The Gotham Connection (Applepoisoneer--MysteriousD)

Diego smiled back at seeing her smile, blushing a bit when she poked him on the side. "All right then, I'm all right with that," Diego told her as he saw her relax. "I'll order the pizza in a bit. What do you wanna do in the meanwhile?" he asked her. She didn't have much and being an author, his work was generall done at home or at cafes.


"Do not worry. I did not expect us to discuss the business notes here. Right now, it is just a matter of catchign up enjoying one another's company," Edward told her with a smile. "Furthermore, I'm believing we can tyr and do more while we're dating. Perhaps a riddle or two," he said to her with a smile.
Harley smiled like a cheshire cat and rolled onto her belly on the bed. "We could get comfy on the couch and start a movie, huh?" She poked him again, tickling just under his ribs. It wasn't necessarily sex she was thinking of, but it was certainly fun to see how many shades of red he could turn.


"Well, you know how I feel about riddles." Bea grinned, toying with a strand of her bangs that had escaped from behind her ear. She only hoped he felt the way she did about the two of them and might catch her signals.
Diego kept an eye on his new roommate and the sexy woman that was savoring his syness. He cracked a smile and laughed a bit when she poked him in the rib while blushing. The idea of getting comfy with her did seem very inviting.

"That would be nice, yeah," he said with a soft smile as he led her to the living room where the TV was. Alot of the stuff was second-hand, but Diego didn't need much. Besides, alot of the stuff was still good and nice stuff.


Edward grinned back at her. He was slowly starting to undertand women and getting back to understanding people n a somewhat normal functioning level. But it would still take some time.

"Then perhaps we could pay a game while we're deciding what to order," he said to her.
Harley followed him out and flopped herself on the sofa. It was pretty plush for as old as it looked, and she stretched herself into it, getting comfortable. She patted the cushion near her and smiled invitingly. "C'mon hon, I don't bite...much." She laughed.


"Oh, that sounds wonderful." She sighed, beaming at him from across the table. The fresh scent of coffee and pastrey was precisely what this moment needed,and she was glad of it.
Diego blushed a bit while smiling before he sat next to her. He was looking through Cinemanet for something itneresting to watch. "Anything you wanna watch? Also, when I order the pizza, anything you want on it?" he asked her as he was looking through it.


"What sort of games would you like to play?" Ed asked her. Her smile was contagious and he couldn't help but smile back. In the meanwhile, he asked her because ladies first after all. It would also be itneresting to see her puzzles.
"Um... Pepperoni, and comedy." She told him, leaning on him a little playfully. It wasn't until she started thinking about pizza that she realized how hungry she was.


"Well," Bea thought for a while about games that he might like, and games that she knew she would have a fighting chance in. "Why don't we exchange riddles? I'm sure we both have a treasure trove of them."
Diego nodded as he put in the order for the pizza, blushing a bit when he felt her leaning onto him. He picked up a Chaplin comedy for them to watch. "Hope you like Chaplin. If not that, I can choose cartoons," he suggested to her.


"All right then," Eddie said. While he would have some, it would be polite for her to go first. Besides, they still needed to order. He ordered himself some tea while also looking through the menu.

"Ladies first," he sad to her with a smile.
"Ooooh! Cartoons, of course!" Harley perked up, clapping her hands together. She'd always loved cartoons, and some of the better parts of she and the Joker's relationship had been spent in their little HaHacienda watching old Warner Bros. cartoons. Those where the times he'd actually cuddle with her, and she could be reminded of why she was there in the first place. Thinking about it now from someplace safe, she supposed they were the most dangerous trap he'd ever set.

Bea also ordered tea, with cream and a scone. "Alright, here's one for you; With thieves I consort, with the vilest, in short. I'm quite at ease in depravity, yet all divines make use of me. Savants can't lose me, for I am the center of gravity. What am I?"

This had always been one of her favorites, and she thought the beginning was strangely appropriate for the present company.
"Okay. I think they have some of the old Mickey Mouse cartoons on here," Diego told her as he went over tot hose and began watching them with her. Her smile made him smile on his own.

"The pizza will be here in 20," he told her with a smile.


Eddie smiled, letting her finish with the riddle. He took a moment to select what he wanted for brunch, choosing the omelet of the day, after making sure nothing he was allergic to was in it.

"I believe it is the letter v," Edward said with a smile.

"My turn," he said before clearing his throat.

"What is greater than God,
more evil than the devil,
the poor have it,
the rich need it,
and if you eat it, you'll die?"
"Great, I'm starving!" She told him, rubbing her belly emphatically. Pizza sounded pretty great about then, and she didn't mind thatthey didn't have any Warner Bros. So long as they had Goofy and Donald cartoons too.

"Oh, that's a good one too. The answer is Nothing." She'd heard that one a time or two before. "My turn again. I never was, and am always to be. No one has ever seen me and never will. And yet I am the confidence of all who live and breathe on this terrestrial ball."
Diego placed a bunch of classic black and white cartoons and found that because it was Disney week, they still had plenty of old cartoons with Mickey, Donald and Goofy. "How are you doing?" he asked her, checking up on her after a while of just watching cartoons and laughing every so often. The pizza would be here any minute, he ntoed to himself.


Riddler smiled as he thought for a moment. "Tomorrow," he said to her. When he waited for her to finish ordering, he then gave her the next riddle. "Here's an oldie," he said with to her.

"The eight of us go forth not back to protect our king from a foes attack."
"I'm doing great." She told him honestly, her warm smile practically . leaping off her face. "I feel better now than I have in a really long time." She squeezed his knee a little, reassuringly.


