Handle Me (Marvel) Lady-Fox

“Well, you were his friend. And I’m sure if he’d been given the choice, he would have been your friend to. I mean, you said he could have killed you a few times. And he did sorta let you know with that elevator thing what was going on, instead of simply catching you unaware.”Tony said trying to make steve feel better. Sighing softly as he realized James was upset, gently patting his arm as he came into the room. “It’s okay.”he muttered looking startled at the teddy bear before taking it. “Thanks Loki.” “...Wonder if he’ll let tony keep that...”Clint muttered looking amused at the sight of tony settling back in his chair with a teddy bear that was as big as he was, considering he was the smallest of them all, he really was pint sized compared to teh others. “Yes. He is like me. He can look after himself some, but he needs help.”Tony said soothingly, worried about james, “And no going off to search for hydra, James. You’re needed here.”Tony said obviously he’d had the same worry as phil before snorting quietly at steve’s words. “He’s jealous of you to. And Brock was probably the only one who treated him like a person instead of just a asset.”
"Well... yeah that's true. where is he now Bruce?" "sleeping. he got very upset. apparently he didn't remember some of the... experiments. i had to sedate him. he'll sleep it off and feel better in the morning." Bruce admitted. "i think he's been homeless for the last... how long have we been thinking he was dead?" he wondered. "anyway, i think he's just been wandering around in a daze and seeing James jogged his memories back up. he doesn't seam to remember much of the last month or three." Bruce admitted. "he might. hard telling with Loki." Bruce agreed with a chuckle, watching Tony cuddle the teddy bear while Loki cuddled Clint instead. Loki had very recently, realized that Clint smelled very nice. Natasha had almost laughed herself sick when she realized Clint's favorite cologne was now his downfall. "Malysh." James mumbled, scowling before pouting at Tony. "yes Sir." James pouted, he wanted to go kill the people who had broken his Commander. "...yeah. probobly. i mean, the man did feed him pancakes as a reward..." Steve agreed with a smile. "i'm still punching his face in if i find out he seduced James." this only made James sulk even more. "Asset offered. Commander said no." he grunted unhappily. "Commander said he was married. stupid Commander." "He's MARRIED?!" "...He was." Phil admitted, suddenly understanding. "a couple of years ago. he was married to a beautiful woman. that must have been when his priorities started changing. he got her a gorgeous stand mixer for Christmas as a way to apologize for being a ick when they where married and she agreed to go on another date. two years later they where married and three years after that they had a beautiful baby boy... and then they died. police claimed it was a mugging. Brock vanished for about seven months and when he came back..." "that all coincides with what i've seen physically. Brock must have abandoned Hydra to his family and Hydra didn't like that so they... took care of it."
“Will he be okay though?”Tony frowned looking worried at the idea of sedating brock, not sure if it was a good idea even if he trusted bruce to know best. Frowning a little as he realized the other’s were laughing at him for snuggling to bear, but not upset enough to move. “Hey, lokister.”Clint muttered shifting to get comfortable with the other snuggling him. “Don’t pout. You have to look after the commander.”Tony said eyeing james as he pouted before nodding, looking at steve as he snorted. “Well. That’s not what I expected.”He said sputtering a little at the idea of james offering and getting turned down. That was interesting. Wining a little he shuddered. “Dammit. I was working up to hating him still, but I can’t really do that now...”he whined a little.
"He'll be fine. i made sure the drugs wouldn't affect him overly. i barely gave him enough to knock out a normal person. the only reason why it worked is because he's already overly exhausted, physically and mentally." Bruce admitted. "and we have Jarvis checking on him, i have him hooked up to a monitor to make sure nothing happens." Bruce promised. Steve just scowled at the others for chuckling at Tony when he was already upset. James just handed Tony a pancake at the order to take care of the Commander. "me either." Steve admitted, looking rather upset. "i guess i can't hate him, he gave up everything he knew for what was right and suffered for it." "well. you don't have to like him." Bruce pointed out. "he did his best for James but he's still a bit of a bastard." Bruce admitted with a chuckle as James polished off the last of his pancakes.
