
“...Stay in. I don’t feel like going out.”Jackie shrugged, though it wasm ore because she had no desire to go out, not knowing that the others would probably want to join them, and at the moment she wanted to enjoy the few stolen moments with jensen before she had to give him back to his wife. Though she wanted to see the others, for now she just wanted peace and quiet. And maybe to convince sebastian not to say anything about the baby.
Sebastian smiled. "Fair enough. Krys should be here soon anyway. I saw her at the store." He admitted, smiling at them. He could guess her reasoning for not wantting to go out, and he respected it. Things weren't quite what she thought though. Jensen smiled at both of them. "I could make something if you want?" He offered, wanting to spoil Jackie a bit, and let seb chill after what was probably a long day on set of covensnt 2.
Jackie nodded smiling a little as she settled into a chair. “Yea, that’s what Jen said.”She sighed a little as she watched them both, before nodding. “IF you want. Whatever you can find you can cook. We’re fairly easy people to cook for, and no matter what, I usually throw it up, so I figured I might as well eat whatever I want.”She snorted amused.
Sebastian nodded. "Yeah, she just needed to pick up a few things for jamie. Seems hes got a bit of a cold." He explained, running a hand through spiky hair. He had had to cut it to reprise his role as chace collins.

Jensen smiled. "Do you have an pasta? I'll make some pasta and sause. Do you prefer white or red?" He asked, thinking of just making both and buttering the oasta. That way they'd have a choice.
“Yea...he sounded fairly bad when I talked to him the other day.”Jackie said eyes following Sebastian’s hand, they might not be dating, or even sleeping together anymore, but she could still appreciate a good looking man. “Hm, yes. Bottom cabinet there. And red.”Jackie smiled a little, relaxing, settling a little. Sad because she knew this wouldn’t last, but for the moment willing to treat him like he was her own, that she got to keep him. She could have this one evening.
Sebastian nodded. "Yeah, Krys says he'sbpretty sick, poor guy. She's got her doctor friend Mickey looking after him. He should be better in a few days. Krys would have stayed with him, but she was afraid of getting you sick." He explained, winking at her playfully when he realized she was watching him. He could be such a ham sometimes.

Jensen nodded. "Red it is then." He replied, grabbing the pasta from the cabinet as sebastian showed him where the rest of the stuff in the kitchen would be. He smiled at them, kissing Jackie's head chastely. "Now, you two go relax. I'll make us some dinner." He added with a grin, already starting on the sauce with a can of tomato puree. He secretly wantedbto impress Jackie with his awesome cooking. His mom had taught him welll.
“Well good. Hopefully he’ll feel better soon. I wouldn’t mind seeing him.”She said, though in truth, she’d been hiding in romania away from anyone who would figure out what happened. Especially james and krys who were perfectly aware of how far along she was, and having no idea what to do, she didn’t want to see the others. Looking amused as he played, rolling her eyes. “You are insane.”She muttered.

“awesome.”Jackie grinned at having pasta, sighing softly at the head kiss before nodding. “Kay.”She said heading for the living room with sebastian, bullying the man to lay down, resting her head on his chest, simply settling in to relax. “...Seb...”She muttered not sure how to say it, to ask, but needing to talk to him
Sebastian smiled a little. "I'm sure he'll come see you when he feels better, Jackie." He replied, simply watching Jensen and her. It was almost as if she was married to him, not daneel. He chuckled, leading her out into the living room. "Yeah, but you still love me."

Meanwhile Jensen wasnhappily singing a kansas song as he cooked pretty oblivious to the world around him. He was focused on making food for onenof the women he loved. They could talk, and there would be no chance of him hearing with his earbuds in.

Sebastian gave her a curious look as she said his name, content to lay with her. He was feeling pretty lonely too, but never showednit. "What up, jackie?" He asked softly, wondering what she might need.
“Hm, I do. Not sure why, but I do.”She said looking amused as she shifted to lay on her side, resting her cheek on Sebastian’s chest as she looked up at him, absently resting a hand on his chest, nearly petting him, comforting them both, and feeling horrible because she knew he had to be feeling lonely and hurt that she couldn’t let go. “....I’m not telling him Seb. Not now. Maybe not ever but....just don’t say anything about...the baby.”She muttered sighing quietly.
Jensen had finished the sauce, and was now cooking the cavatappi pasta.

