Handle Me (Marvel) Lady-Fox

“Oh....yes... That makes sense.”Tony muttered thinking about it, before staring at the other. Nodding slowly. “Yes....well. I have phil now. Phil tells me when I’m being insane and need help. He helped me get everyone’s rooms.”Tony muttered before nodding. “yes...the more emotional, the worse I connect to things.”he sighed before blushing, squirming a little. “Yea. Okay. Sex....and uh.,...maybe?Sorta?It sorta happened....I mean we kept getting distracted by science.”Tony muttered. Looking amused at how confused james looked at the idea.

“As long as its not harming him, and wont make things better, there’s no reason to jump it.”Tony sighed a little looking worried about james.”Jamie?You okay?”He muttere before nodding, glad that the other was fine before looking at bruce. “We’ll make sure he has enough food. And well...okay.Sex with james. Okay.”He said stuttering and blushing as he considered what he had already done with him, eyeing james. “Are you sure?Cause I’m his handler....he might say yes.”He said looking anxious at the idea of asking, before looking even more stressed out at the idea of asking steve. “what?What!?I can’t. I can’t,,,,I uh...he doesn’t..,..I...”Tony’s eyes were wide and panciked, upset as he considered being with steve. he wanted to, so so badly, but....he couldn't.
"Phil is amazing." Bruce agreed with a smile. "i love my room by the way." he admitted. "your a darling." he admitted before chuckling a little. "Wanda 'wandered' into her own room the other day by the way and she refuses to come out." he admitted. "she loves it so much she doesn't want to come out!" he admitted with a chuckle. "might be that Natasha has taken to sleeping in there with her. Pepper too." he admitted. "helps with the nightmares. the room makes her feel better, so you can feel very proud of yourself." he promised Tony with a smile. he knew Ton would take great joy in knowing that Wanda felt safe and comfortable in the room he'd given and fixed up for her. "by the way, Loki raided all of Thor's stuffed animal collection so you might want to consider picking out some more for them." he admitted with a grin. "that's hilarious Tony. seriously." Bruce admitted with a laugh.

"I thought you'd say that." Bruce admitted. "which is why i didn't do it." he admitted with a smile. "Asset is in proper functioning capacity." James assured Tony. "Tony. seriously. your thinking too hard about it." Bruce admitted. "he's brainwashed but that doesn't mean he doesn't know who he likes and who he doesn't. James? did Alexander Pierce ever try to have sex with you?" "Alexander Pierce?" James asked, his head tilted, Bruce pulled up a picture and James examined it. "Handler." James informed them, pointing at Alexander Pierce. now dead. "Attempted Sexual Intercourse engaged." James admitted. "...Asset was bad. Asset broke Handlers arms, nose and pelvis."Bruce choked back a laugh. "Handler did not attempt to engage in sexual intercourse again." "there. see? he'll be sure to let ou know if he doesn't like it." Bruce assured Tony. "James? if Tony starts doing something you don't like, make sure you tell him No. be very firm." Bruce ordered, making James scowl, confused and looked at Tony before nodding. deciding to accept that order. "if he keeps going, you have the Secretary's Permission to break his arm." Bruce stated James eyes narrowing. "I'll Have the Secretary tell you himself." Bruce decided, well aware this would make Tony feel better. knowing James would protect himself if he pushed too far or too hard.
“”Really?Good. And I am a darling. Everyone knows that.”Tony said sounding pleased, giggling a little, happy and eager, “I’ll have to go see how she’s doing then. It’ll be good to see how she is.”Tony said nearly as wiggly as a puppy at the idea wanda liked her room before snorting. “really?Well. Okay, I’ll send peter out for new toys.”Tony said before making a face at the other’s teasing, ignoring it about the sex that hadn’t happened. Totally wasn’t what he wanted to discuss.

