Handle Me (Marvel) Lady-Fox

she snorted at him. "you distrusted me before that." she pointed out. "you distrusted me the second i stepped into that stinky Gym and kicked Happy Hogun's ass." she admitted with a smirk. "really Tony you think i didn't notice?" she asked with a chuckle. "i am always right." she huffed before smiling a little. "i was supposed to blend in, red hair drew too much attention." she admitted. "Well. i wouldn't say no, but she's not gay so it doesn't matter really. beside you two are still kind of a thing so i'd rather not step on any toes." she admitted. "i'm actually not sure what you two are now...." she admitted. "You haven't even had that hot girl from accounting up. you haven't had sex." she stated simply. "that sounds like fun." Natasha admitted. "w could track him together." she agreed with a grin before smiling at him. "the others didn't meet me until after i was used to Jarvis." she admitted. "so if you and Pepper didn't notice that's all that really matters." she admitted with a smile before chomping down on another Cruller while James scraped his plate clean examined it and then looked at Tony, waiting to be told what to do next.
“Well. That was just weird. Of course I distrusted you.”Tony huffed a little before frowning at him, thinking about it. “Ah. Well. That makes sense really.”Tony said looking bemused at the idea of her as a blond, before frowning. Staring at her, shying away from the idea. “I’m not anything with pepper anymore.”he growled slightly before staring at the other. “There’s a hot girl in accounting?”He asked sounding interested before nodding. “We could totally track him together.”He agreed before nodding. “I didn’t notice, though pepper might.”He shrugged as he finished eating, looking at natasha. “....What should I do?”He asked, while he liked having a submissive around, it still made him twitchy to know someone was relying on him to make the good calls, to decide what to do.
she snorted. "you didn't trust me at all even before then. as soon as i walked in that door you where thinking of all the ways i could hurt or betray you." she pointed out before blinking a little. "oh. oh, i'm sorry. i didn't... i thought..." she shook her head. "yes, there's a hot girl in accounting. which you would know, if you where having sex." she stated simply. "it would be a fun 'family bonding' experience." she agreed with a grin. "nah, i don't think Pepper noticed." Nat admitted. "she hasn't noticed me staring at her ass and i'm a lot more blatant about that." she admitted, wondering why Tony and pepper had broken up but not about to ask when Tony seamed so upset about it. "Tony. seriously. you know how to handle him. it will be fine." she promised with a smile. "trust yourself." she suggested. "i can offer advice, or even insight into what he's thinking or feeling but i can't tell you how to be his handler, or his Dom because i've never been either. you do fine, just treat him like an abused Sub who can't sex yet." she offered. "that's what Phil said he did." she admitted grinning when James, apparently bored with having no instructions, set about doing his 'default' which was to clean up and clean and such, so he picked up the dishes and started doing the dishes.
“Nah. I was totally htinking about how you’d be in bed. Which in hindsight, and knowing your handle now, is sort of terrifying to consider.”Tony teased a little before cringing away from the question in her words, not about to think about pepper or what they were anymore. “....Shut up. I’m totally going to be having sex with the girl from accounting. I’;l have to investigate this.”Tony said looking thoughtful before snorting. “Ahh, that’s amusing.”He said snickering a little at the idea of pepper missing that before going quiet, frowning a little. “But...Nat....I don’t know what to do. I mean, I spend every day in the lab, what do I have him do?It’ll be boring and to quiet. I mean, I know steve got bored watching me, I know he will to.”Tony said upset not because he didnt’ know how to handle him, but mostly because he was afraid the other would be so bored and upset with not having anything really to do, that he’d leave. “,.,..I can do that. But it still doesn’t give me a idea of what to do. I mean. Nat, I’m boring. I don’t do alot, don’t really know how to let him help me, which is what he probably wants...”Tony said fussing a little smiling slightyl as he watched james clean up.