Sebastian held her gently, kissing her head. "I wasn't going to. He's probably figured it out. But you should know, Daneel is actuallt the reason he came. After krys told him where you are, she indisted he find you. Inthink she realizes he loves both of you, and is tryingbto help." He explained, guessing she hadn't belived if jensen had told her. He just wanted her happy, and she was happiest with jensen.
“Good. I didn’t think so, just figured I’d say it.”She muttered before frowning a little. “He said she was here with him....didn’t really believe him.”She muttered sighing a little as she considered that, before sighing again, “....I’m going back I think. Even if I don’t tell him....supernatural was a dream job. I can’t just leave that....”She muttered sighing quietly, because more then anything, she missed working, she missed jensen so much it was a constant ache, but she missed working with him most.
sebastian smiled. "Even if I think you should tell him, I will respect your wishes not to." He told her simply, just content to hold her. He was simple in the way that a good cuddle could make him feel loads better. He smiled again at her proclomation she was going back. "You should. I know everyone misses you, and you are really good at your job. You'll be amazing." He replied, relaxing and watching avengers age of ultron on the tv.

Jensen called from the kitchen. "Food is ready! I'd bring it yo you, but I don't know where the plates and stuff are kept!" He hoped they would enjoy his cooking.
“....Thanks Seb.”She muttered because she had no idea hat to think. Had no idea what she was going to do really. “I am. Thanks. It’s good to’ll be fun being a hunter again...”She muttered settling in. Laughing at jensen’s words as she squirmed away from seb, looking amused as she headed into the kitchen. “Thanks.”She said smiling at Jensen, a small shy smile on her lips as she dug out plates for them all.
Sebastian smiled, kissing her head. "Its no trouble, jackie." He promised, nodding at her next comment. If he weren't tied into marvel, he'd totally guest star on supernatural. It was alot of fun.

Jensen grinned at her. "Its no big deal. I wanted to. I hope you like it. Its my own family secret recipie." He explained, getting some napkins from the cart over by the door.
Jackie smiled at him, settling at the table to start to eat. “I’m sure it’ll be great. Jared thinks it is.”She said looking amused as she ate, swallowing hard, and ignoring the happy little feeling that said this was life was supposed to be like. Letting jensen look after her. Settling in to eat, she smiled. “It’s amazing. Really.”she said sighing softly, relaxing, glad when her stomach just growled instead of getting sick. It was a good day when she could eat more then one meal without throwing up all over her shoes. Eating with gutso before leaning back in her seat, not even talking in her eagerness to finish eating, leaning back in her chair, stomach round and bulging from being utterly stuffed.
Hensen chuckled. "Does he really? He usually says my cooking sucks" he admitted, brightening as she ate, and at her reafirming it was good. "I'm so glad you like it" he told her, quietly eating on the other side of the table with sebastian. "This is good, dude" he told jensen, making him smile softly. He chuckled a little at Jackie at her reaction yo the food. "Thats cute. But it has spices that help with nausea, so hopefully that will help you"
“yea. Apparently he likes the pasta....probably just didn’t want to inflate your ego any by telling you.”jackie snickered a little resting her hands across her stomach, nodding. “It’s good. Very.”She promised before blushing as the other looked at her. Nodding a little. “Hopefully. I haven’t been eating well. Or sleeping well. Hopefully being this full will be a good thing.”She said smiling at him, relaxing as she rested her head on the back of her chair. “.....I’m coming back. I’m going to call, and see if I still have a role.”She said smiling at jensen a little. Not sure how he was goign to take it, but hoping it’d be good.
Jensen chuckled. "Sounds like Jared." He said, smiling at her. He was glad that he could help her feel better. He kissed her head chastely. "Good, i'm glad. I made plenty, so you'll have more for whenever. Just holler if you want me to cook for you. Daneel doesn't let me. She says its to messy when I cook." He admitted with a sigh, though you wouldn't be able to tell from sebastian's kitchen. He'd made sure to wash and put away anything he used.

