The Gotham Connection (Applepoisoneer--MysteriousD)

Cardshark looked somewhat surprised when she nearly called him pudding. He wasn't offended or anything; he found it flattering actually. He never really dated so having someone call him a term of endearment like that was really kinda nice.

"Been all right. Quiet night. Despite new criminals like Lazlo Valentine popping out, things have been doing pretty all right," Cardshark said, sitting down across from her once more. "I also checked on Poison Ivy. She hasn't woken up, but she has been showing more brain activity. I reckon she will wake up any day now," he told her.


The Riddler ordered his usual whenever he would come here in private. He also helped Bea choose something to order. He looked back at her. "Admittingly so. My vast experience aleady makes most crimes even easier to figure out what is going on, " the Riddler told her with a smile.

He was finding the date to be enjoyable. "Admittingly, things have been quiet so I have been trying alternate methods to satisfy my cravings to rule over others with my intelligence without resorting to crime," he confessed to her.
"That's good to know, thanks for looking in on her for me." She smiled softly, continuing to nibble at the food he'd brought her. "But, what do you do when you're not out stalking criminals?" She asked, wanting to keep the flow of conversation going while she ate.

"The hunter does not tell the prey that it is prey." She beamed, hoping he would understand her meaning. Although she was enchanted by the idea of ruling over people with intellect, she figured it wasn't something you mentioned to said people. But then gaain, hadn't she come out from under his rule to stand on her own? Perhaps he was talking about other people that didn't include her.
"No problem, I'm happy to help," Cardshark told her as he saw her dig in the speghetti and meat sauce. She then asked him about his personal life. "I'm a writer," Cardshark points out. Admittingly, he doesn't have much of a life outside of crimfighting. He is a somewhat successful writer though he hopes to finish his first big novel.

He also has some experience in card-counting, but he doesn't do that unless he is in need of some serious money for an emergancy reason. Not alot of places he can do that here, not much. Granted... he is being considered to join the Justice League, so that's nice.


Riddler smiled with a smug smile. "I never did my crimes for monetary profit or causing madness like my colleagues. I am a smart man and I want everyone to know it. I wanted eveyrone to fully know that Edward Nygma was their intellectual superior," he said in a confident tone before becoing serious.

"Of course, when I first told this to my parole offier and he told me "And then what?", I was forced to realize that while everyone could akcnolwedge as me being smarter, it would not be enough to satisfy me and that just being their intectuall superior means nothing if it isn't utilized in a meaningful way," he said, looking reflective.
"A writer, huh?" she asked, sucking a particularly long noodle up and swallowing. "What kind of stuff do you write?" She was concious that she only had a half hour to visit, otherwise she probably wouldn't have talked with her mouth full. Though something about Cardshark made her comfortable enough to do so.

"And you felt the best way to utalize your intellectual superiority was to become a detective?" She asked, noticing the waiter returning with their meals. She paused while he set it on the table, thanking him, and waited until he left for Edward's reply.
"I write adventure stories, like the two-fisted tales and the pulp stories of old," Cardshark told her. "Then again, I like writing in general so it's just a matter of getting stuck on an idea and then writing it down," he explained to her, happy to see her enjoy the pasta he made her for her. He was at ease being with her.


Edward went and looked over his meal. Oswald certainly knew how he liked his steak. "With plenty of experience and a mind unmatched, I was a good fit. Besides, how else will I be able to prove my superiority to the Dark Knight?" he saidwith a smirk.

"Beating him to stopping the crime... what else would work?" he said with a smug smile.
"Wow," She said, gulping down the rest of her pasta. "at least you've got a lot of inspiration for the stuff you write." She sipped the bottle of tea he'd brought with the pasta and checked the time on the wall. Another ten minutes or so.
"I can see how that would give this vocation an appeal." She admitted. "I can't think of any other way you could face off with the caped crusader on legitimate terms."
"Yeah, though considering how crazy the rest of the world is, it's getting harder to come up with original stuff," Cardshark told her, looking back on all the stuff of Atlantis and so on.

The world was a strange place and getting sranger everyday he found. "Granted, you probably saw your share of weird stuff back when you were with the Suicide Squad," Cardshark wandered as he was watching her enjoy the leftovers.


"Indeed, especially since the Dark Knight has become more involved in the Justice League and otehr Global affairs. I must say, I suspect there is a new man under the cowl," he says. "The man who is the Batman... the only riddle I am actually grateful to forget," he confesses to her.
"Geeze, every minute of that was horrifying!" She put the tea down and leaned forward. She hadn't been eager to talk about the Suicide Squad with anyone before, but she thought he would know better than to bring it up again.

