Handle Me (Marvel) Lady-Fox

“Am not!”Tony squirmed a little, before smiling. “They are better. I don’t know how he does it, but he totally has better crepes.”he giggled a litle before nodding. “he does. Really.”He muttered before nodding. “I promise. I will.”

Tony frowned whining a little as he woke up, startling as he twisted to look at what was going on, pausing as he considered steve. “The captain is having bad dreams. So yes. He might be broken.”Tony said looking thoughtful, “He is trying very hard....”He frowned wondering if it’d be worse to wake him or not, before sighing. “Okay. We’re going to wake him up. Just be ready to stop him if he tries to hurt us.”he said before reaching out, gently shaking steve."Steve, wake up. Come on, captain."
"I wish he'd teach me, but he won't. smug little bastard." he huffed shaking his head.

"Oh... I've had those." James admitted. "Does Captain need to be restrained when he sleeps?" probably would be for the best but Steve probobly wouldn't get the comfort out of it the way Natasha and James did. "Yes Sir." James agreed watching Tony shake Steve who gasped and cringed,swinging for Tony, only he must have thought his assailant was a lot bigger because his fist swung well, well over Tony's head. so much so that James didn't even bother trying to stop Steve. "...T..Tony?" Steve asked, staring at him a little before jerking, s if suddenly realizing where he was and he looked down at James, one of his hands still wrapped around the metal arm, straddling the man and he went very red. "James... are you..." "i like this position." James informed him, making Steve stutter.
“Maybe...but I don’t think he’d be okay with it.”Tony said frowning a little before wincing as he scrabbled back as steve swung at him even if he didn’t get close to hitting him. “Yea, it’s me. You’re okay.”Tony promised before snorting at james’ words, shaking his head a little. “Well, I think he forgives you for strangling his arm. You’re okay stevie.’Tony snickered a little.
"Oh." James blinked a little, wondering if Steve really had the choice or not. oh well, they'd find out later, Steve's handler would take care of it. "Y...yea. i'm okay... are you okay? d..did i hurt you?" he asked, worried a little but relaxing at the promise that he hadn't hurt anyone before snorting a little. "yeah well, he's hard as a rock and poking me in the ass, i think it's more that my attempts just turned the bastard on." he admitted, rolling off of James who huffed a little in irritation because he was enjoying having Steve straddling him. "Asset requires Maintenance." James sulked, making Steve snort. "You are not Asset. you are James." "....James wants to fuck." James corrected, making Steve choke and nearly fall over.
“Yea, we’re okay. I promise. Not hurt at all.”Tony said smiling a little, before snorting. “Ah. Well. That’s amusing. And interesting really. We’ll have to play with that.”Tony said looking interested in what else james would find hot, before laughing out loud at the other’s words, flushing brightly as he snickered. “Okay. So who do you want to fuck, jamie?”He asked looking interested in the answer.
"Good. i'm... that's really good." he admitted. "play with what? James obvious perversion?" he asked, looking amused. "i think we should just assume he's a horny teenager. everything turns him on." Steve admitted with a chuckle. "yes." James declared, though he wasn't entirely sure what the Captain was talking about. James pondered the question and then. "James fucks Captain and Sir fucks James." James decided. a bit more confident in his ability to request sexual positions. "Well that's kinky. i like it." Steve admitted with a chuckle. "it's been a really long time since i bottomed though.you nd James are ging to have to work me open really well. the problem with the Serum is that... well i'm virgin tight every time and with it being so long, it's going to take while to work me open well enough to, you know, leve me loose enough to be fucked." "Captain babbles." James grumbled.
“Yes, play with that. Finding out other people’s perversions is fun.”Tony said before laughing a little. “hey, he’s not the one who was turned on watching me play with tech the other day. You were.Don’t think I didn’t notice.”Tony teased, because well, he’d mostly been ignoring it even if he’d seen it. “...Okay then.we can do that.”he said looking amused before grinning at steve, moving around to look at his face, biting his lip. “Yea, cap babbles. And are you sure?we don’t have to you know.”he said leaning in to kiss steve.
"Well that's true. one of the books i was looking at had a list." Steve admitted. "maybe we should all fill one out. that would at least give us all a baseline right?" he wondered before smirking at Steve "sorry, but... did it look like i was trying to hide it?" he asked, his head tilted before smiling a little. "yeah. i'd like to. i don't trust anyone else the way i trust you. i don't think i could bottom for anyone else." he admitted softly. "i like to bottom, but it's hard to let go. i could let go for you and James." he admitted. "just make sure James doesn't get too eager. i like pain but that kind of pain isn't very pleasant." he admitted with a smile. "Just get me prepped properly and i'll be fine. i like to be teased, so take your time about it." he offered, winking at him.
“Hm, we probably should.”Tony agreed with a smile, glad at the idea, at least they could figure that out before snickering a little. “yea, a bit. I mean. You didn’t offer to screw him in the lab. Or have sex then. Figured you were ashamed of wanting me or something.”tony shrugged a little, looking away from the other, staring down because he was so very used to that reaction in people wanting him, even if he was sorta seeing them. “Okay. Then yes. Let’s do this.”Tony grinned as they settled in to work.

