The Gotham Connection (Applepoisoneer--MysteriousD)

"I can think of one step I'd like to take first." Harley smiled, twisting her blonde pigtail around her finger and leaning in to kiss him on the mouth.


The next evening, Bea put on an ankle-length black dress with a dark green, double-breasted jacket and some gold jewelry. She arrived at the Iceberg a little ahead of time and was shown to a table. She had remembered to bring her file of research and ideas with her this time, and carried it in a little leather atache case.
Diego say the sly smile and her twirling the pigtail with her finger. Diego found himself blushing and a bit shy for some reason. He then got the suprprise of his life when Harley Quinn leaned in and gave him a kiss on the lips. He was a bit too stunned to respond, though he did manage to kiss back, albeit shyly and inexperienced. "T-that was... really nice," he said, face red and looking shy. For all his work as a hero, he was still a big dork.


Edward arrived on time as always and he couldn't help but admire how she looked loke, esepcially with the green jacket. Green has been his favorite color since childhood, hence why he used it. He arrived at the table with his own suitcase along with a small box. He got the idea from his parole officer.

"Good evening, Ms. Bea. I imaging you have been doing well," Edward tells her with a smile.
"Nice?" She laughed, leaning in a little further and taking him by each shoulder. "I think I can do better than that." She kissed him a little more firmly and passionately.


"Indeed I have, Mr. Nygma." She smiled coyly and laid the folder aside, resting her elbows on the table and her fingers entwined. Her eyes sparkled in the dim light as she admired the way he looked. He cut a nice figure in formal wear. "I've been looking forward to seeing you again."
Diego's face became redder as Harley grabbed his shoulders and she began to kiss him harder. Diego was mainly just taking the kiss, but he also began to kiss back as he wrapped his arms around Harley, embracing her as he felt himself melt into the passion of it all. "Y-yeha, this is alot better," he said to her, face red and with a nervous smile.

Edward goes over and he actually goes to kiss her hand. "Likewise. It's always a pleasure to see you though. A strong woman with a strong mind," he complimented her as he also had his own suitcase. Although before they could, they should probably order thier meal.

"I look forward to a fine productive evening and one filled with another batttle of wits," he says.
"Glad you liked it, honey." She smiled wither haer arms around his waist. "Cause I could get used to it. Huh?"


Bea started to giggle, but collects herself and clears her throat. "And an evening spent with the world's most inquiring mind is never wasted." She sat down again and reviewed the menu, deciding on a martini and a shrimp-pasta dish.
"Yeah, same," Diego said to her with a shy smile as his own arms were around her waist. He was njoying being close to her with her smile making his heart feel warm. "I'm happy you're happy," Diego said and in a mvoe that surprised, he leaned in to kiss her nose.


Edward ordered the special once more, some fresh Alaskan salmon grilled while also getting a selection of some of the fine wines that Oswald has acquired over the years.

"How have you been doing? I imagine your work has been productive and your evening well," he said with a smile.
"God, you don't know how long I've waited for someone to say something like that to me." She rested her head on his shoulder.


"I've been doing well. We're finishing up production on a film and I'll be taking some long-overdue time off." She took a sip of her drink and folded her hands in front of her. "I think I'll use it to write. What about you? What have you been doing to occupy your time?"
Diego held her while they were both lying down on the sofa. "You're a wonderful person and I'm happy I can make you happy," Diego said as he rested his head on hers before he leaned in for a kiss.

"I guess this means we're dating?" he questioned with a dorky smile as he kept hugging her. "If you're okay with that," he added as he savored embracing the perky blonde ex-supervillainess.


"I have been doin more research and coming up with some basic ideas for the video games. I have also been taking more cases and saving up my money to move. My time with my parole officer is almost done and then I will have a place of my own," he said with a smile.

"He has also advising me to consider going into a business of making special funhouses specializing in having people escape traps. All perfectl safe of course," Eddie told her.
Harley erupted with laughter. "You're so cute! Everything you say just makes me want to pinch your cheeks." Very gently, she did pinch his cheek again, kissing him on the forehead. "You know, I only tease the ones I like."


"Oh, that sounds like a wonderful idea." She picked up her glass and held it out to him. "A toast, to your independence and entrepeneurial persuits. I look forward to the end result of both." Bea's smile shifted into a sly grin over the rim of her glass.
Diego blushed at hr pinching his cheeks before he smiled back and went in to kiss her once more. "I kinda figure and I like that," Diego told her as he kept hugging her. "Maybe a bit down the line while we have things settled out, I could take you out," Diego offered to her with a smile.