she smirked a little. "do you think about me in bed often Tony?" she asked with a smirk before dropping the subject as soon as she saw him getting twitchy. "yeah, you have fun and have sex from the girl from accounting." she teased, making a mental note to ask Pepper instead. "You know what to do or you won't have been doing it." she pointed out. "and Steve never got bored, he just has too much energy that builds up. he can't sit still that long." she admitted. "he doesn't need excitement Tony he needs calm, boring, normal things. monotony and normal." she admitted. "as for what to make him do, let him do things he's used to doing. it will make him feel better. daily training to keep hiss kills up, cleaning up after you, making you food and cleaning your messy clothes. let him run a bath for you, get him to fetch coffee, have him distract Dum-E and U. just let him take care of you. we're trained to see to the needs of our handlers." she admitted. "serving you will make him feel better, feel stable." she admitted. "when Phil first got me, i used to bring him his slippers and his coffee every morning, just because it made me feel better." she admitted. "Clint was actually a lot more challenging for Phil because all Clint knew how to do was shoot a bow and arrow and how to fuck." she admitted with a smile. "just let him do what he naturally does. like now. you didn't giv him an order so he just did his 'default'. yes, tell him when he does something you don't like and you should tell him not to do anything in the lab, but other than that just let him take care of you and take care of him in return." she assured him before jumping when James growled at her for being in the way while he was trying to wipe the table. she just smiled at him and stopped leaning on the table until he was done. r
"I did, but your a friend. Thinking about friends having sex is wrong."well, unless it was steve."I will totally go see the girl."Tony said laughing a little."yea....he is sorta like a excited puppy...okay...so watching me do shit in the lab won't be to writd?I mean, weird things happen in the lab."despite her reassurance it sounded like tony was trying to talk her out of letting james stay with him, not because he didn't want james there, but because he didn't trust himself."okay ....I can do that..."he muttered relaxing a little stretcbing as he eyed her."how's your tech doing?do you need anything new?"
"is it?" she asked, looking amused. "i think about sex with my friends all the time. mostly Pepper but Maria Hill and Melinda May would be hot." she admitted with a grin. "nah. i don't think he would mind being in the lab. he's not very hyper really." she admitted. "and if he gets fidgety just give him something to do. make him hold things for you, or tighten things or something." she offered with a smile. "and weird things are good too. it'll give him experience with how to handle the odd things that have been happening in this world." she said with a smile. "I know you don't believe it Tony but you really are the best person for the job and i would have brought you to him myself if I'd thought about it." she admitted. "i wasn't feeling the best when he showed up." she admitted before nodding. "My tech is crap." she admitted with a sigh. "we're using Shield shit again and i broke my widows bites during my last mission." she pouted. "can you fix them? or make me new ones?" she asked hopefully. "oh! and i brought something with me that i think even you'll be impressed with." she admitted. "it was invented by one of our techies. some team that people just call Fitzsimmons. way too smart for Shield." she admitted, sliding the Icer over to Tony. "impressive right? Steve was trying to contact them and send them your way but they seam to be off grid." she admitted. "so if a man and a woman show up saying their name is Fitzsimmons your welcome. they're almost as smart as you and Bruce."
“Yes it is!”Tony sputtered before staring at her, nodding a little. “okay, that might be hot.”he said before frowning thinking about it before nodding. “Okay. Lab time would be okay then.”Tony said sighing softly before nodding, realizing that maybe lab time would be good. Frowning at natasha he huffed a little. Not agreeing, but knowing better then to protest. “Shield tech is crap. Come on. We’ll go to the lab, see what I can do for you.”He said before staring at the icer as he picked it up, frowning a little. “That is amazing. And yes, I want to find them.”He said looking at james holding out the weapon before pausing, looking at natasha. “Can I keep this one?”
"Not really." she admitted with a grin. "so long as they don't know what your thinking, it's fine. and it would be hot wouldn't it?!" she asked with a bright grin. "Lab time would be very good." she agreed with a smile. "it is crap!" she agreed with him. "i'm totally spoiled now. even Steve is complaining and he never complains!" she complained with a chuckle. "he was talking to Maria about maybe getting a contract with you to supply the Avengers but he wasn't sure how you'd handle that since the Avengers are technically part of shield and he didn't want to pressure, bully or make you feel as if you had to." she admitted. "so if she comes to you about that just think about it okay?" she asked with a smile. "we're looking for them, Steve doesn't like the idea of shield agents being stranded." she admitted. "of course you can. i brought you a couple actually." she admitted. "i left the others in a box on your desk." she admitted. "four total including this one." she admitted. "to do with whatever you want." she offered with a smirk.