"I mean, it was fun at first, and it was supposed to reduce my sentence, but it didn't. And the fun wore off pretty quick after a few months of being told what to do and when to do it by somebody who never bothered to show their face. It was like being a Charlie's Angel, except without the sex and with a lot more blowing stuff up."


"Well, aside from your aspirations to stay a step ahead of the Batman, what else do you want from life?" She knew she was going out on a limb, but it was worth it if it gave her a little window into his fantasies of the future.
Cardshark winced a bit. He didn't know that was a touchy sub ject, but let her finish talking. "Sorry. I only ehard about it recently; I didnt know it was a touchy subject. My apologies," he told her with the utmost honesty and sincerity. "I only know about it because Mr. Freeze told me. Yeah, Waller recrutied him for the job in exchange for service time and of course, hellping to cure his wife," he explained to her.

"Actualluy, I checked your records. They were wiped clean in regards to most of your crimes. Admittingly, you still have some marks, but that was from everything you did after uour time with them. Even then, it's little compared to what you used to have so there is an upside," he said, trying to cheer her up.


Riddler paused, thinking. "That is another riddle I have yet to tackle. Having spent much of my life in this, I barely have had time to think on that. I never thought much on philosophy, but looking back, it is a riddle I need to try and solve more. Much f my time has been spent in madness and now I need to try and figure something out," he explained to her.

He didn't know. It was a blank slate; it was possiibility and the lack of right answer was not troubling, but puzzling. He liked puzzles though.
"Yeah, well I don't know whose bright idea it was to put me and Misteh Jay one the same team. I mean, of course we were gonna get distracted. We always do." She said in simple summary. The officer behind her called up to the front that there were five minutes left. She sighed and slouched forward a little. Waller had said she'd wiped the record clean, but Harley hadn't believed her. She'd learned to trust authority figures.

"Well..." Bea ventured, again walking the tight-robe between appropriate and what she felt was inappropriate discussion. "Perhaps that's a riddle I might help you find the answer to." She smiled coyly and adjusted her shoulders on the back of her chair. "I've certainly enjoyed our time together this evening."
Cardshark offered her a friendly smile before he offered one last thing. "One last thing," Cardshark said. It was one of the cookies he made and he was saving it for her in the case something happened. He passed it through the opening for er to take.

"At the very least, Poison Ivy is showing some vital signs and maybe with some more time, you'll be let out," Cardshark told her optimistically. "She has been doing eben better and she'll wake up soon," he told her.


"Perhaps you can... you certainly seem intelligent enough to do so," Eddie said as he continued eating his dinner while admiring the lovely and intelligent company that he was happy to be with. "Likewise, but I feel we should conclude the night with some dessert," he said to her before a tray of desserts was shown for them to see and choose.
A little moisture came to Harley's eyes as she held the cookie. "Thank you. That's really good to hear." She managed to eek the words out without a hint of her tears in her voice. She tasted the cookie, and it was... alright. Perhaps Cardshark was a better vigilante than he was a baker, but it was a decent cookie. And even sweeter than the cookie, was the effort behind it.


""An excellent idea." Bea laughed, turning to examine the tray. "I think I'd like this chocolate sufflet, here." The young man pushing the dessert cart lifted the delicate pastry onto her side of the table, and after offering Edward his treat, moved along.

"It's delicious." She hummed, taking another fork-full.
"Considering she appears to maintain some form of above-human capabilitiy, she will recover from the physical atrophy within a couple of days," Cardshark pondered as he watched her eat the cookie.

"I heard the doctor who helped you out the first time is coming back because she wants to help," Cardshark added, hoping it will be good news.


"Indeed," Edward said to her. He was definitely in contacting this woman further, but he was also attempting to figure out what else to do. Perhaps he could go back into gaming. After all, the rise of independent gaming has been something that caught his interest. He wasn't a businessman, but he understood the need of money. After all, developers and so on need to eat and desrve to make a living doing what they enjoying.

He kept an eye of the sharply-dressed gentlemen that came in and heading to the office of Mr. Cobblepot.
"I hope so. She helped me out a lot." Harley told him, rising from her seat. The timer had run out and she had to return to her room. "Thanks for coming to visit me again. I think it really helps." She didn't want to say anything right away, but she was starting to think less and less about the Joker with each visit. It probably didn't hurt that there was so little time in between them.

