
Jensen chuckled and kissed her head. "Good."

Jensen smiled. "Good. I do worry about you you know." He replied on the phone, a little bit shocked when she said he could stay. He smiled at her, though she couldn't see. "Jackie is resting now. Poor thing doesn't look like she's been eatingbor sleeping to well." He explained, wirry for her in his tone. He cared about jackie as both a friend and as more, though he kept that part asblow key as he could after the last time. "She's gonna come and finish filming. I'm really glad. I know supernatural means alot to her." He added, happy and bubbly because he was with one of the women he loved. Having daneel at his side would make it even better, but he knew the two women didn't quite get along, at least not in regards to him, but daneel was trying, and that made him only love her more.
"I know, but you've worried more for her right now. At least you knew I was doing okay."she smiled into the phone before sighing."does this mean I have to look forward to you being gone alot?force feeding and making her rest?"she teased her overprotective husband before grinning."good. You both deserve the best. And dean having a love life will be good. Even if it's weird."she agreed before aighing."anyways, it's getting late. You better get some sleep, our plane leaves tomorrow you know...well mine does....if you want to stay and help her get ready you can..."she offered, she was trying so hard, she just wanted her husband happy, and it hurt she couldn't do that on her own, so she'd have to find a way to accept jackie.
Jensen chuckled. "Yes, I was, but i'm slightly better now. She's looking better." He replied, smiling through the phone. It meant the word tonhim that his wife was trying so hard to keep Jackie in his life. "Honestly, I'd put you both in the same house so I could nag both of you into taking care of yourselves." He explained flatly, and he meant it. If he could keep them both together where he could look after them, he'd be perfectly content. Though he was skeptical Jackie's baby was Ian's anymore. He put it out of his mond though, in favor of talking to his wife. "When she wakes up, I'll ask her, but yes, i'll get some sleep. Don't worry." He promised, thanking herbagain for being a beautiful human being and telling her he loves her, and meaning it. Jensen loves them both so very much.
"Good. And maybe jensen. She might not want to live with you. She works with you. That's alot of jensen time."daneel teased looking amused even as she listened ed to him talk so xcitedly. It was good to hear him this happy again."good."daNeel smiled as she said goodbye.

In the morning jackie sighed softly as she shifted, nuzzling her face against the broad cheat she was laying on, feeling lazy and content, better then she had in awhile. Hadn't even realized krystal had even gotten there to visit, to exhausted to even notice. Stirring she shifted, looking down at the man laying under her, having ended up sprawling half on top of him.""morning."she said her hair mused and sleepy.
Jensen chuckled. "You have a point there. But still, it'd be easier to keep an eye on her if she were with us. If you saw her you'd agree she needs looking after." He explained, saying good bye.

In the morning, Jensen streched a little yawning. Smells of pancakes and eggs and bacon wafted through the apartment. He smiled groggily. "Morning" he replied, guessing maybe sebastian had cooked, but it was actually Krystal. She had come over last night, but they were asleep, so she came over this morning. "I made breakfast!" She called from the kitchen, already setting plates out. She two had lived here once, when she dated sebastian.
Jackie looked sleepy as she pushed away from jensen to get up, not even doing what her look had said she'd considered. Leaning down for a good morning kiss. Stumbling to the kitchen she rubbed her eyes as she smiled at her friend."morning...ebastians not up yet?"she said looking around for him, amused because he was usually the first one up, and despite last night, she was working on getting the walls up between her and jensen again, which meant she needed people around, to act as a buffer between her and her desire to simply straddle his waist as he sat down. Oh yea, this wasn't good. It seemed no matter what he as doing in the house, and how innocent it was, her mind totally wanted to do wicked things to hkm.
Jensen's eyes widened slightly, but he kissed her back, chalking it up to not being quite awake yet. He followed her into the kitchen. "Morning you too. Did you sleep well? No, sebby is sleeping in cause its his day off. Jamie sends his love." Krystal explained, doling out food for the two of them. She would leave some under a warmer for sebastian when he wakes up. Jensen smiled at both of them. "This looks great, Krys. Thanks" he replied, sipping some fresh squeesed orange juice.
"Yea I did. Better then I have in awhile actually."jackie said tilting her head a little, sighing quietly, because she knew it was because of jensen, and that wouldn't last. More sleepless nights to look forward to."good. He needs sleep. And well, I'll be seeing jamie soon enough, so I'll tell him hi to."she smiled as she ran a hand through her hair.bthanks."she said sipping her juice looking between the two of them." when are you guys heading back?I mean, it'll take me a bit to pack my stuff if you want to leave without me..."
Krystal smiled. "That's good. Hopefully it will be more like that from now on. You look better." She replied, sitting down to eat. She handed both Jackie and Jensen cups of coffee, fresh from the starbucks down the street. Krystal didn't make coffee, because it never tasted right when she did. "I'll be leaving later today because I need to get back to Jamie, but I don't know about jensen" she added, watching the man in question.