"Oh, I love chess." She told him leaning in, getting engaged in their battle of wits. "The answer is Pawns. What stands up in bed, goes from white to read, and the bigger it gets, the more the old lady likes it?" She realized this riddle was a little suggestive, though the answer was perfectly innocent. She just thought it would be fun to ask and guage his reaction.
DIego returned a smile at her. "Glad to hear you're doing all right," he told her honestly before he heard the buzzer. "I'll be right back, Harley," Diego told her before he went down. A minute later, he came back up with the box of pizza and placed it on the table while they were still watcihing cartoons.
"I know those days," Diego smiled as he got himself and her a plate for their slices while also getting out some soda for them to drinkk while enjoying themselves. "I'm glad that you're doing a lot better," he said, offering her a smile. "I'm ehre for ya," he told her.


Riddler leaned in as well. Perhaps a chess game between them would be interesting. He thought it wouldbe fun to do so on a picnic... it was fun having someone who appreciated his mind and is also just as good.

He raises his eyebrow at her seemingly risque sounding riddle. Nonetheless, he kept his cool. Spending time with was very enjoyable with her.

"I believe its strawberry," he said before thinking of another. He noticed the food was on the way, so it will be the last one for the moment.

"I travel all over the world, but always stay in my corner. What am I?"
"Well, I mean, I can be here for you too." She told him, shrugging and blushing a little. She didn't like for people to think that she was someone who needed a lot of help or sympathy, unless it was convienient for her to do so. "Anything you need, just let me know."


"Theanswer is a stamp." The food was set down in front of them, and she began to spread clotted cream on her scone. She poured herself another cup of tea.
Diego looked over and smiled. "I know. I just want you to focus on recovering, but thanks for saying so. It means alot," he told her as he served her some soda pop for her to enjoy along with her pizza.


Edward smiled at her as he got his special, a veggie omelet. He began digging in while also getting some toast. "This was truly enjoyable so far," the Riddler complimented her as he adjusted his glasses and he savored his brunch with the sharp-witted young woman with him.
"I'll bounce back", Harley told him, finishing her slice. "But I don't want to just sit around here and be a bum, you know?" She wasn't sure where she'd go for work or what she could do around the house, but she thought he might at least like a hand keeping his life in order.


"I'm glad you think so too." Bea sighed, having wondered how he thought things were going. "I'm really looking forward to our net encounter." She sipped at her tea, finishing the cup and placing it back on the saucer.
"I getcha. Admittingly, I've been also wondering if I should remain in Gotham for that long," Diego confessed to her while he got another slice. "Admittingly, it is cheap living here and I'm happy I can help out Batman and his allies, but they've been getting things under control for a while now," he wondered out.

It was something he didn't spend much thought in, but having Harley here brought it up since it would probably be better if she mvoed out of Gotham after a coupe of years though he didn't know.

"While I do spend most of my time here, I have been needing to take outider jobs here and there as a writer, which means actually having to go out," he said.


"Likewise. Wonderful company and cerebral exercises are most enjoyable," Edward told her with a charming smile. He found it good that he found a woman capable of matching wits with him and of course, one to work in a good business venture with.

"Perhaps we could meet to discuss our future projects," he told her.
"You mean you can't do your writing work from home?" She thought a few minutes while she nibbled her slice of pizza. "And I don't know if Gotham is ever really gonna be crime free. maybe it just comes off in spurts, y'know."

"I'd like that too." She told him, standing and straightening her dress. "Perhaps, dinner tomorrow?" She inquired.
"Usually I can, but I've been dealing with writer's block for a while in terms of my creative works. That means I've been working with others in outsider jobs and that means having to go. This mean things like screen-writing or talking and discussing plans with others," Diego explained to her as he was enjoying being with her.


"I would love to," Edward told her with a smile. "Where would you like to have dinner?" Edward ased her. He was wondering how he would talk to her and present her with stuff. Looking ack, he did realize that he needed to come up with new things or at least ways to advance in the relationship.

He needed to research some more when it came to dating.
"Oh." Harley pondered what he'd said before generating an idea. "Well, have you everthought about writing about stuff you've seen as Cardshark? I mean, you'd have to change some names around, but that might do it for you?"


"Well, I suppose we could return to the Iceberg." She smiled, thinking perhaps he'd like to stick to the rivers and lakes he was used to. "You seem to have good standing there."
"I'm. It sure. Admittingly, it's hard to write things when you're a superhero though I suppose I could try and make my own comics if I find an artist," Diego said. He did recall having worked with the Green Lantern Kyle Rayner before so perhaps that could work. Would be a chance of pace and be something new.

"What about you? What would you like to do?" Diego asked her as he pours her more soda.


"Of course. I imagine Oswald would've made sure that security has been tightened in order to avoid a fiasco like what happened the last time we were there," Edward told her before he got into a bit of thought. "When shall we have our next outing?" He asked her.
"Well, I guess being a psychologist again is right-out." She laughed, even though she felt like a large part of her life had been wasted.. "So I'm really not sure. I think for the time being, being normal again will be my biggest goal.


She nodded, hoping he was right. "Would tomorrow at seven suit you?"
Diego smiled back at her as he looked at her. "Well, you know you have my support. We have to take things one day at a time," he said to her in order to comfort her. "I know that we'll both end up okay," he says to her in order to reassure you.


"Very well. We shall meet in the Iceberg Lounge tomorrow evening then. I await our usual conversations and our game of wits," Riddler told her with a smile. He would definitely need to talk in order to figure out what else to do.
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