The Gotham Connection (Applepoisoneer--MysteriousD)

She wrapped her arms around his neck and rested her hands on his shoulders, pulling him into a kiss that threatened to last forever. Harley pressed her body against his, gently scooping one of his legs under hers.


"What if we offered a demo online? Perhaps through a gaming engine, like Steam?" She offered, though she had no experience on the subject what-so-ever. She was a little disappointed that she hadn't gotten a bigger reaction to her affections.
Diego savored the kiss back as he wrapped his arms around Harley as he went to holding her leg and he went to bedroom. He landed on the bed with her on top of him. He couldn't help but go and grope her butt. He was becoming aroused by the intense session with her.


Edward began wondeiring though he wasn't sure. He also took off his hat before he pulled something out to give her something. "Here is one more thing. It's another prototype puzzle. It's somewhat like a rubix cube, but mixed with sudoku," Edward told her with a smile before he kissed her once more for luck.

After all, when she solved it, her anniversary of six months gift will be there... a pair of earings looking like question marks, made of emerald with some silver.
She started to tug at the pants Diego was wearing, though unable to loosen them with simple tugging alone. She she made quick work of her own sweatpants and slid them down, exposing petal pink panties.


Bea let the puzzle rest in her lap, admiring it before deciding that this would be something she would work on after he'd gone him. That way she could devote her full attention to it. She set it aside and stood to kiss him deeply, resting her arms over his shoulders. "You know just what a girl wants." She teased.
"You're a bad influence on me," Diego told her as he went back and let Harley remove his pants, revealing the hard-on through his udnerwear underneath. He went back to making out with Harley, letting her guide him into the ecstasy. He held onto her butt and caressing it through her pink panties befoe he removed his shirt.


Riddler blushed before he slowly began to return the kiss. He was still new to all of this forms of affection and while he meant alot to her, he had difficulties in expressing to her, yet he tried. Edward put his effort into it. Afte the kiss, he went over to kiss her forehead, a gesture of how much he admired and cared for her and her mind.

"Of course I do. I am a very smart man and you are a very smart woman, for knowing how smart I am," he says with a confident tone.
"I aim to please!" Harley squeaked gleefully, pulling him closer and grinding herself a little against his ever-hardening member. "You wanna come in from the cold, sugah?" She asked, her 'poetic' way of suggesting they make love.

"You're incorrigible." Bea laughed, putting her arms around his waist. "And I think that's what I love best about you." She kissed his jawline and lips passionately.
Diego smiled at her adorable voice and groaned when she was grinding against his cock through their underwear. He removed his shirt and his underwear, leaving him in the nude. "Yeah," he said lovingly before he went to kiss Harley some more, letting the sexy minx keep corrupting him and having her way with him. While one hand was caressing ehr breast, another snaked through her panties and fingering her pussy.


Edward was surprised when she put his arms around him before returned the kiss back as best as he could Even while he has gotten better at this, there was a sort of endearing shyness and awkwardness about it. He hugged her closer and savored the closeness between him and her. He rested his forehead on ehrs, looking a bit vulnerable. "I never thought I could find someone who could make me happy like this," he confessed to her.
Harley oohed and awed at the sensation of his hand. She swayed, caught up in his touch. "You're getting good at this, sweetie." She purred, kissing him along his jawline and nibbling at his ear lobe.


"Neither did I." Bea sighed happily, burying herself in his shoulder and embracing him heavily. "But you excite every part of me; mind, body and soul. These passed few months have been the most fulfilling of my entire life." She was speaking in a voice barely above a whisper, but everything she shared with him was true.
Diego blushed at her sultry words, groaning when she kissed his jawline and played with his earlobe. "I've had lots of practice with you, dear," Diego told Harley with a smile. He removed her shirt and went over to kiss her breasts and play with them.