“Ahh, that’s true.”Tony said blushing ever so slightly as he considered his thoughts before nodding. It would be hot. “You are spoiled.”he said grinning a little, amused at the idea of of even steve complaining about his tech. Huffing a little. “Fine, I’ll think on it. Though when he finds out about this, he might not want to work with me you know.”he said, of everyone who could find out about him helping james, it was steve’s reaction that worried him the most. “Well, let me know if you need help. I have some of the best tracking in the world. I’ll help.”He asked before grinning at that, handing it over to james. “Use this, unless lethal force is necessary. I don’t want to be killing anyone we don’t ave to.”
she grinned at him. "totally spoiled, and it's all your fault so you should take responsibility for your actions and spoil me some more." she teased before shaking her head. "he'll be upset, but once he calms down he'll understand." she promised Tony. "hell, he might already know. we tried to keep it a secrete but sometimes Steve is even worse than Fury about knowing things." she pointed out before nodding. "i think you should help. if they're in trouble somewhere, the sooner we find them the better." she admitted. "Yes Sir." James said, examining the weapon before glancing at Natasha. "don't even think about it trigger finger." she warned, James sighing as he tucked the gun into a holster at the small of his back. he always wore the holsters. always.
“...Fine. Just this once. I’ll spoil you, and even show you the new toy I came up with for steve....think bribery would keep him from being upset with me?”He said thoughtfully, before whining a little. “No, he doesn’t know. he’s not here beating my head in yet, so Steve can’t know.”Tony pointed out, before huffing as he got up. “Fine. Let’s get to work. Jarvis, start looking, we’re heading for the lab.”well aware the AI would start sorting through to find fitzsimmons, before snorting at james’ actions. “Trigger finger?”He snickered as he headed for the hall, glancing at james. “Jarvis, pull up all the information on fitzsimmons and put it on the computer. We’re going to put James’ tracking skills to the test.”
she beamed at him, very happy with the promise of new things. "oh, new things for Steve?" she asked, looking curious. "you don't know he'd do that." she protested, shaking her head a little. "there's only a fifty percent chance of that." she stated simply. ""You do bad Math." James informed her, making her shrug. "good enough for me." she admitted with a grin. "yeah, he has an itchy trigger finger. he wants to shoot me. probobly because he failed to shoot me before." "You are sneaky." James accused her. "i don't like to miss." he grumbled before wincing when things started popping up all over, but none of it was kill orders, punishments or commands. it was exacty what Tony had asked for. "i know where the ones named Fitsimmons are." James admitted. "i met them. they fixed my Arm." James admitted. "They did a good job but i broke it again." he admitted. "You met Fitzsimmons?" "yes. they live on The Bus." "they live in a bus?" "no. The Bus. it flies in the sky like the large flying quin-jets, only smaller."
"Yes, I have new things for everyone. but only steve and you get yours. the others will have to visit me to get them. otherwise I'd never get visits or updates on how everyone is."he said sounding sulky and upset that in the last two months since they'd been gone, no one had visited or at least called to tell him they were all okay. and as much as he'd wanted to know, he would never make the first call, not when he didn't know if they'd want to keep in touch with him now that he wasn't a avenger and wasn't useful. so he'd been waiting. "no, the other chance is he'll throw me out of the window."tony grumbled before snoritng, eyeing the two, making sure james wasn't going to shoot her, offering him a pleased smile when he realized he was okay and in control. "I'm sure you'll get a chance to hit her sometime. she has a bad habit of making me spar with her. Maybe you can convince her to spar with you sometime."He shrugged before pausing, looking at james before smiling as jarvis started looking for big planes that read like quin jets. "Awesome. Now we just have to get them to land, and find out if they want to come work for me, instead of boring shield."
She chuckled a little. "the only reason we haven't called, Tony. is because we thought you where mad at us." she admitted. "we didn't want to push you is all. Steve thinks it's his fault, because he was so harsh with you about Ultron." she admitted. "hasn't that already happened?" she asked, looking amused. "people have a nasty habit about grabbing you around the throat too." she admitted, shaking her head. "honestly i'm surprised you can still talk." she admitted with a chuckle before smiling when James brightened at the idea of a spar. he liked to 'play fight'. "why not ust hack their systems and demand them to land or you'll shoot them out of the sky or something?" she asked with a grin, James prodding a see through screen with a finger, blinking when his finger passed through the screen. it was The Bus. landed in Nevada. "Sir, recent activity has occurred in Nevada." Jarvis spoke up. "A Large facility has recently had an explosion, it was reported as a faulty gas containment. i do not think this is a coincidence as 'The Bus' is currently sitting just outside of the facility." Jarvis reported. James flinched and winced but didn't react nearly as bad as he had that morning so Natasha was clearly right about asking Tony and Jarvis to act normal while he was there. "Also, Sir. you have eggs on your shirt." Jarvis informed Tony.
