
Jared sighed, rubbing a hand over his face before sipping his beer. “Well. I’d say try getting to know her. Maybe if you two figure out how to be friends, this freaky little sexcapde that staring to happen wont. Treat her like you’d treat misha. Or me. You don’t want to sleep with us, so figure out how to be a friend.”And hopefully not wreck his marriage. Because he knew daneel, knew this wouldn’t end well if something happened. Sighing as he considered jensen. “Go swim, flirt, whatever. Get it out of your system, confuse you both to all hells, and maybe, just maybe, you two can work together..... I don’t know Jen. I just know if you let it, this will blow up in your face.”Jared sighed a little. “But now, drink, we’ll enjoy the sun and the water, and figure out the rest later.”
Jensen sighed. "Thats a good idea. I'll do that." He said, smiling now that he had a better idea of what he would do. He needed a minute to relax so he could think. He was falling for a woman who's not his wife. That was not good, even if it felt so right.
“Good.”Jared smiled at him, it would work. It would.

And indeed, it did. In the next two weeks, the managed to find a balance, even if the sexual tension was getting to the point that both jared and misha were running for their respective apartments, either to skype with his wife in jared’s case, or misha’s to take a cold shower. But they’d figured a balance between the flirting and friendship that let them work together, a safety outlet that let them safely be around each other without trying to climb each other like trees. While it was tense through some moments, and the pure sexual heat between them was making dean and bailey burn hotter then a supernova, they could work. They could hang out. Which made Jared all the more curious to see what surprise cosplay jackie was pulling out of her hat to go as for con. Having driven in with Jensen the night before, he hadn’t seen either her or krystal yet, and it was minutes before jensen and jackie’s panel to announce the newest member of team free will.

“Well? What do you think?”Jackie asked as she walked in backstage, snickering as Jensen jumped a little. “Talk about easily spooked, Ackles. I thought you were better at this whole spooky thing.”She teased a little, waiting to see what he’d say about the dean cosplay, the black corset fitting easily over a hourglass figure, blue jeans and boots, and a jacket that was so perfectly dean and female that you knew she’d gotten the costume department to make it for her. The black ink of a anti-possession tattoo standing out starkly on pale skin, tilting her head as she considered him.
Jensen wasn't expecting her to cosplay as Dean, but it was pretty flattering. "You look really good, Jackie. But, you're missing one thing- whiskey" he commented playfully with a chuckle, kissing her cheek chastely. The two of them were just friends, and Jensen intended to keep it that way, even if he secretly really beeded her.

Krystal walked in a few minutes later, dark black sailor suit on. She was cosplaying Sailor anubis blue moon, one of the violent moon twin's most powerful forms. She didn't know both Sebastian had flown in to see her and Jackie. This would be a good surprise.

Meanwhile, Sebastian was trolling the crowds cosplaying as the winter soldier. He wanted to see just what all the fuss was about for himself. He'd bever seen supernatural.
Jackie grinned at him. “Don’t look so surprised. It was fun, and the look on your face was worth it...didn’t know what else to dress up as.”She shrugged before patting her pockets and shaking the devil’s trap flask she’d just found in the vendor’s booths.”I got us covered, so we’re good.”She grinned amused. Looking up when Krystal came in, stepping away from Jensen.”Hey. I didn’t think you were going to stop in and watch.”She said fidgeting a little, nervous about her first panel, before startling as she heard jared talking. Well. It seemed everyone was coming today. Snickering a little as Misha walked in to. “We know it just says you and jensen, but figured you could use the support. First panels can be overwhelming.”Misha grinned a little when Jared called for them to come on out. “Well....let’s go.”Jackie said fidgeting nervous walking out, waving as she settled into her seat, amused that most of the fans both looked interesting and confused at the new person, even if they went insane when jensen and misha walked out.
Jensen chuckled. "Well, then I think you look awesome." He admitted with a smile, waving at Krystal as she came in.

Both Jensen and Krystal nodded at Misha's comment. "I'll come on stage too if you want. First panels can be nervewracking, especially with such a dedicated fandom. I should know. I'm apart of it." She explained nonchalantly, trying to be of support. She knew the woman was nervous.

Jensen nodded. "Its gonna be fine." He promised her, walking out followed by Misha and Krystal. He had to admit he was a little relieved the others had come, otherwise things would have probably been even worse than they were gonna be.
“Thanks.”Jackie flushed a little. Before looking at krystal, nodding a little. “That would be nice. Thanks.”She said leaning into the other woman a little. Nervous and worried about what was coming. “If you say so. You can handle the weird questions then. I’ve seen some of these panels, weird questions, Jackles.”Jackie said fidgeting and nervous as she settled in her chair between jensen and jared, looking small and petite next to the two.

