The Gotham Connection (Applepoisoneer--MysteriousD)

Harley sat with her head in her hands, the tears flowing more readily. "Why am I the one who always gets ditched? Why am I always the one...who..." She couldn't finish her thought: Poison Ivy, The Joker, even a few relationships she'd had before him, everything was mounting up and becoming insurmountable.


"Well, I'm in the entertainment industry," She laughed, not thinking that he might not get the joke readily. It dawned on her and she finished her thought. "Most of us are very... free-spirited. I don't think anyone would mind. " She chuckled a little ligher. "In fact, some of them might want to meet you at some point. I've got a few friends who might think you're a figment of my imagination."
Cardshark leaned down and looked at her. "Harley, look at me. You are a wonderful person. Joker and the others... they just weren't good enough. I can't speak for Poison Ivy," he said as he wiped her tears and gave her a supportive smile. "I'm here for you, Harley. All right?" he told her.

While it would hurt, he hoped it help ehr move on. In the meanwhile, the Joker has still been kept underwraps and such and Cardsark was making sure he wouldn't escape and not drag Harley into a mess again.


Riddler just smiled as he listened to her. "I would like to meet them. When Iw as younger, I shunned at interacting with thoe not as smart as I," Riddler proclaimed. "However, I suppose if there was anything I learned in my years as a supervillain, it's that you learn how to itneract with all types of people and make friends of them even," he said.

"The entertainment does sound interesting. Would be fine to find new ways to challenge the masses and see if there are any bight sparks," he ntoed.
Harley sat up, composing herself. She wrapped her arms around Cardshark in a side-hug. "Thanks honey," She croaked. "it means a lot."

"Well, have you ever thought of putting together a screen play? It could be very interesting." She mused, though she wasn't sure if he could understand that in addition to being intellectually stimulating, something like that would have to have entertainment value as well.

When the waiter arrived to take their order, she ordered French onion soup and a half roast beef sandwich, as well as some coffee.
Cardshark smiled as he hugged Harley back. "You're a strong woman and I know you'll mae a good life for yourself. You survived alot and grew from it," he says as he helped finish wiping the tears from her eyes.

He looked and saw she hasn't finished her food. "Would you like me to eat here with you?" he asked her.


"Perhaps. There was something that inspired me. Back when I was eating lunch with my parole offier some months ago, his nephew was watching this fascinating show known as Gravity Valley. The introduction of ciphers and suchwas fascinating as well as the mystery and intrigue," Edward confessed to them.

He found the whole execution fascinating and he considered a mild shame they didn't do more, although considering the lackluster release of DVD sets and the like, he figured it'd be hard to do complex puzzle if it required multiple viewings on... questionable sites.

Still very fascinating.
Harley wiped her nose and eyes on her sleeve. "I'm not so hungry now, you can finish it if you want it. I'm not very hungry right now, but thank you. It means a lot that you brought it." Harley stared at the tiles on the floor, her face burning and red with the force of her crying and stress. She was calming down a little, Cardshark was helping, perhaps more than he knew. She wasn't sure how she would have even known if he hadn't told her.


"Oh, I adore Gravity Valley!" Bea chimed, sipping the coffee brought to her a moment before. "So many facinating twists and turns, and there are still many mysteries unsolved. It was truly a wonderful show, and a real jewel amid animated entertainment. " She sipped a little more and continued. "But even if you don't want to break into screenwriting, you could always consider the short story. Or, perhaps even a work of non-fiction?"
Cardshark instead packed it up. "No worries. I'll save it for you later," Cardshark told her with a smile. He still remained with Harley to let her calm down some. "You're a good person, Harley. You had a bad day and then your life went out of control thanks to that jerk Joker," he said to her before facing her once more.

"But you don't need him anymore. He's not gonna hurt you and I know you're strong enough not to let him," he said to her.


"I think it is somewhat too early to write my memoirs," Edward said humorously before listening to her talk about the show. "It is quite interesting and perhaps I may make a show like it. Or I may return to making video games. Maybe you would like to write for it," he suggested to her in a stroke of brilliance.
"This isn't just about him!" She wailed, rising to her feet. "This is about everybody I get close to leaving me in the dust! Where am I supposed to go after this? What am I supposed to do? I don't know anymore! I'm so done with all of it!" She sank back to the bed and buried her face in her hands again.