"I'm gonna stay behind to help you. Krys said we could use her jet to get back" he replied, smiling as he took a sip of coffee.
"Hopefully. I feel better anyways."she said shrugging a little as she ached them both, before shaking her head."I've given up coffee. I sleep worse these days if I have it. Me and the baby are of different opinions on the tasye. She doesn't like it."jackie snickered a little before looking like she wanted to protest but not sure how."sebastian here...he can help me pack..."she said looking vaguely confused on why he was staying.
Krystal nodded, handing her instead some of the herbal tea she had Jensen bring over. It helps with the symptoms of pregnancy. She chuckled a little. "She doesn't like coffee huh? Well, she's probably not related to jensen then" she laughed, playing it off as more of a joke, but the look she gave Jackie while Jensen was in the bathroom showed she had figured it out. She felt bad for Daneel, but had seen this coming a mile away after the first filming. Jensen returned a moment after, stern look on his face. "I won't take no for an answer. Danee is fine for now staying with Misha and krys's doc checks on her every few days. I can spare a few days to make sure you get rested up and feeling better. Seb told me about how you've been having trouble " he explained, expression very much dean winchester's "No arguments" face.
“Thanks.”Jackie smield a little before snorting. “Nah, I’d be mainlining caffiene then.”She said brushing it off, knowing she didn’t want to talk about it. She only talked about it with Sebastian because sebastian had been there those first few days when she was a wreck. “”....fine.”She sighed a little, making a face, because she knew protesting wasn’t going to work, not with that look.

Which was how, two weeks later, Jackie had ended up living with him. Well. At least in his apartment when daneel wasnt’ there, and daneel had simply stayed at the house, visiting the filming site often. Jackie normally stayed in jensen’s room, simply to snuggle and be close, she rested easier even if she wouldn’t allow it to go further then that, and she mostly refused to talk about their relationship beyond that, because she had no idea what to say or do, so she simply retreated. So she slept with him, unless Daneel was there, and then she stayed in the guest room. Which translated well onto screen with Dean and Bailey just starting to figure out how to work and live together, though they were just getting ready to film the episode where Bailey told him she was pregnant.

Shifting in her seat, she tucked her feet under her as she sat on the barstool, the routine of running scenes while he cooked for them both having settled in quickly. “....You do realize that I’m just going to keep hunting right? Just cause the kids yours, doesn’t mean I’m stopping life yet.”She said watching him, resting her chin in her hand.
Krystal chuckled. "Yeah, you probably would." She replied, sipping her tea. She dropped the subject, but she gave Jackie a look that said she was there to talk if she needed. Jensen looked at jackie with a look of utter satisfaction. "Good."

Jensen was quietly making lunch, but he reacted as dean instinctively, turningvaround and waving the knife as his character would. "No. I won't risk you getting hurt hunting. I love you, and you dying would destroy me. I can't taking loosing more family" the look in his eyes showed just how true his words were. If anything happened to her he'd be devastated.
Jackie snorted a little at his words, having been distracted by the sight of his ass in jeans, not responding right away as he turned around. Staring at his crotch, more because she was spacing out rather then actually seeing anything, before humming a little. “So you’re going to go hunting instead, leaving me here like a good little housewife?I don’t think so.”She said digging her heels in before sighing, not even realizing she was absently rubbing a hand over her stomach. “I might be carrying your child, but I can’t simply let you go out by yourself either. And going out with sam doesn’t count as company. You need my company.”She said not realizing she was breaking character some, starting to break down and admit what krystal and jensen had already guessed at.
Dean frowned. "No, not like a housewife. More like a safe wife." He told her simply, expression conveying something unreadable. He really didn't want her hunting right now, and neither did sam or casteil. They were all worried for. "Cas will come with me too. Krystal will stay with you, its not like you're gonna be all alone in the bunker, Bails." He replied, rolling his eyes. He really didn't want her to get hurt in any way, and it showed. He was trying all he could to get her to stay put.
Bailey huffed a little, making a face. “Fine. I’ll stay.”She said watching him before setting the script she was reading away from her.

“...You know. We should have totally been filming that. You’re fans would love to see those jeans.”Jackie teased waving a hand in his direction, looking at the threadbare jeans that threatened to slid off his hips and the snug wife beater he was wearing. Squirming slightly in her seat as she stared at him, well not at him, but more in his general direction, even if she was enjoying the sight of him on display for her view, though she knew he’d dressed to be comfortable and not to tempt her into helping the jeans fall the rest of the way off. “.....I miscarried before con, Jensen.”She said staring down. “I uh...Then we...”She stuttered and stopped, sounding so confused and lost on how to say it.
Dean let out a sigh of relief, giving her a light kiss. "Thank you." You could just hear how sincere he was.