“Good.”Tony said looking pleased at james’ words before frowning at bruce. Not looking assued at all before looking at james/ relaxing slightly. “....okay...”He muttered choking a little on laughter at the idea of alexander being hurt so before sighing. Nodding a little as he eyed james. “okay....and okay. We’ll see Phil next. We’re heading upstairs now.”Tony said fidgety as he considered bruce, glad at the other’s reassurance, and knowing the other would make sure phil knew they were on his way to see him, and why/
Bruce chuckled a little. "you really are a darling." Bruce agreed with a smile. "i think she'd like that. she adores you." he admitted with a grin before chuckling a little. "that poor boy really has no idea." Bruce admitted with a grin. "try not to torture him too much okay?" Bruce asked with a smile. "You like him and you know it." "Twitchy Mouse." James agreed. "By the way Tony. would you ming terribly if i asked that cute Simmon's girl to help me with this?" Bruce asked, indicating Tony's bloodwork. when he had gotten two vials of Tony's blood was a mystery because Tony sure as hell hadn't noticed.

"Secretary." James agreed, following Tony as Bruce sent a text to Phil. "Ah, Tony." Phil said, smiling at him. "have you met Jemma Simmons yet?" he asked, indicating the woman at his side. "we're having a bit of a problem with her partner, Leo Fitz. he doesn't want to come out of the labs for food and a shower and some sleep. he tends to get overly obsessive." Phil admitted before looking at James and handed him a typed note. "your new orders." he informed James before turning his attention back to Tony. "think you could help us out? Fitz would certainly listen to his Hero."
“Awesome. I’ll go see her.”Tony said looking pleased before snickering. “He really doesn’t. But it’s okay, he’ll figure it out...and I don’t torture. I’d never torture him.”Tony huffed a little before smiling quietly at the thought of peter before tilting his head, smirking slightly. “The cute girl, huh?”he said looking amused before sighing softly as he looked at the bloodwork, frowning quietly. Wondering how the other had gotten around his fear of needles before nodding. “Okay. Yes. If you want.”He agreed

“Hey.”He said smiling slightly before nodding at jemma.”Hello.” “Hello.” “Hm?the cute little scientist?” “yes, that would be the one.”Jemma said looking amused as she studied the man. “Okay, yes. I’ll go drag him out. Might take the captain and Captain with me. Between dog, and Cap, surely both of them wear disappointed captain looks well enough to drag me out of my lab, it’ll work on him.”Tony grinned looking amused. “Also, Bruce asked me to send you down to the lab. He needs help.”She said smirking as the girl left, looking very pleased with himself.
"Tony. how many personal aids have you burned through in the last year? ten?" twelve, actually. they left anywhere from three to five weeks depending on their constitutions. "uhm... well she is cute..." Bruce said, flushing hard before smirking at him well aware the other was completely confused as to how he'd gotten the blood. it was easy enough to be honest, just keep Tony distracted and he never noticed the needle in his arm or the application of the Captain America band aid.

"Cute little scientist?" Phil asked, looking very amused. "are you flirting with my scientist Tony?" he asked, making James scowl. more competition!? god dammit. "Yeah, Fitz loves dogs." Phil agreed with a chuckle. "Just make sure James isn't too threatening, Fitz is easily frightened since his accident." Phil admitted, looking over when Steve walked in, looking vaguely sweaty and satisfied. another good workout no doubt. "...what?" he asked, blinking at the way they where all staring at him. "i was out for a run..."
"Uh. Twelve. And only after you guys left!"

