Artistry (ApplePoisoneer)

"A tag-along huh? Yeah, nice to meet you," Dave remarked, having to crouch a bit to shake Peridot's hand given how short she was. Well, despite being a little on the odd side, Dave supposed she was cute. That said it was quite a surprise to now there was a whole new gem living in the temple.

He glanced to Garnet and shrugged impishly. "I wasn't gonna question it anyway. Not when it felt as awesome as it did," Dave remarked.

"You gotta show us!" Steven said enthusiastically, his eyes shimmering like a pair of little stars. It was the same thing that happened whenever he got sufficiently enthused by anything, and the chance to see another fusion was just the ticket.

Dave gave the short boy's hair a quick ruffle. "Hm, maybe some day," Dave teased.
"That's right, Steven." Pearl smiled and nodded. "We're still trying to figure ourselves out. Maybe when we're a little more... togethersome." She tilted her head toward Dave and beamed.

"Togethersome?" Peridot asked. "Is that even a word?"

"If it's not, it is now." Pearl laughed, a little nervously.
"Togethersome?" Dave repeated with a raised brow. Them playful again, he shrugged "Oh well, who am I to argue with that? Sounds nice, at any rate." After a moment he gave Pearl a quick peck on the cheek, then repeated the motion on her soft lips. For a moment he surveyed the moon and then shrugged "Well, it's getting late, and unlike you guys I need my sleep. So I guess I'll be back soon."
Pearl kissed him back and waved as he turned to head away. "Goodnight. Take care on the walk back." She added, though she was sure he had already planned to do so. It was just something engrained in her that made her worry. The other crystal gems bid him goodbye as well, and all of them, except Garnet, headed back into the house. Garnet lingered on the porch, smiling up at the moon.
He'd spent the next few days making sporadic visits to the temple. Yet more creatures were appearing across the globe, and thus Dave and Pearl couldn't spend as much time together as they might have liked. Still, on the upside it did give him time to improve on his work, and in those days he had worked on something quite extravagant. A picture of Sunstone, retraced from his memory, with the outline of their entwined fusion spiraling into abstract cosmic imagery.

In truth Dave was more than pleased by this, and just a little proud of it. But the true measure of his work, he felt, was only as good as what Pearl made of it. Thus, after doing some finishing touches on the outlying stars, Dave made his way down to the beachside temple in a continued hope that Pearl would be available today.
As he approached the temple it didn't take Dave long to notice that the denizens seemed a little on the tired side. Wiped out would perhaps be a more accurate term. "Ah... hey guys?" he greeted with some awkwardness. As far as he knew, the gems were a species that didn't need sleep or the like... didn't seem to be the case right about now. "You alright? You all look kind of, I dunno, deflated?" he remarked.

He knew they'd been busy, but he didn't quite think things would've been that intense. If anything that left Dave a little on the concerned side, considering the kind of danger they must have been to put them in a position like that.
"Well... I can't fault you there," Dave replied. "And since your room is sorely lacking furniture, you could always swing by my room if you wanted," he added. Dave gestured over his shoulder toward the main body of Beach City and then felt a coy smile touch upon his lips. "Plus there was something I wanted to show you anyway. Got around to doing a painting of our own Sunstone," he explained.
"That is tempting, but I-"

"Pearl, get out of here." Garnet interrupted her. Pearl turned her head to protest that she was needed, but Garnet crossed her arms and smiled, which to anyone that knew her, meant no further argument could be made.

A little defeated, though not disappointed, Pearl turned back to Dave. She smiled and shrugged. "Well, I guess if I'm not needed around here, then I'd love to accompany you." She took his arm in an escort style and they walked toward town. "I've honestly been curious as to whether you've painted Sunstone. I didn't think you could resist the urge to do so. I don't blame you, I've been thinking a lot about her as well."
He gave Garnet a quick thumbs up in passing, walking with Pearl and savouring having her warmth pressing into him. "It's been on my mind a lot, it's... I dunno if you could really understand how it feels to go from human to being as amazing as that. And beyond that, being so close to you was just the most incredible thing..." He realised he was gushing a bit, and resolved to smile at her instead.

