
Daneel tilted her head, sighing quietly. “You are one of the least selfish people I know, you know.”she sighed before looking at him. “That does sound weird. I agree.”She said before smirking. “I think you might be spending to much time at work. You’re thinking weird things.”She teased before getting up and wrapping her arms around him. “So....I know this is weird to ask...but have you two....?”She trailed off blushing. And wanting to know, just because she was curious, and worried about losing her husband. She knew they had to figure out how to do this.

“Hey.”Jackie smiled a little as she walked into the kitchen, snickering sadly. “You know, I just left Jensen cooking dinner. I’m starving.”She muttered leaning into the hug before nodding, as she settled into a chair. “....Well. Me and Jen were going over the scene of bailey telling Dean about the baby, and being put on house arrest and well....I ended up telling him about his baby and....”she trailed off, looking paiend and lost. “daneel over heard us. I didn’t even know she was in town!I hadn’t meant for her to find out about this...”
Jensen smiled. At least she wasn't mad anymore. "I'm glad you think so." He told her softly, then chuckled. He had been spending alot of time at work, but he didn't think it was quite that much. Jensen hugged her close. "If your asking if it happened at all since that first time, the answer is no it didn't." He told her flatly, hoping to ease her mind. He hated that he'd hurt her so.

"Stay and eat with me and Misha. Jamie is off at a con." She explained, hugging her friend. She could tell it was pretty bad. "Oh, I see. Well, don't you worry. Daneel's bark is worse than her bite." She promied, smiling. "
“I do.”She muttered relaxing a little as she relaxed, leaning into him, closing her eyes. Humming a little, sounding a little shocked at the idea. “Huh.”She muttered relaxing a little, indeed it did make her feel better that it hadn’t happened again even if the two were living together. And wondered if it was by his choice, or hers, because she’d come home to them curled up together more then once, so she knew they weren’t being completely hands off. She was curious at where they drew the lines, even if she equally didn’t want to know either. But figured, if this was going to work, they probably should talk about it. “So....Do you want it to?”She asked, holding up a hand to stop the automatic reaction. “A real answer, Jen. It’s....hurtful a little, and angering, but we’re all adults. If we’re going to live like this, we need to be truthful, and to figure out things together.”She said smiling a him a little.

“Okay.”Jackie relaxed at the hug, slumping into him, trusting krystal to look after her until she could go home, or find her own place. Which was what she probably needed to do really. She really really didn’t want to mess up jensen’s life. Which was what she seemed to be doing constantly. “I hope so. She looked ready to tear his head off really.”he said looking up when misha walked in. “Kr-What happened?”Misha paused holding the bottle of wine he’d gone to get, looking at jackie worried. “Daneel and Jensen are fighting. I figured it was better I wasn’t there.”Jackie said simply.
Jensen ran his free hand through his hair. "Honestly, yeah. Sometimes. Its usually after scenes where we get steamy. I'm a seasoned actor, I should loose my self in a rutine fake sex scene. But with her, I comeplete blank out. Its like that weird dejavu. I really can't explain it." He admitted, trying to eplain, but failing. He really didn't know exactly what was happening in that respect. He was glad though that she was willing to work it out. It made him love and appreciate her that much more.

Krystal nodded, still hugging Jackie. "Every thing will be fine. Danee and him will work it out. She wants him happy, and I think she worries about you too. She dies like you, you know" she explained trying to make the woman feel better. She knew what it felt like to feel like everything is your fault, and she didn't want Jackie to feel that.
“Ah. Yes. Those scenes have your fans going rabid by the way. Seems they’ve started figuring out that you two have something more then normal.”she teased a little before sighing. “That’s weird. Seriously. I mean...just weird.”Daneel sighed a little, rubbing his back as he held her, simply trying to make him feel better. “Well. I have no desire to have a threesome, but if you want....go ahead. Maybe. I don’t know, Jen.”She said. “I don’t know, because I know you the best. I know how you are.....I don’t know her well. I have no idea what she’s makes it hard trying to do the best for us all.”She sighed a little. Unhappy, but trying to make it work. And knowing her and jackie were working on it, and they were indeed becoming friends, but she didn’t spend nearly as much time with the women as her and jensen did, so it was like playing catchup.