Later tony whined as he laid back on the bed, panting quietly as he stared at the cieling, blinking slowly. “...You two killed me....even if extremis, I can’t keep up.”he whined squirming to get settled and relaxed.
"Probably." Steve admitted with chuckle before smirking. "nah, nothing like that. i just figured you wouldn't be too impressed with being perved on while you where trying to work." he admitted. "thats all. i know i don't like being disturbed when i'm painting, and for you, tech is your art and passion so i figured you wouldn't like to be disturbed either. besides..." here he grinned slly. "i like watching." he admitted with a grin.

"Mmmm." Steve mumbled, sated for the first time in... a very long time. they hd teased him for what seamed like ever. James, in a rare show of annoyance, had gotten tired of Steve writhing and moving and had tied him flat to the bed and then took his time fingering Steve open. he had taken great joy in ruthlessly teasing Steve open until he as a begging mess and he had come twice on James fingers alone. James just laughed when he switched to his metal fingers and Steve nearly lost his mind at those cold slick metal fingers buried inside of him. "mmmm" Steve mumbled again when Tony spoke , snuggling into him. he was too down to really understand what was happening. James had enjoyed it very much when Tony had fucked him. moaning eagerly. he had then proceeded to fuck himself on the helpless Steve and fucked him again before sucking Tony off. hopping from man to ma because, hell, why not? Steve was now so down he couldn't even talk, but he was coming up easy enough and James was looking very smug for having reduced Steve to such a state. "James makes food?" he offered Tony, his head tilted.
“Oh. I didn’t considered that. Yes. Well. Intrerupting work for sex gets me in trouble.and I have trouble concentrating on sex when I really want to wrok....makes sense.”Tony giggled a little looking amused.

“Hmm....fun....”Tony muttered mostly relaxed and happy as he absently shifted to stroke steve’s hair, curled up close, content to relax. Blinking up slowly as he looked at james, amused at how smug the man looked. “Yea....if you want. Food would be good.”He said realizing his stomach was growling.
"well, i don't mind." Steve admitted. "if you have inspiration, feel free to go to the lab, i won't get mad." Steve promised with a chuckle.

"mmmm." Steve agreed, James grinning a little. "Food." he greed, flouncing into the kitchen to cook about a million Crepes, some of which he stuffed with fresh fruit, some with pudding, because Steve was a freak and liked pudding in his, some got chocolate sauce and powdered sugar and some just got rolled up and sprinkled with cinnamon and topped with whipped cream. he had fun at any rate. by the time he was done, Steve was mostly capable of speech again.
“....I think we have enough food for a army.”Tony muttered as he snuggled into the bed, staring at the mound of food on the tray as james came in. Looking vaguely amused as he shifted to sit up, smiling as he made grabby hands at the food. “Come sit. You need to eat to.”
James grinned, made himself comfortable and started stuffing himself, quite happy.

