Artistry (ApplePoisoneer)

He'd admit that seeing Pearl's thrill at the image was enough to make his heart soar a bit. Pleasing her was high on his list of priorities. "Still needs some shading added in, and then more proper colouring. But the linework is all there." Dave grinned and suddenly hoisted the naked figure into his arms, holding her warmth close against the more solid dimensions of his body.

"So, if you're pleased with it..." Dave remarked, flashing her a modest grin. "Maybe the two of us could ah, put this nudity of yours toward another noble cause?"
"Woop!" Dave said, somewhat surprised by having her weight pressing into him. He grinned wickedly at the alien and hoisted her slightly, leading the way from the mural room. As eager as he was, he didn't want his newest work getting damaged during their fun. Soon they reached his room, and he settled Pearl's perky backside onto his bed. Then, moving quickly he peeled his shirt off and tossed it aside.

"Dunno how I got this lucky, but I'm not about to start questioning my good fortune!"
Pearl fell back on the solf spread of the bed. She pulled herself up toward the pillows and left her feet flat with her knees pointing up toward the ceiling. "Normally, I don't believe in luck. But the chances of something like this happening are, well, astronomically small. So, maybe it really is lucky." She peered at him over her sort-of knobby knees. "Did you ever open a fortune coolie that might've mentioned a Pearl?" She mused.
"No, but I did open one about a guy trapped in a fortune cookie factory," Dave joked. Finally his trousers dropped, unveiling his cock. He'd been half hard throughout the whole process of taking in her features, and so now he was beyond giddy. His hands settled on the bed, just above Pearl's shoulders. And, aware of how malleable her artificial body was, he proceeded to press in until his thickness was penetrating into Pearl's womanhood, spreading her wide with his intruding member.
Despite his eagerness, he knew to start slow. His eagerness mounting, he bucked into Pearl at a growing rate with each thrusts allowing him to work his cock in a little bit deeper. "Oh my..." Dave murmured, his tone thick with his growing arousal. "It's been... way too long... since we did this." But if anything, that dry spell had made this all the sweeter.
"You think so?" She grunted a little, grinning and tilting to match his thrust. "It's made the passed thousand years seem like nothing." Now that she'd had it, she wanted all the more. There were days when she had to hold herself back, there was work to be done. But not today. She could be as insatiable as she pleased today.
"That good huh? Well shoot, you'll give me a swelled head if you keep that up," the human replied, flashing Pearl a quick smile. There was indeed something rather gratifying about being able to entice and excite an alien of such exceptional experience. Dave's speed grew in tandem with the roughness f his thrusts, until the bed was rattling. Recalling what Pearl liked, he leaned n and gave her namesake a teasing lick, wanting to send more pleasure radiating through her.
As he trailed his tongue along the smooth surface of her gem, something inside Pearl snapped. In a fluid, unbreaking motion, she rolled the two of them over across the bed, switching their positions for the first time. She stretched her upper body upward like a cobra and grinded the lower half against him. He was still within her, but now she was the one thrusting, driving him deeper and deeper. She almost lost her balance and had to brace her hands on the bed, craning her long elegant neck to kiss along his chest and neck.
"Gyah!" Dave gasped in shock, feeling their weights shift around until he was the one beneath the eager alien. "Wow, that uh.... this is a first," he remarked. But from his grin it was clear that Dave was quite enjoying himself. He moaned at having Pearl kiss along his neck, his cock steadily tensing inside the squeezing tightness of Pearl's synthetic pussy. He was fast building to a release, his pulse quickening in the process.
It was hard to not savour this current situation, to savour the eagerness of Pearl's hips bouncing up and down. He felt her cry out, and just as satisfied, Dave was soon following suit. His long cock thickened slightly inside her, followed by hot globs of his seed shooting up into Pearl's depths. He was a little backed up, making the volume a little more impressive than usual, until Pearl's womanhood was quite filled with his seed.

