Handle Me (Marvel) Lady-Fox

"i don't think Harley can get swollen in the head Tony." Steve admitted, looking amused. "his little sister is too good at popping it." he admitted with a snicker before he smirked. "of course he likes you. he admires you, the way Fitz does." he admitted. "face it Tony. people like you. your sweet and kind and just enough wicked humor and narcissism to keep things highly interesting." he admitted with a grin before wincing. "it's not defective, i've been perfectly capable of calibrating, but i know you can do better." he admitted before smirking. "it's fun! you know, so long as i'm not tossed out the window. that kind of sucks." he admitted before nodding. "well, Bruce is working on it now with that..." here Steve grinned, that wicked little grin that said a oke was coming. " 'Pretty girl scientist'." Steve snickered a little because Bruce having a crush on one of Phil's favorites was hilarious. it was good fr Bruce though, so Steve wouldn't tease him too much, but it was impossible not to tease at all.

"Well, it's not a lie. he is your bodyguard of a sort. Jarvis and Phil have been showing me all kinds of stuff. Jarvis managed to crack his way into Hydra's secure files, and downloaded a bunch of stuff on the handling procedures for James." he admitted. "a lot of it is pretty twisted, but some of it is things we could use to make his life easier. like, being tied up at night. Natasha said she still does that, when she's upset. said it makes her feel safe, like she doesn't have to be so in control. i bet James feels the same way." Steve admitted. "and there's other things too. Natasha said it's like having a Super Sub.... i'm not really sure what that means but she gave me all kinds of information on BDSM and Dom Sub and Slave Master stuff that i was supposed to give to you." here Steve flushed. "i forgot because i got too busy reading them myself. she highlighted a lot of stuff for you, and Phil wrote a lot of notes but i figured i should read it too... you know, because i want to help even if you're a lot better for him." he admitted. "i forget sometimes, and try to treat him like Bucky when he's not. i think that's why he doesn't like me too much." He admitted, though he didn't seam bothered. "oh..." Steve paused when their food appeared and he offered the waitress a timid smile and stared at his food that didn't look anything like he thought it would. it was in a garlic cream sauce for one thing, not what he was used to. still, he was in love with the first bite. "This is fantastic!"
“Well, maybe.”Tony said before snorting, making a face as he considered that. “I’m not sure about that. People are weird, and they just don’t understand even when I try to. It’s horrible.”Tony whined a little before looking pleased.”Okay. Good. As long as it wasn’t dangerous. I’ll fix it.”he said looking more relaxed about the iea of fixing steve’s shiel now before snickering. “You are such a danger junkie. And you tell me I pull insane stunts.”he huffed a little before smirking. “Indeed. She is a pretty girl scientist, they’ll make cute little babies. It’ll be awesome.”Ahhh, so he was totally playing matchmaker. That was just cute.

“He is. Though it seems weird sometimes, and well...I uh...don’t treat him like a bodyguard.”He blushed squirming a little before wincing at the idea. He’d seen some of jarvis’ stuff before he’d forced himself to not download it as it was coming in. “It was fairly twisted.”He agreed before tilting his head, snickering at steve’s admittance. “Well, you can give it to me when we get home...it’ll be nice to have. Mostly I’ve just been winging it as I go, see what works, what doesn’t.”Tony shrugged a little. “Yea that might be part of it. You might be confusing him enough that he just doesn’t like you.”He said shrugging a little as he stared t oeat, snickering. “I thought you’d like it. James’ll be glad to know at least he found a good resturant.”
"well. you don't have to understand people for them to like you." he pointed out with a smile. "Nah. it wasn't dangerous." he promised. "i am not! just because i like Roller Coasters and ziplines and stuff doesn't mean i like danger!" he complained with a grin. "and you do! you're like a flying death trap in that suit of yours." he admitted. "i mush prefer my death defying stunts to be safe." he teased, well aware that made no sense at all. "she is pretty i'll grant you that. and she's more than intelligent enough to keep up with Bruce. i know Bruce gets frustrated sometimes, and you do too, that no one is smart enough to keep up with him. with Simmons and Fitz, both of you have someone to talk science with." he admitted with a smile. "babies?... Tony... Bruce can't have children." he reminded the other softly. "the accident made him sterile." he grinned. "i know you don't. but he's duty bound to protect you, even if he'd much rather defile you." he teased, truly happy Tony had someone to be affectionate with.

