin, Jackie. I love you. Nothing is gonna change that." He promised her, kissing her again.
James tilted his head as they were sat dosn."do you need help?"he asked.

"Hmmm true. But your eyes...beautiful."she muttered before sighing, looking up at him, not kissing him back for once as she frowned slightly.become on, jen. This is a mess....worse then what I thought...I not worth torpedo ing your career over...."
Krystal smiled. "No, i'm fine dear. You two just relax. I'll be back in a minute." She promised, making some finger sandwiches, crackers and cheese, and a plate of homade cookies. The woman was still on a baking kick. She set the trays down on the coffee table, smiling at them. "Okay, I want straight answers from both of you. Do you love me?"

Jensen smiled. "Are they? I never really noticed." He admitted, snuggling her close. He frowned, kissing her cheek. She didn't get it. "I promise you I'm not. The fans are still shell shocked over Daneel. They are all very forgiving people. Everything will be fine. Please don't break my heart." He repliedreplied softly, looking sort of like a lost puppy.
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