Handle Me (Marvel) Lady-Fox

Tony groaned nodding as well as he could at steve’s words, shivering as he choked a little, nearly falling into the other as his body responded to being used, simply going limp, the only thing really keeping him up off the floor was james’ hand in his hair, whimpering as he let the other use his mouth, looking utterly relaxed and at peace with it. Squirming a little as his hands were tied behind his back, whimpering loudly as he was teasing, teeth scraping lightly over james’ cock at the teasing, he wasn’t a fan of being teased alot, but he could handle some.
James moaned as he felt Tony completely relax. "oh! oh! again!" James gasped at the touch of tooth to the blowjob, arching into the light sparkles of almost but not quite pain. Steve chuckled, recognizing Tony's need and slipped a finger inside, stroking his finger in and out, looking for that little sparkle of pleasure. he wasn't very good at finding it yet but once he found it, he was able to work it so he was hitting it with every other thrust, stroking his finger, and then fingers, in and out in time with James movements, James' thrusts getting faster and harder as he got closer and closer, finally holding Tony down as far as he could, rocking his hips so he was rubbing, instead of thrusting and started to empty himself into Tony, making high pitched, eager sounds as he liked himself dry, Steve moaning as he fingers Tony's prostate to see if he could make Tony cum as well. James finally released Tony's hair, watching his 'sir' with a flushed, very happy look to him. "good boy Tony. look how good you made James feel. give him a minute to catch his breath, and then i'll show him how to fuck you, hows that sound? do you want James to fuck you Tony?"
Tony moaned as he scrapped his teeth over james’ cock, eager to make him happy, and whimpering as he rocked his hips back into steve’s hand a little, squirming and definitely not thinking anything beyond making james feel good. Moaning as he was pushed down onto james’ cock, eyes wide as he struggled to breath even as dark spots darkened his vision from not getting enough oxygen, whimpering as he came, collapsing into james as he went utterly limp, not even being held up by his hair was enough to keep him on his knees as he blinked stupidly at steve as he pulled off the other’s cock, not sure what he was saying, but knowing he was being talked at.
Steve chuckled when he realized both James and Tony where too spaced out to do anything and instead of continuing he wiped them clean with an overly soft flannel cloth and made them both drink some juice. James did not appreciate it but he drank it anyway. he was much happier with the small chunks of fruit that Steve was feeding them and took over feeding Tony once he realized what Steve was wanting. he happily coddled Ton, running his fingers through Tony's hair and feeding him and getting him to drink juice and Steve looked very pleased that James was taking to it so well. he was going to be a wonderful Dom. "Sir? i like this." James admitted. "can we do it again? i would like to try." he admitted, examining Tony's crotch.
Tony whined quietly as he heard the chuckling, a upset little whimper escaping before calming, sighing quietly as he was wiped off, sighing softly as he sipped the drink. Sighing softly as he nibbled on the fruit, content to be fed as he snuggled into james, looking up at james’ words, he looked bemused before nodding. “Kay. We can. Okay. Let’s. I wanna. Okay, yes, always, now?”Tony said sounding like a overly eager puppy as he squirmed a little.With extremis he had a way faster recovery time then he would have had otherwise.
Steve smiled and stroked Tonys hair. "your a good boy Tony. very cute." he promised. "Now?" James asked, looking up at Steve because he seamed to know what was happening and Steve grinned. "go ahead James." Steve offered with a chuckle, James frowning as he looked at the cuffs around Tony's wrists still. "ah. you want to do that. sorry James. Tony can't when he's like this." Steve explained. "we'll do that another day, okay?" he asked, smiling at James and motioned to him. "i can hold you down, if you'd like?" he offered, indicating Tony's length. James considered it and then nodded and knelt in front of Tony and suckled the length. after a while Steve's hand settled in James hair and tugged, making James moan and suckle all the more eagerly, letting the hand in his hair guide him deeper and deeper until he was choking on Ton's cock. oddly, he rather liked the sensation of being forced. held down and controlled. it made him feel safe.
