Handle Me (Marvel) Lady-Fox

"People are stupid. harsh and cruel." she admitted, stroking Bruce's hair with a sigh before smiling at her. "Tony's a strange one with a lot of quirks, but he's also a creature of habit. figure out his quirks and you've cracked open Tony like a nut." she admitted. "sometimes figuring out everything is hard, but it's always worth it to find the sweet person he is underneath his hard bitter shell." she admitted with a smile before wincing a little at Bruce's paranoia. she couldn't blame him in the least and she was surprised when he finally offered his arm to Jemma because he felt terrible and he felt he could trust her. felt she was safe. Hulk liked her, and that was enough for him.

Phil shrugged. "it's fine. no one panicked since you weren't gone for six hours like last time." Phil teased with a chuckle and a shake of his head. "James seams to be fine. Fitz is with him, James seams to be fairly okay with Fitz." Phil cocked his head. "can't tell if James likes him or not, but it's something for now." he admitted with a smile. "so promise me one thing." Phil ordered as he accepted the beer from Tony. "promise me the secrete your keeping isn't life threatening."
“They are.”Jemma agreed before smiling slightly. “Well, I’m sure we’ll get along well. If for no other reason, that I’ve figured out Fitz. I’m sure I can figure out Tony....and well, fitz is totally a fanboy.”She giggled a little before smiling at bruce as she slid the IV in. “Thank you.”She smiled at him. “it’ll be awhile, but you should start feeling better soon.”

“Ah. True....and it wasn’t my fault that the place got robbed while I was there. I shouldn’t be blamed for taking so long!”Tony whined sulking a little before snorting. “Well, that’s something.”He said worried about james, and worried about how things would go now that Steve was coming over. Going still as he popped the lid off his beer he paused as he studied the other for a moment. “I’m not hiding anything. Doesn’t everyone know everything about me?I’m a open book you know. Totally not hiding.”Tony said avoiding the question, before going still as the other watched him. “...It’s not life threatening as long as I’m not iron man.”Which meant it was totally life threatening, because he'd said giving up iron man would kill him just as quickly as anything else would.
Natasha chuckled. "i've heard a lot about you and Fitz. no one seams to agree if you two have romantic interests in each other or not." she teased with a grin. "Tony, from what Phil tells me, is about the same in way of complicated as Fitz, just in different ways." she admitted before hesitating. "how is he doing? after the... incident?" she asked, having herd from Phil about the brain damage. he was doing a lot better, but h still had moments where he got too frustrated, and he still hadn't got full function in his hand yet. "yeah." Bruce mumbled. "i could really go for a cheeseburger right now. OW!" Natasha had smacked him for daring to copy Tony and Bruce laughed, it was weak but it was a real laugh and that made her feel so much better about his recovery. especially since Bruce was mostly a vegetarian.

"you could have called. i know you where capable." Phil pointed out, rolling his eyes as he accepted the beer and took a long drink because damn he missed beer. "you are a terrible liar Tony."Phil said, sounding more worried now, setting a hand on the others shoulder and gave it a small squeeze. "please, Tony... your my friend. the closest thing to a Son I've ever had and ever wanted." he admitted. "i know, your older than me but that doesn't matter." he admitted. "You're family to me. let me help. please." he begged, looking very upset before wincing when a loud crash sounded and he rushed into the room with Fitz and James. Fitz looking very concerned and James with his fist in the TV, cut and bleeding all over the floor when he removed his fist. "what happened?" "I... I Don't know. I only turned the T.V. on to the news and it was about Senator Kelly's Trial. he's got life in prison for treasonous acts against his country by the way." Fitz admitted, James just standing there, hunched up and waiting to be punished. he didn't even try to stop the bleeding in his hand and showed no sign that he noticed any pain that might be coming from it.
“That’s cause we haven’t decided on it yet or not.”Jemma said looking amused before nodding. “They are.....and he’s doing...okay. Better then he was. Each day is a little better. He’s using his hand better, and he gets frustrated sometimes, but he’s okay.”She smiled a little before huffing. “No, you don’t get a cheeseburger yet.”she said making a face at him.

