
"You're delusional, but I'll go with it, cause I want to sleep with you."she teased, brushing it off even if she was feeling extremely self conscious. Shivering a little as she ran a hand through his hair, relaxing a little as he stared down at her, squirming a little."jen..."she whined squirming, needy.
Jensen kissed her. "No, i'm not. You are on the top of the hottest supernatural female list." He replied, snuggling her as he kissed her all over. He let out a soft moan at her wimpering, kissing her passionately as he thrust quickly down into her. "You really are beautiful. Don't sell yourself short." He told her, groaning as he fet her tightness around him.
Jackie rolled her eyes a little, but not protesting anymore, mostly because she’d rather get laid then argue that he was delusional. Shivering as he kissed her all over, hands resting on his shoulder, groaning as he thrust into her. “we make one hell of a beautiful couple, indeed.”She said not protesting that she was getting big, and definitely not that sexy, because she knew he’d argue about it, moaning as she held him close, shivering as he pushed her right over the edge, shuddering her way through a orgasm, burying her face against his chest.
Jensen snicked, kissing her again as he sped his thrust. "Indeed we do" he agreed simply, holding one hand at her hip to steady her as he thrust deeper. He kissed at her neck, his free hand tued up in her hair as he pilled her closer, bruising her lips with the force of his kissing. When she climaxed, he wasn't far behind, head falling back as his seed coated her walls once again.
Jackie shivered hard as she felt him come, shivering a little as she slumped into his arms, shivering a little as she leaned back into the pillows."we need to do that more often."she said snickering quietly as she shifted, pulling away from him just long enough to get comfy and settling in to sleep.
Jensen chuckled, getting off of of her and kissing her , panting slightly. "Yeah. We really should. But we have an early day in the morning, so lets get some sleep." He suggested, hugging her close.

The next day, krystal read through her script, smirking at jensen "oh, this is gonna be epiccc." She told him, and jensen chuckled. Misha was gonna shit bricks when they started filming.
"We do. Sleep is needed."she agreed though she looked amused as she snuggled into him, content to sleep.

"It really is."jackie said reading over jensen's shoulder as she leaned into him some. While they hadn't announced their relationship, it was one of the worst kept secrets on set. Everyone had figured out if you wanted one, you just had to locate the other, they were usually together. "....I can't decide if I should thank them or embarrassed that they wrote this."misha said as he walked into the bunker, his face buried in his script as he read.
Jensen chuckled. "Yes. Sleep is."

Jensen chuckled again. "Oh yes, it will be pretty epic. So much funbto see cas's reaction." He admitted, giving jackie a kiss. It was a pretty badly kept secret, so why not have fun.

Krystal raised an eyebrow as she looked at Misha when he came in. "Oh? Why would you be thankful?" She asked, eyes showing her curiosity.
Jackie smiled kissing him back."it Wil be." "Hm, cause sex scenes with you have to end better thrn those two."misha smirked looking amused as he nodded towards jensen and jackie. "True. We won't have to pry you apart with a crowbar."Jared snickered as he walked in looking amused tilting his head at the sound of jensen's phone going off. Frowning even more at the generic ring tone. Jensen set tones for the people who called him regularly, just because he got bombard by fans if he didnt. So generic ringtone didn't mean anything good.
Krystal chuckled. "Well, at least neither of us are married" she smiled at Jackie, assuring her that she was just joking. Jensen rolled his eyes.

Everyone paled at the sound of the generic ringtone, knowing jensen's tendancy of changing the ring tone for people who call regularly. He picked ot ip, and what he heard horrfied him. " Mr. Ackles? This is Dr smith at mercy hospital. There's been an accident. I'm sorry, but your wife and child are dead." He dropped the phone on the floor of the trailer, tears starting. He looked at everyone. "Daneel was in a car accident. She's dead."
Jackie winced a little at the woman's words, even if she knew krystal was teasing. Paling at the sound of the ringtone she tensed watching jensen worriedly as he sway on his feet, moving in, wrapping a arm around his waist to keep there, and though she was as tall as him, she was definitely outweighed by nearly 70 pounds, and it was all muscle. She wasn't sure she could catch him if he fell. "Jensen, you're going to sit down okay?with jackie right here."Jared ordered pushing him down into the couch. "Stay put. Krystal and misha are going to go tell everyone, and I'll get the car, then we'll go to the hospital. Jensen?"jared asked as he took charge, looking at the two she'll shocked people, looking worried and not wanting to leave them if they were going to fall apart
Jensen was blank a moment. He mumbled as he was pushed down. "Yeah, yeah, sammy you do that..." he said, not quite there. He was retreating into being Dean to deal with his shock and greif.