Bea caught Edward's gaze and looked toward the man in the suit heading into the office. She wondered if he'd known him in his previous life as a villain. "Is something the matter?" She asked casually.
Cardshark smiled back at her before he waved good-bye and good-night at her. She was a sweet woman and he was hoping things would look up for her. Of course, then one of the staff members alerted him to something. After a breif talk, Cardshark came back in.

"Someone wants to see you, Harleen," a doctor said before someone came in wobbling. She looked more normal.. smewhat and was wearing alot mroe clothing, but it was none other than Pamela Isley, whom she was leaning on Cardshark for support.

"Those men... I have seen them. And they appear to be bringing trouble," Edward said, a bit loudly so his parole officer could hear him. His parole officer got his gun ready while Edward stood up with his question mark cane.

His alertness was proven correct when gunshots were heard . Oswald Cobblepot was fending off some mobsters with one of his trick umbrellas, this one shooting some smoke. Edward ad his parole offier went. The officer warned them while Edward tripped one down before binding their hands with duct tape.
"Pam-cakes!" Harley yelped, pressing herself against the glass between them. She ran around to the side door, and after a few quick words with the guards, was allowed a brief visit outside the perimeters. Harley clumsily wrapped her arms around Pam's neck and shoulders, lightly kissing her on the cheek. "How ya feelin' kiddo? I missed you!"

Bea sat frozen in her seat, watching the chaos unfurl. She wanted to find some way to help, but before she could thing of something, it was over. When Edward returned to the table from his confrontation. "That was absolute bedlam! Are you alright?" She looked around, seeing her expression mirrored in the faces of the other patrons. "It's fortunate you and Mr. Cobblepot keep vigalant in your surroundings."
"I'm... I'm okay," Pamela managed to say while offering a weak smile to her. She looked woozy, but also looking kinder. She had a far-off look in her eye. "Harley... I saw so much.. I felt so much..." Pamela said before she returned the hug to her before Cardshark got back to support her.

"And that is something we need to discuss," a voice said that caught eveyrone off guard. Batman appeared... but he wasn't alone. Behind him was the Martian Manhunter, Zatanna along with a Green Lantern that Cardshark saw. He was the fourth one he saw (Kyle Rayner).

"I apologize for the interruption, but we need to have a check-up on you," Martian Manhunter told them all. "DOn't worry Harley. I'll be fine and you'll be too," Pamela told her.


Edward let his parole officer and Oswald take care of the rest of the men while he attended to the safety of his date. "Are you unharmed?" he asked her as he looked at her. The parole officer called for back while Oswald looked really annoyed.

"Having spent plenty of time in our sort of field and around stranger and more dangerous individuals, vigiliance is a worthwhile investment," he told her while looking over her.
Between everyone coming in at once, the strange appearance of Martian Manhunter and Pam's frighteningly subdued nature, Harley was frozen. She could only cling to her friend and stare wide-eyed at the chunk of Justice Leagers.

"I'm fine, unscathed even." She told him, although not shying away from the touch. Glancing over his shoulder, she noticed Mr. Cobblepot and the man Edward had pointed out as his parole officer, finishing the last of the henchmen who'd accompanied the assailant. "Are you unhurt?"
"Don't worry, I think she is just really tired," Cardshark told Harley Quinn as he looked at her. "She'll be safe, right?" Cardshark said as he faced the Leaguers. Batman just nodded. "I will look into her mind and examine if there are any changes to her memories or such while searching for any potential damage," Martian Manhunter told them. "Zatanna is here to examine her in regards to her relationship with the Green and how it changed as a result of her contact with the White Light Enity," he added, explaining why Zatanna and Kyle were there.

"It'll be all rght, Harley," Cardshark as he gave her a comforting smile.


"Likewise. It appeaes they were former associates of Mr. Cobblepot back when he was a criminal and attempted to use his former networks for trafficking illegal goods on the underground market," Edward told her quietly. "I am relived you are unharmed, although I be held for questioning for the incident, but nothing more," he added.
Harley gave Pan one last squeeze before stepping back from her to allow the Justice Leagers to do what they had comed for. She returned Cardshark's smile.

Bea nodded, sipping the last of her drink and folding her hands on the table. "Shall I wait for you to recieve your questioning? Or would you care to call the evening a success and part ways here?" She asked him politely.
Cardshark stayed with Harley a bit longer before the League went off. Cardshark was promised an explanation about everything when they could get back to him. Cardshark stayed with her until he had to leave.

