Handle Me (Marvel) Lady-Fox

"....i'll look it up later." "look up watersports too!" "....now your being a little shit." "i'm not sorry." "you never are." "Can i go to Frank's house tonight?" "of course." "awesome. he got some new stuff and i wanna be the first to use them." Steve snorted. "you know perfectly well he's clean, he's not going to use something he used on you, on someone else." "true, but it's the symbolism of the thing." Codi admitted. "what if i want him to hurt me? wil he then?" Codi asked, rather eagerly. "Codi. that's enough. James has been held captive for some years. he can't handle things like you." "...oh. i'm sorry. i didn't..." "i know." Steve said, stroking Codi's hair. "So Frank has some new toys?" "Yeah! he has this feather! it's a nice feather, he sent me a picture! and metal cocking! that's going to be the best." "i didn't know they made those in metal, how do they keep from getting the flesh caught?" "i've no idea but i can ask Frank." Codi promised, gulping down the food Steve kept piling onto his plate. he was doing the same to Tony and James as well. "I Don't understand." James admitted. "Standing in the corner is not painful. it is not a punishment." "i'm not sure he would understand being in the corner. James is too used to standing still and silent and ignored. he might respond well to a paddling though, if he ever actually misbehaves enough he needs to be punished." Steve admitted, adding some grilled Panini to the boy's plates.
“Noooo don’t do hat. Steve, you really don’t want to know.”Tony said sighing a little watching the two interested and curious, but not asking. Tensing a little at codi’s words he shook hs head. “No. He wont.”he growled protectively, though it wasn’t as harsh as he would have been with anyone else. Even now, he was being careful not to upset codi to much. “It’s a solid piece of metal, it just sorta...slides over. Doesn’t catch.”Tony said making a face, blushing brightly before sighing slightly. “True...okay. Well. Paddling it is. I can paddle him.”He said looking a little eager at the idea even as he blushed, looking bemused at all the food. “Think I have enough food, Cap?He teased even as he ate.
Steve snorted. "your making a big deal about it, i have to know now!" he complained. "Scat is poop." James declared suddenly, making Steve's eyes widen. "uh... seriously? there's... really? that's... well as long as no one expects me to do it." Steve decided. he smiled when Codi sighed. "it's fine Tony. Codi doesn't have a limit but he doesn't drop hard. it takes something pretty severe to shatter his subspace. he has to be watched because he has no self control like this, but he's not going to go sour just because you yell at him." he promised. "i'm too used to being yelled at and stuff. i just ignore it." Codi agreed, nodding before grinning when Steve contemplated the metal cocking. "Paddling?" James asked, looking even more confused. "what is paddling?" he wondered, he liked to know what his punishments where going to be. he liked, yet hated, Commanders punishments the most because when he was being punished it didn't hurt but it meant he didn't get any pancakes so it sucked as much as it was nice. "Nope. you, James and Codi don't eat enough." Steve stated as he chewed into his own Panini. "So what else does Frank have?" Steve asked Codi, looking amused as the young man hopped in his chair as he ate his sandwich. "all kinds of things! do you want to come too?" "no thanks. Frank is a little too Dom for my tastes. we end up trying to dominate each other." "oh yeah..."
“Yes. Seriously, that’s why I didn’t tell you.”Tony said rolling his eyes a little before relaxing at steve’s words. “Okay. Though I still don’t want to yell at him.”Tony said looking a little amused as he leaned back in his chair and nibbled at his food, before snickering as he watched steve think about a metal cockring. “Yes, paddling. Do you guys have a paddle here?I’ll show him.”Tony said looking at the other. Smiling slightly as he ate before snickering a little as he listened to the others talking about everything. It hurt, badly, wincing a little as the coffee pot smoked in response to his pain, eyes widening even more as the mircowave started. “I gotta go.”he said bolting out of his seat, abandoning his food and heading for the door.