“...Yea. Maybe.”Tony muttered sipping his drink before frowning. “I am not!”Tony whined a little before frowning as the other touched him but not pulling away. “...I’m older then you?”he muttered focusing on something innocent and totally not the right thing, before startling. Looking at the living room and walking in. “James?Are you okay?”He asked moving closer, frowning slightly as he reached out to take a look at the other’s hand.
Natasha snickered and wiggled her eyebrows at Jemma. "Ever think of a threesome?" she teased with a grin before nodding. "i'm glad he's doing better." she admitted with a smile. "Phil adores him. and you too of course but Fitz needs a bit more attention and Phil loves people he can fuss over." she admitted with a chuckle before rolling her eyes at Bruce who chuckled. "can i have some tea eat least? i'm craving some rose-hip with some lemon and just a little but of sugar..." he admitted, Natasha snorting. "i'll go get you some tea Bruce. and some broth." she promised, glad that Bruce was feeling well enough to tell jokes. the joking had been a very new development and t made her feel good to know he still trusted them enough to joke with them a little. "can i have a milkshake?" he asked Jemma. which was hilarious because he was lactose intolerant.

"You are." Phil admitted with a chuckle and a shake of his head. "You are, by far, the worse liar i have ever met." Phil admitted before smiling at Tony. "i'm forty five Tony, Jesus how old did you think i was? why do you think i'm technically a desk agent?" he asked with a grin before wincing as he moved over to Fitz, making sure he hadn't been injured before grabbing the first aid kit, handing them over to Tony so he could bandage up Jame's hand, the man just standing there and waiting. not fighting them but not really aware of what was happening either, retreating inside of himself in preparation of the punishment he didn't realize wasn't coming.
“I would, but I think the two of them would spend the time talking science then sex.”She snickered a little before nodding. “Yes he does. It’s amusing how much he fusses over fitz.”She snickered alittle before frowning at bruce thinking it over before nodding. “Yes. A bit of tea and broth should be fine.”She said smiling slightly before huffing. “And no, no milkshake. You keep coming up with ridiculous food choices, I’m going to lock you in a room with a manic tony and fitz.”She teased a little. Knowing it wasn’t much of a threat.

“Am not.”Tony whined a little before thinking about that. “Damn. You look good for 45, but I’m totally younger then you. I am!”Tony whined not about to admit he was the same age, it just made him feel old. Not that it really mattered, extremis was fixing it. At least his body damge anyways, while he was 46, he had the body and stamnia he had at 30. He looked younger then he did even a year ago. He was definitely doing well. Frowning a little at james, worried about him, fixing the other’s hand as he watched james. “we’re goign to my room....”Tony muttered to phil. “Also....we’re having....guests soon, just make sure they get settled.”He said knowing the other would figure out soon enough who was showing up, gently guiding james towards his rooms. “James?You okay?You’re not going to be punished, but tell me what happened?”
Natasha snickered. "not if you have a foursome and include Bruce." she teased. "or Steve." she admitted with a giggle. "hell, make it an orgy." she teased with a grin, Bruce snickering as well because, hell if Tony ever offered he sure as hell wouldn't say no. "well, lets be honest here. Fitz needs fussing over." Natasha pointed out with a smile. "I think that would be very amusing." Bruce admitted with a smile. "can i have Tika Masala? maybe some Curry? how about a steak?" he asked with an ever growing Grin because pissing with people was a secret joy of his. "god i feel like shit..." Bruce admitted after a moment. "it's a weird feeling... i haven't been like this since after... you know."

"Are too." Phil said with a smirk before chuckling at Tony and grabbed the back of his head and pulled him down and planted a kiss on his forehead like Tony was a mall child. "your adorable Tony." he admitted before shaking his head at the sight of James. "ah, Steve and the other Avengers are on their way then?" Phil asked with a smile. "i'll greet them for you." he promised, looking concerned about James but leaving him in Ton's more than capable hands. it took James nearly until Tony was finished bandaging him and cleaning his hand in the bedroom before he spoke. "The Senator. he was in the box. He spoke to the Voice on the Screen and made the pain that the Voice on the Screen ordered." James whispered softly. "i don't like the Senator. he punishes me even when i don't do wrong or bad... he liked to make the pain."
“...Now that. Might be worth doing. Maybe.”Jemma said even if she was blushing brighter because really, that woudl be both appealing and amusing. “Well, he does.”She snickered a little before frowning at bruce, huffing a little. “No, now Doctor banner, don’t make me knock you out if you keep misbehaving.”She ordered before smiling slightly, sadly. “I know. But you should be good in a few days.”

“So not adorable.Tony yelped whining a little as he was kissed, going a little cross eyed as he looked at the other, before nodding slightly. Not saying yes out loud because he was worried about james’ reaction to knowing steve was coming. “Thanks,” he muttered. Going still at James’ words he tilted his head a little as he finished bandaging his hands. “Oh. The senator is not here. He wont be ever near you again jamie, I promise.”He said reaching out to gently stroke his hair.
"I know. it's drool worthy." Natasha admitted with a giggle before smiling a little at Bruce's being a pain in the ass. she'd known Tony was going to be a terrible influence on him. "i don't think you can hit hard enough to knock me out Dr. Simmons." Bruce teased with a smile before sighing a little "i know." he admitted, smiling at her. "thanks for taking care of me."

