
Jackie startled as her hand was squeezed, raising her head to look at jensen, eyes wide and wet, and red from crying as she looked at him. “With jared at the apartment.”She promised. “She’s safe. We’re okay.”She promised, because she wanted to keep him calm even as the heart monitor beeped to show he was upset, stepping back as the nurse rushed in to look him over. “You’re the one who went full on Dean Winchester, and wrecked the impala.”She muttere.d
Jensen viually relaxed st the thought that Jared was looking after her, taking a brewth. "Good." He said softly before he frowned. He didn"t remember anything of his accident. All he knew was that he needed his girls. Needed to see his daughter. "I did what? How long have I been out?" He asked, looking shocked.
“Yes. Good. We’re good.”she promised shifting, stroking his hair back, the strands longer then usual, and soft. Watching the nurses leave after they finished before looking at Jensen, a small worried from on her face, looking wane and tired, definitely not well together. “You rolled the impala on the way to the con. And two weeks, nearly three now.”
Jesen relaxed. "Good.":he ssid, pulling her into the bed with him. He needed hugs from her. He looked shocked, running his hand through her hair. "Whoa, 2 weeks? Daneel and Jamie must have been watching over me from heaven or I might've died." He replied softly, snuggling her. He was happy to know she was okay.
She sighed yelping a little as he pulled her into the bed, sighing quietly as she settled in next to him, resting her head against his chest, closing her eyes. “Yea. 2 weeks. Concussed and alot of other things, we weren’t sure you’d wake up after the first week.”She said her voice trembly and hurting as she carefully laid close, not wanting to hurt him,
Kensen hugged her closer, kissing her head. "I'm okay. I'm not going anywhere." He promised softly, snuggling her. He needed her close to make himself feel better. When he was in that coma, he thoughts were only of her and their daughter. He kissed her lips lightly. "You yhink they'll let me go home now? I need to see my daughter!" He pouted, though he kept her snuggled close.
"Good. Can't lose you."she muttered sighing softly as he pulled her as close as he could, closing her eyes as she relaxed."no..probably not. You just spent 3 weeks in intensive care...but I can have jared bring her over."she said smiling as she reached for her phone, sending the text
Jensen smiled. "I know. I feel the same way about you and Danee." He replied, snuggling her. He chuckled a little, giving her head a kiss as she reached for her phone. "Good. I need to see her. Hopefully i won't be here to much longer." He added, smiling.

Once Jared got the text, he texted Krystal. "Dimka! Jensen's awake!!" She exclaimed from bed, having been relaxing there with a copy of My bloody valentine. It amused her to see Jensen not as Dean.
"hopefully not."she agreed relaxing, before grinning at the sight of jared walking in with a squirming happy 7 month old, who didn't care what was going on, just knew that her papa couldn't hold her. "Dadadada!" "Oh...yea. forgot to tell you...she's learned to demand your attention now that youvery not been able to answer."jackie smiled a little..
"What?really?"misha looked so relieved as he looked up from the food he'd been cooking, smiling
Jensen grinned widely at his daughter as Jared brought her in, holding out his arms to her. "Come here little one. Papa's here." He promised, waiting for Jared to bring her over to him. He had missed her so, he just needed to hold her.

Krystal grinned as she hobbled out. "Yeah, Jared just text me. He's bringing Daneel to see him. Jamie and Danee must have been watching over him." She deduced, giving him a kiss to the cheek.
Jackie smiled a little as daneel squealed happily as she realized he was up and moving, nearly throwing herself out of jareds arms. "It's good to see you, jensen. This one's getting more like you daily."jared teased as he handed over the baby.

"Good. We'll go see them in a bit. Let jensen visit with his girls first."he said so very relived to know his friend was okay
Jensen chuckled a little. "I can see that." He replies, hugging his daughter close. He grinned at her, nuzzling her softly. "Hey there pie. Daddy's here." he said softly, kissing her head. He often called her pie because he loves her as much as dean loves pie.