Jensen grinned wider than anyone had ever seen hugging her tightly "Really and truly? Yay! I adore wirking with you. Also I really miss you and its been boring without you and ugh. I JUST WANT YOU AROUND!" He explained, all bubbly at her decisian. He had really hoped she would want to come back, and the role was there for her.
“Yea it does.”She smiled a little, blushing as he kissed her head, nodding a little. “Awesome. Leftovers are good.”She muttered before snorting. “I’m sure it is.”She said blushing ever so slightly, looking away from him because she so didn’t want him to see on her face what she’d thought of, a messy tasty jensen who just needed cleaned up. She so didn’t need to think about him and sex, not when her body was all for jumping his bones. Having discovered even far from him, she still wanted him, not even being sick could kill her that he was there, it was getting harder and harder not leaning in to kiss him.

“Yes, really.”Jackie said smiling a little as she was hugged, shifting, hugging him back. Shivering a little as she buried her face against his chest, shivering a little. It felt nice to be held. Swallowing hard as she rested her head on his chest, she sighed softly. Looking moore relaxed then she had in months, leaning into jensen’s chest, not moving away like she should have. Drawing away reluctantly as she stretched. “Thanks Jen.”She muttered kissing his cheek, resisting the urge to turn her head some to kiss him.
Jensen smiled. "Well, its actually nice to know. I was beginning to think I was a bad cook" he admitted with a slight pout, finishing his food and placing both their plates in the dishwasher. He was always taught to be polite. He chuckled a ittle, smiling at her. "Indeed they are." He agreed, simply relaxed and happy with her near.

Jensen grinned even wider than anyone could ever think he could grin. She was coming home. He stroked her hair softly as she snuggled in close to him, picking her up beridal style with ease. "Come on, lets relax on the couch for a bit"
"Not a bad cook. Just a messy one. Probably why jared doesn't want you anywhere near his kitchen. You know how he is about messes."she snickered a little simply happy to be with him. Knowing it wouldn't last but for now, happy. Yelping a little as she was picked up she made a face."put me down, jensen. You're gonna hurt your back lifting my fat ass."she grumbled even as she cuddled into his chest as he carried her, sighing wuietly as they were settled onto the couch. Sighing a little, not sure what to think or say, for the moment just enjoying his company.
Jensen chuckled. "Yeah, that's probably why. Maybe i'll just bring him food when I feel like cooking." He suggested, picking her up with ease. He'd have to get used to doing this, since Dean carried Bailey alot on the suiw. He knew hecause he'd actually taken the time to read all the scripts for once. "You're not heavy at all, Jackie. Besides, its good practice for the show." He promised at her protest, smiling as she snuggled into him a little. He kissed her head as he sat down, hugging her close. This was the way it was supposed to be. Her and him.
"Better idea. He'll probably eat it then."she said looking amused. "Uh huh. I'm getting huge jen!"she whined, which was so not true, she just didn't trust herself to get used to this. Flinching a little at his mention of the show, well. That made sense. Of course he was doing it for the show. Sighing quietly as they settled on the couch she relaxed, starting to fall asleep, even if she didn't want to sleep while he was there, wanting to enjoy as much of it awake as she could, even if she knew he'd be around, he wasn't hers. Startling a little at the sound of daneel'daneel ' ringtone.

"Jensen?"daneel said sounding a little worried for hkm.
Jensen chuckled. "Hopefully." He replied simply, carrying her to the couch. She wasnt even as heavy as daneel. "You're not huge, or heavy." He added, stroking her hair softly. He just wanted her comfortable. "Rest. Ill be here." He promised, kissing her head.

Jensen picked up the phone. "Hey danee. I'm fine. You okay?" There was a slight twinge of worry there as he spoke.
"Yea...okay."she muttered sounding more like she didn't want to argue then that she believed him.

"Hey... I'm fine. Just making sure you were."daneel said sounding relieved that he wasn't upset and was obviously still with jacmie, otherwise he'd sound worse and less happy."I was just checking in and wanted to say if you wanted to could..."
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