"Yes the cute one. He's sorta like a puppy. And no, I've uh. .there's someone else. Not stealing your scientist."Tony said blushing brightly, which just made Jemima amused and curious."oh...okay. we won't make him feel to bad. I don't do threatening well. He'll be okay."Tony reassured staring at steve and clearing his throat ablittle. That was just a good sight."well. Runs are good."he said sounding a little choked
"oh good. because she's a valuable asset to my team you know. i don't think we'd be sane without her." he admitted with a chuckle. "No, you're not a very threatening person." Phil agreed with a chuckle and a shake of his head. "unless your angry, then you're very scary indeed." he admitted with a smile. "Yeah. i even beat my personal best." Steve admitted with a pleased grin before he frowned, looking worried. "Tony? you alright?" he asked, a bit worried about his friend who seamed to be choking on something. "We need you to go with Tony and Captain. one of my boys, Fitz, is a lot like Tony only worse. he's gone and gotten obsessed about something and is refusing to come out of the lab. we don't want to force him because he can get very..." "Like Loki?" "of a sort. trying to force Fitz to do anything is like trying to force a cat into a bath."
"We wouldn't be. But I'm not the one trying to poach her. Brucie bear totally has the hots for her."Tony giggled a little before smiling pleased at the others words."well, I only get annoyed with people who deserve it. They deserve to be scared."he huffed a little."that's good. .and yea I'm okay. Just swallowed wrong."he said smiling at steve before nodding as he stepped out to find Captain before looking at steve."let's go get our wayward scientist."
"...Bruce has a crush? i didn't know that was possible." Natasha admitted with a grin. "can i tease him about it?" she asked, her head tilted a little before chuckling as Steve nodded and headed down with Tony, shaking his head at the sight of Fitz talking to himself. "no. i know. but look, this has to go here or the internal combustion won't work... i know it doesn't fit!" Fitz complained before turning to blink at Steve, who had cleared his throat. "oh. hello. are you real, or just figments of my own imagination come to mock me as well?" Fitz wondered. "...okay. i can see why Phil and Simmons are worried." Steve admitted. "Alright kid intervention. you need a shower, hot food and a long nap." Steve informed him. "and then you need to socialize. we're having Game night tonight." "no." James said firmly, glaring at Steve who paused and hesitated. "...Movie night tonight?" "no." "...anything tonight?" "no." "how about Game night tomorrow night?" Steve asked, wondering what had James nickers n a twist. "okay." James agreed and Steve blinked at James while Fitz blinked at them. "but i'm almost done!"
”Yes bruce has a crush. And no don’t tease him, it’ll upset him. I think, maybe. Ask phil. He knows about emotional things.”Tony decided before staring at fitz, sighing quietly. “We’re going to get you food and attention.”Tony decided fussing over fitz, which was amusing cause he was was usually the one being forced to take care of himself. “...We’re not having a anything night?Why?”tony asked looking utterly confused as he considered james, even as he pointed a finger at fitz. “I’ve been told being almost done doesn’t matter. We need to take care of ourselves. So lets go shower, eat, and sleep.”
"i'll ask Phil then." Pepper agreed with a chuckle and looked at Phil who rolled his eyes. "no you cannot tease Bruce. Jemma is perfect for him and i hope it works out." he admitted. "But... But...!" Fitz protested, picking up the thing he had been working on like he was worried they would take it away. "Secrete. Jarvis says." James informed Tony. which was true, Jarvis had told James not to say a word or they would both refuse. "But! Mr. Stark... But!!!" Fitz protested, unable to form a real reason why he should keep going and whined as they led him out of the Lab. it wasn't fair! stupid Jemma, sensing in his first and second childhood heroes! he had adored Tony ever since he was five years old, and Captain America since he was twelve and discovered his fathers old stash of comics. Jemma was a cheater!
“We’re not going to take it away. You can keep it, but you’re not going to work right now.”Tony said before staring at james, looking curious an a little worried, but he trusted james not to put him in danger, so he’d let it be a secret for now. “okay then.”He sighed before smiling at fitz. “Come on.”He said amused as they got him settled in with a shower and food, before looking at steve as they headed back to the living room. “So, you know what’s going on?”He asked curious, because maybe steve knew what jarvis and james was plotting?A little anxious at the idea the longer he thought about it.
"but... but... but.... Science... Mr Stark!" Fitz protested and Steve started to laugh because Fitz sounded, so, so much like Tony just then. "I have no idea what Jarvis is up to." Steve admitted. "i don't know that James has the skill to be sneaky yet but i wouldn't put it past him to be faking just to see what we're 'really' like. i imagine Hydra's done a lot of sneaks to make sure their weapon is functioning properly." Steve said that with as such disgust as he could manage. Hydra and what they did was disgusting to the extreme. "we'll just have to see what they have planned for tonight. maybe it's a party or something? Jarvis does like making sure we all get along."
“I know, but you can do it later.”Tony promised before sighing. “well, we’ll just have to wait and see then.”He sai before wincing a little. “I’m sure they did. But he’s with us now, not them. We’ll make sure he’s okay.”Tony said smiling a little before shrugging. “Maybe. We’ll see.”