"What do you wanna do now?" Diego asked her curiously.


"And a toast to the finishing of your latest project and being able to enjoy some well-deserved time off," Edward said back at her with a smile as he held his own glass of wine at her with his own sly smile.

"So, I would like to see what your beautiful mind has created," he said to her.
"I'd like that." Harley laughed, yawned and stretched. "And I don't know about you, but today's got me beat. How about we hit the hey?" She wiggled herself off the couch and stood up, heading back to her room. "I'll see ya in the mornin', cutie." She playfully blew him a kiss and disappeared back into her room.

"Of course," Bea answered and handed over the folder containing the outline of a film noir detective story. It came complete with character profiles with sketches of what each character might look like. "and I'm curious about what's in that tiny box you have squirreled away? If I may ask?" She couldn't help herself. She'd been eyeing it for a while now, her curiosity finally getting the better of her.
Diego smiled at her and nodded before he stoodup and hugged her as she ehaded back to her room. He shuddered a bit at the sultry and playful behavior of Harley and went back to his room, his thoughts filled with the former supervillainess.

"Oh hey, since you don't have that many new clothes, we'll go and buy some later, but now, you can wear some of mine," he said to her.


Edward read the file and looed at the characters. They certainly looked interesting and a couple of them even reminded him of those he associated with, either as fellow super villains or even the hired hands.

"Some of my own notes and ideas for puzzles, riddles and the like," Edward responded with asmile as he showed it. He also wanted to see if she could solve some of the riddles.
"Thanks hon," She called from her room, snuggling into her bed. "it'll be great."


Bea took his box and flipped through the riddles within, nodding and smiling. "These are really good riddles." She laughed.
Diego just smiled before he gave her one last hug and went back into his room. Realizing he didn't shower, he stripped off his clithes and went inside, savoring the warm water running. He couldn't stop thinking about Harley Quinn; how she made him smile and vice versa, how her bubbly nature filled him with ease and how beutiful and strong she was.

He shivered a bit as he finished showering and wrapped the towel around him, not noticing he left the door open.


"There are also soem puzzle ideas and ideas for ciphers and the like," Edward told her. There were plenty of rough drafts and the the like while he also looked at it. "I guess we need to figure how to establish out setting and have it work together and in what style. Did you play computer games as a child?" he asked her.
Harley stepped out into the apartment common area when she'd heard the shower. She'd changed into the pajamas she'd had at Arkham until she could get new ones. They were only a grey cotton top and pants, not attractive, but they were comfortable. She tiptoed into the bathroom. Why had he left the door open? She took it as an invitation. One that she gladly accepted.

Quiet as a mouse, she poked her head into the shower curtain. "Hey sugar, room for one more?" She asked, giggling as the water splashed little droplets on her face.

"I did." She nodded, still flipping through the stack of riddle ideas and puzzle drawings. "I still play a few kinds of video games. But I like trivia games most of all."
Diego didn't realize he had left the doop open. He was lost in his thoughts before he was broken out by the announcement of Harley Quinn in his bathroom. He turned around and blushed, beocming a bright shade of red on the face. Her giggling and smile did ease him a bit.

"S-sure," Diego told her shyly and on impulse.


"What were some of the computer games you played?" Edward asked as he looked at her. "I got into them in university when my roommates would play some of the older games," he explained to her with a smile. He had a nostalgic look on his face.
Harley slipped her pajamas and underwear and slipped into the shower with him. She let the water rinse over her and soak her hair. She arched her back, exposing her breasts to him, and ran her fingers through her hair.

"Oh, I didn't play anything too off-the-beaten path. Zoombinies, Oregon trail, but I think my favorite was the Mysterious Island of Dr. Quandry. I loved that game, though it seems unbelievably simple now that I'm older." She too had eyes filled with nostalgia.
Diego bit his lip and shuddered as he stared at Harley strip off and reveal her beautiful nude body. He suddenly felt a bit self-conscious on his own body. When he was a bit younger, he was pretty overweight, but not vastly fat or anything. Nonetheless, the stretch-marks were still there and the main reason he lost his weight so quick was due to accidentally getting injected with Venom, which pushed his body and he shed the weight and gained the muscle at an unhealthy rate. Batman helped him out with that and made sure his body was not scarred or anythig.

