Artistry (ApplePoisoneer)

"I'll walk you out." Pearl tilted her head in the samecurious fashion and wrapped her arms around one of his, letting him escort her out of her temple room.

The main house was in darkness, and the very faintest snoring could be heard from Steven's bed. Pearl pointed her nose in that direction and put her finger to her lips, tiptoing soundlessly accross the room to open the door for him.
Dave nodded silently and mirrored Pearl's gesture. It was odd to think that there was a modern and expensive house latched onto such an ancient structure, but he didn't stop to admire the place for too long as they quietly crept out onto the sands. The pale blue moon was reflecting off the waves, and the sleepy seaside down had gone quiet, with only the distant sounds of traffic to create a kind of ambiance.

"Small wonder you guys set up shop here" he said quietly once they were outside. Dave flashed her a coy smile "Tonight was nice. But now I figure I'm gonna have to get creative with my date choices. Don't want you getting bored of me after all," he joked.
"I'm sure you couldn't bore me." She rested her arms on his shoulders and kissed him lightly. "I've been through most of this planet's history, after all." The moonlight reflected off her gem and gave her skin a pale blue shimmer. Her eyes glittered with the joy of having him under the moon's watchful gaze.
"You're right, I am pretty great," he joked, nuzzling his nose briefly against Pearl's. It was hard to not appreciate holding the attention of such a seasoned woman, one who had been through so much history but still found him interesting. "Well... Dinner's and stuff are off the list, since you're no food fan... but maybe we could find somewhere nice to relax? To just take in the scenery and stuff?"
"I'd like that," She told him, unable to stifle a little giggle at their noses touching. It was something strange and charming she'd seen others do while walking hand-in-hand on the beach, and had always dismissively thought of it as stupid looking. Again, once it happened to her, she could see it's merit. "And, if you'd like, I could go with you to eat some place. I just won't eat anything."
"It's an option," he replied, nodding over to the slender figure. It would be odd, he had to admit, but it would be a chance to spend some more time with Pearl. Hard not to appreciate that. "In any case, I'll see you soon Pearl." David's lips briefly brushed over her cheek, teasing and brief before moving down the beach. David smiled warmly and waved to her in passing before making for home. Dating an alien... the thought was still a little odd to him, but he was hardly going to complain. It was still the best relationship he'd ever had.
The next day, at around 8 a.m. there was a massive disturbance on the beach. Enormous waves rolled in and threatened to engulf the standing, sandy shore. It appeared that the town was, for the time being, up high enough that the waves could not yet reach it., but the gems assembled on the roof of the house and looked out over the tempest, fearing the worst.

Blue and white streaks of flowing hair arose from the depths of the sea. A creature, bound in liquid chains, thrashed against itself in a fury and madness unparalleled. The three fully gem aliens nodded in agreence and prepared their dance of fusion. They became a new being, a giant woman with several arms and multiple eyes. Alexandrite.

The portion that was Amethyst called forth her whip and bound both of Malachite's wrists on the left side, while the part that was Garnet called her gauntlet and delt her a crushing blow from the right. All the while, the part of Malachite that was Lapis strove to drag them backinto the sea. Alexandrite waded in after them, up to her calves and continued her assult, until the force of their fighting did create a tidal wave strong enough to reach the town. Fortunately, it wasn't forcefull enough to do anything but flood the streets, but the gems knew if they kept at it the way they were, it wold get worse and humans would be injured.
It was hard not to notice the quakes happening off the coast, and though Dave was usually a deep sleeper he moved quickly to his balcony. Even from his residence he could see the giant figures going at it by the coastline. Jasper had seemed to taken full control, and was showing a remarkable skill in how she put her strength and Lapis' water powersto good use. She was... ferociously powerful, that was for sure.

Dave was a little uncertain about all this, but couldn't bring himself to look away. He remained on the balcony, watching in a mild awe... to think his girlfriend was part of that giant conglomeration...
Lapis faught for control, slowing Malachite's motions and allowing Alexandrite to pin her under the waves. Of course, this wasn't fatal for non-oxygen dependant gems, but back in her own element, Lapis was finally able to drag Malachite back to the bottom of the sea. Alexandrite stood over the spot where the battle had gone down, waiting for any sign of life. But nothing arose from the depths. The giant woman backed up out of the water and was separated by a flash of light.
"Hrm. This town really is as nuts as people said..." Dave mused to himself. At the very least things seemed... stable now. It idnt take long for some cleaning crews to come out of hiding, using specialized pumps to clear the water out of the streets. As all this was going on, Dave made his way steadily into his room, washed and dressed properly, and waited for the streets to be fully dried. He hadn't put too much thought into his wardrobe- a red shirt and acidwash jeans to go with some heavy boots. So long as it was coverage that was all that concerned him as he wet to inspect the shores.
The gems, including Steven and Peridot stood on the beach discussing what their next course of action should be. It seemed to be a heated debate between shattering Jasper's gem while she was part of Malachite, which would almost certainly injure (if not shatter) Lapis as well, or tryingto force them to separate, which could end in the destruction of surface world property.