"Oh!" She perked up, setting her coffee cup down. "I've never considered writing for a video game before. And you know..." She though aloud now. "A videogame would really support your use of puzzles and riddles more than a television show or movie would."
Cardshark looked at her. Unofrtunately, that did seem to be the case. He went over and sat next to her. He began thinking before reaching a conclusion. Over the past time, he had gotten to know Harley.

"Well, maybe you can stay with me," Cardshark offered to her. He wasn't lying and he did have a lair beyond his own apartment. It was a secret room in an abandoned casino that he reinforced. Granted, this was part of his arrangement for Batman, in the event the Batcave was ever compromised.

"I'll be happy to take you in," he said with a smile.


"That would be true. Of course, I have been out of the industry for a while and while I am aware of KickstartIt, I am unfamiliar with what has changed along with good and bad examples of recent games," Edward told her as he found the idea more appealing.

"Do you and or your friends know of any good video games that could be used for inspiration?" Edward asked her.
"Really?" She lifted bright, hopeful eyes from herhands, but narrowed them when they met his gaze. "What's the catch? I mean, I'm done with all this crime stuff, so you don't gotta worry about that, but... there's always a catch."


She considered the question before answering. "Well, I tend to play older games myself, but I know fantasy RPG and military RPG arestill popular. Those shoot-em-up kinds of game never seem to go out of fashion, nor do arcade fighters..." She racked her brain for things people might still be playing, and finally settled on, "I think people will probably enjoy anything you would make, so long as it's challenging, but not impossible."
"No catch," Cardshark said as he looked at her. "You'll be staying with me while you're getting on your feet. I mean, you could probably become a heroine if you want or just kinda help out. Being an author, I tend to work at home and I think it'll help you find yourself again," Cardshark told her with a smile.

Seeing her big hopeful eyes made him smile. He knew Batman would try to chew him out for this, but he didn't care. He gave peopl second chances and it wasn't fair for her to keep being here cause the Joker kept messing with her.


"Well, I guess I know what will be occupying my time for a couple of days. I suppose it will be good getting into it wile also relearning design and such," Edward said. "It shouldn't take too long though I will probably need to actually play a few games myself to see what is mew," he said.

"I've been wandering myself, putting puzzles within puzzles. I always liked games of mind as a kid. Never one for sports though I was part of the baseball team back in high school. It was nothing more than to keep my father content," he said, face twisting at the mention of his dad.

"However, sabermetrics did prove to be a formidable hobby and being assistant coach looked good on a resume," he said, relaxing a bit.

"How was your youth?" he aske dher, having ordered some tea for himself.
Harley puzzled over it for a moment, before smiling and nodding in agreement. "Okay. When I get out of here, if it'sstill okay with you, I'll come and stay with you." A great weight was lifted from her shoulders now that she had somewhere to go. Still feeling a bit upset about Pam, Harley sat up, exhausted. "It shouldn't be too long now... I hope."

"It was... well, uneventful." Bea admitted. "I did theatre through junior and senior high, and got into college on a scholarship for that and my artwork. I couldn't stand my mother, but my father was alright. I also had a younger sister whom I used to fight with constantly, but I think now that we're a country's width apart, we're getting a long a little better."
"I'm sure you'll get out of here soon," Cardshark tells her as he gave her another hug. "Would you wanna stay over at my place or would you wanna try and be a heroine of sorts?" Cardshark asked her curiously. While she did fit the Joker's motif, she also fit his better, which occurred to him. Cardshark cared about people alot and he knew Harley would do fine for herself and he would help her.


Edward didn't expect for her to have mother troubles, but he didn't press the issue about it further. When she was ready, she would tell him. "Well done on a scholarship," he told her honestly. "My father... did not understand the cerebral ways of life. Heavy-handed and practical. I disliked intensely, but I could still respect, if begrudgingly, his points on life. My mother was a caring woman, but often distant. I sometimes wandered if this distance was why my father was the way he was," he pressed before moving on.