"well then, don't." Steve said with a chuckle. "yeah we have a paddle." Steve admitted. "go get the paddle Codi." he ordered, Codi leaping to his feet and flouncing off. "Hey.. Tony. Easy." Steve said, catching the other and pulled im tight, hugging him. "your alright. it's okay." he promised. "just take some deep breaths. you don't have to run away." he promised, Codi looking worried. "is Mr. Tony okay?" "he's alright. he's having an anxiety attack. make some coffee would you?" "Okay!" Codi agreed, rushing to the coffee pot to make the coffee while Steve settled Tony into James lap who wrapped around Tony and snuggled him. "Here Mr. Tony. i'm sorry i upset you. i won't talk about sex anymore." he promised, looking very worried about Tony, holding out a hot cup of Coffee. "Malysh?" James wondered, examining the young Codi who blinked at him, not understanding. James was beginning to think that this was where all the Malysh where sent. he'd never seen more than one at a time before and never for more than a few hours at most. there where... well a lot of Malysh here and he wondered if they thought he was Malysh? would make sense with how gentle they where with him. was he Malysh? yes, he was broken and they where fixing him. his last handlers had broken him and now they where helping him get better.
“Awesome.”Tony said smiling a little as cody left, tensing as he was hugged, trying to squirm away like a puppy who totally didn’t want to be held. Whining softly as he took a deep breath, trembling a little. “Coffee is good...”He muttered sighing softly as he was settled into james’ lap, leaning his head against the other’s shoulder, closing his eyes. Glancing up at codi as he took the coffee.”You can talk sex.”tony shrugged a little as he sipped the coffee, smiling slightly at james’ words. “...Yea. Malysh. Steve’s looking after him.”Tony said looking thoughtful, wondering what the other was thinking.
"There. better?" Steve asked with a smile. "no. it upset you. i don't like to upset people..." Codi mumbled unhappily, Steve stroking the others hair. "you didn't upset him Codi. i'm sure i did." he admitted. "Tony and i have a long history and Tony's father used to use me to torment him. i'm a bit of a trigger for him sometimes that's all." "that's terrible!" Codi admitted,looking at Tony. "your amazing, you shouldn't listen to your nasty father." he said with a sniff, Steve chuckling a little. "i got the paddle." he said, handing it to Steve who snorted. "thank you Codi." he said, amused. "...Asset is Malysh?" James asked softly, blinking at Tony,looking upset and bothered. "Asset is broken? Handler is fixing Asset?"
“Yea, well. If you’d stop hugging me while I’m considering what you and codi get up to, yes please. It’d be nice.”Tony whined a little squirming and unruly. “It is terrible, and no one mourned when he died, but that’s a story for another day.”Tony sighed softly, looking vaguely amused at codi’s words, reaching out to take the paddle, holding it as he leaned into james. “....Yes. I’m fixing you. Though you are good just how you are to. I’m looking after you. But you’re not malysh, you’re not....Steve!Help me.”Tony demanded looking upset and lost on how to handle this.
Steve chuckled. "i'm sorry Tony. i didn't think about how you might... feel." he admitted. "you know if... you wanted to join us, Codi wouldn't mind and i'd be more than happy." Steve offered. "or, you know. if you just... wanted me to join you and James..." he looked very shy all of a sudden and a person with more people skills might have known that Steve was totally in love with Tony. "Uhm..." Steve hesitated when Tony told him to explain and he struggled for a moment before he looked at James. "Hydra made your mind broken." he explained to James. "They made it so you weren't a person anymore. we're helping your mind heal as much as it can, and help you become a person again." James considered that for a long time and then. "Asset is Machine... J...James is... person?" James asked. "Asset...is James?" "that's right."
"Oh. Well. You know me. Feelings are overrated and all."tony said squirming cause he was so not liking this topic before his eyes went wide as he considered the other, looking both shy and ready to bolt himself."o-okay. I'll remember that."he stuttered and it wouldn't take a genius to know that in his own way that was a yes, just ghe needed time to wrap his head around it. Relaxing as steve indeed find the right words to help."yes. You are james. We'll help you."