"Not that sex with you isn't amazing too. Heh, I guess I just find you addictive." Leaning in, he playfully nuzzled the pale curve of her neck, admiring the sweet scent coming from her slim body. Soon they reached his home, and he graciously held the door opened for his alien lover while he giddily waited to show her his newest work.
"Well," she smiled slyly. "I've certainly enjoyed the sex more than I thought I would. But the ability to fuse with you has... well, it's elevated you." She stepped through the door and turned to face him, pointing her hands on his shoulders. "You were a lover and a friend before, and now you're a part of me as well."
"Flattery'll get you everywhere Pearl," he replied coyly. He led her deeper into his home, down the halls she was doubtless familiar with, until they reached his spare room, a spot he mainly used to house the works he either finished, or was currently in the process of finishing. Sunstone's image held prominence in the heart of the room, the full length portrait on a rather large canvas, and filled with an ornate detail.
"Oh!" She called out in her joy and surprise, stepping into the room and stepping closer to their portrait. "What a wonderful color pallet. It's so warm, it really suits her... us... Sunstone." She fumbled for what to say, everything was commingled in her mind regarding their fused state. "You really are terrific, you know." She turned to beam at him warmly.
"An artist is only as good as his muse," David said, stepping in close ad settling his hands on Pearl's slim hips. He surveyed her briefly and then hummed softly. "You know I uh... speaking of muses, I've had a thought on my mind the last few days. So, feel free to say no to this..." He trailed off and stroked two fingers under her chin. "I was hoping to paint you again, only this time uh... nude."
"Hardest part would be not getting distracted... though the floral imagery does add quite a nice image to my mind," Dace replied. Even having her think on it was a relief, as he'd feared she'd be mad by the suggestion. It would likely ust be a private thing for the two of them t enjoy, but he'd feel glad to do it. "Got a mural on one of my walls. Full moon overlooking a flowerbed... seems like it could be a good background to use."
"It was pretty amazing," he replied. And indeed, with just how warm and comforting the whole experience had been, 'Sunstone' seemed as appropriate a moniker as any. After a moment Dave reached down, tracing his fingers along the backs of Pearl's toned thighs, until his digits were teasing her backside. "So, you up for it? It's an image I'm dying to capture... dying to do a whole lot of naughty things to you when we're done to boot."
She giggled like a schoolgirl and covered her mouth with her hand. "Where do you want me?" She asked, her hands already working to remove the dance-wear she lived in. It was very strange to form clothing that wasn't just a part of her body, but it had become much easier than regenerating her form every time she wanted to make love. Especially since she'd made love more times in the past month than she had in over a thousand years.
Once Pearl was exposed to him, he spent several seconds quietly admiring every aspect of her. The supple curves, toned athletic 'flesh', skin devoid of any mark or blemish. "Follow me," Dave replied, smiling and taking her hands as he showed her to a room he hadn't shown her to before. The wall did indeed have a mural of a full moon on it, and it took several minutes for him to set up some flowers and his painting equipment.

Soon Dave was taking a seat and getting his colour pallet set up. "Feel free to take on any pose that makes you comfy."
"More than alright. You look perfect," Dave replied, grinning at the sight. He spent a little while quickly hashing out an outline of her figure, and of the scenery behind her. Thus pleased he gradually filled the canvas with colour and detail, working to capture Pearl's beauty to admire for the rest of his days. "The things I'm gonna do to you when this is done..." Dave purred, his tone thick with his lust.
He looked at her with the kind of lust and adoration that a Pearl on Homeworld could only ever dream of. And that hunger seemed o only grow as he filled in more details on her taut frame and perky curves. Soon he felt reasonably pleased with his work and moved to stand, taking Pearl by the hand and letting her see how he put her image to canvas. Captured with an impressive level of detail, every line and contour working with the background to emphasize Pearl's beauty.

"So... what do you think?" Dave asked, sounding somewhat sheepish. Her opinion meant more to him than any other, and he would hate to offend her with his work.
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