Their food arrived and he took a sip of his tea while seeing her enjoy her meal. "What about plans for the future? Where do you see the Bea of 10 years into the future?" he asked her.
It had occurred to her as well that she fit his theme, however, she was hoping for a quieter existence outside of Arkham. "Thanks, hon, but I think I'd just like to be normal for a little while. Maybe the hero thing'll sound more appealing when I can think of someone I wanna save. But right now, I wanna work on my own life." She squeezed him a little while they were so close.


"I suppose that depends," She smiled cunningly. "on whether or not these dates keep going as well as th But beyond that, I plan to continue making movies and writing collections of short stories." She sipped her soup and the coffee, enjoying the time they had together and the relatively nice weather. It was a little warm for her taste, but otherwise, she felt like a state of perfection.
Cardshark blushed a bit when he felt her squeeze him. "All right. Don't worry about it. I'm sure you'll do fine and you know I'll be there to help you in any way I can," Cardshark told her.

He still had a bit of time here and was savoring it. "Besides, the doctor that helped you last time came back so she can help you again," he said to her with a smile.


"I imagine they will," Eddie told her with his own cunning smile as he was enjoying their tea. Edward himself began thinking more of the future. No longer having to worry about the next day whether surviivng or obsessing over Batman, he could now think further into the future.

"I do look forward to potentially working with you on video games though," Eddie tokd her. "Perhaps a mystery or detective game. How do you feel about writing mysteries?" he asked her.
"Right," She smiled up into his face. "I should be out soon. I've been working pretty hard to prove I'm over all this." She sighed, feeling much better about the way things were going and looking forward to what could be her new life.

"I've always loved mysteries," She explained. "ever since I started reading things like Agatha Christie and Sherlock Holmes in my youth. I think a mysterie or detective game is just what the market needs. And, it could be wonderful to do it in a film noir style. What do you think?"
Cardshark smiled at her and was happy to spend a bit more time with her. He was eve able to leave her the food from her fave place with permission from the nurse. "I'll see you soon, Harley," Cardshark told her as he gave her a goodbye hug.


"That sounds excellent though it may be overplayed. Then again, Gotham is practically a very noirish sort of setting," Eddie chuckled to himself. "I do think this could be a fun project to work on together," he said as he finished his tea. "Perhaps after some research, I will call you so we can talk further... voer lunch or dinner of course," he said to her with a smile.
She hugged him goodbye and blew a kiss as he left, feeling in more of aplayful mood now that she'd been reassured in where she would live, though it was a while before she could finish eating.

"Research sounds like a good idea." She told him, watching their waiter arrive with the bill and depart before she continued. "I'll start thinking of a story and characters, perhaps do some sketches.

She smiled coyly and fiddled with the pearl broochshe wore. " I look forward to working closely with you, Mr. Nygma."
Cardshark couldn't help but blush a bit as she blew the kiss. He gave a dorky smile before he went off.

A Week Later...

"Congratulations, Harley," The nurse said as Harley Quinn was in the office of the nurse who helped her out last time. "I know you could do it. I know you made the slip-up last time, but know that we'll keep up with you and still be here for appointments if things are going tricky, she told Harley Quinn with a smile.

"Your stuff is of course waiting for you by the door and in fact, the young man who has been visiting you is also here to pick you up," she added to her.


"Likewise, Miss," Edward told her as he went to kiss her hand.

A Week Later...

Edward has been having a busy week. He started by binge-watching a new series he found known as Extra-Credits, taking mental notes and their advice on the building of game mechanics and things he could use. Beyond that, he has also been reading up on the latest things and even have spent time with his parole officer's family and playing video games with his oldest child, who was an avid gamer.

He woke up that day feeling somewhat refreshed and he called Bea to ivnite her for brunch and to show her some of the notes he had.
Harley jumped up and down in her joy, until she realized she must look ridiculous and stopped. She held her hands to her sides and thanked the nurse for her help, then she collected her things and went out to the lobby, a free woman. She found Cardshark there and greeted him with a big hug. "Hey, hon! I can't wait to see my new digs."
The nurse smiled and even gave Harley a supportative hug, happy that she would be moving on with her life. Cardshark was waiting for her. Cardshark smiled when she came out and he returned the hug.

