
Krystal nodded. "It should be interesting. I'm excited to see what the writers have in store for us, cas." She half joked, kissing his cheek. She was teasing a little, but she also she was pretty lonely. James hadn't been around for a few weeks now, and she was sad. Jensen rolled his eyes. "Which vasically means he and I are gonna run lines while she naps." He admitted, chuckling.
"Me to."misha said looking amused before laughing at jensen's words. "Bey, we could play video games to. Or test out those dirt bikes your refusing to let jackie nesr."Jared said teasing, because it might be the show, but jensen reqlly was that protective. "I don't want to ride those anyways."jackie said making misha smirk, and you knew whatever next out of his mouth was going to be funny, and something jackie or jensen probably wouldn't like."and what would you like to be riding?"misha said laughing a little as jackie flushed.
Krystal nodded, and Jensen cuckled. "Whatever it is, its gonna be epic. I never kkow what to expect from this show, and Krys has quickly become a fan favorite." He explained, smiling. He nodded at jared. "Sounds good." He replied, content to relax a bit before going home.
“I’m sure it will be.”Jackie said smiling a little before getting up, nudging jensen. “Come on, let’s go. I want to nap, and you could use a guy day.”She snickered a little as she hugged the others goodbye before heading out.

“...Your girlfriend is weird.”Jared said snickering a little, well aware jackie was odd about certain things, and goodbyes as he headed out with jensen, quite content to ride the dirt bikes and pretty much do all those guy things girls never approved of
Krystal smiled and Jensen chuckled. He gave her a light kiss. "Alright. Lets go then" he replied, smiling as he waved at KrystalKrystal and Misha. "See yoh guys" krystal replied, waving back.

Krystal raised an eyebrow at Misha. "So, what do you have planned for today, angel?" She asked winking to show she was teasing a little.

Jensen chuckled. "Maybe, but you still adore her." He said knowing the man really do. They all adored Jackie.
Misha smiled at the woman slightly as he got up himself. “Running some errands, stocking up on stuff. Just everything.”Misha said shrugging a little.

“I do.”Jared snickered a little as they rode the bikes, snickeringa little as he looked up at the balcony, tilting his head as he realized just how late had gotten. Blushing slightly, “Jackie’s waitign for you. Should I apologize for stopping your sex life by keeping you out for hours?”He teased smirking at his friend.
Krystal smiled, taking a sip of tea. "Can I come? We'll get lunch or something later." She asked, only her eyes showing how lonely she was. James called every day, but she hadn't seen him in weeks. It was weighing her down emotionally.

Jensen chuckled. "I don't even think she knows we can have sex, honestly." He replied, taking his helmet off and walking the bikebinto the garage. He showered before coming up to her, just in a towel, and still dripping a little. He kissed her. "So, want to curb the horny? Danee said we could. I told her to go fuck seb . He's totally crushing." He chuckled kissing her again.
Misha tilted his head a little before nodding. “yea, come on. You’ll be bored, but you can come.”He promised heading the door.

“Ah. That’s amusing. Really.”Jared snickered a little as he walked his bike into the garage. “Go surprise her. I’ll talk to you later.”he grinned watching his friend head upstairs as he left. “Hm?”Jackie startled a little as she turned away from the window she had been looking out, looking up at Jensen as she kissed him back before drawing away. Frowning at him a little, looking utterly confused. “....Your wife...said we could have sex...”She said slowly, looking utterly lost because she couldn’t understand that, even as she kissed him back.
Krystal smiled "Okay! Lemme just get my purse." She replied, grabbing it before following her out.

Jensen chuckled. "Hmm, good idea." He replied, waving at his friend before going upstairs.

Jensen nodded. "Yup. She said that it was unfair for you to go without sex and that I could tell you to have sex with someone else or me" he admitted, aware of how weird it sounded.
Jackie stared at him, not sure what to say as she considered him. Reaching up to gently stroke his hair, smiling slightly as she felt the usually short strands threading through her fingers, he definitely needed a haircut. “Well.given a option like that, do you know anyone available?”She teased smirking at him, well aware she was just pushing his buttons.
Jackie snickered a little as she tugged his hair a little, stepping away from him. “You know, I just might. Less drama, less hunting problems. Definitely no performance issues. Maybe I’ll get a boytoy. It’d be fun.”She teased smirking teasing him just a little, wondering just how much he’d let her wind him up.
Jensen raised an eyebrow, but you could see a slight hurt in his eyes. Wasn't he good enough for her? "Hmm, a boy toy for the huntress. Will he be an angel or a demon?" Her purred, grabbing her wrist and pulling her to him playfully. He was enjoying this teasing, it was sexy.
Jackie tilted her head, growing serious as she considered him. Wondering if she’d gone to far, before laughing quietly as she let him pull her close. “Hmmm. Neither I think. I’m thinking the hunter is just my speed.”She said gently running a hand through his hair, silently asking for forgiveness for hurting him, trying very hard to ignore the instant, insane panic at the look in his eyes, trying so hard to not back away like she would have from ian. Trusting him to pull her close, “Though do you count as a demon?I mean, you’ve played both...”She purred a little.
“Hm, I think this one hunter I have in mind, is more then enough for me to handle.”Jackie sighed softly, hands resting on his hips, trembling a little under his hands, squirming slightly at the other’s touch, shivering harder as his hands trailed of pregnant sensitive skin, nudging him a little. “You are amazing.”She muttered smirking slightly as she rested her hands on the towel he was wearing. “you came prepared to getting undressed. Very good.”She muttered.
Jackie whimpered softly as she kissed him back, hands resting against his chest as she shivered. “Hm, cause your a handful.”She smirked as she trailed a hand down his chest, cupping him in her hand, raising a eyebrow, smirking. “And please you do. Indeed.”She muttered.
Jackie yelped as she was tossed onto the bed, squirming back to layy back on the bed as she looked up at him, laughing softly. “Are we seriously going to have sex as dean and bailey?”She snickered looking utterly amused at the idea as she tugged gently on his hair, she just loved his hair, so soft and silky. Watching him stand at the edge of the bed bare ass naked she blushed ever so softly, despite having slept with him for the last month, it wasn’t a common sight seeing him naked, so it still hit her as something utterly amazing and gorgeous, and a new sight.
Jensen chuckled, getting on top of her. "If you want to. I'm fine either way." He promised, kissing her passionately. He was having fun, but at the same time, he was just happy to be with her. Right now, he didn't care if they had sex or not. He was just happy being with one of the women he loved so much. He kissed her again. "You're adorable, you know."
Jackie smiled as she looked up at him, kissing him back. Wrapping his arms around his waist as she whined a little, it felt a little awkward with her starting to round out stomach between them, before laughing. “I’m not the adorable one.”.
Jensen laid a soft hand on her stomach, giving her a kiss. He smiled at her as he gave her alightly protruding stomach a rub. "Maybe not from your perspective." He told her softly, nipping at her neck. He liked her reaction to that.
Jackie smiled at him, shivering a little as he rubbed her stomach, making a face at him, tugging him down for a kiss as she wrapped her legs around his waist. To horny and needy to be subtle or patient. Moaning loudly as he nipped her neck, the spot even more sensitive then normal. Panting auietly, "i-I feel like we're currently filling every fangirls wish. Though in truth, they'd probably want to sleep with you instead of ms."she teased a little.
Jensen kissed her back, pulling her close as she wrapped her legs around him. He let out a soft chuckle. "Not necessarily, Jackie. We have fans that want to sleep with you too" he promised, thinking she might be feeling slightly self concious by her expression. He kissed her again, running his free hand down her body. "Now, lets make all of them jealous"
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