Artistry (ApplePoisoneer)

Few things could be more alluring. Dave moved to lie down beside her and got comfortable. While the grass was still a little dewy, he didn't much mind considering his company. "This is nice," Dave remarked, gently closing his eyes and taking in the sweet scents of nature. "You have to admit, it's nice to just relax like this."
"It's not every day a seamonster comes up for air," he remarked "Or at least, I sure hope that it's not an every day occurrence." Dave took the time to settle his hand on the small of Pearl's back with his fingers confidently stroking along that surface. "You know, if things ever get too hectic for you at your job and you can't talk to the other gems for whatever reason, well I'd be more than happy to talk about... anything really."
"Thank you, that means a lot." She nuzzled her cheek against his chest, knowing in her heart that she would never be able to tell him everything. She disliked telling Steven the truth most of the time, let alone a pure human. She knew his life was far too short to be troubled by the struggle of centuries.
Somehow he had his doubts that she would, but in truth he felt it was still nice to give the offer to her. For several moments he was relaxed and took in the scenery, taking the time to save these sights for future inspiration. After a moment he rolled slightly toward her and gave her a light kiss on the gem, teasing and gentle in his motions.

"You know... you have to be the sweetest badass around," he murmured in between quick kisses.
"Oh is that so? Well, that makes me feel pretty awesome," Dave said with a curt smile. He didn't consider himself much of an egotist, but he didn't mind a bit of healthy ego stroking. Particularly if this was coming from the gem he was dating. After a moment he settled against the pale gem, strong digits continuing to stroke at Pearl's perky rear. "And since you think so high of me, I'll have to find a good way to show my gratitude."
"Oh don't play cute with me missy. I know you've been around long enough to have a positively filthy mind," Dave teased. The blond moved to sit up slightly, and a rather devious idea came to his head. What did light taste like? He had a feeling he wanted find out. "How about we try something a little new? You could ditch the shorts, and then I could show you my tongue's good for more than just smooth talking."
Her hands flew to her mouth and her cheeks reddened. She had heard of it, but it had always sounded disgusting. But somehow, if he wanted to do it, shewould at least let him try.

She arched her back and slipped her shorts down a little passed her knees. The grass tickled the portion of her that, until recently, had never been touched and she tittered into her hand. "Um... alright. Let's try it."
"Swell... okay, feel free to tell me if you're not a fan of it," he replied as he moved into position. He inspected Pearl's synthetic pussy for several seconds before leaning in and letting his tongue tease from end to end of her labia, and repeated the motions with several quick licks. His speed steadily rose, and he seemed to cap each lick with a flick of his tongue against Pearl's clit. A teasing start for what was to come later.
She shivered and wanted to recoil, the thought of saliva there was almost too much. Though she realized that she had kissed him a lot lately and thought perhaps it wasn't so different. Then he found her clitoris, and all thought desolved into points of light. She lay back with a kind of swoon in the grass and made no more protest, mental or otherwise, about what he did. All she could manage was a kind of contented murmur and steady nod.
As it stood, Dave was partway convinced that he could get addicted to Pearl's moans. The young man smiled up at her lust-stricken face while his tongue continued teasing and eating out her soaked interior. She was so darn cute for a badass space-warrior. His speed built and he put his gathered experience to good use, dipping steadily deeper into Pearl's beckoning warmth and admiring her taste.
"Heh... you want more? Well, alright," he replied casually. The blond seemed to redouble his efforts, eating Pearl out more eagerly and taking in more and more of her arousal. Dave's fingers sank into her silken thighs, stroking at the pale surface while coming up occasionally to give her clit a few rapid licks. It had been a while he had done this, but the skill hadn't waned at any point it seemed.

And, in truth, Pearl drove him to always put in some extra effort.
Pearl made a kind of rising cry of glee, like being on the upslope of a theme park ride. Her breath caught in her throat and she sprawled on the grass, letting herself climax, though there was still no real liquid to speak of. Instead, her body seemed to glow a little brighter in the afternoon sunshine. She rested her cheek on the cool grass, sighing contentedly.
He felt the rush of her cumming, and proceeded to smile up at her. After a moment the young artist moved to sit upright, glancing at her as she came down from her high. "I take it you liked that?" Dave moved closer and took a seat beside the resting gem, fingers caressing her cheek gently. "You look so darn beautiful, ya know? Even moreso when you cum."
Dave shrugged. "What can I say? I aim to please," he said, settling a hand on the back of Pearl's head and letting his digits run through her hair. In truth he'd been partially worried that she wouldn't have had the sensory abilities to enjoy his motions, but thank goodness such wasn't the case. "You wanna just relax here for a little while?" he offered. "I'm sure if anything happens, we'll see it from here."
Two forces struggled within Pearl's head; the Pearl that wanted to remain vigilant, active and ahead of the game, and the Pearl who wanted to lie around and pass what she could only call a normalhuman afternoon. Against what she thought was her better judgement, she decided to lie on the grass with him for a little longer. "That sounds nice. It's so tranquil out here, and I'm not terribly far off, should anyone need me."
"Good good," Dave said in return, lazing back with the naked gem. He felt good enough, and with Pearl so content he didn't want to get her rising with his own needs. Soon, in the comfort of the grass and Pearl's warmth he dozed off gently, enjoying the day as it had transpired for the two of them.
Pearl winked one eye open with her head on his chest. She'd never felt the need to really sleep, although mellowing out was something she could do. She fold the little rises and falls of his chest, and listened to his light snoring. She thought, maybe, she liked watching him sleep as much as she liked watching Steven. He looked so peaceful and content, and it made her feel a kind of protectiveness toward him, like she would do anything to see him this way for many nights to come.
It was sundown by the time he awoke, the sea taking on an orange glow from the sun lowering along the horizon. Dave grunted faintly and moved to sit upright with Pearl's body gently pressed into his side. "Geez... that hill was a lot harder than I thought it would be," he murmured. Dave glanced to the classy servant and grinned at her. "But ah hey... I'm already starting to feel a whole lot better. Good company I suppose."
"Heh. Guess I've been really relaxed these days," he said, stroking a hand down Pearl's back. In truth he kinda wished they could just stay like this forever, but such was not how the world operated. He stood up slowly and held a hand out to the slender gem, giving her a warm smile. "Well... shall we head back into town?" he asked. "You know, before they think I kidnapped you and they kick my ass?"
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