"Yeah, you saw some of it too? Phil didn't think it would be a good idea for you to see... some of that. but i think you of all people should know, in case he starts triggering." he admitted. "as he starts to recover he could very well start having flashbacks and nightmares." he admitted. "yeah. i've read all of it, and committed as much of it to memory as i could." he admitted with a smile. "i think your doing wonderfully with him." Steve admitted. "your patient and kin, neither of which are things he's used to i'm sure." he admitted before grinning. "i'm glad he made us come here." he agreed. "this is actually really fun." he admitted, savoring every bite. "I've never had food like this before. it's all so... fancy!" he admitted, examining the wine before taking a sip, finding it rather pleasant. "shall we order dessert?" Steve asked hopefully, keenly eyeing the dessert menu left behind. it was full of pictures so he could actually see what he was ordering.
“Well, maybe not. But they tend to not like me cause I don’t understand them.”Tony said shrugging before rolling her eyes a little at the other’s words. “You do to. Totally. And my suit is not a flying death trap.”Tony whined a little before nodding. “She is. It’s hard sometimes trying to get people to talk to, when we’re worked up and manic. So more scientists is a good thing.”He looked thoughtful, before sighing quietly. “Well, they could adopt.”He huffed a little before flushing brightly, ducking his head a little. “yes...well....he might want to do that.”

“Yea...I did...I stopped looking after awhile though. It wasn’t pleasant.”He promised making a face, before swallowing thickly. Thinking on that, before nodding slowly. “We’ll just have to look after him, and be careful when things start coming up again.”He sighed before making a face. “I’m not that patient.”he said before snickering. “Me to. And it’s fairly fun. Food’s gotten better in the last 70 years, you should just go out to eat alot, it’s all fancy.”He said before noding. “Yea, we can.”
"People tend to not like you because they listen to that shit on TV and take it as truth." Steve said, sneering. "they are very wrong but you can't always convince a person of that." he admitted. "they meet you with preconceived notions and they look for any excuse to prove those notions right. even if they have to make things up." he admitted before smirking. "don't think Jarvis didn't tell me some of the stunts you've pulled in that thing Tony. it's a death trap." he stated with a chuckle. "More scientists are a good thing." he admitted with a smile. "i like having all the smart people around." he admitted. "you're happier with more people around too i think." he admitted with a smile before snickering. "Tony. Seriously. look at me." he ordered, smiling at him. "you and James, it works. it's good. he likes you. a lot..." he paused. "which is kind of why this date is so weird." he admitted. "he's possessive of you and wants you all to himself. let him have you, have him in return. it's something you both deserve." he admitted. "Stop worrying so much and just enjoy it." he suggested before nodding. "well. we can get back into it after his memories start coming back. there's no point in worrying about it." especially since James might never remember. Bruce was still going over the scans but the brain damage could be very extensive.

"Food has gotten a lot better in the last seventy years." Steve agreed, scraping the last of his plate into his mouth and smiled when a waitress appeared to take their dessert orders. Steve ordered the Tiramisu because it looked the best and was very happy with what it was when it appeared in front of him and he took his first bite. "i love this century."
“...maybe. You might be right.”Tony made a face at him, not agreeing all the way, but willing to say he might have a point. “...It wasn’t stunts. I have no idea what you’re talking about!I’m perfectly good flier.”Tony whined making a face, squirming a little before nodding. “I like you guys being here...evn if I do hide in the lab.”He said before looking up at the other, blushing at the other’s words. “I like him to....an he is. It is weird....I wonder if he’d be upset if we asked him about it?”He said looking over towards james nodding absently in agreement, they’d deal with it when they needed to.

“Me to. And save room for popcorn. We can’t go to the therater without popcorn.”Tony said as he dug into his chocolate cheesecake happily.