Jensen chuckled. "Yeah, i bet they would. The fans are rabid like that sometimes." He adm8tted as he cooked, almost finished with the BLTs he was making. He was just putting them together. His eyes went wide, and he dropped the mayo knife in surprise. "Well... that explains why you ran away." He said cooly, carefully controlled emotions threatening to burst out. He was actually over joyed. Even if he believed that all children should have a chance at life, he was happy she wasn't carrying that bastard's kid anymore. He let out a sigh. "I'm actually really happy. I didn'tblike you carring that abueive asses kid. But what am I gonna tell daneel?" His face showed his slight panic, but also utter euphoria. Neither knew daneel had been standing there the whole time.
”They really are. I mean, I sorta am sitting over here willing them to fall off myself. Can’t imagine what someone who’s never seen you naked would say.”She snickered a little before eyeing him, not sure what he was thinking, wincing a little as he dropped the knife. “Careful.”she muttered watching him, trying to see what he was feeling, before snorting a little. “yea me to. Ian’s a ass.”She muttered not even realizing Daneel had let herself in and was listening from the hall just to see what they’d say. “Well. I’d suggest not telling her it was a accident. Accidental sex doesn’t happen. Accidental pregnancies, yes. I didn’t fall and land on your dick, sorta unbelievalbe as accidental.”she said startling a little when Daneel stepped into the room. “....seriously?”She asked looking at the two.
Jensen chuckled. "If the fangirls saw me naked, I'd never be able to leave the house again." He joked, watching her. His face wasn't showing any real emotion, but you could see some surprise. He wasn't quite sure what to say but nod his head in agreement. When daneel came in he blushed but nodded. "Yeah. I caved. I'll tell you what happened if you want to know, not that it excuses it." He said flatly, showing no real emotion. He was locked down right now. His head couldn't take it.
“Probably not.”Jackie said, watching him, looking awkward and lost, because she had no idea what to say either. This was part of why she’d not said anything, because she’d been enjoying what they had. Had been afraid of ruining it. Scooting off her stool she stood. “I’ll leave you guys alone...”She said backing towards the door. “Oh no, why now?You’ve already helped yourself to my husband, you might as well stay.”Daneel said looking angry and upset as she considered them both, the t-shirt she’d stolen from Jensen straining over her pregnant stomach. “You didn’t tell me. You just let me believe you wanted to check on. What the hell, Jackles?”Oh, it was never a good sign when Daneel reverted to call him by his last name,
Jensen gave jackie a pained look as Daneel started to yell. She never did that. This was going to be bad. He kept his voice level though, knowing that he'd hurt her badly, even if it was just a circumstantial mistake. "I did just want to check on her, Danee. I'm just finding out now that she wasn't pregnant at con. It was late when it happened. Ian her abusive ex was harrassing her, so I saved her and took her back to her room. She asked me to come in a minute, and she was still so shaken up I couldn't refuse. I had a beer and we watched gilmore girls. Then when I went to kiss her cheek to say goodbye, I missed. It hust kind of went from there." He admitted with a sigh, his expression showing how guilty he really felt. He would just let her yell and scream and what ever else she wanted to do. He deserved it for being such an asshole, even if st the start of that night at con, his heart had been in the right place.
Jackie winced a little at the look Jensen gave her, quietly slipping around daneel, the woman so angry that she didn’t even notice Jackie letting herself out of the apartment.
”I didn’t....he didn’t know. I hadn’t known how to tell anyone I’d miscarried, when it was part of my happened Danee. I’m so sorry...”Jackie muttered as she left.“Do you know how ridculous that sounds? You two have been all over each other since the beginning.”Daneel scowled and upset, though after awhile she wound down, if only because she knew it wasn’t good for the baby, huffing a little as she sat down in jackie’s vacated chair, eyeing her husband, her hand stinging from the slap she’d delivered at the end of her yelling. “./....So. Where do we go from here?”she asked.

“Krys?”Jackie said as she knocked on the door, before stepping into her friends house, looking lost and upset, and while she’d wanted to run, to retreat to sebastian’s place, but had to settle for Krystal’s, and hope that jensen would still want to work with her, otherwise she was going to have to pull out, again.and that just wasn’t going to be fun.
Jensen nodded. "I know it sounds rediculous, but its the truth. I really didn't know, danee." He promised, his expression showing he wasn't lying.

Once daneel had calmed down, jensen sighed, running a hand through his hair. "I don't know, but I wouldn't blame you if you wanted a divorce." He admitted, hopingshe wouldn't yell again.
Daneel sighed as she sat down in her chair, considering her husband. Biting her lip as she shook her head a little. “No...I love you. I don’t want to end this....and despite wishing you had told me, and how odd this is, you can’t stay away from her can you?”She said, sad and quiet, considering him. “No...we need to figure out how to have a family. The three of us. It seems we’re going to be seeing alot of each other.”She said sighing quietly.
Jensen sighed, running a hand through his hair. "I love you too. But no. Its strange. Ilove you both.. want you both. Maybe i'm just selfish, but its like gravity with both of you. I want you both in my life, and I feel like i've known you both longer than I have. Its like weird dejavu." He explained, aware of how strange that sounded. He hoped she wouldn't think she was too crazy.

Meanwhile, Krystal was making dinner. "In the kitchen Jackie!" She yelled back, but she came right out she could just hear in her friends voice that something went wrong over at Jensen's. She hugged her friend, glad James was off at work. "Alright, what happened. Tell me all about it. That's what i'm here for." She promised, putting on a pot of herbal tea.
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