The Gotham Connection (Applepoisoneer--MysteriousD)

Diego looked at Harley and was touched by her question. But he leaned in for a kiss. He may have been nervous, inexperienced and overcome by emotions he never felt before, but he knew he wanted this. He craved it and he wanted it to be with her. "I want it badly...," Diego said with a slightly nervous whisper in her ear before he went in and kissed her neck back.


Edward found himself feeling relieved yet elated at her reaction. He felt as if he was moving forward in his life. He now has a partner to overcome the great riddles of life to do and he knew that they would overcome whatever may lie in their path.

"Attention, patrons. Since it is Saturday night, we would like to remind everyone the dancing floor will open in 10 minutes," the voice of Oswald suddeny was announced. In the background, some of the butlers and service folk began setting things up and even some of the band people began coming in.
"Oooh, badly, huh?" She laughed and ruffled his wet hair. "Well, you can have it. Whenever you want it." She kissed him again, slightly off-center of his lips. "You're so sweet."


Caught by the announcement, Bea turnedd her head to listen. "Oh, a live band?" She turned to smile hungrily across the table. "Do you dance, Mr. Nygma?" She knew she could obviously drop the formality now that they had declared their intentions, but it was a manner of flirting that she'd always wanted to employ.
Her laugh made Diego smile a bit and the seductive tone that Harley had when she said he could have it aroused him even more. He followed his instincts as best as he could as he returned the kiss with more passion and he would grind his cock against her pussy, groaning at the wonderful sensations of it all.

"Y-you too," he said back to her as he kept looking at her red-faced and adoration. It was pretty obvious that he was a virgin and that she jus gave him his first kiss. She could do what she wanted with him.


It was one of the few times Edward was caught off-guard. He danced once or twice in his life, but he simply never bothered to learn. It was something now he realized he needed to learn. "I have not danced as a child," Edward confessed to her a bit shyly.
Gently, she took his manhood in her hand and guided it gently within her. "There, that'll keep it nice and warm." She smiled and pressed against him, pushing it a little deeper. she kissed him deeply, rolling her tongue over his neck muscles.

Bea smiled invitingly and stood, extending her hand. "Just follow me. I'm sure you'll be wonderful." Her hand lingered for him to take, and she hoped that he would at least try. She'd never danced with anyone seriously before, though she and some friends had goofed around a few times. She knew the steps to the waltz and the tango and even the charlston to an extent. So Bea felt pretty confident she could lead him through.
Diego groaned when she grabbed his cock and felt it enter her pussy. He moaned a bit as he was slipping slowly inside and she took his virginity. He eagerly returned the kiss while he was going deeper inside of her, causing his mind to keep exploding with lust and mirth. His tongue would swirl with hers before he would go to kiss her. His arm wrapped around her as he grabbed Harley's leg so it would wrap around him and his hand slowly went to grab her butt.


Edward hesitated for a moment, but he steeled himself and he took her hand. He needed to try and learn. He was a smart man and he is willing to learn. "Lead on then, Miss Bea," he said with a smile. He was deferring to her; something pretty rare for the Riddler.
Harley made noises of encouragement as she slowly wiggled her hips, getting closer and closer to him. She wanted to be gentle, especially knowing this was probably his first time.

She took his hand tenderly and led him to the dance floor. In one hand, she held his hand just above her shoulder, and she took his other and placed it in the small of her back. It was only slightly awkward due to the difference in their size, but she moved his hand to her upper back, and that seemed to fix it.

The two of them spun and swayed to the sound of the music, trying not to step on each other's feet and keep time with the tune. All the while, she smiled warmly up into his face, her eyes sparkling, indicating that this was truly one of the happiest moments of her life.
Her noises of encouragement just caused him to keeping going a bit more, but he wanted more than the pace. He leaned in to kiss her as he grabbed her butt. "Don't hold back, Harley. I know you're a wild woman so take me and show me what you got," he whispered in her ear as he went over to squeeze her breast and gave another kiss.


Edward went over to the dancefloor with Bea and he was doing his best to follow her beat while he also took visual cues from others whow ere dancing in order to improve on his own work. He was getting into the swing of things and her smile also caused him to smile back.

The Penguin saw that the Riddler was having a good time and he planned on making things better for him. He paid off to prepare to play one of the Riddler's faovrite songs while preparing for the spotlight to be on his friend, but not yet. Let everyone get the danc eout of them first.
"Oh, you wanna go there already?" Harley laughed, returning his kiss. She turned him to press his back against the wall of the shower and lifted her leg to wrap around his hip. She placed a hand on either side of his face against the wall.