Finally, Garnet held up her hands to the squabbling crowd. "We're going no where fast, especially with Lapis already having dragged Malachite away. All we can do now, is wait for them to reveal their location. We'll talk about it then." Pearl and Peridot opened their mouths to protest, but Garnet had given the sign that the discussion was over.
"Hrm... whatever they're talking about, it sounds intense," Dave mused to himself. The giant monster was something nobody had told him about, but clearly it was a big deal. After the others had seperated he made his way over to Pearl. "Well that looked... chaotic," he remarked once within earshot. He settled his sights toward the sea and wrinkled his nose a bit. A little unsettling to think that something like that was just off the coast.

"Wait, is that the thing that stole the whole ocean last year? The thing that nearly killed the whole planet?" Dave asked, feeling yet more uncomfortable if that were the case.
"Well, part of it is." Pearl explained. "It's a... It's a really bad fusion." At this, Garnet turned to Pearl, nodded, and walked away. "Part of this fusion is trying to help, in it's own way, and the other part is trying to kill us all." Pearl looked apprehensively toward the sea. "And there's no real way for us to hurt one without hurting the other."
"Uhuh... I think it'd be better to ignore the thing that tried to kill all life on earth..." Dave remarked. "But... you're good people. Killing others would be a little... excessive." After a moment he hummed, clearly a little troubled but also trying to force away any thoughts of worry. It was admittedly a little hard to focus on anything but the damn kaiju in his back garden. "By the way, that giant woman you turned into was pretty damn badass."
"Aw yeah she was!" Amethyst shouted, jumping in the air and landing in a pose. "Alexandrite for life!"

"Amethyst, you know we can't stay fused that long." Pearl corrected before realizing it was just a figure of her speech. She flushed a little. Embarrassing herself in front of Amethyst was already bad enough, but in front of Dave too. That was ten times worse. "Wait... nevermind. I understand."

Amethyst laughed and slapped Pearl on the back. "It's okay, P. You're just super literal sometimes. We're used to it, right... uh... human guy?" She gestured at Dave, unsure of what to call him.

"You remember David, don't you?"

"I remember you're the dude that got Pure-gem Pearl into humans. Way to go, buddy!" she clutched her belly and laughed, unable to stop herself. "Okay, seriously though. You guys have fun. Take care P. Don't do anything I wouldn't." She waved and moved along.

"Yeah, that's setting the bar pretty high." Pearl muttered sarcastically.
The short purple one was... interesting, to put it mildly. A bit on the loud and boisterous side, but Dave admitted that he actually rather liked that. Maybe because it was certainly not what he would have expected from a multi-centuries old alien. "Ah... yeah, see you around," Dave replied, giving the short and busty figure a quick wave in passing. He turned his attention to Pearl. "Alexandrite? Certainly sounds cool," he remarked.

Dave scratched slowly at the back of his neck. "So... listen, I'd get it if you didn't want to hang out today. I mean that was kind of... intense and all," he remarked, briefly gesturing with his thumb toward the sea. "But if you did, well I'm open to suggestions."
"I take it watching the sea is a no then?" he joked. Though, if that thing did resurface then there was no doubt they'd be able to detect it from most any distance. Dave smiled all the same. "Well... the woods aren't all that far from here. There's this great hill that gives you a good view of the landscape, and if we headed up that way we could just... you know, relax. Take in the sights." Slowly, he reached his hand over and gave Pearl's left cheek an affectionate stroke.

"Sounds nice, right?"
It was hard not to appreciate affection like that. After making sure he had his phone on hand, just in case, Dave went along arm in arm with the slender alien. Beach City was rather small despite the name and thus it didn't take long to reach the limit and start walking into the greenery of nature. "Okay, so... you guys have lived here for thousands of years, in this exact spot... has the landscape, besides the city I mean, always been like this?" Dave asked.
Pearl looked around, nodding at the fresh grass and strees spreading out around them. "Actually, it's softened out quite a lot. It used to be much rockier, kind of like an extension of the beach.." She was grateful the grass had come in, and that the trees had managed to do so well here. The previously rocky landscape was quite unattractive. "This grass and these trees are probably, oh, I'd say... seventy years old. Maybe eighty."
"You know it's rare to hear about what your lover was doing eighty years ago," Dave mused "I don't mind though. You've seen a whole lot in your life, and I find that to be so... fascinating," Dave remarked, smiling. Indeed that was perhaps one reason why he was so engrossed in her, finding her wealth of knowledge to be a delight. "Though I gotta say it's hard to believe this place used to be rocky." As he said this he was leading the way up the large hill, the crest being tall enough to overlook much of the town, and the washing waves of the coastline.
"It really is hard to remember it being anything but this greenery." She sighed happily, cresting the hill along side him. "Rose cultivated a number of things here, some of which didn't last without her guidence, and some flurished in the new envirnment. I think that's why it's hard to picture this place before that."
"Yeah I uh... I heard in my history books that she was very adept with plants," Dave said. He didn't know much beyond that but felt it would be best not to say as much to Pearl in the event that it gave her the wrong idea. He could imagine the two were close. "Man, look at the view," Dave murmured. He admired the spectacle and kept himself comfortable beside the alien, looking then to his companion. "Wanna grab a seat?"
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