Tony smiled looking pleased with the other’s words, making quiet happy sounds at the name, before nodding. “now.”he whined a little, shivering a little looking upset when james frowned, twisting to look up at the other two, looking upset before relaxing at the other’s promise they could another day. Groaning a little as he was sucked, leaning back into steve as james sucked his cock, gasping as he came, looking utterly content to be used and taken care of. amazingly he was being quiet and content. while he normally talked a mile a minute while having sex, when he hadn't prepared to drop, or was wound up tight like he had been for days, he was nearly silent, simply trying to relax.
"Yes Tony. you'll get sucked off now. you just can't dominate James right now." he reminded the other with a smile, smiling as Tony whined and gasped and enjoyed himself, James too liked the evens and licked his lips as he pulled away, having swallowed every drop Tony had given off. "good job James. look how happy you made Tony." he praised, making James beam happily and snuggle Tony, feeding him more juice and fruit before he frowned, looking at Steve. "do you need maintenance?" he asked, examining Steve's hard length, still trapped in his Jeans. "i'm fine for now. i like watching you and Tony." Steve admitted with a grin, plus he didn't want to take advantage of Tony when he couldn't actually say no. sort of. "i have him slicked up and open you know. if you want to fuck him." "Asset is not allowed to..." "You are James right now. James is allowed." James considered that for a moment and then looked at Tony. "would Sir like to have sex with Ass... with James?" James asked Tony. "James would like to fuck Sir..." he admitted.
Tony smiled happy as he leaned into the others, simply doing whatever they wanted, snuggling and as content and happy as a puppy, nibbling happily on the fruit. “Huh?Steve?”Tony whined quietly, twisting to look up at steve worriedly, frowning. “Not asset. Jamie.Your jamie.”Tony whined butting his head like a cat against the other’s chin a little, shuddering at the question.”yes!Yes so much yes. Oh yes. Please. Yes!”Oh yea, he was definitely starting to be manic.
James smiled a little as he fed Tony, his head tilted a little. "I'm fine Tony." Steve promised with a smirk. "i like the tease." he admitted. "James is James." James agreed, smiling wen he was butted, snuggling Tony before growling eagerly at how wanton and eager Tony was, pressing his firm cock against the other, rubbing a little. "James doesn't know what to do." James grumbled, Steve smirking. "well. Tony will just have to show you, wont he? Tony. don't be mean, you have to do some of the work too. why don't you ride James pretty cock?" "Ride?" James asked, confused but curious, gasping when Steve wrapped his hand around James length and gave it a stroke and helped Tony position himself. James arched when Tony slid down onto him, engulfing his cock in tight, ot, perfect heat and he settled his hands on Tony's hips and thrust all the way to the hilt, unable to control himself, sitting there, fully buried inside of Tony, moaning like a whore and just holding him there because he need a moment to control himself. "Tight. warm... good. so good."
“Kay.”Tony muttered calming at steve’s promise he was okay, before smiling quietly at the other’s words.”Yes. You are james.”He muttered shivering as he pressed against him. “James!”He whimpered squirming, twisting his head up to look at steve, looking confused for a moment before he nodded. “Oh!Oh yes. I can ride him.”he muttered squirming to straddle the other, looking a little out of sorts with still being hand cuffed good thing he had strong thighs from using the suit alot, it helped keep him balanced, though it really didn’t mattered since james was holding him still. Whimpering loudly, moaning as loud as a well satified whore as he squirmed. “Jamie!Please, more!”He whimpered twisting and trying to move in the other’s grip.
James nodded. "James is James." he agreed before blinking at Tony's calling his name. had he done it wrong? he was sure he hadn't. "Good boy. you'll look so pretty." Steve agreed with a chuckle, leaving it up to James on whether or not to uncuff Tony seamed to be a good thing, because he seamed to take great thrills in making Tony as helpless as possible and was still doing all the work. "Hush." James ordered when Tony begged, he looked like he was considering something before he lifted Tony up, and then pulled him back down, the muscles in his arm bulging as he fucked Tony without thrusting at all. the pace was slower, but James was getting deeper and he was hitting the perfect angle. Steve grinned as he watched, rubbing a thumb along his length, teasing himself some more because he really did like to watch. he blinked when James suddenly moved, tipping Tony carefully into Steve's lap so Tony's face was pressed against the bulge of his jeans, and Steve decided Tony could hate him later. he was harder than he'd ever been in his life. he slid his flesh out and then laid back and smirked, letting Tony decide what he was going to do about the cock in front of his face. James hand was holding Tony by the hair, so he couldn't actually swallow the length, but he could sick and lick and do whatever else he pleased while James fucked Tony from behind, keeping Tony upright by a hand on his hip. "yeah. this is hot." Steve admitted. "JArvis?" "i am already recording sir." "thanks very much."