"You're doing really well." Bea whispered, leaning in so that no others could hear. She wanted him to continue, though not if he was uncomfortable with himself or with others on the floor. She was glad that he was coming out of his shell, so to speak.
Diego saw her confident roguish smile and coudn't help but blush. He let her turn him on the wall and felt her long smooth leg wrapped around his hip, which his hand grabbed so she could support. "Don't hold back," he asked her dreamily as he kissed her one more time.


Edward smiled at her compliment, before he saw that the spotlight was now on them and Edward recgonized one of his faovrite musical pieces was being played. He knew this was the work of Oswald and he became more confident in dancing with Bea, esecially with a green spotlight on them.

Here is the music
Harley would hold back, just a little. She could remember her first time and how frightened she was afterward, and she didn't want Diego to go through that. She saw him as being a little more vulnerable than perhaps he really was, but there was something within her that grew to want to protect him as well as corrupt him. Though she was sure he would tell her it was her who needed the guarding, she knew that privately, under the Cardshark mask, he was this boy.

She kissed his neck and continued her undulation until just about the breaking point, then she pulled herself off of him and cleaned herself off. "Why don't we call that good for tonight, toots. I'm spent." She panted, smiling brightly. "You wore me out." It wasn't true, but everyone could use a good ego-stroke every now and again.


The world became bathed in a dreamy, green glow, and for a few moments, Bea thought she must be having some kind of fantasy. She would wake up, her dog would be sleeping on her chest, and there would never have been an Edward Nygma. She closed her eyes and fell into the swing of their dance. When she opened them again, she saw him there and knew he had to be part of her waking life. Her lips parted to speak, but she could find no words to say.
Diego groaned out and hugged Harley while they continued to hold her and gently enjoy being inside of her and kissed her before she cleaned herself off and got out. He leaned in to kiss her. He was still blushing before he smiled a bit. "Um... do you maybe... want to sleep with me tonight?" Diego asked her shyly as he was drying up.


Edward was dancing and enjoying being in the limelight while he was dancing with the witty woman that has intrigued him and that he is going to care for. He twirled her around one last time before eveyrone applauded at their dance and he led her back to the table.

Awaiting them was a lush complimentary dessert which Riddler liked. "By the way, I have a gift for you, my dear," Riddler said before he gave her a giftbox, wrapped in purple and green. When she would open it, she saw what looked like a Rubix CUbe. Well, less a Rubix cube and more of a Rubix Dodecahedron. It was a home-made Megaminx.

"There is a surprise inside for you to solve," Riddler asked her as he kissed her hand.
He was so sheepish and sweet about asking that she half-thought of a young boy Diego with a stuffed animal. "Aw, sure honey. We can sleep in your bed if you want."


Bea's eyes grew large at the puzzle and she cupped it close to her heart. "I love this already. I can't wait to see what you've hidden." She set the puzzle aside and leaned across the table, planting a deep kiss on the firm line of his lips. "Thank you." She whispered breathlessly.
Diego smiled at her and kissed Harley before he led her to his room with the bed. He put the covers on them before he wrapped her in his arms. He felt his feelings for her keep growing more and more. He kissed her forehead as he ended up falling asleep when she ended up doing so.


Riddler smiled and saw her smile. It certainly made him feel proud of himself before she went and kissed him. Edward didn't expect to be kissed at all. "N-no problem," he stuttered before he offered her more of the dessert. He felt greater than as if he saved a million riddles.
"Goodnight," Harley muttered, kissing him before nestling into the pillows. "Sleep tight, sweetie."


The dessert was sweeter with him having offered it to her. The night was magical, and ended like waking up from a beautiful dream. He dropped her off outside her appartment and she practically floated up the stairs.
Six Months Later...

Cardshark drove into the secret cave. It has been a long and hard night as a superhero. THe Joker attempted to escape, but he actualyl faield escaping Arkham. He stretched as he left the car before he took the secret tunnel to his home apartment.

He smiled as he entered home. He was very happy with Harley, though she was unpredictable and she had a way of always surprising him... and teasing him and playing with him... he shivered a bit in delight as she always knew how to make him melt in her arms.


Edward yawned as he was driving a green car over to see Bea. They were currently working on their game while also having done on dates and advancing on their relationship. He went to get them some coffee and baked goods to focus on coding while also stimulating their mind.
Harley stood in the kitchen in sweat pants and a tight t-shirt. She'd been preparing a meat loaf with mashed potatoes and gravy for their dinner. She was never sure when Diego would hang up the Cardshark costume and return home, but she tried to have something waiting for him to eat.

"Hey, you're back early! The food'll actually be hot this time." She smiled and set the table.

Bea was working on the physical 3D models for their characters. She used sculpy over wooden frames and paint to achieve the best effect. She yawned and stretched, settling back into the chair at Edward's kitchen table. She was still wearing the silver necklace with the emerald that had come from the puzzlebox Edward had given her.
Diego smiled as he saw Harley before he went over to hug her and help set the table. He took a moment to admire how nice she looked. He blushed for a moment as he remembred a good deal of all the sex they had. Harley was certianly wild...

