
Bi know you'd kiddinv, but I'm serious. I'll have to marry you just to keep them back."she teased a little before kissing u I'm back. Shifting daneel a little she looked pleased at the idea of zeei n g her frienss. What?bays sId eyeing him. Uriouzly, wondering why it. Ould he.
Jensen chuckled, smirking at her. "I don't need any reason other than I love you to marry you." He stated simply, scooting the chair closer to her. He wanted to be as close to her as he could be. He shrugged, kissing her head, then Daneel's. "Probably thought you might feel bad for not being there when Annabelle was promised a whole day with us." He deduced, smiling at her.
"...I think it's a requirement after a girl has your kid to want to marry here."she teased thou th there was something hurt and vulnerable in that look, as if know that daneel was here, she half expected him to change his mind about bwing with her. While she trusted him, there was to many years of abuse to believe that he could want her simply for her. Smiling slightly as he scooted closer."you're adorable...can't stand to not be holding her can you?"she muttered teasing him before nodding."probably."she said relaxed as daneel gurgle happily at the sight of her father.
Jensen gave her a kiss. "I wanted to marry you even when I was still with Daneel." He explained softly, smiling. He had loved her from the moment he saw her, despite being married at the time. He let out a soft chuckle, kissing little Daneel's head again. "Nope. I can't. Not when she's as lovely as her mother."
Jackie kissed him back, looking up at him in quiet wonder, as if she couldn't believe that he wanted to. Setting that though aside she snorted a little."here then, take her."she said rolling her eyes at his obviously in live the man was. "You two okay in here?no making out, scarring young minds are we?"jared grinned as he poked his head into the room.
Jenesn chuckled, giving her a kiss. "You two are all I've ever wanted." He replied softly, chuckling again as Jared poked his head in. "We're fine, jared. Come on in." He said, grinning at his brother.

Krystal appeared with misha and annabelle a few minutes later, both krystal and annabelle carrying loads of presents. "Present timee!" She called, excited
“Good. You’re all I want to.”she smiled softly, before snorting at Jared’s words. “Oh good, nothing scarring happening in here.”Jared grinned as he walked in, looking at the others as they came in. “Yes, presents.”Jared grinned holding up his box. “Hey Annabelle.”Jackie smiled a little as she rested her head against jensen’s shoulder, resting against him as he sat on the edge of the bed.
Jensen chuckled. "You guys are awesome. You didn't need to get us anything." He replied, smiling at them. He really had the best friends. Annabelle smile "Hello! Glad to see you're better, and that baby is adorable." She replied, grinning.

Krystal grinned, snuggling into Misha. "Can I tell them, misha?" She asked, giving him puppy dog eyes.
“You really didn’t.”Jackie smiled a little. “Yes we did. I mean, supernatural baby. Sheppard got all the baby stuff for his hellspawn, we figured Winchester spawn deserved things to. Cause we like Jackie, not so sure about you.”Jared teased smirking at his best friend. “Thanks. It’s good to see you to. I felt badly for running out on you. Figured you’d like to be the first one to get to see the newest Winchester.”She smiled at the baby, because while everyone knew her and jensen were together, she wasn’t ready to admit the baby was his. “.Yes. Go ahead.”Misha said rolling his eyes a little.
Jensen chuckled. "Jerk" he said rolling his eyes. He was just teasing, he knew the other was just teasing as well. He smiled as Jackie snuggledbinto him, amused as Sebastian came in with still more presents "seriously, Krys, i'm not a packmule." He pouted, putting it on a nearby table. Annabelle smiled. "That was very nice of you. No need to apologize "

Krystal grinned, giving misha a kiss to the cheek. "I have exciting news!!! Misha and I are having a baby too!"
Jackie smiled as she looked at the two, amused as Jared stole his goddaughter from her father, snuggling the small sleeping girl. “You’re a very adorable packmule.”Jackie said looking amused as she looked up at Sebastian, before grinning widely. “Really?Awesome.”She giggled a little as she stifled a yawn. “Okay, time for presents.”She said smiling as jared handed jensen the present. Eyes widening a little at the sight of the devil’s trap blankie, and the a pacifer that had ‘keep calm and love dean’ on the bulb, looking amused as she saw the assortment of onsies to go with it.
Jensen pouted slightly as Jared took his daughter, but smiled when he saw him with her. "Thats adorabke, really" he admitted, smiling and looking amused at all the presents. He chuckled as sebastian came in, amused by the face the other man made. "Don't worry, sooner or later Misha or Jamie will become the pack mule, seb" he promised.