"Tony. haven't you realized yet? i'm always right." Steve teased with a chuckle. "come on Tony. you flew before the suit was even tested for motion. and then you flew too high and iced over. those where death stunts." he said with a chuckle. "your not hiding, you just need more alone time than we do. you'll notice i spend most of my time on a run or in the gym right? because that's where i get my alone time and it's something i like to do... oh! thanks for all that art stuff by the way. i love the paints." he admitted with a grin. "sometimes when i can't sleep at night, i'll stay up and paint, it's really nice and not something i would have thought to have gotten for myself." he admitted. "i've never worked with paints before but Jarvis was happy to help." he admitted with smile before shrugging. "we should ask anyway, no telling what goes on in his mind." he admitted, grinning as he finished off the last of his Tiramisu. "i'll be fine." he promised with a grin. "i can eat three times this much when i want to and no, i'm not still hungry." he promised. "i packed in a good meal before James let me get dressed." Steve promised. "i'll let you pay this time. i don't know how to pay in a place like this." he admitted, only to be surprised when he found out Jarvis had already paid. "...remind me to start opening my spam mail when we get home." Jarvis HATED that! "oh... something's caught James Atten..." he blinked when James just up and exited the builing. "where in the world is he going?" Steve wondered, baffled before following James, pausing just in the doorway when James proved to be right there, hissing in fury when he saw who was there.

"Commander!" James said, looking delighted to see the man. Brock Rumlow, who was supposed to be dead. "Soldier? what are you doing here?" Brock asked, stunned. "Assignment." James said, looking very pleased ad Brock blinked. "Current assignment?" "Handler Protection and Situation Assessment." "Primary Handler?" Brock asked curiously. "Antony Edward Stark." Brock actually released and grinned. "You remember what a Secret is?" "A Secrete consists of information that does not need to be included in the final report to the Secretary." "Good. Oder Code 9921, Secretes Lock, terminated." Brock stated firmly and James twitched, looking surprised. "Order Code 7765 Information Lock, Terminated. Order Code 7998, Confidential Information Lock, Terminated." he paused, thinking hard and James blinked at him. "Do you understand?" Brock asked, James nodding. "say it." "ll information is to be given when asked... so long as i deem it information worth giving." "good." "Pancakes?" "you still love those damn pancakes eh? yeah, i can make you some pancakes, but not now okay? your new handler and i don't get along well." that made James scowl, realizing he had abandoned his handler and relaxed when he realized Tony and Steve where right there, Brock grimacing as he realized Tony and Steve had heard all of that.
“No, no you’re not. You’re weird, and you’re never going to be always right.”Tony whined a little before pausing, staring at the other. Whining quietly. “Jarvis taddled on me, that’s just mean.”He whined before smiling. “Well, yea. I see what you mean. And you’re very welcome. I remembered you did drawing, figured you’d like the art stuff, especially since we have so many different options for art now and everything.”Tony said before nodding. “True, we probably should ask.”He agreed before snorting at the other’s words when they realized that jarvis had paid. “I will. He’ll be mad, but we’ll totally open spam.”he agreed before frowning, looking worried as they headed outside. Looking shocked as tehy listened.

“....He’s obsessed with pancakes. I think I’m going to have to take out stock in IHOP just to fill his feeding bill.”Tony said dumbly and a tad jealous as he stared at the two, because he couldn’t think of anything else to say.
"I am always right." Steve stated with a grin. "and he didn't tattle, considering you never told him he was supposed to keep it a secret." he pointed out. "i'll paint you something." he offered with a smile, not about to admit he'd started and abandoned many things he'd been trying to paint for Tony. he'd finally settled on something he thought perfect for the man. "that's Brock Rumlow, the fucking Traitor. the hell is James doing with him?!" Steve growled, sounding just as jealous, Brock grimacing when James glared at Steve. "Rumlow, Asset 45." James informed them. "Commander." "wait... Asset?!" Steve asked, looking startled, Brock grimacing. "Hand picked from the breeding centers." Brock admitted sourly. "Bred and raised to be the very best motherfucker on earth." he admitted. "i was Alexander Pierces perfect little Protege... didn't know any better now did i? only knew what they taught me. what they trained me to be." just like Natasha. shit. now Steve felt a bit bad. "Commander... pancakes..." James pleaded, tugging at the other man's sleeves, Rumlow huffing air out his nose. "seriously? i'm about to be arrested and that's all you can think of?" "Pancakes." "how about i give your handler the Recipe?" "....pancakes." "....are you broken?" Rumlow asked James who pondered that for a moment and then nodded. "Asset mental caps, Status, Broken." "good." "Mental Caps?" Steve asked suspiciously. "it's..." Brock scowled, thinking hard. "it's the shape of our thoughts, they control what we say, how we act and even how we think." he admitted. "a mental cap, is an invisible... fence, in our minds, controlling us. what we think, if we can think at all." Brock admitted. "it's hard to explain..." "no. no i think i understand. James is starting to think for himself." "exactly. it's a good thing."