"Totally adorable." Phil teased with a chuckle before smiling at Tony. "it will be okay, i'm sure." Phil promised him before watching James and Tony leave. "he was in the box." James said softly. "He can make the pain from the screen." James explained to Tony, shaking his head when his hair was stroked. not used to the sensation and he stared at the other for a baffled moment before closing his eyes and leaned into the hand, enjoying the touch because a touch that didn't hurt was so very rare.
“It really is.”She said before smirking at bruce. She could be a pain to. “I might not be able to, but I did invent the icers with fitz, there’s a super soldier in residence, and iron man suit. I’m sure I can find a way to knock you out.”she said wisely before smiling .”You’re very welcome.”

“He was in the tv, but he’s not here. And he wont hurt you. You trust me right?I promise, he wont hurt you.”Though he was going to be having a conversation with steve about the senator, hopefully they can figure out how to get the senator,and maybe james would be better. He could make the other feel easier. “You’re okay. I promise.”He muttered smiling softly as he stroked the other’s hair, knowing the other was enjoying it.
Bruce chuckled a little. "i'm sure you could." he agreed with a smile at her. "still, would you really want to do such a thing to such a sweet, harmless little old man like me?" he asked with a chuckle.

"He makes the pain from the Screen." James whispered. "he makes the pain from anywhere he wants." James whispered. "okay..." he whispered. "You promise? he won't make the pain?" he asked softly, staring at Tony. surprisingly childlike. "you won't let him make the pain?" he asked softly before sighing a little into the touches, simply relaxing into it because it felt so very nice. "Sir?" James asked, blinking at Tony. "is this a punishment?" he wondered. he didn't normally enjoy his punishments, but he was always punished after he did a bad, so he was pretty sure this was supposed to be a punishment.
“Steve’s older then you. And you are far from harmless, so I might consider it if you don’t behave.”Jemma said snickering a little.

“I promise. He wont make the pain, and I’m goign to make sure he never hurts anyone again.”Tony said watching him, feeling pained at seeing him like this, when from steve’s stories he knew there was more then this, that hydra had scraped layers of his personality. “No I wont let him make the pain.”He muttered before frowning a little, tilting his head. “No, this isn’t a punishment. I’m trying to make you feel better....I’m not going to punish you for this.”
he chuckled a little and smiled as Natasha walked in with hot broth and tea, rolling her eyes at him because she knew he had been being a dork. "drink your tea and go to sleep." she ordered. "Yes Mum."

"okay." James mumbled, not sure why but he believed Tony. "Not punishment?" he asked, blinking at Tony. "i don't understand." he admitted, blinking stupidly at Tony because he was a machine. he needed maintenance, not to feel better. he didn't feel things. he had physical discomforts from time to time but that was what the maintenance was for. "Why not? i did bad, so i get punished. those are the rules." and James didn't like it when the rules changed because then he couldn't figure out what to do, when he would be punished for what. he wanted to be able to know and Tony wasn't following the rules so James didn't know. he didn't know anything now and that made James very nervousr and quite afraid.
Jemma smiled looking up at natasha as bruce settled in to drink and eat, settling back with a book into a chair at his side. Having every intention of simply watching over him like she said she would.

“No, not punishment. I wont hurt you for breaking my stuff, James. Unless it’s something important, like the coffee machine. Or my suit.”Cause no matter what he said, he still had a suit even if he’d technically retired. Chewing on his lip cause he knew he was freaking the other out, but he had no idea how to set the rules, or what would do more harm. Despite what natasha said, he knew he was horrible at this. “Okay. Simple rules. If you hurt yourself or others without permission, I’ll punish you. If you break the coffee machine or the suit, I’ll punish you. Anything else, I’ll warn you if you’re going to mess up, okay?”He said watching the other, worried about him. And feeling a little fidgety himself considering steve was going to be here soon enough.
Bruce finished both tea and broth and then settled in for sleep because god he was tired.

James frowned, confused. breaking things had often gotten him tortured before. but, Tony wasn't like others. h was the strangest damn handler James had ever had. he ind of liked it. still, it made him uneasy and he wanted some rules. couldn't push the boundaries if he couldn't tell where the line was. "Yes Sir." James agreed. he knew that Rule already. the only exception was in defense of his Handlers life. "Suit, Sir?" he asked, wondering if Tony wore Armani or something? he tensed when Jarvis piped up that Steve was there and speaking with Phil and the others.