Tony whined, whimpering, squirming, definitely proving that nothing was wrong before leaning his head back to look at steve as he talked, squirming, whimpering because he was definitely being held utterly still, and fucked. That was annoying, he wanted to move!whining and babbling uncoherently as he was fucked, he gasped as he was tipped over. Blinking stupidly at the cock in front of him before licking and mouthing at the cock in his face as much as he could with being held up.
James grinned as he watched the other. this was the hottest thing he had ever done. he'd never felt so... good, before. so in control, so... wanted. he moaned as he thrust into Tony, rolling and snapping his hips. trying to be as perfect for Tony as Tony was for him. he reached down and undid the leather shackles so Tony could support himself an do to Steve's cock as he pleased, grinning as Steve cried out in surprise while James focused on stroking Tony's cock, trying to make him cum before him and Steve did. it would be a race to the finish because Steve was on a hair trigger and James was close too.
Tony moaned as he took care of steve, squirming and happy as he closed his eyes, gasping as he came, nearly falling on his face as his arms gave up on supporting himself. A shivering pile of goo as he blinked up at the two super soldiers with him. Utterly content.
Steve moaned loudly, cumming hard even as Tony collapsed, splattering his white seed all over Tony's hair and face, making him groan, while James snapped his hips a few more times and then ground himself into Tony, flooding his Handler with warmth. Steve smiled as he stroked Tony's hair, James nuzzling Tony before they where all bustled into the bedroom, Steve wiping them both down and cleaned Tony's face and hair free of spunk before wiping himself up as well. he plied them both with fruit and juice and then tucked himself into bed with them for another well deserved nap. when Tony woke up, James was staggering out of bed to go to the bathroom and Steve had Tony wrapped in a bear snuggle and seamed to have no intention of waking up. James smiled at Tony, pausing to kiss him before heading into the kitchen to make coffee.
Tony whined as he woke up, squirming to get more comfortable, not trying to get free but needing to move some. Sighing quietly as he kissed the other back, looking pleased at the proomise of coffee in the near future. “steve;....you gotta move.Coffee.”Tony demanded squirming a little.
Steve groaned and pulled Tony in more tightly, not wanting to get up and said so in nonsensical mumbling, grumbling and whining before groaning and letting Tony go and sitting up and stared at the wall for a few seconds, like he was trying to remember where he was, before staggering to the bathroom to 'drain the lizard'. James watched the whole thing with a curious cock to his head before he looked at Tony. "he used to be smaller... but he always did that..." he muttered before beaming at Tony. "Coffee!" he declared, offering Tony his cup before nearly spilling it all when Steve's phone started to ring. Steve staggered out of the bathroom and answered the phone and went ramrod straight, adopting his Cap persona in an instant. "Codi, i need you to calm down." Steve ordered. "good. take some deep breaths. good, that's better. now explain, it's okay i'm not mad at you, just explain what happened... alright. good. where are you?" Steve asked, looking completely thunderous. "Alright. i'll be right there. where's Frank.... okay, good. you did very good." Steve soothed. "just wait right there and i'll come and get you." he promised before hanging up and looked at Tony. "i'm sorry. i have to go." Steve said with a deep breath, trying to control himself. "Frank took Codi to a club last night and one of the fuckers there wanted to play with Codi and got pissed off when Frank said no. asshole pulled a knife, stabbed Frank and took off with Codi and tried to rape him. Codi freaked out, stabbed the asshole and ran away, now he's lost and scared as hell and is convinced the police are going to arrest him for murder." Steve admitted. "The poor kid is scared out of his mind." Steve admitted, struggling to get dressed. "thanks James." Steve said as James provided him with a thermos. "Feel free to make yourselves at home. food in the fridge, make whatever you want. Tony? don't touch my paintings, they're not dry yet and they'll smear, look if you want but no touching." Steve ordered, hesitating a moment before kissing both James and Steve. "i'm sorry i'm taking off like this. i would have liked to have talked about last night but..." he shook his head. "i'll be back in an hour, tops." he promised before sweeping out the door to go rescue poor Codi, and frank too if he needed it.