That evening Tony paused as he straightened his vest, looking at himself in the mirror, looking casual business as he considered what he was doing. Wondering why he had to dress up, looking over at james. “Do I look okay, for whatever?”he asked studied the super soldier.
Fitz had easily settled down once he was out of the lab and swallowed down a wholesome meal, took a shower and was now dead to the world in bed, much to Bruce's amusement since both him and Jemma could self monitor themselves and didn't need to be reminded that they needed food, water, sleep and showers.

James examined Tony critically before nodding, looking pleased. "Yes Sir." James said happily before leading the way out the door and down to the Garage before handing Tony a list of instructions on where to go. hopefully Tony wouldn't notice that Steve's bike was gone and that James had been missing for an hour before he'd started fussing at Tony to get ready. Tony ended up in front of a very nice Italian restaurant and Tony was handed another note, this one with orders to say he was there for the Jarvis reservations. it wasn't hard to guess after that, what was going on. Jarvis and James had set Tony up on a blind date. and with James looking so very hopeful, well, it was impossible to say no. when Tony went in, and asked for the reservation he was led straight to a flushed, embarrassed Steve Rogers looking very fine in a silk button up, black jacket and slacks. "Hey Tony... you look great." Steve said, flushing harder. "I think James has been planning this for a while..." he admitted. "I think Jarvis has been helping, that jerk." Steve admitted, glancing to where James was watching. "i don't think he's going to be satisfied unless we do the whole itinerary." he admitted, handing Tony the list he had gotten. which went from eating dinner, to walking to the theater, to watching a play, to going for coffee and dessert, and h even wrote down 'end with a kiss'. "...i think James thinks we're already dating, or he's been watching too many of Natasha's crappy romance movies."
“Good.”Tony said looking thoughtful as he considered what could be needed to be dressed like this as he took the instructions. Utterly confused when he stopped in front of the resturant, looking up at it for a long moment before heading in. Pausing in slight shock at the sight in front of him. That was a very good sight. Swallowing thickly he nodded, “You look good to.”he said blushing as he eased into the seat across from him, nodding a little. “Indeed. I think him and jarvis have been plotting.”He said glancing towards james before nodding as he took the list. “No, I don’t think we’re goign to be able to leave early.”he muttered before frowning, looking utterly confused. “Already dating?Why? I mean...this is weird.”He muttered looking towards james, and trying to figure out what to think. This was utterly confusing. “how’d he think we’re already dating?”
"thanks..." Steve said shyly. "James wouldn't let me out of my room until i was dressed nice and e wouldn't let me do anything with my hair..." he shook his head. "i feel weird, i've never dressed up like this before." he admitted. "i keep feeling like i aught to feel ridiculous." he admitted before chuckling a little. "this is a bit of an amusing prank. Jarvis loves his pranks... sucks you can't prank a super computer." he huffed before smiling a little. "well it could be a number of things. the others often comment that we fight like an old married couple. it could be that... uhm, he thinks we're attracted to each other or maybe we just gave off signals that made him think that, it's hard to know for sure." he admitted. "either way, i think this could be kin of fun." Steve admitted with a smile. "we don't get much chances to hang out together so..." he shrugged. "what's this 'Les Miserable' anyway?" he asked, examining the theater play they where going to see. "also... i can't read the menu, do you read Italian? i only know how to speak some of the swear words."
“Ah, yea he made sure I dressed well to. And you look well, really. Not ridculous or anything.”Tony smiled at him, before nodding slightly as he looked over the menu.”Yea, jarvis does....and we’ll find a way to prank him. He deserves it.”he said before looking thoughtfully. “You know...that sounds like something the other’s would say. Oh well. We don’t get alot of time that’s just us hanging out. This will be good.”Tony said smiling quietly before smiling. “It’s a play about a frenchman who goes to jail and what happens after he’s free and all.It’s okay.”he shrugged before nodding. “Yea, I can.”Tony said before starting to read off the things he thought steve would like.
"Thanks. you look good too. very 007, suave i think is the word." he admitted with a grin. "we could do the super spy thing and flee, you think? go to Coney island and mow down on as many corn-dogs as we can eat and then challenge each other to ride the scary rides and see who pukes first?" he asked with a grin, eyes glittering playfully because both of them know he wouldn't do that to James but it would be a fun endeavor nonetheless. "It will be fun. you can show off all your sophistication and i can tease you for it." he teased with a laugh. "it sounds... exhilarating... can't we go to the movies and watch that new Robocop instead?" he asked, pouting a little because Theater wasn't his most favorite thing in the world. he'd go, for James, but he doubted he'd understand a word of it. Theater had always been Bucky's kind of thing the nerd. "uh... maybe the lobster stuffed Ravioli?" he guessed, his head tilted. he really had no idea but he liked Ravioli and he liked Lobster so why not? "So you can read Italian? how about French?" he asked, smiling a little. Steve knew French very well. his Father had taught him from a very young age. he also knew Swedish and Finnish fluently from his mother who had been a refugee. He was, in essence, a mutt. wouldn't that just grate on the American's nerves, finding out Steve was only half American? his father's father was American, but his fathers mother had been so french she didn't know English when they married. Steve's own mother was Finnish. her mother from Poland and her father from Sweden.