“Good.”Tony muttered shifing to snuggle into the teddy bear,relaxing as he simply tried to relax and calm down, to whined up though to really relax. “thanks James.”Tony smiled a little as he started to eat, before sighing softly. “True.”he muttered closing his eyes as he set his half eaten pancake away. To upset to eat. Which sorta explained how he missed eating half the time, if he simply didn’t eat when he was upset about things.
"Come on." Steve said, smiling at Tony. "off to bed with you." he ordered. "James? will you go get Tony settled into bed? he's tired." he admitted, watching James devour the rest of Tony's uneaten pancake before gathering Tony in his arms and skipped away with him, Steve snickering a little. "well that's one way to do it i suppose." Steve agreed with a sigh before watching the others. "don't pick on Tony." he ordered before heading off. he needed to call Codi. his blood was boiling after that date.
“Kay.”Tony muttered frowning a little, sighing quietly. For once not protesting that he was wake and aware. “Kay.”Clint frowned watching the other go, looking interested and considering the two.

Later tony stumbled towards Steve’s rooms, looking tired and annoyed. Having tossed and turned most of the night, but having given up on actually sleeping he headed for the steve’s rooms, because even when they had been fighting, steve always calmed him. And they were definitely not fighting at the moment. But he wasn’t sure what they were, which was definitely leading to sleepless nights. After all, friends kissed. Was that all it had been? “Steve?Cap?”Tony called looking around, well aware the captain was usually up this time of nigth.
Steve was standing over a young man when Tony stumbled into the room. the young man gad hair as white as snow, that fell around his face, and skin that was just as pale. he had a blindfold over his eyes and a ball gag pressed into his mouth, pale lips puffy and perfect around the gag. his wrists had leather bands around them, pulling his arms tight in front of him while he knelt in front of the bed he was chained to. lines of red welts where laid over the pale, perfect smooth back and ass, legs spread wide revealing soft balls and hard length, dripping onto the pillow the boy was kneeling on. "Tony!" Steve gasped, flushing har, he was dressed in a pair of leather pants so tight there was no hiding the hard length trapped in them or the swell of his perfect ass and Steve wasn't wearing a shirt, skin gleaming with sweat. the whipping rod in his hand showed where the welts had come from. "This isn't what it looks like, i swear!" Steve said, instantly terrified Tony would think he was raping the young man he was striking. young man making an unhappy sound, upset that there was negative emotions in his subspace. "It's okay Codi..." Steve soothed, stroking the boy's hair, trying to keep him calm while trying to keep Tony from freaking out.
"Cap-"tony stopped staring at what he was seeing in front of him.looking utterly confused at finding him like this. Swallowing hard as he nodded."oh. Yes. Well. Sorfry....didn't know you were doing a s ene...I'll go...take care of him."Tony ordered, the dom in him looking worried for codi."I'll talk to you later."Tony stuttered a little but stayed calm as he turned to leave
"...oh...." Steve looked startled. "i... uhm... i didn't know you.. uh... yeah okay... we'll talk in a bit, yeah?" he offered Tony, flushing hard, Codi making another whining sound, fidgeting now. "sorry Tony. i... uh. i'll lock the door next time." he promised, coughing a little, watching Tony Leave, a bit embarrassed at having been caught in such a position. he was soon back to work, soothing Codi though and an hour later Steve was out of the room, dressed normally again and looking for Tony to apologize and explain. Codi was sleeping off his high and Steve had been with Codi long enough to know he wouldn't be upset if he woke up alone. he'd just go home or, if he was feeling impish, raid Steve's fridge and library and make himself at home.