“Okay, okay you guys. We have a special announcement to make. We’re adding a new hunter to a permanent roster of people, Ms. Jacqueline Daniels. Jack Daniels, for those who know how much Dean likes his whiskey.”Jared teased, well aware it was a standing joke on set, since her hunter name was also bailey after Bailey’s irish whiskey. “Questions now, or do you want to talk?”Jared said looking at jensen, well aware of how most of his panels went. They usually started right on track, and usually became chaos soon enough.
Jensen smiled. "No problem, Jackie." He replied simply, trying to reassure her some, even if on the inside he was pretty worried. His panels always got pretty chaotic.

Krystal smiled, giving the other woman a hug. "Its no trouble. Everyone needs support on their first panel." She replied, also giving a reassuring smile. None of them had a clue how weird this one was gonna get.

Jensen looked at the audience. "Good to be with all of you again. If you want to ask questions, go right ahead. We'll answer anything you like." None of them could've predicted how bad of an idea that was.
Jackie grinned as the questions poured in hot and fast, glad that for the moment, the fans were mostly ignoring her in favor of talking to the boys they already knew. Startling a little when there was a question directed towards her. “Hm?”She said blinking slowly, she’d been listening, but startled at being asked something. “So, we’re curious. What’s your first scene with Dean like?” Jackie’s mouth fell open, “Well. Uh.” “Act it out?”The fan asked looking amused at the woman’s nerves leaving her speechless. “....Okay.”Jackie said eyeing jensen for a moment, flushing brightly as she leaned over to give him a light kiss, they’d done it a few times since that first time, and managed to keep under control, surely they could do it now. But it was almost like each kiss had added up to more, a collection that was leading to something bigger, and the light kiss she’d meant it to be, slid into something filthy and dirty as she leaned across her chair, hands resting on his chest.
Krystal and the rest of the gang's expressions became worried as the question was asked. "Crap" Jared muttered under his breath, lookingbon helplessly. What were they gonna do?

"Jackie!! Snap out of it!!" Came a very familiar romanian voice, and krystal's expression changed from worry to surprise. She hadn't known that Sebastian was flying in. She hoped the sudden sound of her boyfriend would be enough to snap jackie and back to reality, or they'd be sunk.

Jensen heard the strange voice, and pulled away, face redder than a tomato. "Sorry everyone... Dean likes his Jack Daniel's a little to much, I guess I got carried away." He explained, wanting to run from stage, which was something he normally would never do. His wife was gonna kill him.
Jackie startled badly enough that she nearly fell out of her chair, head twisting around to look at Sebastian, hands resting on Jensen’s shoulders to keep herself balanced even as he pulled away, flushing brightly as she eased away from him. “Sorry guys. Seems I’ve been kissing Dean to much these days. Sorta habit to go to far now.”Jackie said smiling a little at the crowd’s laughter, hopefully no one would realize she hadn’t done it on purpose, easing back into her chair as she looked up at sebastian. Even if they weren’t dating anymore, getting caught by sebastian making out with a married man put her on the spot and made her want to run away. Shifting a little she smiled, “Sebastian.”She smiled quietly, standing up, “Come sit. I’m sure our fans wont mind to much a gate crashing avenger.”She said letting him sit before sharing the edge of the seat with him, sighing quietly. Trembling a little, and focusing on anything except the blond sitting next to her. Anything but jensen.
Sebastian's expression showed he knew there was more to it than was said, but he let it go for now in favor of just holding onto Jackie. He gave Jensen a look that said domething along the lines of "mine. You have your own" but only the other actors would notice.

Krystal gave sebastian a hug as he came on stage. "Nice save. I'll explain later" she whispered in his ear, sitting back down. This was getting weirder.

Jensen blushed more. "So... any more questions?"
Jackie smiled a little, resting her head against Sebastian’s shoulder, shifting closer, closing her eyes. Simply relaxing, using him like she’d always had, a touchstone to anchor herself, to calm. Jared looked a little relieved as the questions ended, looking relieved only to the others who knew just how odd things had been getting. Smiling as he got both of the other two off the stage.

