Artistry (ApplePoisoneer)

It was a new, strange pressure, being penetrated as she was. Up until a few minutes ago, she hadn't had anything to speak of there. But now that it was there and full of her new lover's flesh, she wondered what she'd ever done without it. And for a few delirious seconds, she forgave Rose for Greg.

Her whole body trembled as David slid into her. Pearl clutched at his shoulders, hissing a little at the unfamiliar sensation. She wasn't disappointed, and deepened their kiss.
David had to ask himself if it was possible for gems to feel pain. And, if it was, would he be enough to wind up unintentionally harming Pearl like this? He was a little uncertain, but this didn't put a stop to his pushing cock as he penetrated deeper into her beckoning nether. She must have studied anatomy extensively to know how to create such a fine pussy... it was even better than a real one, just so... perfect and pristine in all the right ways. Even after breaching the halfway point he knew he was in heaven! "Hah... this... good enough?" he asked in a low murmur.
"Mm... well like I said, it's no fusion... but it's pretty close," Dave said with a wink. He maintained his steady rate, feeling his spine tingle in delight from every delighted moan Pearl gave him, the sensations making her pussy clamp just a bit tighter. Deciding to add to her pleasure he managed to just about lean up, giving the gemstone of her forehead a few quick licks all while the thrusting pace of his hips seemed to grow more potent.
The moment his tongue touched her gem, Pearl let loose a squeal of surproseand delight. In normal circumstances, a human licking her gem would be unthinkably disgusting. But here, in this position with David, it seemed just the right thing to do. Her legs flew up and wrapped themselves around his waist in a swift motion, driving him deeper inside her.
He felt how she writhed for him, alien body alight with an excitement that had likely been hitherto unknown for her. His breathing grew a little rougher, strong muscles gleaming with a layer of sweat as she seemed to make him pick up the pace. Eventually this, in tandem with the delight of her artificial pussy, had him trembling and groaning while hot shots of his rich seed rushed into her artificial womb. Most likely infertile, but it was a space that could house his seed for the time being.
Although there was a little twinge of disgust at his fluids being inside her, it soon faded and was replaced with a giddy sense of unnatural delight. It was something she knew other humans had experienced, she'd heard them talk about it, had heard Rose discuss it, though vaguely. But it was something she was a part of now. She was "part" of the human race now, like an initiation.

Pearl's slim fingers brushed through David's hair. She trailed a fingernail gently behind his ear.
"Mm... oh wow... don't think one round ever took so much out of me. Pearl, you really know how to get a guy eager..." David said, smiling warmly under the gentle stroking of his hair. This was nice. The pleasure had been astounding, but the simple enticing warmth of her touch was enough to make him want to purr like a cat. "You want to... spend the night?" he asked, looking her in the eye. "I hear gems don't need to sleep, but... well it'd be nice to have you."
Pearl looked apologetically into his eyes, cupping his cheek tenderly. "I don't think I can tonight. They might need me back at the temple." She kissed him gently. "I should probably regenerate and go home. But I had themost wonderful time with you, and I would love to do it again, very soon." She pressed her lips to his again, though this time, holding themthere for much longer.
"Mmm..." he purred. That was disappointing, but not too surprising. And he had told her that he didn't want to get in te way of her responsibilities. "Well, alright. But if you change your mind, this bed can hold two," he teased. David moved off Pearl and let out a small sigh as he saw his seed oozing onto the duvet. "Well those'll need to be cleaned... you wanna meet up again tomorrow Pearl? I'd be happy to hang out with you."
When tomorrow came, and David spent a lot of time on his own, he had spent some time sketching from memory the motions of Pearl's elegant dance. It had formed into a sequence on the canvast, sketched from black paint with streaks of white for her body, until he had fully scribed her motions to the canvas. In addition he had gone just a little further and sketched her eyes, that light in them from when she'd been in the throes of passion. Everything else was left to the imagination.

Pleased by this, and seeing that it was getting late in the afternoon, Dave had dressed fully in a blue-t-shirt and tan shorts, setting the freshly dried piece into a decently large bag. After settling the back undr his shoulder he sighed and made steadily for the coast.
On the beach, Pearl, Garnet, Aethyst and Steven were battling a giant orange scorpion. They jumped and attacked the creature, striking it with spears and whips and gauntlets until it stopped moving. They bubbled the organically shaped gem and it disappeared.

Pearl was about to start talking to Steven, when she caught sight of David on the coastline. "Oh, David! How long have you been there? You weren't injured in the Scorpion attack, were you?"
Truth be told he'd known that there was a scuffle on the beach in advance, able to feel the tremors as he drew in closer. Still he had no worry, and true enough as soon as he was close enough the gems had dealt with the monster of the day without a hint of issue. He smiled and approached Pearl. "No, I'm fine. As if I'd be in any trouble with you around," he complimented, giving her a quick peck on the cheek.

Steven gasped and looked up at the two. "Oh my goodness!" he said enthusiastically. "You... you two are...?" he couldn' finish the question, nor could he stop a big grin breaking out on his face at the realisation.
Amethyst burst into uncontrolable laughter, falling to the ground and wriggling on her back likean overturned turtle. Garnet just smiled and gave her signof approval.