The Riddler was holding Bea, savoring how he was slowly geting used to all of this and becoming a better person. "And we have plenty of other riddles and events to look forward into the future," he said with a smile while holding her. He looked at the models and the like. "I wonder how long it will take how lign it will take for you to solve this puzzle," he teased.
"Practice makes perfect." She giggled, leaning in to kiss him deeply on the mouth, slipping her tongue into his mouth and letting her arms rest around his shoulders.


"The longer you hold me," She laughed and smiled coyly. "the longer it'll be before I can solve it." She returned his embrace and kissed him again.
Diego smiled at her giggling, savoring her laughter before delving back into the making out. He held her before taking her to the bed and they lied down on it, Diego managed to remove Harley's panties, leaving her in the nude before he stepped away and removed his underwear, leaving him naked as well. He held her as his cock was grinding against her. "You're incredible," he told her lovingly.


Riddler kissed her back as he sat back on the sofa, holding her and saving her embrace. He kissed her forehead again. "I also notice that you have been working hard and I deduced that you have forgotten to eat dinner again so I called in from the restaurant you are fond of and had them deliver," he told her.
Harley reached down her hand and lightly rubbed his manhood with two fingers. "So are you." She smiled, pressing herself against him.


"Oh," She laughed, realizing he was right, and that she hadn't eaten all day. "sometimes I get so caught-up that my basic human functions just... stop for a while." She sat with him on the couch and leaned against him. "You're a very thoughtful man, Mr. Nygma." She purred.
Diego shuddered in delight as he felt his fingers on his cock. Her sexy seductive smile never ceased to arouse him or make him feel loved. "You ready?" he asked her, feeling the urge to be one with her once more.


Edward blushed at her. Despite having grown closer to her, she had ways of making his synpases fire in different ways and the pleasure chemicals rush through the system. He wrapped his arms around her before he rested his head on hers.

"The food shall be here soon. Shall we riddle to pass the time?" Edward asks her.
"Honey, I'm always ready." She smiled, lying back and helping him slip inside her. She hummed a little pleasure and raised on of her hips to direct him.

"Oh yes," She giggled. "let's do." She cudled closer, ready to recieve the first riddle. She always loved this aimiable little battle of wits they engaged in from time to time.
Diego groaned in pleasure when he felt himself enter inside of her once more. She was corrupting him and he couldn't count the amount of times she sedueced him into doing this yet he loved it. He loved doing this and lvoing do it with her and he loved her.

"I love this and I love you," he said as he was inside of Harley.


Edward smiled. He decided to start off with a rather simple and silly one. Probably also because it remidned him of food.

"Paul's height is six feet, he's an assistant at a butcher's shop, and wears size 9 shoes. What does he weigh?"
Harley had never gotten many chances to say she loved someone. But after quite a while with Diego, she'd been able to say it much more often. "I love you too, and you know I love this." She tittered a little and planted a few kisses along his neck and chest.

Bea hadn't heard this riddle before, which was a bit of a shock at first. But she puzzled it out quickly enough. "I believe he weighs meat." She laughed, hoping that was the correct answer. She smiled and offered up another food-related riddle. The one that came to mind always made her chuckle. "What do you get when you divide a pumpkin by its diameter?"
Diego began going at a slow and steady pace with Harley as he held her in bed. He groaned as she was kissing him. He returned the kisses on her neck and on her mouth as his arms savored her entirity being with him.


"I do believe its Pumpkin Pi," Edward answered back with a smirk on his face, chuckling at how funny it was. He savored holding her and just how much he was getitng used to all of this. Being sane and being happy.

"There was a green house. Inside the green house there was a white house. Inside the white house there was a red house. Inside the red house there were lots of babies. What is it?"
Harley hummed a little contentidly, feeling him start to pump inside her. She rocked her hips in time with his and pressed herself against him completely.