"Mad?why would I be mad?you're all friends. I don't get mad at friends."because if he did,they'd go away. Looking annoyed and upset at the idea they thought he was angry with them before huffing."only once. And they do. It's sorta depressing how often it happens....and I can't shut up. No one ever wants me to not talk. I have to talk."he whined a little before thinking on it, nodding."jarvis, if they're landed, keep them on the ground."he said before looking at the data, sighing."good.keep them there, we're on the way. And I do-oh.damn."Tony flushed as he looked down at his shirt, looking at the other two."get ready to go. Quintet upstairs, you fly, I'll meet you there. I have to change and suit up."she said starting to strip to get in his suit
she smiled at him. "you where pissed off and we all knew it. we didn't want you to be angry with us anymore so we thought giving you space would be best." she admitted. "i can see now that we where wrong." she admitted. "it does happen with horrific frequency." she admitted. "it's creepy when your quiet." she agreed. "means your sick or upset or pissed off and that's never a good thing." she agreed with a smile. "I will Sir. however, i should mention that Bruce Banner was recently sighted in that area as well, shortly before the explosion. he may still be in the area." Jarvis informed Tony, sounding very amused that his 'master' was covered in eggs like a child. trying to make an impression are you?" Natasha asked, wondering if he was going to put on a suit under his suit? she shook her head and followed James, well aware he would do the flying because technically speaking Tony had told him to. she settled in the Co-pilot seat and chattered to Tony about the other things Fitzsimmons had invented in recent years as they flew to Nevada where Bruce was apparently hiding out.
"Was not.stupid people who go away."Tony grumbled seriously annoyed that they'd left him alone, but not about to demand they visit more."it is never a good thing. Pepper tells me it's a horrible thing when I'm quiet."he snickered a little."damn...well good. I'll find bruce now to."he said sounding pleased with the idea. "Shut up, both you. I'll donate you to the community college, I swear jarvis."Tony grumbled. Dressing in nicer clothes, but not fancy ones. Hwen they landed he looked around, eyes widening at the jet."shit!that's one of my planes!nat that's my plane!"tony said sounding annoyed as he considered the bus
"I'm sorry Tony." she said, offering him as much of an apologetic smile as she could. "it is a horrible thing. i hate it when your upset." she admitted with a sigh before smiling at him a little and pressed herself into him a little before smiling a little. "yeah. we can take turns yelling at him." she agreed, still sounding a little hurt. she had thought he would be the one man she could, you know, have sex with. her 'exception' as it where. "I'll be sure to work on my Resume Sir." Jarvis agreed, Natasha chuckling. "Is it?" Natasha asked, looking surprised before gasping as she realized Bruce was sitting outside the bus, naked and so thin she could count his ribs and see his cheekbones. he was covered in burns and cuts and a young woman was gently talking to him as she cleaned his wounds. James was staring off in the distance at a large research facility, or what had used to be a research facility. it was now a smoking ruin. "Bruce!!!" Natasha was running to him and he looked up at her and tried to smile but he was too tired and too weak. James just followed Tony, looking curious but not very invested.
“I know. I’m not really upset anymore.”Tony promised smiling as she pressed into him, before nodding. “we will. He needs yelled at.”He muttered. Pausing as he flipped up the visor for his helmet as he considered the scene, he followed after natasha, looking him over. “Bruce, what in the world happened to you?”He growled ignoring the tense and upset woman kneeling at bruce’s side, dismissing her as unimportant for the moment as she worked on bandaging bruce. "Calm down. there's no reason to yell."Simmons said gently looking up at the two avengers as she dealt witht bruce's wounds.
she smiled at him, glad he knew this was as close to affectionate as she ever got. "he does need yelled at." she agreed before fussing over Bruce, looking frantic. "...it was Ross." Bruce said, voice hoarse. "I'd learned he'd used Abomination to create.... things. he was experimenting on people. normal people as well as Mutants and other people. it was personal, i was going to tell you before i left but Hulk just left. he didn't want your help. 'didn't need it'. i let him because i thought it would take a day. week at the most and figured you'd forgive me. there's no arguing with Hulk when he's like that anyway you know?" Bruce shuddered. "Ross... i don't know what it was. it was like fire in my veins, like my skin was melting off and i screamed and couldn't stop and i passed out. he's had be since then... no food. an I.V instead of wter. i couldn't move... he... he did such h..horrible t..things..." Bruce was trembling now and tears where leaking out of the corners of his eyes, trailing down his cheeks. "i couldn't stop him... i couldn't do anything. i couldn't change, i couldn't fight, i couldn't do anything..." he whispered, Fitz wincing as he walked out with Tea for Bruce, gently pressing the warm cup into the man's hands who sipped at it mechanically. "oh my god Bruce..." Natasha whispered, hand pressed to her lips because she could only imagine the horrors Ross could do unsupervised.