"Feelings are not overrated." Steve said firmly. "your feelings are important Tony, even if you don't know it." he admitted with a sigh. "especially yours... your important to me, you know." he admitted. "i like you too! and not just because your metal robot is really sexy." Codi informed them, making Steve drop his head into his forehead and sighed. "Codi?... seriously?" "i'm not sorry." "you never are." this seamed to be something that happened often. "...Okay." James agreed softly. "pancakes?" he asked hopefully, Steve snorting. "for Dinner, sure. we can have the Commander make Pancakes." he promised. said Commander was awake and was doing his damnedest to not run away because he was pretty damn terrified with all the people who he had been told all his life would kill him if they ever caught him. conditioned to ate, and fear, Shield. "I ate!" Codi informed Steve who nodded. "Off with you then." he ordered, patting Codi's ass as he passed without thinking about it, making the albino giggle as he skipped off. "damn brat is insatiable." Steve snorted. "can you believe he has six other lovers?" he asked, glancing at Tony. "and i had to screen every last one of them because Codi can't be trusted with himself." he huffed before he smiled at James who looked sleepy after his emotional revelation. "i think he needs a nap. think he can make it to your rooms or do you want to use my bed?" he asked, glad that James didn't seam to hate him anymore. James didn't bother giving Tony a choice, he just went into Steve's room and laid down and Steve snorted. "okay then. does he need the restraints do you think? i have some leather ones. Codi doesn't like them so i've never used them." he admitted.
"Yea yea whatever."Tony said looking both flustered and confused at the idea of his feelings mattering."hey don't go giving him a hard time. My suit was sexy. Not so sexy now. I have problems with it."he said making a face. Though he loved iron man, it was hard for him to be in it with extremis"yes well have pancakes."he looked amused."and insatiable people are awesome. I can believe it. I had more sex then that. I was complete jnsane."Tony said though that had been more because he'd had less feeling of self worth and needed someone to touch, then anything else."well. I guess we're sleeping here."Tony said looking amused."I'll ask. Get them please."he smiled a little.
"Your suit is always sexy." Codi stated with a grin. "and smooth and, hmmmm." he went a little glossy eyed as he imagined the Iron Man suit. "Codi's worse than you where. Codi's a hedonist to the extreme." he admitted wit a chuckle. "you at last took breaks to engage in human society once and a while, all Codi does is have sex, eat and sleep." he admitted before chuckling a little and headed to his 'playroom' and grabbed the shackles, heading back to the boys, James who had shucked his shirt and was already asleep, curled up a little on top of the blankets. "...poor guy. i don't think he's been sleeping well has he?" Steve wondered, setting the shackles down. "you haven't either have you?" he asked, worried about the other. "here. make yourself comfortable. i'll wake you up if there's an emergency." he promised, smiling at Tony, hesitating before pressing his lips against Tony's again before heading into the living room so Tony could get some sleep. no emergency cropped up so Tony an James where both able to sleep themselves out. when Tony woke up, before James surprisingly. Steve was asleep in the living room, his sketchbook open on his chest, revealing a picture of Tony and James asleep on the bed, looking very adorable. another drawing peeked out from underneath that, which was another picture o Tony, this one of him in mid rant.
“...Yea. Not so much. Sometimes it is.”Toyn said rolling his eyes a little before smiling slightly, “Well. To be fair, I sorta was forced to. Pepper threatened to casterate me if I didn’t participate in human society instead of sex and lab time.”Tony said looking amused before looking at james, sighing quietly. “No, he hasn’t.”He said sadly, hating the other hadn’t been sleeping before frowning. “I’ve been sleeping fine.”He grumbled as he nodded. “kay....”he muttered startling as he was kissed, to shocked to do anything before crawling in bed, snuggling close and pulling a spare blanket up over them. Settling in to sleep.

In the morning tony looked bemused as he tugged the picture out enough to see, before frowning. Looking utterly confused and lost at why anyone would ever want to draw him, especially mid rant with what had obviously been the end of a science binge if the sticking up hair in spots, and slicked back with oil in others, and the three day scruff was anything to go by. Frowning as he considered what he was seeing, so confused and focused on the picture he was staring at in fact, he didn’t even notice steve waking up.
Steve chuckled. "yeah. there's no forcing Codi to do anything. he's a sweet little submissive once you drop him but he's a devious little shit who does what he wants and nothing else." Steve admitted with a chuckle. "he lets me take care of him because he likes it, not because he actually thinks he needs looking after. even if he does." he smirked at Tony. "kind of like you, onyl worse because unlike you, he'll actually go to the worst club he can find to prove a point. ou actually have some self respect and self preservation." he admitted. "Tony. it's you. you never sleep fine." Steve scoffed, rolling his eyes.

