Artistry (ApplePoisoneer)

She took his hand and stood up, her face shifted from a tranquil rest to one of a little more enthusiasm. "Wait!" She stopped him by holding up a hand. "This is the, oh- what they call the magic hour. Where the light is perfect. See." She stretched her slim arm over the golden surface of the water, reflected and transposed by the town. Everything seemed to move with the motion of the waves, undulating , though anchored in place by cement foundations. "I just... didn't want you to miss it." She smiled, wrapping an arm around one of his.
The young man paused as she suggested and took in the scenery. "Beautiful scenery and a beautiful woman... yeah, that's magic alright," he said. He took the time to make a few mental images, something for inspiration later on. Pearl was a magnificent muse in her own right, and she'd get him going no matter what. He admired the scenery casually, keeping a smile on his face all the while.
"I suppose we could walk back now." She smiled and took his hand, turning back through the woods. The laughe caught the leaves on the trees, making them shimmer like gold. A little overwhelmed by her need to dance, she let her fingers slip through his hand and twirled through the cluster of trees, swirling fallen leaves in a little tornado.
"If you're sure," he said, walking along with the attractive figure through the woods. He paused then to watch her as she danced, her motions as delicate and fluid as a cooling rain. In that instant he felt utterly mesmerized, watching her closely. "You sure know how to move," Dave remarked, grinning and taking the time to rest his back up against a tree. "Then again, I hear dancing is big with you guys."
"That a fact?" he asked in return, slowly making his way toward the gem. He'd seen waltzing in the past, been to a few different dances. He likely couldn't hold a candle to Pearl, but he wanted to try. He gently took Pearl's hand and raised it up, spinning her gently beneath his hand. He smile wryly and steadily pulled her in close until her back met his front. "But ya know, dancing is always better with a partner."
"I gotta warn ya, I'm not very good." It was likely getting late back by the temple, but if there were any issues they would have seen them previously. Heedless of any worries, Dave spun her away and let their fingers hook together as they became arms length from each other. He smiled eagerly and moved in closer, seemingly unaware of the warm glow enveloping both of them as they drew closer.
Pearl twirled under his fingertips and spun back in close to him as well, ensuring that she didn't step on his feet, or get stepped on herself. Dave wasn't as bad as she thought he'd be, which was nothing against Dave personally, she'd just never projected him as a good dancer. So she was pleasantly surprised when he was so light on his feet.
And, just like that, the two came together and became one. It was a strange sensation, the idea of being both two separate consciousnesses and a new singular being. "Whoa..." the thought was his, as he raised up two of their new arms. In this strange amalgamated form they had four total, two aside. "Is this... is this what fusing is? That's... that's pretty awesome!" he said enthusiastically.
"Uh... it's cool and all, it's just... wow it's weird not knowing where I end and you start. But it's really interesting too," Dave said. And, as she wanted to move he followed suit. Their new form was taller than Pearl had been, several inches taller than Garnet even, with a full and rich female form and a loose mane of golden hair that ran down its shoulders. "So I... we're a girl now? That's pretty cool actually."

It was new, exciting, enticing. No human experience could ever provide a frame of reference for this. "You must be pretty lucky if your whole species can do this!"
"Neat," he said in return. "I never thought I'd be doing this when I woke up this morning, but... it's cool!" Deciding to test the new body a bit, Dave shoved their legs down against the earth and landed neatly on the highest branch of the nearest tree. "Whoa! Is this what it feels like to be so light? I... wow!" he said in awe. "Pearl, this is just... the absolute best!"
"This?" She laughed, a warm, musical laugh that was much deeper than her chuckle. "This is nothing." She collected their combined physical strength and pushed them out of the tree. They flew through the air for a few minutes before Pearl raised one of their legs, cartwheeled them in mid-air and landed delicately on the grass several hundred feet away. "Are you alright?" She asked, feeling a little anxiety rush through them.
Once more Pearl had caught him off guard, the rush of momentum of their combined body sailing through the air enough to make his consciousness spin a bit. "... yowza," Dave murmured once they halted. "That's pretty amazing," he remarked, inspecting their form once again. He smiled, all four arms wrapping around their fused body in a form of hug. "Thanks Pearl. I can't remember anything feeling like this..."
She wanted to tell him how she felt, about her past fusion experiences, but that would entail opening a big can of emotional worms that she didn't think he was ready or willing to understand. The arms around them did feel wonderful, like hugging ones' self, but with something a little extra involved. They were a bit more muscular than even Garnet's arms. In fact, their whole body had a kind of toned dimension that she'd only seen in the highest level warrior gems on homeworld, kind of like Jasper's, but not so... unruly.