Krystal looked to both Jared and Jensen. "We should start with the directer, misha." She said absently, nit quite sure how to deal herself. She had adored daneel, and she felt partly responsible. She always did, even if it wasn't.
"Yea dean. I will."Jared muttered, not trying to shock him out of it yet. Heading out to go get the car. Pausing as he considered what to drive, before considering where jensen had retreated. Pausing to go find the keys for the impala he returned in a few minutes."jensen? Come on.let's go, buddy."he said looking worried as he got jensen to his feet. "Come on."he said smiling a little as jackie trailed after them, the pregnant woman resembling a lost puppy.

"Yes. We'll start there. Come on."misha said gently pulling her out of the trailer and heading off to tell everyone
Krystal followed him out, not quite sure how to feel. If there was ever a time she needed James, it would be now. He was off on an Xmen press tour though. "Misha, after we tell everyone, we should follow them to the hospital." She explained, her eyes showing how utterly much she needed to be held, even if her expression didn't.

Jensen stood, brushing himself off. "Yeah, okay Jared." He replied, but the look in his eyes showed he still wasn't quite there. He was retreating into the only real safe place he had right now, and that was supernatural. It was a comfort, even if what he really wanted was his wife back.
Misha nodded looking over at her, before reaching out, tucking her under his arm even as he found everyone else. Quickly explaining what had happened he wasn’t surprised when they were given a few days off, before looking at her. “Come on. Let’s go. We’ll get to the hospital soon after them.”He said holding it together because much like jared, there were others who were relying on them to hold it together.

“Good. Okay.Let’s go.”Jared said smiling slightly, glad to know that jensen was a little with him before putting the two of them in the backseat, not even a little surprised as Jackie curled up on the seat as much as her pregnant body and seat belt would allow her to. When they got to the hospital he looked at jensen, dark eyes wide and worried. “Jensen?Do you want me to go in with you?”He asked worried as he helped jensen out of the car, heading inside, reaching out to tuck Jackie under his arm, kissing her head lightly. Worried about them both.
Krystal smiled a little bit as he tucked her into his arm, leaning into him. She was glad to be close to him. She nodded, following him. "Your car or mine, misha? The boys and jackie took the impala." She explained, looking curious but snuggling into him. She was so worried about jared and Jackie.

Jensen snuggled jackie, trying to both offer comfort and comfort himself. He gave Jared a small smile as he got out of the ompala, looking pretty out of it. "Yes, please Jared. I don't think I can do this on my own." He explained looking so damaged. Worse than dean ever was.
“Mine. Come on.”Misha smiled as he got them settled into the car, before huffing a little. “Of course they took the impala. Dean winchester without the impala would be a crime against humanity.”He snorted a little because he knew Jensen had retreated into being dean for the moment.

Jackie sighed softly as she was snuggled, clinging to him even as she got out of the car, smiling as she was snuggled, knowing jared had done it on purpose. While no one would question his co-stars being with him, jared had thought to keep jackie from cuddling jensen in public here, not where there’d probably be photographers and press and things they didn’t want to deal with yet. “Yea, okay.”Jared smiled slightly worried as he led them inside, talking to the doctor when they tracked him down because jensen looked incapable of following the conversation, before looking at jensen. “Jen?They need someone to identify the body....I can do it. Will you and jackie be okay here?”He said looking around the waiting room, not wanting to leave them, but also not wanting jensen to be the one to give a positive ID either.
Krystal followed him, getting into the car. She let out a sad laugh at his comment. "You have a point, misha." She replied, taking out her own phone. She wondered if she should call James. "You think I should tell Jamie?" She asked, fiddling with her phone, hoping he didn't notice her background was him.

Jensen looked a little out of it still, but he nodded. "Yeah, we'll be okay, Jared." He replied softly, looking at his friend. He couldn't quite deal with this right now, but he was trying so hard. Even if he was in love with Jackie, he had still deeply loved Daneel. Hearing sh e'd died was hard for him. He cried a little, trying to keep from holding the woman next to him. He was too emotionally raw to deal with press, so he just cried.
Misha smiled slightly glad for the laugh before thinking. Nodding slowly. “Yes. Call him. He’s going to find out soon enough. And call Sebastian. No reason to blindside both of them by letting them find out from the news.”Misha said well aware that the press wound find out soon enough.

“Okay. I’ll be right back.”Jared promised as he walked away. Jackie stared down at her hands, feeling shell shocked and lost. While she knew Jensen loved her, or at least thought he did, she knew he loved his wife. Otherwise he would have walked away from her long ago. She knew he was hurting, and feeling utterly lost on how to help, and more then a little pissed that they would never have a chance to figure out their lives. That she would never have a chance to thank Daneel for the gift of being allowed to love Jensen. Shifting a little when she heard Jensen’s tears, she sighed quietly, not wanting to deal with the press herself, and not really caring if they found her holding him. She could do this. Shifting she wrapped her arms around Jensen, pressing a kiss to his head as she drew him close. “I got you, Jen. We’ll go home as soon as Jared gets back.”she muttered, stroking his back, feeling guilty and horrible, and trying so hard to hold it together because he needed her to.
Krystal nodded. "Okay, I'll start with sebby." She told him, not suprised when the phone picked right up. She was a bit addicted to texting, so Sebastian knew something major was up. "What happened?" He asked excitedly, tone scared. She frowned. "Jensen's wife was just killed in a car accident." Sebastian almost dropped the phone. "I'll be on the next plane." He replied, hanging up.