“What?”Tony let out a startled yelp at that idea be fore he stepped out of the suit, glad he’d made it so he could get in and out of it without needing the lab to do so. Crouching down next to bruce, ignoring simmons annoyed growl at being crowded. “Yea I know. And you’re forgiven for taking so long. Though the others aren’t, I’m still mad at them for staying away.”Tony grumbled a little before refocusing on the man in front of him, looking pale. “Shit bruce....well. You’re coming home now. And we’ll deal with ross....unless that explosion includes ross. Does it?”Tony said before eyeing fitz and simmons. “And who are these two, and is there anyone else here that needs help?”Tony said looking at james, trusting him to know if there was anyone else close by.
"okay... okay Tony." Bruce said, a little bit of amusement coloring his voice now at the promise he wasn't going to be in trouble. "yeah... yeah i w.. want to go home." Bruce agreed, his eyes starting to water. "General Ross is dead." Fitz said softly, gently draping a blanket around Bruce's shoulders. "Melinda May shot him." Fitz explained softly. "he was doing... horrible things." Fit was a little traumatized after seeing all those kids, none of them older than twenty one, most of them younger than eighteen. kids, mutants and otherwise twisted and grotesque. begging to be allowed to die. those not yet experimented on kept in tin cages huddled together for warmth and comfort like trapped rats. "This is Fitz and Simmons." Bruce said,smiling at them. "they're geniuses of our caliber but without the insane ego." Fitz flushed bright red, awkward about being called a genius in front of his hero, Tony Stark. "No. all of the victims have been.... relocated. most of them where already gone and those that couldn't be save we needed to..." Fitz's voice cracked and he swallowed hard and Bruce patted his hand gently. "We where going to fly Bruce home, but someone..." Fitz glanced at Tony. "grounded our plane. Skye's all in a fit because she can't hack the hacker." Fitz admitted with a grin, Bruce snickering. he was pretty sheltered from things like shock and trauma. been through too much, seen too much, experienced too much and Hulk was a good barrier against such things as well.
“Don’t sound amused. You’re still going to get yelled at for leaving me with inferior minds. Do you understand that trying to explain quantum physics to clint is asking him to shoot me?He stabbed me,bruce, he did!”Though it had just been with a flat headed practice arrow, it still made the man whine. “And talking to johnny is a test of patience.”he whined cause he loved his friend, but sometimes talking to johnny was hard. “Ah...yes. I’m sure he was. Ross was a piece of work.”Tony muttered looking pleased that the man had been dealt with before straightening, looking at the two. “You’re the two that came up with the icer, right?” “yes...”Simmons said eyeing the genius. “Good. And Natasha, I don’t have to thank you for finding them. Bruce gets thanks for this introduction, sorry, spidey.”Tony huffed as he stood up, before smirking. “Well, I was looking for you two, and James pointed out the easiest way to do that, was ground your asses till I could get here. Oh!Bruce, james. James, this is bruce.”Tony said offering belated introductions.
Bruce chuckled a little and shook his head, resting his head on Tony's shoulder, too tired to support himself any more. "did he really?" he asked with a smile, Natasha snickering. "he did actually. Tony wasn't hurt but that's not really the point." she admitted with a giggle. "Johnny's brilliant, but he doesn't do physics." Bruce agreed. no, Johnny was much better with statistics and numbers, he was also the type of person to get bored easy and when Tony rambled Johnny tended to start playing flappy bird or candy crush. "Uhm..." Fitz stuttered, looking very confused and uncertain and finally just tucked himself behind Jemma so he'd stop having to try to talk. "That's fine. you wouldn't even have known they existed for me so i'll take that credit." Natasha teased with a grin. "Nice to meet you James." Bruce said, smiling at him. "Why where you looking for us?" Fitz wondered. "Tony was looking for you because he likes smart people. the Avengers where looking for you because Steve was concerned that you and your Team where trapped, lost, captured or hurt or something." Natasha explained, Fitz going red again and fidgeting. "oh... we didn't know he had rejoined Shield..." "working directly for Fury. yup." Natasha admitted. "sort of. he has executive rights. means he can say no if Fury pushes the line." Natasha admitted with a grin. "Basically kids, we're asking you to join the Avengers." Bruce translated, smiling at Jemma and Leo. "Skye would be a huge asset as well too. we should invite her as well." Bruce admitted.
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