Tony smiled a little as the other left, looking eager for coffee before laughing. “He was smaller.”He agreed before grinning happily, yelping as his coffee was nearly spilled, sipping it as he watched the other. Looking worried before getting up. “Come on, we’re goign to go with him, make sure he doesn’t need help.”Tony said looking around for his clothes, not rushing after steve, knowing they would catch up soon enough. “And let phil know we might need him would you, jarvis?” “Of course sir.” “Let’s go then.”Tony said as he finished dressed, pausing as he looked for shoes, whining a little when he had to run upstairs to get a pair.
"Lot smaller." James mumbled, frowning a little as Steve started getting aggravated. "Yes Sir." James said, following Tony, his head tilted a little, blinking when he realized Steve had noticed they where following him and had paused to wait for them in the car. once Tony had gotten his shoes they where able to head out, Steve using the GPS to get to Codi, who was sitting in an alley without a shirt on and no shoes, his feet cut and hurt. he had a large bruise over one side of his face and both eyes had been blacked and he looked like he had a broken nose where he'd put up a fight. "Steve." Codi wailed, clinging to Steve once Steve had gathered Codi into his arms. the young man, a boy really was babbling and sobbing and trying to explain all at the same time. James felt bad for the poor boy and stood in the entrance, making sure no one else could get in to hurt Tony Steve or Codi.
Tony winced a little as he looked them over, “Hey Codi. It’s okay.”Tony muttered looking over the scene, gently urging the captain and codi towards the car. “James drive them home.”Tony said before looking at codi, “Hey codi?Can you tell me anything?Where anything happened?I need to get phil and natasha over there. Come on, codi, help me, then you can rest. I promise.”Tony soothed looking worried at the other.
Codi sniffled and babbled away but Steve looked at Tony after a moment. "Frank was stabbed at the Cat Scratch Fever. the man took Codi behind the Alley and smacked him around and tried to rape him in the alley behind the club. that's where Codi stabbed him and he's run off from there... damn he made it a hell of a ways." the club was nearly three miles away. "you go handle that." Steve agreed. "i don't think i could control myself right now." he admitted with a growl, making Codi whimper and Steve cringed and murmured softly to the terrified young boy, trying to calm him down. when Tony got to the club, the police already had everything in hand. surprisingly. Frank, a younger man, though still older. he looked to be in his late twenties, older thirties and he was raising hell about Codi needing to be found, despite currently being stitched up by a paramedic. the would be rapist was chained to a bed and getting stitched up as well. if only to keep him from dying before he went to prison.
“I’ll take care of it. Don’t worry.”Tony promsied watching them go before heading out. Pausing at the sight of the cops and paramedics, before smirking a little. “Well. You know. This is sorta a touching scene here.”Tony said looking them over as he moved over to frank, tilting his head a little. “We have codi. Don’t worry. We packed him off home with two super soldier body guards. He’s not going anywhere or without supervision."
"Who the hell are you!?"Frank demanded before frowning. "...you're Tony Stark...." he muttered after a second. "You live with Steve... or, he lives with you i mean." he muttered, starting to relax as he realized Codi must have called Steve. "thank god. is he okay? he's a tough kid but he has his limits and i think being raped in a back alley is one of them." Frank admitted, looking pretty frantic even if he was being held still by the paramedics so they could stitch him up. "you'll keep him safe? he's likely to do something super stupid after this..."
"Yes yes I'm tony stark.and steve does live with me."he said looking amused as he considered the other before making a face."well he's doing okay. Though he's sorta afraid he's going be arrested though."Tony said frowning."but steve's taking care of him."he promised."don't worry. Steve's looking after him, and my bodyguard is looking after him . he'll be okay."
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