"Jesus Bruce you look like shit." Steve admitted, looking very worried before smiling at JEmma. "Hey. i'm Steve. thanks for taking care of Bruce." he said, shaking her hand. "is he real bad off? he looks like the poor guys we broke out of the concentration camps...." he admitted with a violent shudder. "poor souls couldn't even eat chocolate bars when they first came out." Bruce wasn't far off from that, though some of the states that those poor souls where in was far, far worse than Bruce. Bruce, at least, wasn't experimented on, tortured, and expected to bury his friends or watch them be murdered or anything else. physically speaking he was very bad off, mentally? well Ross wasn't a monster but he sure as hell wasn't Hitler.
“Good. And yes, the suit. I’m iron man you know. While I don’t wear it often anymore, I still need to be able to wear the suit if needed.”Tony said fidgeting a little cause he knew he shouldn’t be wearing it at all till he figured out extremis, but things happened. Humming quietly he ran a hand over the other’s hair.”Shush, it’s okay. He’s here to talk to me. He’s not going to hurt you. And I’ll stop you from hurting him, okay?”He promised looking at the other. “You could stay with Natasha if you don’t want to see him yet.”

“He does a bit.”Jemma agreed looking amused at steve’s observation, before smiling. “I’m Jemma, and you’re welcome.”She said shaking his hand before shaking her head. “He’s going to be weak for a few days, and it’ll take his body awhile to build back up, he’s not quite as bad off as some I’ve seen. Now that he’s here and getting the appropriate care ,he’ll be fine.”Jemma promised. "I'd be more worried about tony then Bruce honesty. He's looking thin and uncared for."Which was true. tony had that total mad genius in the lab look going for him. even if he'd showered since james had shown up, he was looking a little on the thin and unshaven side.
he blinked at Tony, completely uncomprehending of the name Iron Man. clearly, he had no idea what Tony was talking about. "i don't like the voice in the screen." James mumbled, not understanding who Steve was. he had not yet realized, apparently, that Steve Rogers and Captain America, his Target, where the same people. so he had tensed because f Jarvis, not because of Steve, which meant James was still pretty petrified of Jarvis the poor bastard. "i don't want to stay with the red woman. she's a Target." he grumbled, resting a little against Tony because the other man was really warm and nice and he liked to touch the other.

"i don't! your face is ugly." Bruce complained, making Steve laugh and feel so, so much better about Bruce's condition. Bruce wouldn't be cracking jokes if he was in to much pain or feeling too badly. "thank god. I'm so sorry i never looked for you Bruce." Steve said, guilt etched on his face, Bruce shaking his head. "don't feel so bad Steve, i didn't exactly give you any indications i wanted to be found when i left, after all." Bruce admitted. "Tony always oos like that." Steve admitted, sounding very disgruntled. "he pretty much kicked us all out and now there's no one here to tae care of him. worst part is, i don't think he realizes he shoved all of us away." he admitted with a sigh. "he doesn't. but we're back now, we can take care of him now." Bruce pointed out with a smile.
Tony sighed softly, looking him over. “Ah. Jarvis wont hurt you, he’s a good guy. Wont hurt you.”He promised wincing a little because he wondered if James had figured out cap was steve. This might be bad....”Okay. No staying with Natasha then. You can stay with me. Come on then.”He said smiling, heading for the medlab, well aware that’s where steve would be.

“I do not.”Jemma rolled her eyes a little, before smiling slightly as she listened to him, tilting her head. Considering what she’d heard on the way over. “He’s very unaware. He seems to think you guys are the ones who wanted to leave. And are actually angry with him.”Jemma sighed a little before smiling. “We’ll take care of him.” “....Is it safe to come in? No hulk in here right?”Tony said poking his head into the room.
James shook his head because even if Tony said so, James was still scared. the voice would cause pain, the voice always caused pain. "I don't like the red woman." he grumbled. she made him feel things. Tony did too, but Tony was his handler, so that was okay. his Handler was supposed to make him feel things. granted he'd never felt things like this before, but Ton wasn't like any Handler he'd ever had before either. "Yes Sir." he felt a lot better, being allowed to stay with Tony. he was feeling very... off.