Jackie huffed a little. “Yea, worries I wont keep my hands to myself.”Jackie made a face, even though she knew Daneel was trying, that both of them were trying, hard, the two still had problems, still got to each other because they both loved jensen, and they sort of just rubbed each other the wrong way. “Okay, enough. Let’s eat ,and relax, and hopefully jensen’ll call.”She said trying to sound hopeful that it’d be a good call, instead of one kicking her out.
Jensen sighed. "Peachy. Just what I need." He replied, though the look on his face said he knew she was just teasing. He smiled at her. "I know it is, and I wish I knew how to curb it more. She sleeps better when she stays with me. I have no clue why. A threesome? Interesting, but nah. That was never my thing." He explained, also explaining that he means it in the very literal sense, snoring and all. He didn't want her to be angry again.

Krystal shook her head. "No, I think she sees hiw close you and jensen are and it scares her. She wants him happy, but worries he'll leave her." She explained, knowing mostly how the woman felt from talking to her fo hours a few nights ago. It seemed like she was the go to for hugs and advice. "She's trying really hard. Give her some slack."
“Hm, well you keep wearing jeans like this, what are they supposed to think.”Daneel teased a little before sighing. “Well, we might not be a threesome who all have sex together. But you two are attracted together. And she shouldn’t have to go without sex. So either tell her she can sleep with someone else, or you. It’s weird but...”Daneel shrugged because she really was trying. They all were trying, and she was well aware that Jackie still felt bad and guilty, and refused to talk about things because she was so scared of messing things up. “Well, you’re Jensen. Everyone sleeps better cuddled up to you. Even the babies not born yet.”She teased because it was true, the baby was quieter when she laid down with him. While she was annoyed with the idea of him needing someone besides her, wanting to sleep with someone else, she also knew she wanted him to be happy to. So....she was trying. And jackie was trying, she knew. They just had a hard time seeing eye to eye, especially when the other woman was so quiet and withdrawn around her, not because Jackie hated her or anything, but because Jackie was simply used to being blamed for things.

“...I know. I’m just tired and feeling bad for hurting her like that. It makes me bitchy.”Jackie sighed, because she might be bitchy to krystal because she knew krystal wouldn’t take her serious, she was nice to daneel, and they really were trying. “We’re trying. It’s just hard. Especially today....I didn’t mean to tell her like this.” “She’ll be okay. Her and jensen haven’t talked really about it either. Or this relationship beyond asking if it was okay if you lived with him.....they needed to talk. This was a good reason to do it.”Misha said, having talked to jared, because he knew better then to ask jensen, the man was like a bear with a sore paw when discussing things he didn’t want to. but jared had been just as worried, so he'd talked.
Jensen chuckled a little. "Well, either way, it'll be fine. But If you feel horny when i'm not avaliable, try climbing sebastian. He's on his way back to the states, and I know he's kind of crushing. I think if we're gonna do this, we might as well go all out." He explained, and he was totally serious. It was only fair that she got to fuck random guys if he got to keep Jackie around. He frowned a little, though relaxed at her back rubbing. "I wish she wouldn't blame herself so much. Makes me want to go all deam winchester on ian for damaging her so." He added explaining what sebastian had told him about her abusive ex. Poor thing had had it rough the last few years.