“Hm, I’m definitely 007. Very suave. I could totally be the secret agent.”Tony preened looking happy at the idea, before laughing a little. “We could do that, we might even succeed in getting away from him for awhile, but I doubt we’d get that far. Besides, it’d upset him if I left him behind.”Tony said looking amused before smiling, even though he ducked his head a little, embarassed and feeling put on the spot. While he was quite capable of doing the high class society stuff, he was still odd about it. He so preferred not to, which had gotten him in so much trouble when he was younger. “Well...we might be able to. I mean, we can ask.”Tony said looking thoughtful. “Movie threater’s next door to the threater, we can go.”He shrugged before nodding as he ordered both the ravioli and lobster fettuccine for himself before nodding. “I can. Speak it to. Though I read better. And I can speak french, japanese, chinese some, and spainish, I learned those before extremis... ....and uh.h....more.Almost every language these days...”He said blushing brightly because extremis had simply given him nearly everything ever written on a computer, in any language. So he knew it, but he was more proud of what he had learned before that.
Steve smirked. "i heard you got to play real spy games. made bombs out of Christmas ornaments and everything." he teased with a chuckle. "i wish i was half as creative, i pretty much just use a frisbee and punch people." he admitted with a grin. "although, it's really fun when something explodes nd i can ride the shock waves..." he grimaced. "Bucky never let me live it down when i did that with a grenade once... he was always a bit of a tight ass." he admitted, huffing. "hell. we went to the worlds biggest science fair for fun..." he wrinkled his nose. "which was entertaining and all but god he used to watch the most boring things. you know, he attended a three hour lecture on how electricity worked? i like science, especially exciting science like yours, but that's a bit much." he admitted, looking amused. "well. we could always go to the Theater and then go to the movies. i think James would be angry if we ditched the itinerary but he might tolerate additions." he admitted with a chuckle before smiling. "that's an impressive list. i speak French, Finnish and Swedish myself." he admitted. "they all have romanized alphabets though so it doesn't really affect the reading all that much so long as you know how the pronunciations work... i think. wow. no wonder your brain is bursting, that's a lot of information to... i'm not sure of the word. is there a brain equivalent of download?" he wondered before blinking when an appetizer was served. an entire tray of them. it was a full platter of every appetizer. enough for them to have a few bites of each. since neither of them had ordered it, it must have been James, who was still watching them intently from across the room. "...what are these?" Steve wondered, poking at some Asparagus and then examining a few stuffed mushrooms before trying the fried Zucchini and a bite of Calamari.
“Hm, I did. Though that was more the kid’s fault then mine. He told me to go be a mechanic, sorta had to fix things.”Tony said smiling a little, smirking. “You do have a frisbee. But it’s a awesome frisbee, cause it’s yours, and it’s better then just anything else.”tony decided before wincing. “I’m sure he did. It freaks me out watching you do it to, just so you know.”he said looking amused before laughing out loud. “He took you to the stark expo as a date, I hear. That’s just amusing. So, so dorky.”he snickered before thinking that through, nodding slowly. “Yea, he probably would be okay with additions.”He agreed before wincing, “Yea...it’s more like....I’m surfing the web all the time, and keep getting those stupid pop up ads that just keep loading no matter how many times you close it, and then it just sorta crashes the computer eventually.”Tony sighed a little before smirking. “no, just download. But since I’m the only one that seems to be having this close of a connection to computers out of the people who do have centipede and extremis, we shoul totally make up a word.”He snickered as he ate, before smiling. “You’ll like those, they’re healthy. It’s asparagus, and mushrooms, and some calamari.”
Steve nodded. "i'm glad you met the kid. he's cute. and he adores you." He had won a state Science fair about a year ago and Tony had brought him and his mother to the tower to celebrate. the poor kid had seamed to be at a loss for all the adult attention. Pepper, in all her wisdom, offered the kid a place in Stark Industries if he kept all his grades up and continued to excel at what he had already done. "well. i dunno. i think you could do better and it's gotten off balance. i kept meaning to ask you but i always forget. i was hoping you could melt it down and redesign it?" he asked, his head tilted. it would hurt to loose the scorch marks left by peggy trying to shoot him, hilarious that had been, but getting rid of his last touch with Howard and replacing it with something far superior from Tony would be very much worth it. "One would think you liked explosions?" Steve asked with a grin.