"You do too." Bruce huffed. "but i was talking to Steve. Steve has an ugly face. you have a very nice face i suppose." he teased her before shaking his head at Steve. "we'll know better next time." Bruce agreed, Steve nodding before smiling at Tony when Bruce brightened. "of course there's a Hulk in here, but come in anyway!" he ordered with a grin. "you look like shit Tony." Bruce said, examining James who was hovering as if trying to remain unnoticed without leaving Tony's side. he looked very unhappy to be around so many people and medical equipment but he wasn't saying or doing anything so that was good. he looked even less leased to see Steve and was eyeing a scalpel, which Terry quickly removed lest James decide previous orders where more important than the new ones from Tony.
“I know. But she’s a friend. Just just wants to help us both. If you ever need anything and you can’t get to me?Ask her, okay?”Tony said smiling quietly as they headed for the stairs. Worried about james, and disliking the sick feeling that he was failing.

“Ah, well. I don’t think so. He’s got that all american look that everyone likes. I don’t think you’re allowed calling him ugly.”Jemma teased looking amused before looking up at tony. “Ah, well. I guess I’ll have to settle for a small hulk instead of the big guy.”Tony grinned a little before whining as he walked inside. “I do not!I look amazing.”he whined a little, talking to bruce and the others but mostly watching james. “You’re okay. None of this medical stuff is for you. At least, not unless you’re hurt.”Tony promised watching james.
"..okay." James mumbled, though he was pretty sure he would never be desperate enough for help to ask her. he just didn't like her. didn't trust her, didn't want her there. she was a threat, a danger and he knew she'd hurt Tony. his precious handler. he couldn't allow that.

"i'm totally allowed to call him ugly, that's what makes it not an insult." "oh, is that how it works?" Steve asked, looking amused. "Small hulk is more fun anyway." Bruce said, smiling at Tony. "you look like shit." Steve corrected, smiling at Tony, watching the way Tony focused nearly completely on James. it made him fel better. "Condition is optimal." James was quick to reassure Tony, Steve snickering a little. "he always did hate the doctors." Steve mumbled before motioning for Tony to sit down. "Visions in a bit of a sulk." he explained. "he's very annoyed you never called him and he's worse than you are at passive aggressiveness so be warned, he might start picking on you a little bit." that made James tense and Steve was quick to reassure both of them. "he's not dangerous, he'll just trade your sugar for salt and turn the volume of your TV up to eighty and annoying crap. just, don't ask how i know and what i did to deserve it okay? oh, and we're staying, at the very least, until Bruce is better and we know your not dying." he informed Tony, patting him on the shoulder, ignoring James mild grumbling. no words where needed on James part to let them all know he didn't like people being so close to, let alone touching, Tony.
“Ah.”Jemma snickered a little. “Well, only when he’s here and doing sciency things. You haven’t been fun recently.”Tony sulked a little before whining. “I do not!”tony huffed looking annoyed before smiling at james. “Good.”he muttered before rolling his eyes at steve as he sat down. “well, none of you called me either.”He grumbled looking annoyed that he’d mess up before sulking at the knowledge he was trouble. “...that’s mean. Tell him not to do that.”he ordered half heartedly before huffing. “I’m not dying!What in the world is making everyone think this.”Tony whined looking upset and annoyed that they’d all figured it out when he thought he was doing good at hiding it.
"i am loads of fun." Bruce huffed with a grin. "i'm going to be stuck in bed for a while i think but we can do science here." he offered. "well. to be fair, we thought you hated us so..." Steve shrugged. "anyway, i don't think he'll mess with your coffee, not even Clint is stupid enough to do that. just begging for retaliation and i don't think we'd survive the fallout." he admitted with a chuckle before he looked at Tony, expression pained. "because the last time you shoved everyone away, gave away your things, and gave one of your facilities to someone else, you where dying." he said softly. "just... let Bruce help, okay?" Steve pleaded. "Please Tony. your my best friend. i couldn't bear to lose you..." he admitted softly.
"Are not. You are totally not fun."Tony muttered looking amused before making a face."no that's your punishment. You'd don't get to do science in bed."Tony decided. Jemima winced a little watching tony trying to process the idea of hating them. He looked so confused at the idea."good. No one should mess with coffee. James, if someone messes with my coffee I give you permission go punish them."Tony decided pleased with the conclusion. Before staring at steve."...I'm not dying!"
"i'm the funnest person in the room." Bruce scoffed, looking amused before looking stricken. "what am i being punished for!? that's not fair! i haven't done science since i was kidnapped! Tony! that's just cruel! Tony please?" Bruce begged. "i have so many ideas Tony!" "Yes Sir." James said, though he was pretty sure that would conflict with the 'don't hurt anyone' orders. unless maybe he was supposed to do something else? Tony had said punishment wouldn't be pain. so, perhaps he would have to do something else to them? he would ask Tony later. "Tony? your a terrible liar." Steve said, James making a distressed noise. "Are you not functioning?" James asked Tony, looking very distraught at the ida of his precious handler being unwell.
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