Krystal smiled, giving Misha a kiss. "Good idea, Dimka." She replied, smiling at him.
"Indeed. I'll see you three later."jared said smiling slightly as he left the three alone. "Dada!" "It's good to see you wo like that."jackie smiled at them both, amused as daneel just snuggled into her papas chest.
Jensen nodded. "See you later, jared." He replied, simply stroking his daughters dirty blonde hair and kissing her head. He was glad to be back. Life in a coma sucked, because he couldn't hold thise most important to him. "I missed her for sure. It is nice to be here again." He explained, leanimg into her slightly as doctors came in to do some tests.

About an hour later, his doctor appeared again. Smiling. "Mr ackles, since you've recovered so quickly, you are being released. Just sign here." He explained as jensen read the paper in front of him.
"It is nice."jackie smiled as she eased away from him as the doctor came jn, taking daneel with her. Settling jn her chair to relax as she watched over him. Looking relieved at the doctors words."thanks. He's going to need some clothes..." "I sent mr. Padalecki for some. He should be back soon." "I am."jared said walking jn, looking amused as he handed the duffel to jensen."here you go."
Jensen smiled softly as jared handed him the duffel. "Thanks man.that helps." He replied, getting up and going to the bathroom to change, amused as daneel fussed when she was taken away. "Daddy will be right back." He promised, grinning. When he came out, he was dressed, and ready to go home. He just wanted to relax and play with his daughter.
"Thought it might."jared smiled a little amused as daneel fussed. "Come on. You might be okay, but you still have to rest. And play with daneel."jackie smiled letting jared have daneel, wrapping a arm around jensen's waist, cuddling hkm even as she helped him outside.
Jensen smiled at him "thank man" he said vefore he chuckled, nodding at his fiancee. "Yeah. Lets go. Pie and I will play when we get home, won't we, baby?" He asked, poking her nose. It was just to cute to see them together, really.
Daneel squealed, happy and giggly as she looked up at her dad. "Yea you can do that."jackie looked amused as they got back to the house, sighing quietly, glad to be home. And grinned a little. "You go shower. You both smell like the hospital. I'll watch daneel."jared promised, smirking a little, willing to give them a little time to themselves
Jensen smiled, giving his daughter a kiss to the head. "Daddy and mommy will be right back." He promised, leading his fiancee to their bedroom were he stripped and walked to the bathroom, waiting for Jackie to follow.
A jackie smiled as she stripped, walking into the bathroom naked as she looked the man over. Smirking ever so slightly as she turn ed the water on. "You know, many a girl would pay to have you naked and waiting in the shower for them."
Jensen chuckled. "Yes, i'm sure they would. I'm fairly sexy. But then again, so are you." He replied, pulling her in close for a steamy kiss. He wondered if she might like some shower sex. But then decided against it because with their track record have her pregnant again. If she initiated though, he'd oblidge.
"So I am. All skinny and lift able again. Totally not fat anymore. It's awesome."which was true. She wasnt back to normal, still chubby and soft witb baby fat, but she looked good. Smirking ay him as she backed into water, raising her eyebrows."you know. Birth control is gods creation that shows he loves us."she smirked at him."I know our track record says we'reextremely fertile, but we're good. If you want to enjoy the shower."she said because she was still feeling shaken, need ed to know he was alive
Jensen gave her a kiss. "You were still liftable then, my dear." He promised, following her into the shower. He grinned at her mischeiously giving her a quick kiss. "You are literally the best fiancee a man could have." He replied to her birth control comment, pinning her to the wall and kissing her all over as he thrust inside her quickly. He was all horny from not being able to toch her for two weeks.
"Only cause your dean. I'm thinking angelic help there."she teased before snickering a little."well, I had to do something, hope you woke up. Getting on birth control was a good step that direction."she snickered groaning as she was pushed back into the wall, wrapping her legs around his waist. "Horny much?"she groaned shivering
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