Pearl's faceturned a deep red, asshe looked from David, to Steven, to Garnet. "Well,um... yes. Yes... I suppose...we are." She stammered out, twirling her fingers aroundone another.
"That's great!" Steven said, enthusiastic as ever. Genuinely he was happy, considering how tough things had been for Pearl for... well, a while now at any rate. David smiled. "Well, we only just started, but it's been fun so far. By the way, had a little gift I wanted to give you," he said, giving the bag at his side a quick pat. "It's... well I suppose you'd say it's a gift of a more personal nature," he explained, managing a modest smile.
"Really? Something for me?" Pearl asked, genuinely surprised he'd found something for her. She couldn't think of anything she needed.

Amethyst continued to laugh. "You hooked up with a human? After all the flack you gave-"

"Amethyst!" Garnet barked. Pearl froze, again, looking from David to Garnet. "Why don't you go and find something productive to do. Elsewhere!"

Amethyst looked like a kicked dog, she cast her eyes down and began to walk away, but before she got too far, she muttered. "Sorry, Pearl." and slipped away.
"Well uh... interesting friends, you have..." he said, trying to make light of the situation. He cleared his throat briefly, and Steven gave th two a quick thumbs up while making for the house. Dave led the way over to the benches on the nearby sidewalk, one facing toward the sea. David set his bag down and opened it, letting Pearl's eyes appraise his work, the piece such that it tried to capture the beauty of Pearl's fluid motions.

"What do you think?" he asked.
Pearl gingerly took the piece from him and stared into it, like watching her reflection in a pool. "It's magnificent. I love it." Pearl told him quietly, handing it back to him. Seeing her happiness and ecstasy reflected on paper was truly bizarre, like a confirmation that it really happened. She smiled fondly over her shoulder at him. "You really are very talented."
"An artist is only as good as that which inspires him," David replied. He smiled faintly and then shrugged "I uh... well if you wanted to bring this into that temple of yours, you're more than welcome to. And... you know, if you ever feel down you can look at it and... y-you know, have a reminder of something good." His arm reached around and settled around Pearl's slim waist, letting her warmth rest against him. Making her feel better about herself, well that was high on his list.
Pearl felt the arm around her waist and drew nearer. Suddenly, a little mischivious grin played at her lips. "I probably shouldn't, but... would you like to see inside?" Hardly any humans were ever admitted into the temple. She wasn't even sure Gred had been allowed in. But as long as she kept him out of Garnet's room, the Bubble hall and Amethyst's bottomless pit of mess, he should be okay.
"Really?" he replied, looking a little stunned at the offer. He looked from side to side and then focused back on Pearl, strong fingers idly stroking along her abdomen. "Well uh... I suppose, if you're offering and the others won't have a problem, then I wouldn't mind having a look. You know, sate some age old curiosity and all that." Still smiling, he closed the bag back up and went to move with his girlfriend. "Getting to see inside... gosh, I am gonna be one lucky guy."
Pearl's face lit up with pride as she linked arms with him and escorted him toward the house. "The number of humans to have ever seen a gem structure can probably be counted on one hand."

They accended the stairs and walked into the main house. Garnet, Steven and Aethyst were sitting around in the kitchen. She walked passed them and stood in front of her door. The two gems and Steven watched with a strange kind of interest and excitement, until they all broke into a unison, "oooooh"

"Oh, please!" Pearl groaned, opening the door with her gem.

"Stay away from the Waterfalls!" Garnet called as they stepped inside. "You won't survive the fall." She sounded so casual about it, as though it was something she'd seen a hundred times or more. Pearl looked back with notable concern and nodded.

Pearl's room was bathed in a tranquil blanket of blue light and mist, like looking into teh moon just after a fall of rain. Soft piano music echoed through the fairly large chamber. Three large plateaus of cascading water stood in a triangle in the middle of a wading pool. The swish of water accompanied the piano score nicely. And around the edge of the pool where ornate carvings of the cycle of the moon.

"Well, what do you think?" She asked, hopping a little in her excitement. There was something about bringing a human in to her most private space that made her feel so in-control and, perhaps, a bit naughty. What was it about the taboo things that didn't hurt anyone that just seemed to pepper life and make it delicious?
"Uh, waterfalls?" David asked, before the door shut behind the two of them and he was left to take in the scenery.

It was beautiful, expansive, serene and... orderly too. If he were to find a word for this, he would say that it was distinctly 'Pearl' in nature. He looked wide eyed in awe and looked the place over, but every few steps inside he had to remind himself of what Garnet had said. Waterfalls, right. Somehow he didn't think he'd be able to handle a slip and fall from one of those... strange to think somewhere so huge was inside the temple.

"It's incredible!" he said, perhaps a little louder than he would have thought. He smiled over at the pale alien, a grin to match one of Steven's broadest smiles. "Wow I... aha... I dunno if I can take you to my place again. It'd feel inadequate compared to here. Wow... you get to live here every day? Have I told you how amazing you are lately?"
She chuckled quietly behind her hand. "I think your home is very cozy. And so orderly, for a human male." She added, twirling a finger around a bristle of hair. "But I haven't shown you my favorite part. Just wait here." She held out a hand, taking Garnet's warning into account. Pearl leaped straight into the air and wafted to stand daintily atop the center waterfall. She performed a precise series of cance moves, complete with a spin that turned her body like a pinwheel. A collection of swords and spears from all over the world and all through history arose from compartments just under the water. They hovered in an attendant ring around her, and she plucked a few of them down and sprang back to where David stood.

Pearl held the bundle of swords close to her chest and grinned. "I've collected these for a very long time." She held one shethed in a woven bamboo case with a bronze pommel. "This one's from the Tang Dynasty, around..." She thought a moment. "900 CE, I believe."
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