“....I have a question. You came just to visit?I didn’t know you were coming, Seb.”Jackie hugged him tightly when they got backstage, sighing softly as she clung to him, and only sebastian would probably realize she was purposefully putting him between her and jensen, not trusting herself at the moment.
Sebastian chuckled. "I wanted to surprise you and Krys. Besides, I didn't come alone. Someone else wanted to see Krys. He's around here somewhere." He explained, chuckling a little. Krystal looked curious, but she would wait to see just who he meant. Hopefully it would be someone who wouldn't mind helping her make Misha jealous.

Jensen on the other hand was watching Sebastian curiously. He wanted yo know more about his and Jackie's relationship. They looked to cozy to be just friends.
“Ah, Well, good surprise.”She smiled at him, hugging him tighter again before stepping away, tilting her head before snorting a little. “James is here somewhere?He probably got distracted in the vendor’s room/”She said, having been friends with mcavoy for awhile, and knew it was probably the only person who’d conspire with sebastian to surprise them. Blushing a little as she realized she was being rude. “Sorry guys. Jensen, Jared, Misha, this is sebastian. Sebastian, everyone.” “Hello.”Misha smiled at the man, tilting his head. Curious about the romanian’s relationship, and curious about how badly jensen was going to freak when he realized the two were looking cozier then friends. “Thanks for the save.”Jared muttered. “....I would have stopped!Don’t make it sound so horrible.”Jackie whined a little even if the flush disappearing under her jacket collar, said she wasn’t sure she would have. “I don’t have any panels for awhile. We should go grab lunch.”And get away from jensen. Needed to get away, because even after the embarassing panel, and with the amazing beautiful sebastian standing between them, knowing he was married....she still wanted to run her hands through jensen’s hair.
Sebastian looked kind of proud of himself. "I'm glad you liked it. I've been missing you, iubitel." He admitted, frowning slightly as she pulled away. He still wasn't okay with them being broken up, he just pretended he was. In actuality, he was still seriously in love with her.

Krystal chuckled. "Jamie's here? Oh, it will be so good to see him!!" She exclaimed happily, kissing sebastians cheek. She didn't know why she hadn't thought of that before. The two of them were the only ones who would plan something like this, honestly.

Jensen was still watching sebastion, his face remaining emotionless though. "Its nice to meet you, sebastian." He replied cordially, googling the word "iubitel" eyes popping slightly as he saw it meant "adored one" Even though he was married, it made him bristle to know she was probably dating this romanian.
Jackie smiled a little, “I missed you to. Watched Civil war the other day, and nearly spent the day in tears. I blame you for this.”She sulked, even if she knew it wasn’t everything. Tears came easier these days to her, especially when she was upset and tired. Though they’d been broken up for awhile, and she knew he knew she’d dated Ian, and probably knew how that ended, so she so didn’t want to go there. Not when she knew none of her new friends knew about her past, definitely didn’t want to go there.

“Let’s go find him. We’re all dressed up, we can blend in some.”Jackie said smiling a little, even as she frowned slgihtly at Jensen, recognizing the slightly cold greeting, and wondering about it. Jared looked at jensen, eyebrows going up as he realized the other had googled, rolling his eyes a little. “Come on Jensen, we better go get our shopping done before anyone realizes we’re wandering around.”He said and wanting to give the friends some time to reconnect, and knowing if he stayed, jensen was going to say something they’d all regret.
Sebastian chuckled a little. "Don't feel that bad, iubitel. I starred in the movie and it made me cry." He admitted, kissing her head chastely. It was partly force of habit, and partly because he wanted her back. After the whole ordeal with Ian, the quiet romanian wanted to make sure there was no chance of it happening again. He'd cursed that he hadn't figured it out sooner.

Sebastian and Krystal both nodded, but it was Jrystal who spoke. "That's a good idea, Jackie. Then us four should do lunch and catch up. I know a resturaunt just down the street we can go to. Misha, you wanna come?" She asked with a smile, hugging her friends.

Jensen nodded. "You're right. I've gotta get Daneel her list of things, then start on mine." He admitted with a sigh, his expression silently thanking his friend for a way out. Sure, he liked sebastian, but seeing the woman that should be his with him drove married man crazy. He didn't have any clue why.
“as it should. Stupid boys, fighting over stupid shit.”She teased a little waving a hand at jensen and jared. “Not that they’re much better. They got in a fight over peanut butter yesterday. I’m serious Seb, it was great.”She giggled a little before nodding at krystal. “We should.” “I would love to. Lunch sounds good.”Misha smiled a little as he headed for the door. “So. Are you here for the whole weekend?”Jackie said looking up at Sebastian, and wondering if he knew Ian was wandering around, not that she’d seen him. Thankfully she’d managed to stay with jensen or krystal, and that meant she’d successfully managed to avoid Ian so far.

