
Jensen shook his head. "You didn't. Years of playing Dean make me a light sleeper." He replied, snuggling close to her when she came back to bed. He gave her a kiss, content to just relax a little. "Food sounds good... wait.. do I smell pie?" He asked tilting his head curiously. He did. The moment Krystal had left Misha's arms to get up, she had started baking. She always baked when she was upset. It soothed her.
“Ah. Okay.”She smiled softly leaning in to kiss him back as she snuggled into him. “Yea...I think so. Probably krys. Her pies are good.”Jackie said smiling a little as she moved away from him, tilting her head. “What else do you want?WE can have breakfast in bed. I’ll bring the food up, or do you just want pie?”She said
Jensen looked contemplative a moment, then smiled a little. "Pie sounds good. If krys made pancakes or something too, that'd be nice. " he replied, still not awake enough to realize why exactly they were at their friend's mansion. After he had some coffee, he would likely remember, but he keep calm. He was Dean winchester, and Dean was strong. He culdn't afford to fall apart, not when he had another lover to look after. He knew she needed him, he just wasn't quite sure how much she really did yet.

Sebastian's bags fell off his body with s plop. "I'm here!" He yelled through the house as was habit, taking in the smells. It was worse than he thought if Krystal were baking. He walked into yhe kitchen, ditting down with a sigh as he saw that it was already covered in all types of baked goods. "That bad huh? Well, at least the pie might cheer Jensen a little. Krystal turned from the waffle machine and nodded. "Yeah, I'm hoping so."
“Okay pie and pancaes it is. I’ll be right back.”She said smiling, leaning down to kiss him lightly again, just needing to reassure herself he was alive, that he was there. Heading downstairs, before pausing when she heard sebastian. Walking in behind him she nudged him a litle, “Hey, Seb.”She muttered hugging him tightly before looking at krystal. “I have a request for pie and waffles. Are they done?”She said pulling away turning to looking at krystal.
Jensen smiled a little, kissing her back. "Thanks jackie" he replied softly, trying to relax in the bed.

Sebastian gave her a hug as she came in. "Hey jackie. How are you and jensenn holding up?" He asked, eyes showing his worry. He knew how she could be sometimes, so he needed to make sure she was ok. Krystal smiled softly, pulling some cookies out of the oven. "Of course. Pie's on the table, and thecwaffles are under that warmer there." She explained, feeling pretty deflated. She needed more held.
“We’re doing okay....well. Sorta. He’s not awake yet enough to remember. So....I’m gonna stuff him with pie, and really hope that it makes him sleepy and he goes back to sleep.”She snorted a little, leaning into sebastian a little before moving away to get the food, glancing at Krystal. “You said Jamie was on his way to?” “Yes. He called this morning. He couldn’t get a flight till early, so he’ll be here this afternoon sometime.”Misha said smiling slightly as he walked in. “Kay.Awesome. It’ll be good to have everyone here.”Jackie said grabbing a tray of food and pausing to debate on it before getting some orange juice instead of coffee, kissing sebastian’s cheek. “We’ll be down later.”She said before heading back upstairs to jensen. “As requested, pie and waffles.”She smiled as she settled back into bed.
Sebastian nodded. "That sounds like the best plan, but we'll need someone to do the funeral arrangements. Did someone tell their parents?" He asked, looking up as misha came in. Krystal made him a plate automatically, trying to relax. She'd be much better when she could control things. She rolled her eyes. "I told him to take the jet... why does he never listen to me, Misha?" She complained, and he would know her well enough to know she was in pain and needed aomeone. Sebastian nodded. "Yeah. It will. I told Chris and Rob too, so they'll probably be appearing soon. They worry about you out here in the cold" he explained to both girls, frowning slightly.

Sebastian smiled a little at the kiss. "Okay Jackie. See you later"

Jensen looked excited at the promise of food. "Great. I need something." He replied, still not quite awake. He knew something was missing though, but chose to ignore his pain for the moment.
"Jared called jensen and daneel parents. They'll be flying in today or tomorrow. He's probably working on them already, I heard him up and moving."misha said before wincing a little at her words."because it took him that long to get out of the press tour, figured he might as well take a commercial flight instead of inconveniencing anyone."misha said sighing as he took his plate and started to eat."good. It's been a whole since I saw them.b jackie smiled a little.