James was moving before Steve was, Steve was not a person who woke up fast unless he was under attack or was forced awake so James had plenty of time to take the drawing pad away from Ton and examine the picture of himself sleeping before flipping through it. there was pictures of everyone. one o Natasha getting her fingernails painted by a content looking Clint. there was one of Wanda, practicing her powers. one of Sam and Rhodey in each others faces, waving game controllers around. one of Pepper offering them a smile, one of Vision staring in blank incomprehension at a nudie magazine and one of Fury screaming at interns, also brandishing a nudie magazine. the rest though, where mostly Ton and James. there where three of Loki, acting adorable and one of Thor and Loki. there was one where Tony was buried in wires and work, one of Tony laughing, one of Tony frowning at his tablet, absently eating. one of James, kneeling naked and looking up at the person looking, and the further back you went, the filthier the pictures became, Tony, James, Tony and James. "...uh... i can explain?" Steve asked sheepishly as he realized James had stopped at a picture of Tony, kneeling on the floor, collar around his neck, hands bound behind his back, legs spread and mouth open, tears gathered at the corner of his eyes but an eager glint in them as a hand in his hair forced his head back. a metal hand. Steve had some interesting fantasies. "Uh." "i like this." James said, tearing the picture out, folded it and tucked it into his pocket, making Steve gape at him.
Tony stared, leaning against james a little as he considered what he was looking at. Amazement and lust shining in brown eyes as he considered what he was staring at. Whimpering quietly as he saw the picture. Nearly dropping to his knees in response to seeing it. While he was dominate mostly in bed, he was a switch.you just had to put pressure on the right points to flip his switch, and imaging james in charge was doing it. Snorting a little as james stole the picture he avoided looking at steve, ignoring how hard his own body had gotten in response to the pictures. “I like it to.”He muttered blushing brightly, acting submissive in response, because he’d been in control so long that he had started to drop without realizing it or warning he was going to.
Steve coughed a little, flushing a bit when James announced. "i like this picture too." this one was of Steve, kneeling, his mouth wrapped around the hard length while a flesh hand held him in place and a metal hand sketched a star into his back with a blade. James tore that one out and tucked it in his pocket as well, making Steve flush harder. "...Tony... are you okay?" Steve asked, looking worried about how, off Tony sounded before realizing the other was hard. "...Tony? are... are you a sub?!" Steve asked, sounding surprised. he'd always thought Tony was a Dom, the picture had just been his own fantasy, he'd never imagined it could be real. "do you need to drop? Tony. focus for me a bit. do you need me and James to drop you?" "were not going to drop Tony! he'd get hurt!" James protested, making Steve snort. "not that kind of dropping James."
“Ohhh...that one’s nice.”Tony muttered shifting to look at the picture, sighing softly as he considered the picture, “I have knives. Good knives for carving.”he muttered definitely dropping, before looking up at steve, blinking slowly. “I’m okay.”He muttered before frowning slightly, trying to focus. “Switch....I can be whatever you want.”Tony muttered dropping out again as the two talked, simply leaning into james, simply snuggling against him and not focusing. This was tony at his worst, a drop that he hadn’t prepared for, a free fall into the headspace he rarely allowed himself enough trust in another person to go to.
Steve shuddered a little at the idea of Tony having knives and shook his head little. "You're not okay, your dropping hard..." Steve muttered. "James? go into that room, yes, that room right there and bring me the box would you?" he asked, James narrowing his eyes at Steve before deciding it was a request and not an order and did as asked as Steve gently steadied Tony. "Tony. i need you to focus, just for a moment." Steve ordered gently. "i need your safe-word and i want you to tell me if you need pain or pleasure and i need to know how far I'm allowed to go, if you can." he ordered gently, stroking Tony's hair, tugging carefully. just a few bits of pressure to, hopefully, help him focus. "thank you James." Steve said as James came back in with a huge box. "here. open it up." Steve ordered, gently tugging on Tony's hair still, James blinking at the huge box full of unopened sex toys. cock ring, dildos, vibrators and nipple clamps. there where a few razor blades in safety packages and bandage equipment. all of it new and unused. perfect for using on Tony. well, so long as James didn't crush Steve because the assassin looked pretty damn floored by the contents of the box.