A year later and things where going very well. Steve had stopped waking up trying to strangle them and James was much, much improved. amusingly enough, so was Brock who had begun tentatively flirting with Pepper and Natasha. Pepper was a bit more responsive to it than Pepper was, but then Pepper was still struggling with the idea of being into woman so that wasn't a surprise. James had surprised everyone by informing Tony and Steve that they where going to get married, and even more surprised when everything was already set up. freaking Jarvis. still, Steve was more than happy to get married and was more than content to let James fuss with his hair and tie, whining about how Tony wouldn't sleep with him for not telling them they where getting married. Steve didn't feel sad for James at all, it was his own fault for springing a surprise wedding on them. besides, Steve wasn't cut off, Tony wasn't mad at Steve.
Tony streightened out his tie, looking up at phil. Frowning slightly as he considered the man who was everything that it meant to be a father to him, more then howard, phil was the father he wanted, needed. “So. You think Jamie’ll be mad at me for not sleeping with him?”He whined as he finished getting ready, huffing a little. “I’ll be okay at this marriage thing right?”
Phil chuckled a little as he watched Tony, moving over to fix Tony's tie, again. he kept fidgeting with it. "probobly, but he'll forgive you." he admitted with a smile. "he did spring this on you last minute, he deserves to be blue balled for a while." he admitted. "Tony. you've been married since Steve handed you that damn Collar." Phil pointed out. "this is just a little more official." he admitted. Steve, tired of dancing around, had offered Tony a small black box one night with a hand crafted leather collar in it. Steve had asked Tony to be his sub. James had sulked for days because Steve hadn't gotten him one. James was Tony's 'sub' though, when James wanted to Sub. he stopped sulking when Tony offered him a collar shortly after. Codi came and visited them often, but he and Frank had gotten hitched a week after Codi had almost been raped. they weren't exclusive though and Codi had a fascination with James that meant he was over often and kept trying to beg Tony to let Codi sleep with either James or Iron Man. Steve thought it hilarious and was absolutely no help at all. Codi was their 'flower girl' a position he was very happy about.
“Maybe.”Tony said ducking his head just enough to feel the pull of the collar against his skin, even wearing a tie and suit, he wouldn’t take it off. He couldn’t bring himself to do it. Snorting a little at phil’s words. “Yes.well. I guess it’s true. Though this official thing is weird.”he said maing a face before sighing, heading for the door. “Let’s go. The other two are probably getting angsty over the idea if I’m getting cold feet or not...”
Phil smiled a little and gently tugged the collar straighter. "you know, James never takes his off either, not even when he goes on missions with Steve." he admitted. "the official thing is only weird because James didn't give you any chance to argue it." he pointed out. "he was a sneaky shit but it was smart thing to do because now you can't fret yourself sick about it." he admitted with a chuckle before snorting. "James has probobly picked Steve bald by now. that damn haircut Steve got drives him nuts." it drove Phil nits too and the Agent had threatened to Buzzcut Steve while he was sleeping and James offered to help. Steve was very pleased by the response.
“I know. It’s good.”Tony said smiling happily, glad that james liked his collar, that it was a good thing. Proud that they’d helped james find this life, and have this with them. “Yea...I guess. Still annoying though.”Tony sulked a little because he knew it was probably a very good thing he hadn’t been aware of it till the last minute before snorting. “The haircuts not that bad.”he said rolling his eyes a little as they stepped out onto the balcony, smiling at the other two gently. “hey....”he said walking towards them
Phil smiled a little and carefully adjusted Tony's collar so it was sitting above the neckline of the shirt so the boys could see it properly. the collar almost never failed to gain a pleasant reaction from the boys. "Pretty annoying." Phil agreed with a chuckle and a shake of his head. "because he didn't tell anyone else the little asshole. i would have liked to have helped." he huffed, shaking his head before sneering. "the damn haircut makes him look like punk!" Steve had gotten it cropped short and had taken to spiking it up in the mornings. it made him look a lot more 'this century'. James hated it. but then, he had still refused to cut his own hair and it was past his shoulders now. Natasha enjoyed sneaking up on him while he was sleeping and braiding it.
"Well he let you help pLan the after party. Thas something, yes?"tony looked amused pleased as he let the other fuss over him, before snickering."he does look like a punk, but he's happy with it."Tony shrugged looking amused as they walked out to the balcony. Blushing as he looked at the boys, smirking slightly because it amused him that they'd convinced clint to preform the ceremony."hey."he said blushing as he looked up at steve and james.
"Well, that's true." Phil agreed with a chuckle. "i think you'll be very happy with what i've come up with for your after party and the honeymoon." he admitted with a smile. "He is happy with it. i think, mostly, because it annoys James so much." he admitted with a chuckle before smiling as he walked Tony down to the boys who where grinning at him. "Good morning Tony. lovey morning for a wedding isn't it?" Steve asked with a grin. "Shut up, Punk." James ordered. "that was a horrible joke." "whose joking?" Steve asked with a grin because he loved to annoy James. James tended to get very creative in the bedroom to get his revenge.
Tony grinned at the other. “I’m sure we will be.”Tony said smiling before snickering. “yes, I think that’s part of it. He does have a mean streak like that.”He said looking amused. “Yes. It is lovely.”Tony sputtered a little looking between teh two, looking so happy and excited as they exchanged vows, and pledged eternity together. That was more then he’d ever thought he’d have, and more then glad to share forever with these two.
The two boys where very happy to say their vows and kiss each other and Tony senseless. the after party was enough to make James gape, because there where a lot of strippers, Clints contribution. there was tons of food, dancing and whatnot but the real beauty was the honeymoon. it had Phil's stamp all over it. it was a world tour. already paid for by Jarvis. first they would go to China, then to Japan, Korea and then a jump to Germany, Russia then to England, Scotland and France followed by a trip to Mexico, South America, and more. little places none of the three had ever heard of but had the best food and the best privacy. by the time thy returned they had been everywhere but the super cold countries and the deserts. "Remind me to thank Phil." Steve mumbled in one of the many many locations they had visited. they weren't even halfway done with their world tour. he was enjoying a chocolate dipped strawberry that James was teasingly tracing around his lips.
Tony grinned, amused as he settled back into his chair, smirking as he watched the two boys, sipping his wine. "Oh yea, we're totally thanking Phil. Later. I have better things for you two to do."He said snickering as he crawled over to join them.

The end.^^
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