"Yea. We will. Later."Tony stuttered as he headed back upstairs. Which was where steve found hkm, curled up on the couch with his tablet and james, absently stroking the man's hair even as he sort of napped. It was amusing that despite being wired and wound tight, he was exhausted and was trying to work still."hey steve."Tony muttered
Steve sighed, glad that Tony wasn't upset, looking amused at how content James was, sitting on a pillow in front of Tony. he had always suspected James to be a bit of a sub. "Hey Tony... sorry about.. you know. earlier.. i was, you know i feel kind of silly now... i was trying to work my way up to it. get you guys used to the idea..." he admitted, sitting down on the arm of the couch with a sigh. "because i've read that people who are gay are still... you know? and the BDSM Community... honestly i didn't know there was such a thing until Phil gave me those books. i thought it was wrong..." he admitted. "i didn't know... and hen i didn't realize you and the others already knew. or at least would be okay with it... i didn't handle it well, not because i didn't trust you, but because i wasn't... comfortable, really. with myself yet." he admitted with a small shrug. "...are you okay?"
"You are silly. And seem to forget that we grew up in the rra of Internet and sex. Everyone knows, though we didn't know you were involved."Tony smiled a little.quiet to not upset james as he blinked up at the other a little sleepily."well. Good. As long as you trust us...eventually you would have told us. That's all that matters."he smiled looking worried about the other, worried the other would indeed be upset the found out like this.
"Yeah well... some habits are really hard to break." Steve admitted sheepishly. "i'm so used to hiding it because people hate me that..." he shrugged. "i do trust you guys." he admitted. "and i'm glad that you know." he admitted with a smile. "or rather, i'm glad you didn't beat my face in." he admitted with an impish grin. "Codi's roommate walked in on us last week and called the police because he thought i was raping him... it was a hell of a mess." he admitted. "that's why Codi came over here. his roommate isn't convinced yet." he admitted. "you don't mind do you? i know you said to make ourselves at home but it's still your tower and... well i know not everyone is really comfortable with stuff like this." he admitted. "Codi's moving into his own apartment soon so we can go there if your not comfortable with us. you know. doing it here." he promised, though he didn't look too bothered about it so he probobly would get upset if Tony asked him not to have sex at the Tower.
“I know. But it’s still amusing to watch you forget it.”Tony teased a little before relaxing at the promise that the other trusted him, before wincing a little at the idea of hitting him. “Yea, well I’d probably break my hand on your face you know.”he pointed out, smiling slightly. “No, I don’t mind. It’s your house to you know. Even though you guys weren’t sure it was...it is. I promise. It really is your home, so have sex. Whatever. I mean, do what you want.”Tony said shrugging a little, “I’ve done insane things, I really have no room to be annoyed. Though I’m not. Sex is sex.”Tony shrugged a little, squirming slightly, not about to admit to being annoyed about steve having sex, not because of the kind of sex, but because he wanted sex with him. Feeling guilty and horrible, because he should be simply content with james, and he was, but he still wanted the other to.
"yeah i bet." he admitted with a chuckle and a shake of his head. "nah. you're a lot better at punching and we both know if you thought i was raping some poor kid you'd use the suit." he admitted. "and we both know from experience you can get close to kicking my ass in that thing." he admitted with a grin. "don't know that you'd win, but you'd sure as hell make me regret it." he admitted with a chuckle. "well. consensual sex anyway." Steve admitted with a smile before smiling at him. "this is home. i feel best when i'm here. safest." he admitted before chuckling. "does that mean Codi can come to dinner?" he asked with a grin. "he has this adorable crush on you, you know. he has a thing for metal." he admitted. "and we're... i think it's called an Open relationship? so, you know, if you wanted to take him for a spin." Steve offered wiggling his eyebrows at Tony. James scowled a little, was Tony going to put someone in the washer? he couldn't think of anything else that spun.
