
Bokay.b james said tilting his head a little. Looking up as he took the snacks, misha tilted his head a little. Not answering right away before nodding."yes. I do."he said smiling a little when he heard james agree.

Bhey are."she said before sighing, looking up at him. Looking lost and confused, hurting. She didn't want to mess up his life anymore then she already had, but she couldn't live without him either."...i...jen..."she trailed off not wanting to fight, but feeling lost. Sighing wuietly as she simulated close, cuddling.
Krystal looked curiously at them. "Okay... so where do we go from here? I love you both, you know. Misha, i've had a crush on you since your first appearance in the show, it wasn't until actually started working with and getting to know you that I actually fell in love you. well, Jamie, you know how long i've loved you." She expained softly, nibbling on a finger sandwich. She was suddenly hungry in her nervousness.

Jensen shook his head. "I promise you're not messing up my life. You don't need to feel badly because of what people say. We know its not true, and that's what matters." He told her, an echo of what she had told him the day of the funeral after Daneel's parents stormed out. He needed her close. He wouldn't be able to stay sane without her. He gave her a kiss. "You are my anchor. You Keep me sane. I don't know what I would do without you." He whispered, giving her a kiss.
Misha smiled a little."I like you to...."he muttered."we could try dating. Both of us. And at the end you choose who you want to sTay with."james offered looking thoughtful.

Jackie looked up at him, biting her lip a little before nodidng."okay. Just minute by mjnute, eight?just us.b she sighed softly, trying to Foret just how badly and hurt she was feeling, reaching up to run her fingers through his hair."you keep me steady...not sure what I'd do without you."she mjttered closing her eyes, calmer now, settling in to sleep.
Krystal smiled, giving Misha a kiss to his lips before looking contemplative. "Yes, I think that works." She said simply, before chuckling a little. She smiled at them, sitting in between them. "Misha gets the first date though, since I've been dating you for awhile." She added, eating a finger sandwhich.

Jensen smiled. "That's right, minute by minute, A ghrá geal" (uh GHRAH gyalLiterally “bright love.”) he muttered to her, snuggling close as he rubbed her stomach. Set in to nap after that trying day.
Misha smiled at that."I'll plan a date then."he said looking pleased with the idea.

Jackie smiled at his words simply relaxed to hear them as she fell asleep.

In the morning jackie sighed skftly, sulking a little at already finding him gone for the day, even though she knew he had a early panel, she felt unwell enough that it made her sulk to be alone. Looking up when she heard a knock, limping her way over to look at in surprise at the flowers that were being delivered. Staring at them as she tugged the card out of the holder she looked bemused when jensen walked in, rushing between panels to come back and check on her, looking utterly bemused at why he was sending her flower porn, since the note was fairly porn graphics .
Krystal kissed his cheek. "Sounds good. But sombody needs to sex me up. I'm deprived " she said with a chuckle. Though her eyes said she wasn't joking.

Jensen snuggled close, kissing her head before falling asleep again.