Krystal nodded, hugging her. "I know Jackie. But don't worry. You'll figure it out. Don't blame yourself so much though. It irks jensen." She explained, getting out a wine glasses, and some orange juice too. She knew Jackie couldn't drink.
“well, I’ll keep that in mind. I’ve seen that sex scene in The Bronze, sorta makes one want to put him through his paces. On this me and Jackie agree.”Daneel teased him just a little because she couldn’t help it, and because she wondered just how much she could goad him into being jealous, simply because she was indeed horny, and make up sex sounded good. Not that she’d tell him that. “I know. Me to. I hate it when she goes all quiet and upset.”Daneel sighed a little before snorting. “If you ever see him again, I doubt you’d be able to stop from kicking his ass.”Daneel smiled a little because she knew it would happen. After spending nearly the last month in near constant company with Jackie, she knew Jensen knew her, and knew just how messed up ian had left her. Nudging him a little, “Come on. You should eat, get some rest, we’ll watch a movie or something, but first, call Jackie and tell her we’re okay.”she said, knowing jackie would be upset until she knew daneel hadn’t kicked jensen out of the house.

“Yea...I guess...”Jackie shrugged a little. Because she tried to be better, but she’d only been away from Ian a few weeks before she joined the supernatural team, so the woman was still struggling to deal with the mental, and emotional wounds ian had left. Yawning as she sipped her juice, content to relax. “Come on, go lay down. We’ll wake you up when Jensen gets here.”Misha said snagging her phone, gently urging her to the bedroom, pocketing her phone so she could get some sleep without anything interrupting her, well aware jensen’d either call or show up.
Jensen raised an eyebrw, but the smirk on hid face showed he had other plans. "Heh. Well, lemme call jackie.. then I have to properly thank you for being so utterly awesome. I don't deserve you." He told her, grabbing her favorite ice cream cake from the freezer. He cut her a piece, the settled it back into the freezer, calling jackie, but surprised to hear misha on the other end. She must have gone to Krystal's. "Alright then. Well, tell her its all okay. I'll be over in the morning." He promised, hanging up.

Jensen kissed his wife passionately, running a hand fown her back. "So... what would my lovely and amazing wife like off firsr?:shirt or jeans?" He asked, smirking as he kissed her again. He always liked messy makeup sex.

Krystal took a sip of her wine. "Well misha, you know me better tgan I thought. I actually like this wine." She admitted with a smirk, taking another sip of the fancy sweet moscato white wine.
“Okay. And I am utterly awesome aren’t I?I should be thanked.”Daneel said looking amused at his words, smiling a little as she took the cake, eating it as she watched him. “Well, good. She went somewhere safe.”Daneel muttered looking relieved that the woman was okay before moaning as she was kissed. Shivering a little. “Hmmm...jeans.”Daneel grinned as she gave in, kissing him deeply, simply eager to touch and be with him after the revelations of the day, and it’d been awhile since either of them had felt well enough for sex, after all between pregnancy and filming there were some days they just fell into bed exhausted.

“Yea, I do.”Misha said smiling a little as he started to eat. “Jensen said he’ll be over in the morning. So it’s good.”He said smiling as he ate.

In the morning Misha smiled a little from his seat at the kitchen table, amused at the sight of Jensen and Jared walking in the door. “Morning you two.”He said amused that the two had showed up in time for breakfast, and knowing daneel had probably had to go back to houston since she hadn’t come with them.
Jensen smirked "as you wish" he replied, kissing her as his jeans finally dropped to the floor, and he picked her up, heading for their bedroom.

Krystal smiled. "Good. I'm glad. I hoped they would work it out."