“Hmmm, probably. Though I’d probably do that first punch without the suit.”Tony said looking actually thoughtful at the idea, before smirking. “Close but you still beat me.”Tony sulked a little before perking up, looking utterly pleased that the other feeling at home. “Yes. Codi can come to dinner.”Tony said lookign amused before smirking. “He’s got a iron man kink?I like that.”He snickered a little, even as he blushed. Oh, well. That at least told him where he stood with steve. Of course the kiss had just been to pleased james earlier. He huffed a little, sighing a little. Shoving the sadness away.”jamie, it’s okay.”Tony muttered soothing him as he stroked the other’s hair gently.
Steve nodded. "that's true. you'd probobly break your fist, but i'd still feel it i'm sure." he admitted with a smile. "awesome. and yeah, he's got an Iron Man Kink." here Steve flushed and muttered under his breath and James snickered. "i don't thin we should take him for a spin." James said, blinking at Tony, Steve blinking. "we'd never get the blood out of the washer..." Steve choked and slapped a hand over his mouth to keep the laughter in when Jarvis reported that 'the young Codi, was awake and was currently eating all of Steve's Chocolate Eclairs. "that little shit! he knows those are mine! he's supposed to eat the cream puffs!" Steve complained, sweeping to his feet and ignoring Jarvis when the A.I. replied that Codi had eaten all of the Cream puffs already. a moment later Jarvis reported to Tony that Codi was laughing at Steve's 'pathetic attempts at scolding'. an then Jarvis informed Tony that Steve was inviting him and James down for lunch since Codi was still 'floating on clouds' and wasn't fit for crowds at the moment.
“Probably.”Tony said smiling slightly, before snorting. “That’s amusing. Really. I m ight have to dress up then.”Tony said looking thoughtful and amused before looking down at james, looking a little stunned at the other’s words, not quite sure what to say and knowing he couldn’t laugh. Nodding a little. “Oaky then, we wont take him for a spin then.”he promised before snickering softly as the other complained, watching him go. “Okay, tell him we’re on our way.”tony said before smiling as they headed down. “Do you have any treats left?”Tony teased looking amused as he walked into the place.
"I think you wouldn't get away with our innocence intact if you did that." he admitted with a chuckle. "honestly i'm worried how he's going to react to James." he admitted, looking amused as he indicated the metal arm. "yes. bad idea." James agreed before following Tony, blinking at the very white boy who was licking chocolate coated fingers. "no. i don't. Codi is a pig." "i have to keep my strength up." "you ate two dozen pastries!" "i deserved them." Codi chirped with a spaced out smile before he realized there where other people there. "Hello. are we having an Orgy? i like Orgies." "you like everything." Steve scoffed at Codi who smiled and sighed. "yeah." then Codi turned and looked at them and James sucked in a surprised breath. Codi's eyes where pink! not like baby pink, or bubblegum, or rose pink, but a pink/red that was vibrant against the paleness of the rest of him.
“Well, maybe not. But there’s not much innocence left these days.”Tony snorted a little before wincing, “Ah. Well. I’ll protect james from your boy toy.”Tony teased a little, staring at codi for a long moment before laughing quietly. “We’ll buy you more pastries Steve. I promise.”tony said before shaking his head. “No, we’re not having a orgy.”he said looking amused as he stared at codi, eyebrows raised. “...wherever did you find him, stevie?”