"I figured you did. You hog."she teased a little, pretending nothing was wrong even if she felt guilty for it, she wanted jensen to have a few more minutes of peace. Sighing quietly as she started to eat she stopped a few bites in when all it did was make her feel sick.
Sebastian nodded. "That's good. Wish it didn't have to be over the phone though. Especially for Danee's parents." He repied before he to winced. He knew that tone all to well. Krystal took a bite of her waffle. "Okay fair enough. But he's still in the dog house for being gone so fucking long." She replied flatly, taking another bite of her food. You could tell she was just hiding her pain in anger.

Jensen siled at her, starting on his waffle. "I'm always hungry in the morning." He admitted with a chuckle, simply relaxing. He gave her a concerned look as she stopped eating, kissing her cheek. "You okay, love?" Even if it was just probably morning sickness, he was still worried.
"I know. And jared knows, but it was either that or let them find out when the press does. Either way, it would have been hard. Jared figured it'd be better to tell them before anyone else realized what happened.""I'm sure he know he will be."misha said smiling a little as he reached out to wrap her in a hug.

"I know you are. It's adorable."she teased because he was such a little kid over his food before smiling a little as he kissed her cheek, ignoring the churn of guilt and pain that made her feel eveb sicker."yea...just feeling sick."she said making a face at him."I'm totally blaming you for this morning sickness thing, by the way. I wasn't this sick at the beginning last time."
Sebastian nodded. "Yes, that makes alot of sense." He agreed, running a hand through his hair. This whole situation sucked.

Krystal frowned, looking annoyed. "He better know." She replied, relaxing a little as Misha hugged her. She was always happier when he or James was holding her.

Jensen, hugged her, taking a bite of his waffle. "I'm sorry love." He replied softly, and you could tell he really did feel bady about making her sick, even if it were par for the course when pregnant.
"I know you are."she said smiling at him a little, even if she felt sorry for using her pregnancy to keep him oblivious for a little bit longer. Shifting to lean against him as she nibbled on her food before setting it aside again, not hungry but eating some. She'd eat more later. Closing her eyes as she rested, head pillow ed on his shoulder, wincing at the knock on the door. Knowing that it'd probably end jensen obliviousNess but knowing whoever it was, probably jared, needed something.bjensen?you awake?"yep, definitely jared.
Jensen smiled at her, snuggling her close as he kissed her head. He really did love her. He startled at the knock yo the door years of training and conditioningbyo be dean waking him almost instantly. "Yeah, I am. What do uoj need, Jared?" He asked, taking a bitebof uis waffles, and sipping his juice.
Jackie 2inced a little, though she looked vaguely amused at the dean reaction even as she turned to look as jared walked in, looking like he'd had a sleepless night, which he had had. Tired and ready to crash the man winced a little because he really didn't want to ruin jensen's good mood since it seemed he was doing okay, but he had to."hey...sorry to drop in so early, but I wanted to tell you your in laws are on their way in. Along with chris, Rob and if you want to hide out up here for the day and avoid them all, send jackie downstairs to get stuff."he said well aware jensen was to relaxed to have remembered what happenex, and he hated remind him, but figured it was better if he knew the others were going to be in the hiuse.
Jensen, sighed, running a hand through his hair. "No, I should be down there. Danee's parents will wonderbif I hide up here and have a woman they don't know bringing me things." He admitted, trying to make sense of this. He was.. dealing. He hugged jackie, kissing herbhead. "It will be okay. Krys and misha can help with them. Go get some rest, jared."
B they will, but I don't care about them. I'm worried about you. If hiding up here and letting us fetch things works, it works....but they were flying in early, and theyre close. So theyll probably be here before lunch."jared made a face before nodding. Jackie winced a little resting her hand against his chest, wishing she could make it better before sighing."I'll move into my regular room..."she said wanting to make it as easy as possible for him. "I will....funeral homes going to be calling back, I called them this morning, but they said they had to talk to you.....I'll see you guys after I get some sleep."Jaredsaid as he walked out.
Jensen shook his head. "I'll be alright. The onlaws are gonna stay in Krys's hotel. You can stay with me jackie." He promised, giving her a kiss. He looked to Jared, his expression showing his worry. "Go nap, Jared. I havebto go greet the inlaws. I'll be okay." He promised smiling a little. While still greivong, he was taking this as Dean. He could fall apart later when there were't 30 people around.
" don't want me to stay here with an eels parents here, jensen. It's goingyo be hard as it is, I don't want to make it worse."jackie said biting her lip as she heard jared mutter a sleepy goodbye, sighing as she rested her head against his chest, worried about him like this. Knowing it was a good thing he was dealing with it like dean, but it was a little worrying. Wincing a little as his cell went off, but it was a set tone, which meant it was someone he knew. Probably his in laws to say they were there.
Jensen kissed her head. "I wish you would stay. I do need you here, Jackie." He told her softly, break character for just a moment. While her parents wouldn't understand their relationship, he needed her near. If she wasn't, he feared he would fall apart again. He couldn't do that though. He is Jensen Ackles. He's supposed to be the calm, stoic one that people lean on in trouble. He picked up the phone. "Hello?" He said, recognizingbthe ring, but not quite there enough to cognize who was on the other line.
Jackie looked unsure as she looked at him, worried before nodding. Hopefully his in laws would leAve hI'm alone if they found out."okay. I'll stY."she muttered. "Jensen?it's april. We just landed and wanted to tell you we're going to the funeral home to take care of everything before we come to the house. You shouldn't deal with that."not because it'd be easier on him, but because they didn't trust him to look after their daughter. Whole they got along, there was always a quiet tension there between them, because daneel parents had never thought he was good enough for her, and usually had no problem letting him know that. But even that was set aside for their shared grief."do you need anything before we get there?"
Jensen mouthed a thankyou, taking a sip of his juice. "That's very nice of you, April. I appreciate it. I wish there were better circumstances to seeing you though." He replied smoothly, though Jackie would be able to see the hurt in his eyes. She was the only one he had ever told about the pain he felt because his inlaws didn't think he was good enough. He'd never told Daneel because he knew how much she loved her oarents. He smiled a little. "No I'm alright. There is free hotel room for you at the Kobayashi grand family hotel. My friend the owner Krystal, arranged everything. Thanks for asking. Travel safe." He told her before hanging up, letting out a soft sigh before getting dressed. Krystal had made sure both Jackie and he had clean clothes.
"Me to."April said, even as jackie stroked jensen's hair, gently pressing a kiss to his forehead. Knowing their dislike for him hurt him badly even if he hid it well."we'll see you soon."April promised before hanging up.