“...I’m gonna have words with Jarvis. He should have known not to tell.”He whined, sulking a little, before nodding slightly. “Okay. I’d like that.”he said smiling a little. Staring at brock he growled. “we’ll arrest him.”He muttered before looking shocke, staring at the other. Pale as he considered that. “That’s....just disturbing Romlow....and I sorta can’t hate him now...”Tony said eyeing Brock even as he clamped down on the jealous, before snorting slightly. “He is fairly obsessed with him, though this seems odd....”Tony said looking worried as he considered the two, frowning. “So....whatever they did for him, is failing...good.”Tony sighed quietly, looking at steve. “We probably should move this back to the tower....if rumlow is comign with us I mean...”
Steve glared at Brock and nodded, more than happy to arrest him until he realized he was just like Natasha, only given no chance to escape. he could see the thin scar now. he had noticed it before, but he hadn't understood it. not until now. it was a scar that matched James, matched Natasha's. a scar that came from fighting against a metal cage as enough electricity ran through his brain to turn him into a drooling mindless drone. Rumlow really could not be held accountable for his past actions, not unless they wanted to punish Natasha and James too. "it's my fault he's obsessed with pancakes." Brock admitted with a sigh. "before... you know, he only had specially formulated, uh, mush i guess is the word for it. we where on the tail end of a mission when one of my team started passing out from low blood sugar so we pulled over to an I-hop and got her some food. i didn't feel well enough to eat the pancakes and he was staring so i just... gave them to him. from then on, at the end of missions, i'd give him pancakes for a job well done treat... i guess it's just stuck in his head now. i'm sure he'll grow out of it as he starts to recover." "no! Date!" James hissed, narrowing his eyes at them, making Steve groan. "James! seriously! we had Dinner! isn't that enough!?" "No! Theater! Date!" "...is... did he... really? he's making you go on a date?" Brock asked, looking seconds away from laughing in their faces. "...shut up." "Date! Now!"James growled, scowling at them before blinking when his stomach growled and turned to Rumlow. "Pancakes?" Rumlow couldn't take it, he nearly collapsed he was laughing so hard.
“Ah, well if that was all I was eating, I’d be obsessed with the first food I had to.”Tony snorted a little shivering at the idea of eating just that. While he forgot to eat all the time, at least when he did eat, he always made sure to have real food, even if it was just take out. “Not sure. He likes to be rewarded still, might be a good thing to have something he likes.”Tony said thoughtfully, wondering if it would be a good thing or not, to have brock around to explain some things before frowning slightly at james. “james, we had dinner. Isn’t seeing to brock being here more importantn?”He asked before eyeing brok, nodding slightly. “Shut up.”He said at the same time as Steve, huffing slightly. “How about we go home and get pancakes?”he asked even as he glared at brok for laughing. this wasn't funny!It was very confusing and upsetting because he had no idea why james wanted him to date steve even if he sorta was enjoying dating the other, and had had liked him for awhile, but he couldn't do that. nope, he couldn't date steve. it was bad enough he was sorta dating james.
"Yes well... i think it's more the meaning of it. it was the first food he chose to have. it's... a bit of freedom, i guess." he admitted before smiling. "Pancakes for rewards are always a good thing. that's why he wants pancakes now i think. i gave him contradicting orders last time. Pierce said 'kill Nick Fury' and i said 'make it look like you killed Nick Fury'... i think e succeeded in that so he's looking for his reward. hard to tell though." he grimaced and looked at Steve. "i had no idea they where going to set him after you. by the time i knew it was too lat, and too dangerous to do anything. i'm a coward, after all. save my own skin sort." "...that's why... you knew i wouldn't get taken down in an elevator of all things, that's why you boxed me in there." Steve said, looking startled. "...i liked you. you made me remember things." he admitted. "and i knew that i couldn't take you, no matter my superior breeding and the experiments." he shrugged. "i did my best and Pierce couldn't say anything about it." "....No! Date." "Why!? why do you want us to go on a date?!" Steve demanded, unable to hold it in anymore and James looked sad. "Handler Tony is sad... Handler Tony wants Red White and Blue Stupid Captain whose not better than me." James stated simply, making Steve gape at him. "Asset is to make Handler Happy." "Asset doesn't like the Red White and Blue Stupid Captain." James growled. "He Makes Handler Smile. Asset wants to make Handler Smi...." Steve snickered and leaned forward and kissed James silent. just a simple kiss. "there. are you better now?" Steve asked James who blinked stupidly and then pressed his fingers to his lips as if in shock. then Steve turned and pressed his lips to Tony's, kissing him as well. "there. now you've got your 'that was a great date' kiss. now you kiss James." Steve ordered, James blinking stupidly. "And next time you want to make Tony go on a date, mae sure you remember your dating Tony." "...i am?" James asked, looking baffled.
