Artistry (ApplePoisoneer)

David listened, as ever, and found himself smiling faintly. She was sweet, and he certainly wouldn't expect her to drop her responsibilities at the drop of a hat. "Pearl, relax. I know how important your work is, and I don't plan on getting in the way of that. But at times like these, when things are stable... well, I'd like to be that certain someone you come to." And on some level, he felt, dating someone could be good for her self esteem.

"Besides, what other guy can say their girlfriend is off fighting monsters?" he teased. Leaning in he let his lips briefly touch her left cheek in a quick kiss, smiling warmly at her once he pulled back. "So don't worry about it. If responsibility comes up, I'll gladly step aside and let you work your magic."
Pearl beamed, touching the warm spot on her cheek where he'd kissed her. At least he understood, that was the most important part. If he was aware that she might have to leave at the drop of a hat, then maybe they could spend some time together and it wouldn't hurt either of them.

Swiftly, she craned her long, elegant neck and kissed him on the lips, cupping hischeek in her hand. When she took her lips away, she felt as though she had more control over her life than she had in almost fifteen years. "I'm glad we understand eachother." She told him, a little matter-of-factly.
Once she had pulled back, David blinked in a slight surprise. "Well now, for a gal who doesn't eat, she sure doesn't seem to have a problem with kissing," he remarked with a little playfulness in his voice. Still, that did make him wonder... Steven said he was half gem, half human. So gems could have sex... apparently. It was strange, but then again they were supposed to be shapeshifters. He was intrigued at any rate,

"Well, at least now I can say 'the beautiful woman in these portraits is my girlfriend," David teased, linking a strong arm around Pearl's waist, and simply savouring the intimacy of holding the energy being close to him. "Don't think of it as too weird if I do more paintings of you. After all, it'd be a crime not to capture your beauty."
"Well uh, if you wanted to something else, I'm open to suggestions," he said. In truth he was willing to bet that gems didn't have such concepts, but titles were just kind of a thing in this neck of the galaxy. "I can't help myself. Human women aren't as elegant or graceful as you." Still, he found himself a little at odds. Most conventional kinds of dating were out, since she couldn't eat... and surely she wouldn't want to go for sex on a first time.
Pearl took in a large quantity of air and held it for a moment or two. If the two of them were going to "date", she might as well be entirely honest with him about her appearence. Or, at least as honest as his humanity would allow him to understand.

"There's... there's a reason I look the way I do." She held his hands in hers, barely squeezing them. "I am not the only Pearl in the universe. Our function, as Pearls, was to serve as, well, what you might call handmaids. We were supposed to be like accessories; following the members of court around and fetching things, all the while being a compliment to whomever we were serving. My beauty is... well it's an illusion. My body... isn't real. " She would understand if he sent her away. It was a hard concept for humans to grasp, and she hadn't met too many that were open to the thought of energy beings. He knew she was an alien, but if he knew she was a created image, he might feel differently about praising her.
He frowned a little, and then gave her hands a little comforting squeeze. "I'll be honest in saying I don't know the first thing about your species. But it sounds like you, and other Pearls got a raw deal in life... even so, you're your own person now, right? Your beauty is your own, something you can shape as you see fit." Indeed, David was venturing into territory that seemed beyond strange, but he wouldn't want Pearl to put herself down.

"It's... you know. You're independent, you can live life on your own terms. You have for some time, right? If anything that... actually makes you even more badass. You went from a servant to being an independent warrior, that is pretty cool if you ask me."
She wrapped her long, sinewy arms around him and kissed him deeply. She was so greatful he wasn't upset at her artifical beauty. Her personality was all-too-real, and yet Pearl had hardly gotten to demonstrate that with anyone.

When her lips parted from his, she spoke breathlessly. "Let me show you my true beauty. Let me dance for you."
It would be an understatement to say he was starry-eyed when they parted. He'd seen the purple one, Amethyst, dance more than once, but he had a feeling that it meant a good deal to the gems as a species. No doubt this meant quite a bit to her. So, smiling, he nodded gently at the attractive alien. "I'd be honoured," he said, beckoning her to go on. He was intrigued of course, and watched with an almost childlike awe to see how this would unfold.
"Come out with me to the balcony." Pearl insisted, taking him by the wrist and pulling him along. She hadn't meant to be so forceful, but sometimes she didn't realize how strong she was.

She stepped up en pointe onto the railing of the balcony, as her gem began to shimmer. She performed a series of arobesques, turns, leaps that brought her high into the air and twirling gracefully back to the railing. She took the sheer ribbon that she wore at her waist and swirled it around her, cacooning herself in it, before pulling it away again and wrapping it around another way. All-the-while, her pearl shone like a second moon, drifting and dancing around the first, larger one. She flittered and spun before a backdrop of moon and stars before landing on the balcony again, sweeping her hand from her heart to her lips in the traditional ballet closure. Then, she stood in first position and beamed, feeling the dance uplift her spirit.
"Whoa!" Boy, for someone who looked so dainty, she sure had a lot of strength in her arms.