In the morning Jensen yawned as he sipped his coffee, sitting next to misha. He smirked at him. "You and krys have a sleepover? You were wearing those clothes yesterday." He teased, digging in as krystal chuckled and put some blueberry waffles on his and jared's plates.
“You are such a addict.”Misha said rolling his eyes a jared took his coffee. “Thanks.:”Jared looking eagerly at miahs in amusement. "Yea we did. how are you doing this morning?"misha asked looking his friend over.
Jensen chuckled. It was true. He really was. "Welcome." Krystal replied, sitting down herself for a moment. Her expression to Jared while Misha wasn't looking told him that nothing had happened despite her best efforts. Misha had slept on the couch- again. Jensen dmiled. "Things are goid. Danee anf I made up." He admitted, stupid grin on his face giving away that they had had sex.
Misha laughed alittle at the look on his face, looking amused. “More about yout sex life then I ever wanted to know. You are such a geek.”Misha said rolling his eyes at the sight of the smile. “He’s been like this all morning. Awake without coffee. You can always tell when he got laid, he’s up and awake easier.”Jared snickered a little glancing around. “jackie up yet?” “Nope. Figured she needed the sleep so I let her sleep in.”
Jensen chuckled. "Well, dude you asked" he replied, sipping his coffee and taking a bite of waffle. Waffles were a favorite. Krystal chuckled at Jared's add to the conversation, looking curious. #i wondered why he was so awake second day of con. Didn't see him drink any coffee."
“only how your doing, not how you got to be that way.”Misha said rolling his eyes a little, before snorting. “Yea. Wired all day. We’re lucky he doesn’t have to film today otherwise they’d get a look at a hyper dean.”Misha snickered a little. “Jen?”Jackie stumbled in sleepily as she nearly fell flat on her face in the effort. Tired and sleepy, but having smelled food, she wanted some.
Jensen chuckled. He just felt like being an ass today. "Hmm, yeah. Lucky. Isn't it misha and I's filming day? Director said we had a scene to reshoot cause they'd changed it" krystal replied, watching as Jensen caught a groggy Jackie. She set anplate for her. "Morning Jackie." He replied happily, sitting her down.
"Yea we have some reshuotsx but they dint4. Which means jackie cm cab seriouslyrest."misha said looking worried."why is it when our pregnant no one believes you when you sy your fine?"jackie sulked. Little as she smiled slightly as she settled into her chair.
Jensen chuckled a little. "You should rest, Jackie. Dr barnes says its good for you." He promised, knowing she needed looking after. She was pregnant, and that meant she needed alot more than sojeonr not b pregnant. "I wonder what changed about the scene? They said I could know, but you coulfnt, mish." Krystal said, looking curious.
“I’m okay. I’ll eat then go back to sleep.”She promised as she run a hand through her hair, smiling slightly. “No idea. I’m curious and a little worried that I can’t know yet.”Misha said looking amused. “You’ll find out soon. It’ll be something amusing.”Jackie said as she ate, looking jensen over, looking a little relieved that he did indeed look happy and content, which meant everything was okay.
Jensen smiled, kissing her head. "You should come with me back to the house first, but good." He told her as he ate a waffle. Krystal chuckled. "Who knows what the new twist could be. In this show, pretty much anything can happen. Any ideas what it might be?" She asked, sipping her tea as she tilted her head at the guys and Jackie. Jensen shook his head no.
Jackie tiled her head to look at the man, a quiet vulnerable look crossing her face before she hid it, and jared knew she hadn't been expected to be invited back. But he knew jensen, jensen wouldn't kick her out of the place she was calling home, even if daneel had had a problem. Though he was glad that daneel was okay with this, less stress for jensen."okay home, then nap."jackie promised as she ate before snickering."with my luck you two are discussing that the baby is the savior of the world or something ...or twins."jackie made a face at that. "No, I don't think so. Otherwise they would have probably told me if it was something like that."misha said thkughfully.
Jensen smiled, kissing her head. He was hlad daneel was coping with his weird affair with his costar. It made him love her all the more. "Yes, home, then nap." He repeated, smiling. Krystal chuckled. "You have a point there, jackie, but I don't think so. They would have told misha." She agreed, super excited do see whst the writers had planned for her character and Misha's.
Jackie shrugged a little."it'll be interesting to see. We're all on set tomorrow, so it'll be interesting."jackie said as she finished her food, smiling at Krystal as she leaned against jensen a little."thanks krystal."she said sighing as she got up, looking at jared."are you coming with us?" "Yea. After all, your going to nap, and jensen's to hyper to be trusted on his own. I'll come be entertaining. And maybe even et him cook lunch."Jared looked amused, tagging along more cause he was bored with his own wife out of town, so he just wanted to visit. Become on kiddo, let's get you tucked in."Jared said to the younger woman, smiling slightly as he urged jackie to her feet, knowing if given enough time jensen probably carry her around.
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