“Ah, that makes sense.”Tony said smiling a little before wincing. Not about to admit to fury still being alive, but not denying it either. “...I wondered at the elevator thing. Setting it up how you did, you had to know he knew he was being boxed in. Makes sense now.”Tony frowned slightly before looking at james. “I’m not sad James.”he said before snorting as steve kissed the other, startling as he stared up at steve was he was kissed. Pausing as he considered the man, trying not to think to much into it. Surely he was doing it just to make james happy and to calm him. He really didn’t mean it, no matter how disappointed tony was at the idea. “Thanks steve.”He said blushing a little as he leaned in kissing james lightly before stepping back, looking at james as he offered a hesitant smile. “yes....you are. I mean. If you want to.”
"Relax, i know Fury's alive." he admitted. "and i'm... well i'm not glad for it, the mans a shit, but i'm glad James didn't kill someone whose so... you know... trying." he admitted. "it was the best way to have the advantage. we knew, we always knew we'd have no chance against him in the least. might as well do our best to stack it in our favor. Pierce was disappointing but he wasn't surprised." he admitted with a shrug. "we avoided punishment at the very least and that's all that matters." he admitted before chuckling at Steve kissing everyone. "i Don't understand..." "Dating is a person thing." Brock explained. "Soldier isn't a human right now. he's a... Asset. he doesn't understand. he's just there to do everything he can to make you as happy as possible." he admitted. "Making Pierce happy was... very difficult." Brock admitted. "yeah well, move your ass you're coming with us." Steve ordered Brock who grimaced and nodded and Steve smiled at James. "come on. me and Tony can finish our date another time. let's go get Pancakes." "Commanders?" "sure. Commander can make you pancakes. after Bruce examines him. i want to know just how true his stories are." Steve admitted. they did have to be careful after all.
“Well. That’s true.”Tony said relaxing a little before snorting slightly. “Always stack the deck, its the only way to have a chance against fury.”He snorted a little before studying james, looking at steve, before brock again. “...I don’t understand either. Steve. Explain.”Tony decided poking Steve in teh arm as he walked, smirking as brock grimaced. “Don’t worry, he’s all mush. He’s not as tough as he wants you to think.”He said rolling his eyes a little at james’ demand, before perking up. He could terrify brock. They had to check things anyways, might as well mess with him. “Can I test out the new tech I made while bruce is looking him over?”
"Yeah well, Pierce didn't stack the deck at all. he decided his Queen was strong enough to take on the King and it failed. miserably." Brock looked very delighted that it was so too. it made James grin, glad to see the Commander happy. "uhm... James doesn't understand emotions i think. h knows he wants you to be happy and he understands he's possessive of you, but i don't think he understands why, or that the reverse could be true. i don't think he understands that people can like him, that people can want to make him happy." "that it exactly true." Brock admitted. "but it will come. it always does." Brock promised. "oh. believe me. he is NOT all mush. he'll rip my spine out through my stomach if i make any move he doesn't like and i know it." "we'll see." Steve stated, making Brock flinch again. James didn't seam at all bothered. Commander wasn't in charge after all. if the Handler wanted to test things, then he would and that was that. Brock swallowed thickly and paused just inside the doors, looking a bit panicked, wondering if he was just trading one slavery for a another before deciding. this was Captain America he was talking about, not Nick Fury. Steve wouldn't force him to hurt or kill more people in 'penance of his crimes'. he wouldn't be turned into an 'assassin for the good' the way Fury had done to Natasha. he followed them in and cringed when the doors slid shut behin him and if he'd been a dog he would have been cowering with his tail tucked, slinking as if he expected to be hit. he almost looked that way anyway and Steve felt immensely guilty for scaring a man he had once thought of as a freind. didn't mean he was about to let up though.