All the same Dave didn't complain and gladly watched the slender alien in motion, her radiant beauty complimented perfectly by her acrobatic motions. If he were to try and put words to it, it was like... watching moonlight shimmering on water. He watched her with every sway and spin, and once she finished and bowed he smiled. "That was amazing... and pretty hot too," he said. His strong hands settled on her waist, hoisting Pearl up and then holding her aloft, beaming eagerly up at her.
"Well, what can I say? You put on quite a show." For a moment he was surprised at how light she felt, but then he recalled that she was indeed made of light, given mass and substance through some strange technology. She was not insubstantial, but she actually felt lighter than she looked. David pulled her in close, their lips meeting firmly under the moonlight glow. Strong hands slid from her hips down to her rear, giving the perky surface a light squeeze.
Pearl jumps a little at the pleasant surprise. She tittered a little, her lips buzzing against David's. On occasion, Amethyst had slapped her there to be playful. It annoyed her to no end, but this was different. It was, nice, kind of... flattering. His hand was larger than it looked and covered the majority of her butt. And she would be lying to herself if she'd said the dance hadn't madeher a little frisky. But she didn't want to seem easy or desperate, so she settled for unsure.
He could almost feel the strange swirl of emotions going through her, though he suspected if Pearl was unhappy she'd let him know all about it. "You alright?" he asked after a moment spent getting a breath. "I'm not being too forward, am I? Sorry, it's... well tonight has been a little overwhelming, all things considered. Plus I... don't really know how relationships typically work for gems," he admitted.
"Well, for the most part, they don't work." Pearl rested her head on his shoulder, wrapping herself around him and even hanging off him a little. "We weren't designed to need companionship. But when we bond, it's forever." She paused, letting the gravity of her words sink in and taking the contemplative pause to think about Rose, and how for a very long time, she never thought she'd find another. "That's why I've been a little hesitant. There's no fusion for us, but perhaps we can have something almost as special."
Fusion... yes, that was the source of that beachside statue he reckoned. Indeed he wondered what that would feel like, and on some level he was tempted to ask her if they could try. Even if, Dave knew full well he'd never match Pearl's fluid motions. "Well... humans tend to have sex. It's not quite the same thing, but it's... a rather important kind of intimacy where two people very nearly join together. It's... well, similar in principal."
"I'm familiar with the concept." She told him, a little more pointedly than she had meant to. Although she was with David, body and spirit, her mind couldn't help but drift back to Rose... and Gred.

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to snap." She ran her slim fingers through his hair and held onto him. "I guess... I guess sex was just something I'd heard about and gotten a bad taste for. I'm sure it's different... when you like the person you're with."
Pearl did sound a whole lot like a miffed schoolteacher when she was cross. He winced a bit, but he nodded at her explanation. "Well... I imagine you've had some bad experiences in your long life." And indeed, David wouldn't begrudge her for that. "Still uh... if you wanted to give it a try, I'm sure we could give you a better impression of it." Dave hoped as much at any rate, and he gave the alien a comforting smile.

No doubt, for whatever reason, it was touchy for her. Still he wouldn't press Pearl on it if she didn't want to tell him outright. No doubt being nost wouldn't help matters for him. "If you're not expected back at the temple, that is."
"Well, I haven't felt anyone trying to contact me..." She searched the radious of beach city for gem signatures. There was nothing, which was a confort. It meant she wasn't needed right away.

"I suppose... if we took it slow... I could-" She wound her hand around to imply that she would be willing to try.
Dave nodded politely, and altered the way he held the beautiful warrior, carrying her with one arm around her back and the other under her knees. Perhaps this was going fast... on the other, she had to be hundreds of years old. Likely she wasn't one to waste time. After making it to his room, one which was decently large and surprisingly tidy for a guys room, he set Pearl on the red duvet and smiled. Slowly, steadily, Dave pulled his shirt overhead to reveal his strong upper body.

"I'll go at whatever rate you need me to."
"You'll have to give me a few minutes to change." Pearl had used a phrase that was familiar to her, unaware of it's human implications as she said it. She leaned back on the bed with her long, pointed nose in the air. A blinding white light overtook her entire physical body. When the light dissipated, an enormous pearl, roughly the size of a golfball was nestled like an egg inthe duvet.

The gem sat motionless and completely unassuming for almost five minutes. Five long minutes. Then, just as suddenly as the light had come before, it was there again. Only this time, when it was replaced with a Pearl clad in a powder blue, sheer nighty,and nothing else. It shifted around her like water as she sat up and smiled up into his face.

"I'm sorry that took so long," she giggled. "but you would've found it hard to have se without gentiles." She blushed a little and touched her fingertips to her lips. "And I wanted to put on something special for you."
For the entirety of those five minutes, it was fair to say that Dave was a little on the confused side. After all she had kind of just... vanished, while leaving her gemstone in place. He watched curiously, and just as he was starting to get Worried Pearl popped back into existence in a vibrant flash, eyes wide from the surprise... and the thrill of her body being just barely covered in something so enticing.

"Heh... you had me worried for a sec. But this is a great surprise." He took a seat beside the alien and undid his fly, sliding his trousers down a bit until she could see his large and semi-erect member. Dave smiled faintly and settled a hand on Pearl's backside, kneading and fondling the pale orb eagerly. "Well then, in that case, I'm quite honoured." His lips brushed her gem affectionately, and he settled one of her hands on his thigh.

"Don't you worry. I'll let you set the pace."
The sensation of his lips on her gem was tremulous. One wouldn't associate a rock with being sensitive, but it was really one of the more sensory sppots on her body. In fact, it was where she was the most vulnerable, it was the only spot where someone could strike a death-blow.

Pearl back-pedaled herself up the bed and rested her head on one of his pillows, bristling her pale blonde hair out in a sort of fan around her face. She beckoned him up with a long, slender finger and let out a low whistle, a trick that she'd caught in a film once, and had secretly always wanted to use.
Dave gulped. "Could you be any sexier?" he asked, the eagerness evident in his expression. Likely yes, with how much she had surprised him so far. After a moment he made his way over her, his shaft rock harder from Pearl's enticing display. So little time spent together and he was already fucking an alien... as if he would complain. Their lips met again, and with this distraction in place he let the thick head of his cock steadily push into freshly formed pussy she had created for him.
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