"Nice to see you to, Harley," Cardshark told her. "Congrats!" he said to her with a smile to her. He showed her to his car. It was a pretty nice black car though it was decorated with red and gold coloring with some card designs on it. He opened the door for her and inside, it was clear the car was modified with some neat trick and tips.

"It's not the Batmobile, but it has a few tricks," he told her as they went off. He started by going into the hidden area where his hideout was. He helped her out and then through a secret tunnel, they ended up near his apartment. He opened the door open for her.

"Welcome home, Harley," he told her with a smile. It was a cozy looking place and kept nicely.
(OOC: Sorry I didn't include the Edward portion lasttiem, I was in the middle of writing when my Grandma called me, and I lost track.)

Harley stepped out of the car and took Cardshark's hand. She walked with him into the apartment, and thoughit was dark, it looked like a nice looking place. It was much nicer than she'd expected. It was the idea of a single male, living alone, that made her thing it would be much messier.

"It's nice. I like it." She told him appraisingly.

Bea jumped out of the shower and wrapped her hair in a towl to answer the phone. It was Edward, calling to invite her to brunch. She accepted and put on a little black dress with a dark-green half-jacket. She dried her hair and did her makeup and met up with Edward atthe resteraunt he'd specified over the phone.
Cardshark smiled at her, happy that she approved of his place. He led her to a blank room with a single bed. "I'm sorry I don't have much of your room, but I guess there's potential for you to decorate it," he told her with a smile.

"I'm gonna go change," Cardshark told her with a smile before he entered his room. He removed his outfit and stored it in the secret spot. He came out of his room wearing casualware like a t-shirt and shorts. Having gotten to know Harley better, he felt mroe comofrtable like this to talk to her.

"How are you doing?" he asked her. In his civilian form, he wore glasses and she could fully see his face. He looked younger than he actually was and he was probably younger than by a couple of years.


Edward met her in the restaurant, still dressed in his green and black suit, looking snappish as always. "Good morning, Miss Bea. I trust you had a productive and safe week," he asked her as he led her to their table and pulled her seat for her.
"Ha! I knew you'd have a baby-face under that mask." She laughed, playfully, gently pinching his cheek. "Really though, you are super cute. Y'know,in a geeky kinda way."

She dropped her bag onthe bed and sat on it's edge, flopping back and staring up at the ceiling. It was so much more comfortable than a cell at Arkham, even without the decorations.

"Indeed I have." Bea nodded, noting that he'd pulled the chair out for her. She thanked him and sat. It was so... soothing, comforting even, just to be near him. She wasn't sure what it was really, something about him just excited her, but in such a way as to dispell any hint of danger. "And I hope that you made it through the week, unscathed?" She asked, looking over the menu for brunch. "I hear you've been testing the waters of the video game industry? You know that's a river you can't step into twice, and believe it to be the same river."
Cardshark blushed a bit as she pitched his cheek and also complimented him. He was not used to compliments from anyone, especially from attractive woman. He gave a bit of a sheepish smile at her.

"What do you wanna today?" Cardshark asked her as he sat on the bed looking at her. He smiled at her as he adjusted his glasses.

"Diego... my name is Diego Vendrix," he said, as he took the big leap of faith.


"I have. It was a very productive week of research," Eddie told her with a satisfied smile as he also looked over the river. "Much has changed over the several years. Fortunately, I stumbled upon many quality websites and videos that presented good advice for re-entering the field. I even played some of the games my parole officer's oldest child played for advice," he said to her.

"One game in paritcular that struck me as fascinating in terms of being a detective game was The Witchner III: Fury Hunt," he explained to her.
"Diego, huh?" Harley smiled, rolling onto her side and bracing herself on her hand. "I'm glad you finally told me. I thought I was gonna have to call you 'Hey You' or 'That Guy'." She laughed and poked him in the side. "I wouldn't mind just staying in today. Maybe get some pizza and be potatoes."


"Really?" Bea asked, "I'm not familiar wiith that one. But I'm glad you found something to inspire you." She realized she'd forgotten her portfolio at home and mentally kicked herself. "I meant to bring you my sketches and notes, but I'm afraid I forgot to pick them up in my rush." She felt a little foolish, but hoped he wouldn't be too upset.
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