Krystal grinned. "Yeah. We were waiting to tell you until after Jen proposed. Didn't want to steal his thunder. But yeah, i'm just about 3 months along. I wish Jamie were around though. I worry about him" she admitted, frowning slightly.

Jensen smiled at all the gifts opening one of his own. A onesie from krys that read "I'd rather be hunting with sam and dean"
Jared smiled as he cooed at the baby, rolling his eye a little at jensen. “I’m always adorable.”He said smiling slightly. “we’ll make misha carry all the baby things. He needs practice.”Jackie promised looking up at sebastian. “He’ll be fine. He’s coming back tomorrow, I think he said. He said he wouldn’t be to far away.”Jackie reminded Krystal, smiling slightly. Snorting at the presents, she raised her eyebrows as Jared handed her a present, “This ones for you. A early wedding gift.”Jared said with that amusing little smirk that said it was going to make jensen want to smack him, and he’d stolen the baby just so he wouldn’t get hit. Opening the box, Jackie choked on her own laughter as she stared at the was priceless.
Jensen chuckled. "Maybe so, but Jackie's cuter." He replied, smirking. Sebastian just gave her a thankful look.

Krystal frowned. "I know, but still. I worry. Call it mother's intuition I guess." She replied, not knowing just how worried she should be.

Jensen burst out in laughter when he saw the shirt. "Okay, I should probably be mad, but this is just to amusing." He admitted, whiping the tears from his eyes.
“Maybe.”Jared snorted amused as Jackie rolled her eyes at the two of them. It was amusing really. “It’ll be okay.”She promised watching krystal. Rolling her eyes as jensen’s sudden laughter made Daneel whine at the sudden noise, nudging him a little. “Shush.”She muttered stifling a yawn as she nodding. “It is amusing.”she said before smiling at annabelle, tilting her head a little. “Sorry...seems I need to get some sleep....”She muttered feeling bad because she was so not awake enough to be any fun for the fan.
Jensen just rolled his eyes at jared, stopping in his laughter to not upset Daneel more.

Krystal nodded, looking worried as she snuggled into Misha. She had a bad feeling. "I hope so."

Annabelle smiled back at her, chuckling softly at the boys antics. "Rest, miss jackie. You need it." She replied, sipping a water.
Jackie nodded closing her eyes, settling in for a nap. It was good.

The next day jackie smiled a little as she looked up at jensen, a small smile tweaking her lips as she looked at her soon to be husband. "You do realize that you do need to get some sleep yourswlf. Staying awake with us is exhausting."she teased, well aware he'd been getting up no matter what time her or daneel did.
"You, are going to be exhausted. You need sleep to."she sighed, fussing over him even as she watched him with daneel, he looked good sith a baby."so, the nurserys ready and all?we don't need to get anything on our way home do we?"
"Ill rest when we get home. Promise. Krys will be there to help too, so it won't be to bad. " he promised, knowing that both she and misha would need the practice. They would be parents before they knew it. Jensen shook his head at her. "nope Jared already finished it for us."
"Thata true. Misha totally needs the practice."she looked amused as she sat up slowly, reaching for her clothes. Sighing softly as she pulled on her sweat pants and jareds 'perfect weight' saeatwr, looking tired but happy, sore. Still recovering but okay. "Help?still can't reach my feet."
Jensen chuckled. "Yeah, he really does. Jamie's supposed to be back today. What do you think he'll say to the news?" He asked, looking curious as he nodded at her, putting Daneel in her carseat before helping her put on her shoes. He had never minded helping her. He quite liked being able to do things for her.
"What ghat krystals prsgnant?I bet he already knows. He'll be happy for them."she smiled at the sight of daneel fussing a little at being out of her papas arms. That was just adorable. Smiling as she watched jensen put on her shoes, standing carefully. "Let's go then."she smiled letting him carry the car seat and help her down to the car.
Jensen didn't look sure, but he smiled as Daneel fussed. "I'm not sure about that, jackie. Krys says he hasn't been talking to uim at all. Like, she calls him, but hes to busy to pick up." He explained, wondering why things were so hectic there. He'd never been so busy at cons. He smiled, taking Daneel's carrier and walking out with her. "Yeah, let's go."
"Maybe he's busy cause he knows. He loves her. Maybe he's coming to terms with letting her go."she shrugged a little as they got settled into the car, closing her eyes as she listened to the radio before frowning, turning it up at the announcement of the plane from England to the states crashing over the Atlantic
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