"That would probobly be for the best." Steve admitted with a chuckle. "when he's down, he has no self control at all." he admitted. he sulked a little at Tony's promise to get more pastries. "...but i want them now..." Steve grumbled, Codi giggling. "not even little one?" Codi asked, pouting at Tony before frowning. "you look very familiar, do i know you from somewhere?" he wondered, making Steve snicker. "i was at this club." Steve explained. "Codi was there. he's one of those Danger Zones, you know? he doesn't have a cap, a limit, or whatever. he doesn't say no and once you get him going he can't tell good pain from bad pain. he was up on this stage and this brute of a man was just... slicing him open with a whip and no one seamed bothered at all. I called the police of course and took him back to my apartment and bandaged him up. i was shocked as hell when he got up in the morning without so much as a bruise." he admitted. "i have super healing!" Codi said, adopting a heroic pose. "and a super ego." Steve said, rolling his eyes. "anyway, Codi needs a serious keeper because too many people try to take advantage of him otherwise and he figured i was perfect. i like him too so.." he shrugged. "he's been showing me all kinds of things i never knew existed but he's not exactly well learned so he shows me, instead of gives names for things." "never went to school." Codi explained. "didn't have the money and the orphanage wasn't going to waste the governments time teaching a f... uh.." "good." Steve praised, smiling at Codi. it had taken a long time to teach Codi that he wasn't a freak and he shouldn't use that word.
“Well, I’m perfectly able to take care of them both.”Tony said smiling slightly before snorting. “Well, you’re going to have to wait, steve.”he said rolling his eyes a little before shaking his head. “N-no, not even a little one.”he said stuttering as he blushed slightly, before nodding. “Ah. One of those. Yes. I’ve had one like that before but my problem is, I’m the high maintance one in any relationship I have. Can’t take care of people like they need to when they’re that dependent on me...makes me nervous to be in charge”he said before snorting at codi’s pose. “Well, he’ll fit right in here. We all have super egos.”He pointed out before smiling, trying so hard to not to consider what codi was showing steve. “Ah, so I’m not the only one you’ve trained to not call myself things.”He snorted a little.
"i could just make Codi go buy me some." Steve mused. "i'd just eat them on the way back." Codi reminded Steve who huffed and sulked at Codi who just smiled. "Aw. that's sad. i've never been in an orgy before. i bet i'd love it." "you love everything." "i don't love Scat." "you don't like Jazz?" "...uh, no.. not... wrong context.." Codi said, looking flustered that Steve didn't know what Scat was. "Your not that high maintenance Tony." Steve admitted. "if James can take care of you, then your not at all a challenge." he admitted with a chuckle. "Oooh...James has a nice metal arm." Codi informed them, suddenly noticing when Steve offered the man a glass of milk. "Does James play? can we have a threesome?" "no. Codi, leave James alone. he's... er... not all that sane." "...oh... is he dangerous? i like dangerous." "yes he's dangerous but Tony won't let him hurt you." "that's boring." Codi grumbled, pulling out a chocolate bar and munching into it. "Codi Anderson i am in the middle of making Lunch! put that down!" Steve scolded, making Codi whine and slump over the table. "But... Steve... Chocolate!" he complained, blinking when James reached over and took the chocolate bar, examining it before offering it to Tony. "He took my chocolate..." "good. your not supposed to be eating so much sugar." Steve said, passing out the pasta he had made for Lunch. "now behave yourself." he ordered, making Codi sigh. "i hate behaving." "don't make me put you in the corner." "but i hate the corner." Codi whined even as he settled in to eat the food Steve had made for him. "that's why it's punishment. you wouldn't learn anything if i spanked you." "Corner?" James asked suddenly, looking confused and worried. "Punishment?" "Yes, when Codi is very, very naughty, i make him stand in a corner." Steve explained to James who only looked more confused. that wasn't a punishment at all was it?
“You could, but they wouldn’t make it back here.”Tony snickered a little before wincing. “forget he ever mentioned scat, Cap. I promise, you don’t really want to know.”He said smiling slightly before frowning. “I am definitely that high maintance. You don’t know what you’re talking about.”tony said rolling his eyes a little, before tensing, prepared to defend james a little before sighing. “He wont hurt you. And no, we’re not having a threesome.”At least, not with codi. Though he didn’t think he could convince steve to have sex with them either. Startling a little as james took the candy bar, staring for a long moment before taking it. “Thanks James.”He said looking bemused at how he’d ended up with it as he nibbled on the chocolate. “Do you want me to punish you when you’re bad, by standing in the corner?”Tony said eyeing james.
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