"...is our brain crashing?" Steve asked, worried. "can't Jarvis do anything to help? your brain is kinda like a computer now right? surely he could settle in there for a little while and help push things out?" he wondered, worried about Tony. "healthy? i'm a ninety year old man Tony, i don't care for healthy." Steve scoffed even as he chewed on every sample there. he didn't like the Asparagus or the Calamari but he loved the Zucchini and the mushrooms and adored the little snails in their little shells. Steve nearly gagged though, when he realized that they where actually snails. didn't stop him from polishing anything left that Tony hadn't wanted. he was too used to going hungry to care if he didn't like the taste of it. "you know. i wonder how James managed to land a spot at the front like that? you'd think someone would notice..." but there were other men doing the same thing, standing stoic and Steve realized that they where bodyguards. this place must have been used to them because no one batted an eye. James was more clever than Steve realized, the little shit.
“He is cute. Not that we’re ever going to tell harley I said that. He’d get a swollen head or something, and that just isn’t cool....and he likes me cause Pepper is amazing and I bought his sister a new watch. Nothing to do with me.”Tony huffed a little before staring at the other, making quiet whimpering noises at the idea of the shield being off. “What?You’ve been having a defective weapon?Steve!what if you had gotten hurt or something cause it wasn’t the best and-and-”He sputtered before making himself to calm down, watching the other as he snorted. “I do like explosions. Just not when my friend is using them as a mode of transportation.”

“Sometimes...and he does but something about extremis keeps him from buffering all of it. While it wont kill me, it still hurts like hell sometimes.”Tony sighed softly before snickering. “You are old. Okay, eat what you want.”He grinned as he started to eat and looked amused at steve’s discovering the snails. That was just amusing. Glancing over at james he shrugged a little, “probably by telling them he was my bodyguard.”He said shrugging as he finished eating, leaning back with a well contented sigh.
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