Two days later jackie sighed softly as she straightedge the skirt of her[url] dress [/url], sitting on the edge of the bed as she looked up at jensen. Even if it was under horrible circumstances, it was always a sight to see him in a suit. Glad that despite having spent nearly every moment together, his in laws hadn't noticed, or at least not said anything about them. Slipping on her low high heels she carefully made her way to his side, gently kissing him."you okay?"she muttered, scared for him, and worried about actually going to the funerwl. Worried about how well he'd managed to actually hold together, and afraid whatever it was, that dean would break if they were confronted over something.
Jensen nodded, leaninag into Jackie as he talked. "Yeah, see you soon."

Two days later Jensen wore his dark black suit, looking ever so manly and broken. His inlaws had set it up so that Jensen wasn't involved at all, aside from being in the receiving line. He was almost glad if that, for Daneel's death was taking a worse toll than he let on. Everyone was worried about him. Jensen kissed her back, leaning into her a bit. "No, but I'm putting on a brave face. Danee woildn't want me to be sad. She would want to be happy and celebrate her life, not mourn her death. Even daneel's father could see how lost he was without his wife.
"We'll be okay. You'll be okay. We just have to get through the next few hours...remember what I said. Don't worry about everything else. Just get through the hour, this minute. It'll get easier with time."she muttered stroking his hair, golding onto him. Hating that hed been regulated to a bystander at his own wife's funeral, but it was a good thing to. A little out of the way. Gently running her fingers through his hair she smiled sadly, "I kiss her to. I...we didn't always get along. But I do. It hrts. Knowing we never got to figure out how to do this."she muttered as she opened the door to leave, kissing him again."legs go remember who daneel was, and not about what it means that she's gone."she said determined to not be scared about losing him.
Jensen nodded, leaning into herva moment. "Live b it moment yo moment." He repeated, running a hand through his hair ad he took a deep breatb. He was mentally preparing homself."I know you do. We can only hope she's happy wherever she is now." He replied, walking down the stairs of Krystal's mansion and into the livingroom. He was still out of sorts, but thenman was dealing. He was trying to keep himself balanced.
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