Next was James, who she gad a bone to pick with, but now was not the time. She hoped he picked up quickly.

Once Jackie's arms were around Jensen, his crying quieted slightly. It was obvious even to any press that she was just comforting him. He was still wetting his fresh off set plaid shirt, but at least it was alot calmer than it was before. He wimpered quietly. "Thanks Jackie."
“Krys?What’s up?”Jamie asked, even if you could hear him at the press conference, muttering excuses to the others as he headed backstage, the quietness coming soon. “Krys?”He said sounding worried. “are you okay?Is jackie?” “Come on.”Misha muttered as he parked, heading inside.

Jackie smiled a little as she pressed a kiss to his head, closing her eyes as she leaned into him. “Your welcome. Always.”She muttered ignoring what she knew would become a media circus as the rumors started flying, for the moment, all that matter was the man in her arms. Looking up at Misha and Krystal as they came in. “Jensen.”She muttered nudging him a little, “Let’s go.”She said having every intention of bundling him up in misha’s car and getting out of here, even if it meant leaving jared on his own. Knowing the man would understand. “Krystal, can we head to your place?”jared asked as he stepped back into the room, dark eyes upset and sad, and wanting to get jensen somewhere that would have no memories of daneel. And wondering if the man would end up on a bender. While it wasn’t common knowledge, he knew part of dean’s drinking problem came from personal experience that had taken jensen years to overcome. So. He was worried, especially with the drinking, and how pale and upset jackie looked, knowing the stress wouldn’t be good for the pregnant woman.
Krystal was calm, but she was getting ready to start crying. "Jackie and I are okay. But... Jensen's wife Daneel was just killed in a car accident." Her words were flat, but James had known her long enough to know that the woman was distraught. She was only barely holding on for Jensen and Jackie.

Jensen leaned into her a little, glad for the comfort. He needed as much as he could get right now. "Yeah, lets go." He replied flatly, still staring blankly. He just couldn't deal. This was to much and the man was hanging by a thread. He woild needbto be watch closely.

Krystal looked up at Jared as he cane back. "Yeah. Lets all go. We need time to think. I called sebby. He'll be here on the next plane." She explained, looking quite vulnerable herself as she leaned into misha. She needed comfort too.
“What?”Jamie startled, cursing quietly. “Krys?I’ll be there as soon as I can. I promise. Stay wtih them, and misha. I’ll be home.”Jamie promised as he hung up, and even as he did, she could hear him moving to talk to the others, to make his excuses to have to go.

“Good.”Jared said looking a little relieved that they where on their way, trusting sebastian to look after them all to.

The next day Jackie shifted, moving from where she’d been laying on jensen, having curled up at his side, wincing a ltitle at the motion made her whole body ache, having simply been laying there without moving, her very pregnant body protested it. While she was only 3 months in, she’d started showing more, round and soft, and definitely not used to the weight, her body was protesting it. Wincing a little as she rubbed a hand over her stomach, easing away from jensen, trying not to wake him up and simply wanting a few minutes to indulge in the guilt she was feeling as she padded to the bathroom to take a shower. Not even really being aware going through the basics, cleaning up, shaving her legs. Not even noticing when she nicked herself, even as she pressed the blade harder against her skin.

She’d always cut when she was upset, simply to try and get the pain out. And she was running on autopoilt, not even really aware of doing it before she finished, a few cuts and knicks across her calves, before finishing her shower and dressing, padding back to the bedroom.
Krystal letbout a soft wimper. "Yes. This morning. She was hit by a car. Jared went in to ID the body. Use the jet. It will be quickest." She told him softly, pleased to know he'd be home soon. "Thanks Jamie." She finished, relaxing knowing that he would be close soon.

Krystal nodded at Jared. "Jamie will be here too" she added, hoping that their little family would be enough to keep Jensen sane.

When Jackie came out of the bathroom, Jensen was awake. While she hadn't meant to, years of playing Deannwinchester had made the man a light sleeper. "Morning." He muttered blearily, not awake enough to truly remember why he was staying in one of Krystal's guest rooms.
“Morning.Sorry...didn’t mean to wake you up...”Jackie smiled softly as she moved to lay down with him, leaning back against the head board as she gently stroked his hair, simply needing the touch. Needing something to keep the depression and guilt and pain at bay. A simple touch, even if she was waiting for him to shove her away, taking his pain out on her, to feel guilty for being with her. “Just want something to eat?”she asked, hoping the quiet oblivious state he was in would last just a little longer.
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