Artistry (ApplePoisoneer)

David stayed in place while waiting on the blonde to return, again finding himself impressed when a collection of ancient weapons sprang ip to her beck and call. "I take it you're an enthusiast," he said, teasing lightly once she returned. "These are all pretty impressive. I'm kind of afraid of touching one in case I damage 'em by accident," Dave remarked. All the same he was appraising the long blade she held out.

"Oh wow you really went all out on keeping these in shape.... never dated a woman who had a sword collection before. Do you use these when you go out monster hunting?"
"Oh no!" She laughed, holding another sword aloft; this one a gaelic broad sword with thistles embossed in it's blade. "These are all far too old o even spar with. I usually just use what I can call from my gem. But sometimes I use my second katana. It's much newer than the rest of these, so I don't worry about damaging it."
"Ah, I figured as much. Still, these are really cool..." he said, looking at the patterns on the gaelic sword. She had quite a passion, and it actually made him quite pleased to be let in on that fact. "I suppose you've had a lot of time to collect these... hell, you were probably around to see these swords get made. I have to admit, I'm a little envious. Must've been a lot of time to hone your skills," David mused.
(OOC: I'm so sorry this took so long. I threw a dinner party this weekend and it about killed me.)

"Oh yes," Her tone was reflective and fondly reminiscent. "There were only a few I saw used in battle. The rest were... collected afterward." She studied him for a moment, took his arm and felt its musculature, and took one of the swords from her collection. It was a kind of curved, Kopis, made of iron.

"I recoverd this one from Greece. Here, try it." She handed him the weapon with the handlefacing him. It wasn't delicate, but it did show the signs of its age, spots of oxidation and rust dotted it's blade, which probaly couldn't cut a peach by now.
"Oh I... I couldn't, I mean if I dropped it or..." nevertheless he found himself holding the curved blade, eyeing it closely and taking a few practice swings. Deliberately slow, as a note of caution, he was clearly simply teasing the weight and his ability to move it. "Okay... I can see why you like these, because this is... seriously cool," he remarked, his tone just a little awestruck. He never took himself for much of a fighter...

... but like most guys, he would be lying if he said he hadn't thought about being a warrior, like those old humans who fought in the gem wars. "This is... pretty awesome. And you really kept it in good shape."
"Thank you." She told him, taking the sword back and reintroducing it to the collection. "Let me just put these back-" She jumped up again and did her series of dance moves in reverse, putting the swords back exactly as they had been before she took them down to show them off. Sheflew back down to stand at David's side. "So, what would you like to do now?"
He had to admit, it was more than pleasing to know she was willing t show off such a prized collection. And Dave was even more pleased to know he hadn't broken anything. He smiled at her question and abruptly hooked an arm behind her knees, lifting Pearl so that the pale alien had her perky rear seated on his forearm. "Well... if you think we have privacy, I can think of some things I wanna do," Dave mused, giving her a playful wink. "But I'd be more than happy to hear some suggestions."
"No, no. I like that first plan." She smiled, chuckling mischievously. "And you don't even have to wait for me to regenerate this time." She looked about the room, being mindful of the waterfalls and the drop beneath that spilled into Amethyst's room. "I'm afraid I don't have a very comfortable spot, but there's plenty of room over there." She outstretched a long finger to a corner on the far left side of the room. There was a tall replica of the moon goddess statue there, but the rest of the wall was blank.
"Mm... Well, if I'm gonna be the first human to ever set foot here, I'm gonna want to explore every. Last. Inch," he said, smirking and making for the area Pearl gestured. Dave remained mindful of his steps, making sure not to slip, and was pleased as they settled on a large expanse of floor. After setting Pearl on her feet he pressed her back to the wall, skilled lips and teeth teasing up the side of her neck while a pair of strong hands fondled her backside and then roamed up her back.
It was hard to not appreciate Pearl's mounting eagerness. If he understood right, this kind of relationship was more than a little new to her. A hand gently tugged the sash around her waist and let it come undone, tossing it onto his shoulder without a care. "Mmhm... you feel pretty excited," he lightly teased. By now he was exceptionally hard, and with Pearl clinging to him he was able to guide a hand down to quickly undo his fly.
"Well, I never said I wasn't," he teased. But indeed, even a cursory glance would tell just how 'excited' the handsome human had become. Dave let his hands grip the silky fabric of her pale green top, deciding not to dwell on how her clothing worked as a projection. Up her top went, and almost immediately he had his lips wrapped around her left nipple, giving it a firm suck just to excite the pale alien, admiring her warmth,
Pearl had always considered the prospect of non-infants sucking nipples to be quite odd, until it happened to her. In an instant, she realized what kind of feeling existed in that hitherto unused part of her anatomy. She moaned, letting a tremor pass over her body and lowered a quick hand to her tight, yet elastic dance bottoms. She pulled them askew, as bbest she could, opening herself up to him.
He felt her eagerness, how she leaned into him and then went the extra mile to expose herself to him. It was more than thrilling to know that he was able to draw the insular alien out of her shell. The human let the peak of his cock press into her exposed lips of her artificial pusy. He decided to not waste another moment, and let gravity slowly pull Pearl down until he was gradually penetrating into her soaking core.
Through the gradual slide, a mounting excitement welled in Pearl's chest. A cry of great pleasure rang through the cavernous temple dwelling. She clutched at his shoulders for support and through a kind of primal need to hold every part of him. Balancing her delicate frame between the wall and his body, she thrust her lover half forward just a little.
He had to hope nobody else could hear them going at it. Sure the walls to this place seemed thick and all, but n the other hand he had no idea on how the layout of this place worked. It hardly slowed Dave down anyway, his bucking motions gradually increasing in tempo. "Geez, Pearl... did you make yourself even tighter?" he asked with a modest laugh. Then, feeling teasing and aware of what happened last time, he leaned up and gave her a quick kiss on her gemstone.
"I'm just teasing. You're more than perfect," he said, smiling wryly. Dave kept going, the friction and pace growing more intense until the toned human felt his muscles begin to tighten. Eventually Dave gasped sharply, and soon found himself shooting thick shots of his seed into the beckoning warmth of Pearl's artificial womb. The infertile walls were soon packed tight with his rich cum, and after catching his breath he gently leaned into Pearl for support.
Although there really was no chance of getting pregnant, it was still a weird and somewhat uncomfortable stickiness, but Pearl found that she was willing to endure it for Dave's sake. It meant that he'd enjoyed himself, and so had she.

She unwound her legs from him and planted them firmly on the floor, taking him with her as sheslid down the wall. "That was lovely, thank you."
Dave smiled. "No thanks needed. It was my honor after all," he told her confidently. He moved to fix his trousers and let a hand gently stroke through her hair. "I have to admit, I was a little nervous when you invited me to come here. Was kinda worried I'd make a bad impression, but... well this has been an incredible experience. This place, the temple it's just... wow," the artist said, managing an awkward grin.
He smiled idly at the notion. "Maybe, maaaybe," was his playful response. He paused and took the time to look around, memorizing as many details of the large chamber that he could take in at once. "Hm... looks like you don't have a bed here. I mean... I could spend the night here if you wanted, but if not then uh..." Dave felt a little awkward, but in the sense that Pearl's enticing presence could make anyone flustered.
He hummed a little, but ultimately shrugged. It didn't bother him all that much. "Oh well, don't sweat it," he said. Falling asleep on a waterfall didn't sound all that nice... "Maybe I should head home for the night?" Dave asked, head tilted a bit to one side.
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