Jensen came in, giving her a kiss. "Nice flowers. Who are they from?" He asked, tilting his head. He wouldn't have had them delivered. He would have brought them himself. He was old fashioned like that.
Jackie turned and stared at him, frowning slightly."you mwan you didnt?I thought you sent then up since I was feeling bad."she said waving the card at hkm."at least after o read this I was convinced it was gou."she said looking shaken
Jackie tilted her head as she considered hi., looking worried and upset as she considered what that would mean, nodding tightly, eyes wide and scared."okay....we'll tell krys..."she muttered hobbling closer, stepping into his arms.b when do you have to go back?"
Jensen nodded, snuggling her. "Its gonna be okay." He promised, giving her a kiss. He wanted to make sure she was gonna be okay. He held her close. "We'll tell krys. Use the flowers as evidence" he promised trying to sooth her. He worried about who might be sending these things to his woman.
Byea..itwill be."she sighed softly, leaning into him. Scared and upset album nodding."krys is gonna be here soon for con. We'll tell her."she muttered before leaning back to look at him.not wanting to be alone but not sure if it was a good idea to go with him."feel like walking around the venders room for awhile?I wanna look around and probably shouldn't go on my own...."
Jensen smiled, snuggling her. "Sure thing. I've got something for you. A costume. Thought it might make you feel better. No one will recognize you in this. " He explained, handing her the masked captain america genderbent cosplay. It was a play on how he was gonna play cap. "Do you like it? I'm gonna go put on my bucky costume." He explained, smiling at her. He figured being unrecognised would helpnher feel better.
Jackie looked at him with wide eyes before nodding when she saw the cowl.b that's perfect. Thanks jen.b she smiled looking so happy and content before wincing a little."I'll still have to use my crutches but it's better then nothing."
Jensen grinner at her liking his present. He knew she disliked all the attention they seemed to be getting lately. It was all because of Daneel's death. "Yes, but even with the cruches, you'll just look like another con goer. Only people who know us like jared or krys will know its us." He supplied, changing into his WW2 bucky costume. This was gonna be fun.
"True. Okay.let's go."she said changing, looking good as a gender bent captain, even if she was favoring her leg. "Ao, I want to get presents for the others. And something for you but I don't know shat. So look for something....maybe we should get our picture in the one would know it's us."she snickered at the idea as they headed doenstairs
Jensen smiled, slipping on his mask. "Yeah, kets go." He replied, watching as she changed into he captain costume. It really did suit her. He kissed her head through the mask. He helped her down to the elevater, chuckling happily. "That sounds like alot of fun! Lets do that first, then go look and see what we can get for everyone. Perhaps an engagement present for Krys and Jamie?" He suggested, smiling at her.
Jackie nodded smiling at him, tilting her head a little as she considered what they could get. “Yea, let’s get the picture. And I’m sure we can find some kind of engagement present.”She said wincing a little as the sheer number of people, going on crutches was just awkward, though she was enjoying it as they made their way to the impala.
Jensen smiled, keeping her as close as he could as they walked tobthe impala, getting closer with every minute. He kissed her head through the helmet. "Its fine. We have VIP passes. We can go to front of the line." He promised, helping her to the car, kissing her just as the photographer shot the picture. Talk about a stucky fan's dream.
"True. we do."She muttered relaxing at that, before smiling as she sat in the car, laughing as she kissed him back, looking way to amused at making out in the impala. "we should do this more often. kiss in the impala."She teased as she eased away, grinning as she took the picture from the photographer. "Thanks."
Jensen smiled, letting out a soft chuckle. "Hmm, yes, we should. Remind me to buy an impala." He chuckles, kissingvthe topbof her head. He chuckled a little again as they took the photo from the photographer. "I'm totally framing this and putting it by our bed." He told her, giving her a light kiss as they walked away.
"I will. They'd probably sell you one of the ones we wreck."she pointed out, smiling as they shopped. Rolling her eyes a little."I'd think you'd have better requests for picures in bed then one with my face covered."she teased, and she was definitely starting to feel like the ugly duckling, with every day her stomach rounding even more with her pregnancy. Definitely not feeling sexy. Finding everything for a gift but jensen. And feeling at a loss for not finding something. "You two are making stucky fan pictures for everyone you know."jared teased as he winded his way through the crowd looking amused
Jensen looked thoughtful. "Hmm, good point." He replied, looking around trying to find something perfect to givebto her. He liked spoiling her. He hadn't found anything yet, but he knew he'd find something soon. He gave her a kiss, chuckling at Jared. "Hmm, sure, If you want some. We all know Krys is all for the stucky."
"I do. And so will krys. But I meant youve been walking around here and everyone's taking your picture."jared snickered well aware that if the fans knew who they were, jensen would be absolutely covered in female fans. Tilting his head a little."and while I know your enjoying this, did you forget you have photo ops and autographs to get to?both of you?"jared said having come to corral them, and only partly because jackie probably needed to sit down soon, and not just cause of her leg. The pregnant woman was starting to look strained and tired again
Jensen face palmed. "I'd forgotten...." he said with a frown, looking at her. They did have to get to those photo ops. They couldn't disappoint the fans. He sighed, hugging Jackie close. "Krys and probably Jamie will be there too. It will be fine." He promised, knowing the woman was feeling shy and scared despite her happiness at being with him. "We'll tell them what happened. "He added, already explaining to Jared.
Bi figured."jared said looking amused. Bi know.let's go....carry me. Well get there sooner, and my arms are hurting from using the crutches."she said handing them over to jared as jensen picked her up. Reesting her head a gins his chest. Wincing a little as she saw the line waiting for jensen, by far the longest along with jareds. "Sorry guys, we sorta got side tracked shopping, don't worry well still love talking to you all."jackie promised everyone as she settled into her chair to start signing, and reply hoping her stalker wasn't among them.
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