He shook the memories as he fnished setting the table before he went to kiss her. "How have you been today?" he asked her with a smile. Cardshark was happy Harley is doing well and she has been able to do things like grocery shopping and so on and even began figuring out how to help her find a job.


"Good evening, Miss Bea," Edward told her as he entered back home before presenting her the coffee and baked goods. "How has it been going so far? It looks like everything is going well," he said as he sat down next to her.
"I've been alright." Harley beamed. "Just getting this whole cooking thing figured out. I used to make a few things..." She cut herself off before she could discuss the Joker. "Well, anyway, I hope you like it." She took the meatloaf out of the oven and set it on the stove to cool.


She took the coffee and sipped greedily at it. Coffee felt like it would hit the spot at this juncture. She was wearing the silver necklace he'd hidden inside the puzzle box. She hadn't taken it off since the night she cracked the code and found it, and often she would touch it absently when she was thinking.

"It's going well." She told him between sips. "The models are almost done, and the computer looks as though it's nearly finished rendering the backgrounds."
Diego went over and hugged Harley, giving her comfort and reassurance. He would protect her from the Joker. "I probably will because it was made by you," Diego said with a dorky smile before he went and kissed her nosey.

"It was a long night, but crime is lowering more and more, which is good," DIego told her with a smile as he held the seat for her before he sat down himself.


"I;ve been doing well with programming gameplay and so on, but I've been thinking of an idea to better imrpove the game design," Edward told her as he gave her her baked good. "I've been thinking we can go to one of thsoe escape the room sort of games in order to better think of what the players will go through," he suggests to her.
Harley sat the pan of meatloaf on a hotpad and cut up a few slices. She brought over the bowl of mashed potatoes and the gravy boat as well before taking the seat Diego had pulled for her. "Well, if it lowers any further, maybe you'll make it back in time fore dinner more often." She laughed, tucking into her mashed potatoes.


"Oh, I've always wanted to try my hand at one of those." Bea told him giddily. Though she knew it wouldn't quite be the same as pitting her wits against one of his old trap rooms, but to hammer out answers side by side with him would be almost as enchanting.
Diego couldn't help but laugh a bit more with her. "That's true and it will be nice getting to spend more time with you," Diego told her with a smile before he went to kiss her once more. He enjoyed the wonderful food made by Harley. He then pulled a bix and gave it to Harley. It was a gift; a silver necklace witha red diamond gem. "Happy six months," he said to her with a smile.


"It would certainly be entertaining and perhaps we could do one with those who are also working on our team. That way we can catch all the details, wuch as our musician capturing the tenseness and panic of being in a situation liket his," he said to her. His smile mirroed her own before he leaned in and ksised her. Even after six motnhs with her, he was still a bit shy with her.
Harley marveled at it before she put it on. "Oh my god! It's beautiful! Thank you so much!" She threw her arms around Diego and kissed him deeply.


She appreciated how slow and steady he was being with her . She wasn't the time to just dive into things so quickly. The mixture of the success of their game and the blossoming of their relationship, she was really very happy, and she hoped he was as happy as she was.

"I can't wait to hear the score." She smiled and returned his kiss. "I hope it's mostly jazz based. I think that's really holp set the film noir theme."
Diego smiled at her amorous and mirthful reaction before he embraced her and he kissed her back. "We've both made some wodnerful pgoress and I am so happy to be with you," Diego said as he leaned in to kiss her again. "I also got us some ice cream cake from the place you like," he added to her.


"Indeed, though I do believe some potential horror or suspenseful music, if subtle, will add a different element to some of these puzzles," Edward told her as he sat down on the chair next to her before he showed her some more puzzles and riddle ideas.

"I predict we will accomplish many things together," he said to her with a smile.
She held him with a tear or two welling in her eyes. "Geez, what did I do to deserve you?" She kissed him several times in rapid succession. "I'll never figure it out."


"And are you psychic now?" She teased, throwing an arm over his shoulder and kissing him playfully on the cheek. "I predict you'll kiss me back."
"You being you, Harley," Diego told her with a big smile as he embraced her tight and kissed her back, even feeling courageous enough to grab her butt. WHile he may have gotten a bit bolder in terms of sexual approaches, he was still pretty shy and he prefered how she would take control and jump him. It made him feel lvoed and wanted and he returned her affections.


Edwad siled back, blushing when she kissed his cheek. He went over and gave her a light kiss on the cheek back. "When do you thino would be a good time for us along with our colleagues to go and try one of these out? My guess it would have to be in another city since I don't think Gotham would have any of these considering the problems," he said, emphasiing the last word.
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