"A watermelon." She giggled, reveling in how much fun they were having. Just then, the doorbell rang and there was a little knock on the door. "And it appears our food has arrived." She stood and moved to the door to collect it.
Diego groaned as he was going in rhythm with his as he held her tight. He began kissing her. "You're such a bad girl, corrupting me," he said humorously while he savored how wonderful it was being inside of her and recalled all of her seductive moments.


Edwad nodded before he went to the door with her and he paid the delviery man before he got the box that was filled with warm food and he presented it to her before he set the table for them to ear.

"Just in time. I predict this will be a good meal," he said to her with a smile. He also had a surprise. Each napkin had a sudoku puzzle on it, hence why he tipped the man well for following that odd request.
"You weren't so hard to corrupt, Angel." She laughed, feeling herself grow steamy as they progressed. She tightened the grasp of her legs around his hips and pulled herself up a little with them.

Bea tucked into her meal, savoring how delicious it was. A little bit of sauce escaped her, and she raised a napkin to dab at it. that's when she saw the Sudoku puzzle. And although they weren't her favorite, she thought it was a clever gesture and smiled. She blotted the sace with a portion that wasn't encoded. "This is just too clever."
Diego smiled back at her as he was going a bit faster with her. He felt her legs around his hips and he began to kiss her, savoring the connection between their hot bodies and how everything just felt good with her.


"I asked the delivery person to do it. They went and actually looked up some difficult ones to do rather than just copy the ones from a newspaper. I appreciated the effort, especially in these trying times," Edward told her with a smile as he also began savoring his mystery dumplings. He liked being able to guess the flavors of things and was one of the hobbies he had as a child.
She returned his kisses and rubbed his shoulders soothingly. Her pace wasn't quite as fast as his at first, still feeling she needed to ease him in to it. But she picked up her speed when she saw how confident he was getting. The thoughts of being involved with Mr. J were coming less and less frequently, and she thought soon they might be gone all-together, as though he never existed.


"It's a wonderful idea." Bea held the napkin up and studied it, puzzling out where the numbers should shift to. Though she prefered crossword puzzles, she would never admit how poor her sudoku skills really were in comparison, especially not to Edward, who'd planned such a thoughtful surprise. She smiled, having made up her mind to ask a question that had been burning her lips since they'd sat on the couch together. "Would you, perhaps, care to randez vous at my apartment tomorrow? I would love to prepare a meal for you."
Diego leaned in to kiss Harley's neck as he caressed her back and looked into her blue eyes with a big smile. "You mean alot to me," Diego told her lovingly as he kept going on the steady rate and feeling inside of her.

"I... I love you," Diego confessed to her with a big goofy grin while he would caress her breasts.


"Of course I would to accompany you for dinner," Edward told her with asmil as he was savoring his food while also performing the sudoku puzzles with no problem.
The words alone were enough to bring her to climax. She released and fell back on the bed. Breathing heavily, but contentedly. "I... I love you too, Sweetie. With all my heart." Though she wasn't sure if there weren't a miniscule piece that remained devoted to the Joker's service.


"Wonderful." She called happily. "Is there anything you're allergic to or don't particularly care for?" She asked so that she could prepare the best dinner to suit him.
Diego groaned out when she came into climax. Her cumming triggered him to cum insde of her. He savroed her legs being around him, him being in her, and just being with her. Diego smiled as he leaned over to kiss passionately, knowing it would be another passionate night.

"You're incredible," he told her lovingly.


"Surprise me. I am not allergic to anything," Edward told her with a sharp smile. "But I will be happy with whatever you make. You are a talented young woman after all," he told her confidently and earnestly.

"What time should the arrangement be?" he asked her.
"You're gettin' better." she teased, kissing him charmingly on the cheek and sitting up. It took a lot of effort, but she figured she should clear herself off quickly. "I'll be right back. Stay adorable!" She blew him a kiss and went into the bathroom.


A little color came into Bea's cheeks. "7 sounds nice to me. I should have everything ready by then." She was already putting a meal together in her mind and would need togo to the grocery store first thing tomorrow.
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