“Indeed he good.Thank god.”Tony muttered before thinking that over as he considered what Steve was telling him before nodding. “Oh. Well. Okay. I understand that.”Tony said looking relieved that steve had been able to tell him how things were, before nodding slightly at brock’s words. Glad to have his opinion, even if he wasn’t sure he liked the other or not. “He is totally mush.”Tony decided looking amused simply watching with james, content to plot. Pausing as they stepped into the penthouse, his every intent of scaring brock gone as he considered the sight in front of him. Natasha reading while clint painted her toenails, and loki snuggled around a bear nearly as big as he was as he sat on the floor near them. “.....I feel like we should simply send him in this room, this is terrifying.”
Steve nodded an smiled at Tony. "he's a lot like you. you don't always understand that people like, and ye, love, you too." he admitted, gently brushing Tony's hair. "i really did have a lot of fun tonight. we'll have to make sure to do it again sometime." he offered, making James swell up with pride. he had made Handler Happy. the Red White and Blue man who kissed very sweetly was too. so that meant James was happy and proud of himself. "Pancakes!" James declared, very happy with life at the moment. "he's mush for you." Brock corrected. "he likes you." he admitted with a chuckle before blinking at the people in the penthouse. "....very terrifying..." Brock agreed softly, looking around at the others. Thor was reading aloud from a story book, Alice in Wonderland if Steve wasn't mistaken. might have been Through the Looking Glass and Phil was working on paperwork. "ah. i was certain he was dead." Phil admitted, examining Brock while Bruce headed over, looking curious. "do i need to get the Cell prepped?" "No. we need a full scan. he gave us an interesting story and i want to see that it checks out." Steve admitted. Bruce blinked and nodded and steered Brock out the door, James expression falling. "pancakes?" "hold on. Phil, would you..." "yes. i'll make pancakes." Phil promised with a chuckle. "since James doesn't seam to like your cooking all that much. by the way, Bruce's lab reports have come back. there's good news and... well i wouldn't call it bad news, it's not good news either. it's just.. news, i suppose." that... couldn't be good.
“Oh. Okay. Well. I like him,and you lie, I always believe people love me.”Tony huffed a little, perking up as his hair was played with, he loved hat. Even if he didn’t believe steve like liked him, he was happy with this. “Yea, we will. It was fun.”he agreed smiling a little. “Indeed.”Tony said looking around the room before smirking a little at phil’s words. “So were we. Sometimes, even you Agent, can be wrong.”Tony teased. “...Story?” “Yea.”Tony smiled a little looking at clint and natasha as they set aside the stuff they were doing, simply settling into the assassin persona they hid behind half the time. “We’ll have pancakes. Don’t worry.”Tony said fussing over James, snorting a little. “He just doesn’t like steve cooking.”He said before his eyes went wide, looking anxious and upset. “Really? already?"
"You never think people like you." Steve admitted with a smile. "Next time, we're going to coney island so i can watch you puke." Steve informed Tony, making Brock chuckle. "yes well, i suppose it doesn't matter now does it?" Phil asked. "in any case, your going to want to sit down." Phil admitted, pulling out the paperwork. "it would be better if Bruce explained it, but i don't think any of us are going to be comfortable with Brock Rumlow here until we understand." Phil admitted before smiling as he motioned Natasha to the pancakes. she flitted over to the stove and started making pancakes. she liked pancakes too. "now, all things considered he's extraordinarily healthy. he needs to put on a bit more weight, but he's not anemic nor is he lacking in any vitamins, minerals or other such things." Phil admitted. "we just need to keep feeding him up and he'll be fine in no time. you know about the nerve damage already... now we're going to get into the brain damage... it's extensive. when working with the brain, there's no telling how it might, or might not, heal." Phil admitted. "James may regain many of his memories.. how many... remains to be seen and it is very doubtful he will ever regain anything of Bucky Barnes." Phil admitted softly. "It is also very likely that he will never be a fully functioning adult. it's extremely likely that he will always need a handler. someone to tell him when to eat, when to shower, when to sleep and to keep him from attacking someone. Bruce has high hopes for his regaining such things as language, reading, writing and free will though." Phil admitted with a smile, watching James dig into the plate of pancakes Natasha set in front of him with eager abandon.
“Okay, coney island it is.”Tony said rolling his eyes a little. Looking amused as he considered the other. “No, I guess it doesn’t.”he said frowning a little as he sat down, looking worried as he nodded.”No, no one will really be comfortable yet.”He sighed softly, frowning. Looking relieved that he was at least mostly healthy, even if it wasn’t great otherwise. “....If he doesn’t heal, we’ll take care of him. It’s not like we’re not going to keep him around. We’ll just figure out how to let him have a life now.”Tony sighed quietly, smiling softly as he watched james dig into the food.