No, their new form was neat and trim, a little bulkier than Pearl's usual rail-thin frame, but not slow or heavy. And their skin was radient. Like... And all at once, she smiled with their joined lips. A little, deep rumble escaped their ample chest. A sunstone? She'd always considered herself a daughter of the Moon. Leave it to David to turn her upside down like this. She closed one set of their eyes and felt at one with him, greatful for his warmth.
Fusion was an interaction that required a good deal of intimacy and trust to function properly. In their current configuration however she could still keep things hidden away... he felt she was, but didn't want to say it while they were in such a fine harmony. For the time being he savoured their warmth, until a soft sigh escaped the full pink lips of their newly fused body. Every aspect of this felt so darn right.

"Well... perhaps we should head home?" Dave inquired. "I think, for now at least, it might be best if we kept your friends a little in the dark. This fusing will be jut... our thing for a little while, you know? We can always tell 'em a little down the line."
Pearl nodded their head and a light overtook them once more. She spun away from him, recovering her balance before looking into his eyes. They were separated, and she felt cold and even a little lonely. It was like walking out of a warm house into a blizzard for a moment. Eventually, her body warmed up again, just in time for the sun to disappear completely. She wished she could tell Garnet; she of all people would be delighted to know of their fusion, but she would respect David's wishes and keep their secret.
Dave approached Pearl, feeling himself quite heavy once more. It was odd to be human again, but he could live with it. His arm wrapped around Pearl's shoulders, leading the way down to the town. "So, a human and a gem fusing has never been done for? You should probably tell the others... maybe show off a little. But that form, well lets keep that as a private picture for just a lil' while... What're we gonna call it? The fusion, I mean."
"Sunstone sounds badass," he replied, giving her a thumbs up. "I... well I've never been in a serious fight before, but if fusion makes you stronger, then you can count on me to help if you really need me." David doubted that'd ever be the case, but he wanted to be someone Pearl could rely on, given all she had done for him. "You've given me a lot of inspiration... gonna have to try and paint Sunstone next time I get the chance."
"Oh, I look forward to seeing that." She nodded emphatically. The two of them got back into town and passed through to the beach toward the temple. Garnet and the others were out on the porch, enjoying the warm night.

"The Pearl and her human are back!" Peridot called from the corner of the porch where she was watching the sea.

"Hey, P!" Amethyst called, waving. "You missed a gem hunt! Steven hit it with his shield, it was great!"

"What? Why didn't you call me back?" Pearl sounded just as worried as if Amethyst had told her someone was injured. There was the sense that she should have done something to help, and also the sense that she wasn't needed. And Pearl needed to be needed.

"It's okay, Pearl. This one was cake." Garnet waved her concern away, reclining with her other hand resting over her visor.

"But still, you could have told me!"

"What difference would that have made?" Garnet asked, looking at her from under her hand. The comment wasn't intended to hurt, but it stung Pearl. Garnet saw that and amended her statement. "You were having fun. You don't do that much. We didn't want to interrupt."
The sight of the others on the beach was a surprisingly welcoming one, an image that left Dave smiling faintly. "Hey you guys," he greeted politely. He was only really familiar with Steven, but he got the feeling the others didn't exactly dislike him or anything. If they did, well they certainly wouldn't be letting him gallivant around with Pearl at all hours of the day.

"I'm partially to blame there. We got a little distracted, but I think it's safe to say we bonded a whole lot," he remarked, a little bit of playfulness sneaking into his words. Them fusing would doubtless be seen as some big thing, so it would probably be easier for Pearl to describe.

However, in his excitement, it took Dave some moments to realise something. The short green gem was one he had never seen before, nor did he recall her ever being mentioned in any of his old historu books. Dave leaned into Pearl and whispered "Uh, who's the short green one? Is she like... a newly 'grown' gem, or something?" He didn't want to come off as rude, though he was a little confused and curious.
"Oh, I forgot she wasn't around last time you were here." Pearl cleared her throat. "Peridot, this is David. David, this is Peridot."

"Nice to meet you." Peridot offered, putting out her hand the way Steven had taught her to greet people. "It's really kind of funny to see a Pearl with a tag-along. Kind of a... Oh, what's the word." She puzzled over it a moment before shouting "Oh! It's ironic! I think."

"David is not a tag-along, Peridot." Pearl corrected, eyes closed and nose in the air. But when it came time to talk about what they'd done today, she opened them and looked directly at Garnet. "In fact, we found out that... well, we can fuse."

Garnet sat up and let her hand fall to her side. Amethyst's eyes grew large, as did her smile. There was a kind of stunned silence through all the gems in attendence.

"How did you get that to work?" Amethyst asked. astounded. "It should be impossible!"

"I know! I'm still struggling to comprehend it myself but-"

Eventually, Garnet smiled wildly and laughed. "Don't ever question this. Just be who you both are, together." She made a heart with her cupped hands.
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