Tony sighed softly, blinking as he turned to watch James go, frowning, whimpering quietly. That just wasn’t good, to see the other leaving. Whining as Steve steadied him, turning to look up at him, blinking slowly. Nodding eagerly at the order, eager to please, swaying slightly on his feet. “Spangles, captain, my captain.”Tony muttered smiling pleased with himself for having answered the question before shrugging, whimpering at the tugs. “As far as you want. And anything you want. Don’t care. Easy to please.”Tony muttered turning his head to look at the assassin as he came back in, making small pleased sounds in his throat, making grabby hands at him, “Jamie!”
"It's okay Tony." Steve promised. "James isn't gone, he's just getting something, that's all." he promised, smiling a little. "Spangles. good boy Tony." he said, stroking his hair some more, trying to keep him calm and stable. "alright. normally i wouldn't do this. i like my partners to be fully coherent you see, while we negotiate but your down and it's a bit of an emergency. i have no idea how you will react if i don't do something, so we'll start slow. okay?" he asked Tony. "Sir?" James asked, stepping into Tony's hands, looking worried as he looked at Steve. "Sir is sick? Sir is drugged?" "no, James. Sir is fine. he's just... his brin works differently. he's like Codi, and me. sometimes, we need to give up all control, and let someone else be in charge for a while." "like the pictures." "yes. like the pictures." "...sir likes the pictures?" "yes he does." "....i can do the picture." James decided, settling his metal hand in Tony's hair and tugged, experimentally.
“Kay.”Tony muttered settling at the promise that James wasn’t gone, sighing quietly as he leaned into the hand stroking his hair, perking up pleased at being called a good boy. He’d so rarely heard it, that it was good to hear. And being dropped was he only time he admitted that he wanted it. “Emergency?I can handle emergencies.I’m Iron man you know.”Tony muttered sighing quietly as he clung to James, leaning into him, snuggling close, groaning as his hair was pulled and not even thinking about it as he sank to his knees, leaning into james’ thigh with a contented sigh.
"i know you can handle emergencies. it's not that kind of emergency though." he promised with a chuckle before grinning when James gripped Tony's hair, the man shuddering. "i like this." James whispered, looking rather startled, wide eyed and amazed at how his precious handler was behaving. this was... he liked this. he reached down with his flesh hand and unbuttoned his pants and undid the Zipper and tugged himself free and Steve sighed, watching James because he had forgotten how perfect James cock was. "Suck... Sir..." James urged, pressing the tip of his cock to Tony's lips. "Suck my cock." James murmured, letting Tony do as he pleased for a moment, making soft noises of pleasure and moaned, rocking his hips softly before tightening his hand into Tony's hair, and pulled Tony more firmly around his cock with a shuddering moan.
“Kay.”Tony muttered sighing quietly as he leaned into the other. Looking up at the other, interested in the other’s reaction and words. Trying to focus enough to really understand. Making happy little whimpers as the other undoing his pants, grinning happily as he slid his mouth down over the other, as happy and eager as if he’d been given a lolipop. Groaning loudly as his hair was pulled, growling eagerly as he deep throated the other, definitely was doing all he could to choke himself on the other’s cock as he swallowed the other eagerly.
James moaned as Tony went to town on his cock. he wasn't fully aware of what was going on, but Steve was and e grinned and motioned for James. "Do it harder. e wants you to get rough." Steve hadn't had many partners but he visited the clubs religiously and had learned how to read the subs. Tony was a lot more open than most. James nodded, tightening his hand even more and thrust into Tony's mouth, pressing Tony down as far as he could go and just held him there for a moment before rolling his hips, pulling out to the head, before thrusting all the way back in, watching Tony's face to see how he handled that one. Steve was moving, reaching into the box to grab some leather cuffs so he could tie Tony's hands behind his back, and then slid Tony's pants off, sliding a cool, slick finger along the crack of Tony's ass, teasing the tight little hole that he was going to loosen up for James.
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