“Indeed you do. Come on. Gen and Shep asked me to snag some comics for them.”Jared snickered a little as they headed out, shaking his head at jensen once they were away. “You better call Daneel tonight. If she sees that panel without knowing about it before hand....”He trailed off. Sighing a little. They’d been doing so well, and seemed it had just crashed and burned.
Sebastian chuckled. "Nobody ever said boys were smart." He replied, imaging what a fight about peanut butter might entail. He liked these guys already.

Krystal grinned at misha. "Great! Im so glad!" And she was. Hopefully James would be kind enough to help her. They had dated in the past, so it wasn't much of a stretch for them to get back together.

Sebastian nodded. "I'm here for as long as you need me. I don't start filming for infinity wars until next june." He explained, smiling.

When the others were out of earshot, Jensen sighed. "Yeah, I know. After I finish shopping, i'm calling her." He promised, though he looked so very afraid.
“No, no one did.”Jackie agreed snickering a little. “I’ll meet you there in a hour. I have some shopping of my own to do.”Misha smiled at them before heading off to his own shopping. “’re going to drive him insane Krys.”Jackie rolled her eyes a little before smiling at him brightly. “You should come back to Vancouver for a few days, we can catch up.”She smiled at him. Not only because she could use the break from jensen, knowing sebastian could keep her from going insane, but because he was one of the few people who knew she was pregnant, and the circumstances over it. So it’d be nice to have him around.

“Good.”Jared smiled a little, though he looked worried for his friend as they started their shopping. Letting jensen talk if he wanted, but willing to not to if he wanted to. He knew his friend had to be going through hell.
Sebastian chuckled, walking with her. Krystal smiled. "Sounds good, misha. See you then." She replied, curious as to what he might be buying. She was always curious about stuff like that. She looked at jackie, tilting her head curiously. "What do you mean?" She asked, having no clue of her effect on him.

Sebastian smiled. "Love to. Vancouver is lovely this time of year." He replied, kissing her head. They would find James soon.

Jensen sighed. This was alot for him. "I hope she forgives me. I have no idea why it happens, Jared. It just does" he said, picking up a few things that were on his wife's list.
“Nothing. Never mind.”Jackie looked amused at her friend’s not realizing she was getting to misha even if the man didn’t normally show it. It was adorable really. “Awesome. I even have my own apartment now, so you can stay with me.”She said looking so pleased with the knowledge, since she hadn’t really ever had a place over her own. She’d went from living with her parents, to living with sebastian, to ian, and now finally, she had a place of her own. “Well. It seems motherhood agrees with you. Hey Jackie.”James looked amused as he spoke quietly, leaning in to kiss her cheek as they walked nearer him, “I take it lunch is happening soon?”He asked studying the three, knowing sebatsian had went to track down jackie just so he could make sure she ate and was well looked after at con."Hey krys."The man smiled as he hugged her to. "Sooo...whats this I hear about a awesome spn con?"James said smirking a little.

“I know. And she will. She usually does. You do alot of stupid things, we’ll just have to be better about keeping you and jackie from making out like horny teens.”He teased a little looking amused as he picked up the comics, his stomach growling. “We should probably grab lunch.”
Krystal nodded, dropping the subject. She was sure that it would all be explained soon. They walked for a bit until a familiar voice hit their ears. "Hey Jamie. Good to see you. I missed you while you were in england filming Xmen. Hows fassy? He doing good?" She asked curiously, kissing his cheek. She wondered what he might be thinking.

Sebastian sighed at James's next question. "It seems that the hunters are having some crazy problems." He explained leaving it at that. He was sure that Krystal would explain to him later.

Krystal smiled. "Can I ask a favor, Jamie?" She asked, whispering her plan to make misha jealous in his ear
B he is. He says hello and sorry he couldn't come, but he had other commitments this weekend."jamie smiled before raising a eyebrow."really?interesting."he said looking at 5he two girls, eyebrows going even higher when all jackie did was blush."I'm sure they'll tell us over lunch."jamie said as they headed for the restaurant, looking at Krystal curiously."yes?"he said looking interested at the idea of a favor before laughing a little as he wrapped a arm around her waist as they walked."okay, yes. We'll do be happy to help."he agreed as they walked into the lunch room, and finding a quiet out of the way corner for them to enjoy and not be the center of attention.
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