It was still a picky point to him and such though. However, he couldn't help but stare at Harley. Seeing her exposed breasts caused him to turn a bit, at least to hide his erection. "O-oh yeah. I-I guess you didn't shower yet," Diego said. "S-sorry that there isn't one in your room," he managed to say, his face a bright shade of red as he did try to look at her in the eye and hiding his hard-on.


The Riddler smiled at her. "One game that intrigued was Grim Fandango. The setting and the stories were intriguing and while I did figure out the mystery relatively quickly, seeing everything unfold was still an interesting experience and good story and itneractions could help inspire those struggling with the puzzles to keep at it," he explained to her as he kept looking over her notes.

"Some of these ideas are of alternate settings though it looks like you used shorthand for them? What are some of the ideas for our noirish setting?" Edward asked her with interest. Their food arrived and he poured the wine for them.
"Aw, sweetie," She cooed. "I'm not here to get clean." She stepped toward him, turning him slightly to face her, exposing his errectness. She kissed him deeply, slipping her tongue between his lipps and holding his slick shoulders. The water rushed over them in warm waves and she drew herself closer.

She sipped at the wine and explained a few of the ideas she'd come up with, elaboriating on the character details. Their food arrived and she ate steadily.
He shuddered, on how she cooed and called him sweetie. Diego's face was red when she turned him a bit and he was fully exposed to her. His mind went blank with shock when she began kissing him with intensity he never felt before. His tongue was under the sway of hers and he was too much in a lusful haze when his hardon touched her leg. Diego wrapped her arms around her, but he was still much too surprised and aroused to focused, she was in control.


Edward delved into his dinner while also taking looks at Bea. "You truly are amazing, Miss Bea. Before now, I never had the honor or the privilage of meeting someone who can match wits and be a wonderful person in their own right. You are one of a kind," he said, complimenting her while looking at her with a smile that some would call adorkable.
Keeping her face trained on his, occupying his mouth, she reached her hand down and stroked him, massaging his hard length gently. She nibbled at his earlobe and kissed his jawline in succession.


She was stunned and touched, her eyes glittered with emotion as they drank him in from across the table. "That's the most wonderful thing anyone has ever said to me. I can't tell you how much it means coming from you."
Diego was under Harley's sway and he was fully enamored and immersed in it by beating nude with her. He then shuddered and groaned when he felt her hand on his hard cock, his face still red as he still couldn't believe everything that was going on. He melted into her when she nibbled his earlove and kissed his jawline, his cock twitching on her.

"O-oh goodness," he said, shdudering in delight as he looked her, blushig brightly and with a dazed look on hs face of ecstasy, gazing at Harley with adoratin as he was under her sway.


Edward noticed the beautiful smile and how her eyes shind with emotion and he found himself unable to speak. Just the sight of her like that was worth mroe than learning the answers to any riddle. He blushes a bit and smiles like a dork once more. "I do not want us to work just as collegues, but I do want us to see each other regularly and get to know each other better," he said to her.
"Are you dizzy yet?" She asked, whispering in his ear. She took his shoulder with one hand and continued massaging him.

"I couldn't agree more." Bea nodded, her hands folded in front of her. "I want to see more of you, beyond just working conditions." She nibbled at the last of her meal and refilled her glass of wine, offering the bottle to Edward.
Diego could onyl nod dumbly, her whisper in her ear causing him to shudder a bit in delight as she kept massaging him and just the entrity of it all. He never felt like this before and it was so intoxicating, especially because it was of her.


"I suppose what I am trying to say is... would you accept being my girlfriend?" Edward managed to say as he refilled his glass of wine and held it to toast with her. He was having a bit of a shy smile. Watching and overhearing it was Penguin, who couldn't help but be happy for his friend.
"Do you wanna keep going?" She asked, kissing the crook of his neck. "We don't have to if you're... y'know. Not up to it?" It was true she wanted it pretty badly, but he also seemed like a young deer in the woods, and she didn't want to scare him off or hurt him.


Bea's eyes sparkled and her smile practically engulfed her face. She lifted her glass to him as well. "Of course I will." She didn't give voice to the idea she'd been waiting for him to ask. She wasn't sure when or if he woould, but the conversation they'd been having had built pressure in her heart and made it feel as though it were going to explode.
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