Sighing in relief, Dave sank into the bed. "Oh dang," he murmured in awe. Strong hands stroked the outside of Pearl's thighs, while he took the time to grin up at his girlfriend. "You know your stuff."
"A pupil is only as good as her teacher." She panted, a little dizzy from the rush. But she smiled down at him before rolling onto her side and off the bed. Quick as quick could be, she ducked into his bathroom and cleaned herself up. Although there was no emmanent threat of becoming pregnant, the seed was not welcome to linger and make a mess of things. But once it was away, she climbed back into bed with her lover and snuggled against him as though she had never left.
Dave stifled a chuckle as Pearl ducked into his bathroom, taking the time to clean up and remove the remnants of his seed. Such a neat freak, it was adorable. Once she rejoined him, he settled an arm around Pearl's waist and pulled her in close. "You wanna spend the night?" he politely asked, glancing at the two shimmering orbs of her eyes. "Gotta tell you, it'd be nice to wake up to that pretty face of yours."
"Oh..." She really seemed to be struggling with the decision, until finally she shut her eyes and smiled. "Why not? They don't seem to need me for anything around the temple anymore anyway. I may as well stay." She kissed him delicately and settled in. The gem wasn't sure if she'd actually sleep, but she did like watching him sleep. And that seemed not to bother him.
Dave shrugged "I'm sure they need you. But from what I saw, I think all you guys could do with a break right about now." So, with some maneuvering, he proceeded to slip under the covers with Pearl. He clicked his lamp off, casting the room in darkness safe for the faint glow of Pearl's namesake. It didn't take long to fall asleep, and Pearl's comforting warmth made sure that it was an exceptionally cosy snooze.
The morning came, and Dave felt comfier now than he had in quite some time. Pearl's synthetic body gave off quite a bit of heat, and it had been a while since he woke up to the warmth of another body. "Mm... morning sleepyhead," he murred, rolling slowly onto his side until the two of them were nose to nose. He gave a pleased sigh and just barely glanced over Pearl to the clock on his locker.

Just ten in the morning... not too bad he supposed. "Well look at that, I think the world's safe for another morning." Grinning, he slowly moved into a seated position, with the covers still resting atop the two of them. "And I had my guardian angel on hand to keep me safe."
At times it was a little hard to tell whenever Pearl was being genuine or farcical. All the same he smiled faintly and moved his arms overhead to stretch away any lingering soreness. "Whoof. Think I got a little too comfy there, guess I didn't move all that much in my sleep." And as he spoke he slid his legs out from under the covers until he touched the cool wood of his bedroom floor.

"So ah," he glanced briefly toward the immortal alien and flashed her a modest smile. "Dunno if you'd be open to hanging around a little longer, but I'm gonna go and grab a shower. Figure there's room enough for two," Dave mused.
"A shower sounds lovely." She stood up from the bed, having never bothered to put her clothing back on. She had always liked bathing and showers. Although her body didn't need quite as much maintenance and cleaning as the true human form, washing away the cares and worries of the day or a particularly long battle was more of a mental clings.
"Glad to hear it," came his eager reply. And, as a sign of that same eagerness, David abruptly hoisted Pearl onto his shoulder and carried her slim and light form through the neighbouring door to his bathroom. All things considered it was quite clean and almost spotless. He opened up the shower tube with his free hand and carefully carried Pearl inside, setting her down on the floor. Thus pleased he turned the dial protruding from the tiled wall and gave a pleased sigh as steaming water cascaded over them.
Pearl let the hot water flow down her front, rubbing it into the artificial pores of her sk. She ran her fingers through her hair, soaking every strand of it. Two fingers reached up to gently brush water around her gem in a circular motion. That she knew of, Pearl was the only one of the crystal gems who bothered to clean her gem regularly, and she had enforced the measure with Steven while he was growing up; brush your teeth, comb your hair, clean your gem. While she herself never ate or drank anything, the still kept a constant morning rutine of the first two.
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