The Next Day

Cardshark was one of the few of the Gotham heroes that operated in the daytime so seeing him there wasn't too much of a surprise. However, him heading into Arkham at this was interesting.

He brought Harley's favorite meal from her fast food joint, having gotten the info from her old doctor, who was invited to oversee her recovery.

"Hey Harley, look what I got you," he said as he put the bag and drink in the slot.

She would need the food after telling her the news.


"I do not wish to keep a lady in waiting. However, I did find this experience to be exceeding my expectations. Shall we continue this by having lunch tomorrow?" Edward offered to her while ensuring she was okay and knowing he would have to go to the police station. The work of the good Commissioner Gordon allowed the corrupt police department to turn around and become a genuine force for good.

When he finished, he called her to invite her to lunch at a cafe in the early afternoon. He considered the date a success and he spent the evening solving the riddle on how to forward the budding relationship.

The Next Day

Edward was walking in more casual but still stylish clothing to the cafe. Things have been going nicely and he managed to get some sleep despite having to give witness to the attack.
"Oh! Chokey's Chicken? I love that place!" She took the bag through the hole in the bottom of the glass and opened it. She sniffed inside and knew immediately it was Buffalo chunks. "Oooo, these are my favorite! Thank you."

She scooped the little paper containers out and put them on the paper bag, beginning her meal.


Bea arrived in a blue pencil skirt with a black top. It had a satin blue scarf pinned to it an f flattering ruffle. Her hair was in a tight bun at the back of her head and two hair pins with blue beads at their ends protruded from it.

She found the table at the cafe where Edward had been seated, and joined him. "Good afternoon, Mr. Nygma. I trust you had a nice rest of the evening, despite the unforeseen circumstances?"
Cardshark saw her delve into the buffalo chicken chunks and watched her delve into them, he smiled at her briefly. He sighed as he sat down, wondering how to tell her.

"Hey Harley, I got some news about Pamela," Cardshark began before realizing he didn't know how to say it. So he slipped the letter for her to read. It was a good-bye letter to Harley.

Pamela's connection to the Green was severed because she was no longer deemed. Apparently, being a villainess has some downfaults and after the encoutner with the Life Entity, the Red and the Green had been changing on how they worked. Besides being back to normal, Pamela decided that she needed to get faraway from Gotham and start anew, wanting to pursue her career and give back to the community using her talents.

There was a lack of a return address and it woud probably take the likes of Batman or such to find her and such, but the Dark Knight was content on her moving on and the letter finished with parting words of encouragement to Harley about moving on and finding someone that won't hurt like the Joker or sometimes she did.

Cardshark was awaiting Harley's reaction.


Edward smiled as he saw Bea. He felt a good amount of relief. He was secrelt worried the violence of last night may have intimidated her from showing up.

"Good afternoon to you to, Ms. Bea. Yes, it was quite the pleasant evening. How was yours? I hope the events were not too disturbing," he asked her, hoping she was all right. While people would get used to the violence, it was still something not that easy to get used to.
Harley wiped her fingers off and read the letter, already dreading its contents from the sound of Cardshark's voice. "How... How could she do this? How could she just... leave me here?" Harley slammed the letter down on the counter, tears filling her eyes. "I waited for her ungrateful ass for over six months... and she-" Her hands flew to her face, shielding it from light.

"Well, I must admit," she smiled fondly, sitting across from him. "watching you make short work of those thugs was enough to call me back this afternoon." She glanced at the menu and decided what she'd like to have and set it aside.
Cardshark looked at her before seeing the nurse. The nurse bit their lip before looking at Cardshark and sighing. Cardshark was led inside to Harley's cell. "She apparently made the decision all on her own. Batman even tried to convince her to have her talk to you personally, but she refused," he said before sighing a bit. "Despite her humanity restored, she is still not the best with people," he noted.

"It'll be okay, Harley," Cardshark said, not sure of what else to do or say.


Edward looked through the menu as well. He couldn't but smile a bit sheepishly at her compliment. While he was used to compliments regarding his intelliect, for other stuff, he was not used to it and thus caught offguard by it. Yet, it felt nice... he liked that.

"Thank you," he said honestly. "I have learned how to deal with ruffians, especially whenever large-scale catastrophes happen," he explained. Whenever something like Darkeid or such came, the Rogues' Gallery knew that an isntant truce was needed as these cosmic or demonic presences were a massive risk.

"I do wonder what your co-workers must think," he says.
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