"It's better to find out what that man has actually been through." Phil admitted. "if anything. i'm assuming he's claiming he's like James and Natasha?" he asked. "a lot of the old Hydra people claimed as such. non of them had any physical or brain damage to back their stories up though." Phil admitted with a shake of his head. "except the one. he's been relocated to South Carolina for rest and mental help." he admitted. "we'll have to discuss what to do with Rumlow should he be telling the truth." Phil admitted before smiling a little. "Tony. he already has a life." Phil admitted. "he's never been happier, i don't think. he's happy here with you. do see that don't you?" he asked, his head tilted. "we're giving James a chance to be the person he wants to be." "And we're about to give that chance to Rumlow." Bruce informed them, looking vaguely disturbed. "i've never seen anything like this... he's... his physical structure could easily be explained by being bred to be perfect." he admitted. "his genetic structure has been... well lets just say Hydra didn't care much about inbreeding." Bruce admitted. "he's lucky he's not dead from auto immune disease or other such nasty things that come up from such severe inbreeding." he admitted. "that matches what we know about Hydra's breeding programs." Phil admitted. "oh it gets worse. he was actively tortured from the time he was about six." he admitted. "they systematically broke his fingers, every bone in-between the joints has been broken three times, sometimes more depending on the finger and all at the same time, or within hours or minutes of each other." that made them all cringe. "if we're being honest here? we're lucky the man isn't a vegetable. the brain damage isn't as old as James, but it's far, far more extensive. they zapped him, very hard and for a very long period of time. he probobly spent a few months after the zap being... monitored." Bruce admitted. "he's lucky he's able to function at all, and preliminary tests have shown he's forgotten a lot of basic stuff. he can't read, he can't write, he can't tell his lefts from his rights and he certainly can't point north. his brain is healing though, and some days are worse than others. some days he can function perfectly normally, if i'm understanding his frustration during the tests correctly. and some days he lays in bed, as brain dead as a cucumber. he's much, much worse off than James and he's going to need very specialized care because he could wake up one morning thinking he's sixteen and still loyal to Hydra." Bruce admitted. "he' feel bad about murdering us once he remembered of course, but that wouldn't stop him from murdering us when he doesn't remember." "So he was telling the truth..." Steve whispered, closing his eyes. now he really felt bad for trying, damn near succeeding, to kill Rumlow during the D.C. battle.
“I know....and yes. He is.”Tony muttered watching james eat, before frowning slightly. “Don’t think I want him going anywhere if it’s true. He was steve’s friend once.”He muttered, because even if he didn’t want to trust rumlow, steve had cared for him once, which meant tony would look after him. Frowning at phil a little he nodded a little looking at james. “Yes....he’s happy here.”tony said looking pleased with that before jumping at bruce’s voice, surprised as he considered waht he was hearing. “....That’s....dammit. Fucking hell.”Tony cursed for a moment before getting up and leaving the room for a moment, and you could hear the muffled cursing and throwing of pillows which was tony’s usual way of venting when he had no idea how to respond to the emotional things he was hearing. So he tried. Walking back in he swallowed thickly. “Jamie?You’ll look after the commander to? He needs care like loki and wanda. And me.”Tony said after a moment, knowing james wouldn’t want to not look after him, frowning slightly, wondering if he was making james do to much.
"He was my friend, though i don't know if he ever really was. or if Pierce just ordered it." Steve admitted with a sigh. "he's very happy here." he agreed with a chuckle. "and he's very smug that his planned Date went well too, the little shit." he admitted with a chuckle before grimacing as he realized Brock had, not only been tortured into obedience as a child, they'd zapped him so hard for trying to escape that he was n longer considered capable of caring for himself. James whined, unhappy that Tony was unhappy an hovered by the door Tony had vanished into. when Tony came out Loki was offering him the massive Teddy bear and Thor was looking delighted that Loki was taking notice of other people again. "Commander is Malysh?" James asked, looking very upset by that. "They Broke Commander?" he sounded so heart broken. "Asset will protect the Malysh!" James said, sounding so firm and stern that for a moment Phil worried that James might do something stupid like trying to go hunt down the last of Hydra on his own. all he did though was offer Loki a pancake. his Malysh needed to eat more. "...i don't like how attached he is to Brock." Steve grumbled, sounding quite jealous.
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