Handle Me (Marvel) Lady-Fox

“Good.”Tony muttered calming a little as he leaned into steve a bit before wincing. “Well, apparently they thought since my father loaned out his collection to them sometimes, that I was duty bound as a good american to do it to.” “You are a good american. Don’t let them make you feel bad about yourself.”Clint said looking at tony worried before smirking. “Pepper is going to make them regret every knowing the name, tony stark.”He added. “Oh...yes. Okay. Maybe he can’t.”Tony agreed with a small shrug.

“You mean at the bottom of the hudson?Yes, we can make sure he knows his place.”Clint said perking up at the idea as he headed out the door, trusting james and steve to look after tony. “Yes, it was a smackdown, but I didn’t want to say that, just in case they have spies. No need to tell them before hand I’m going to lay down a smackdown.”Tony muttered before nodding, “Yes. Okay. Lab it is. And.”Tony sputtered a littel blushing brightly at james’ words as he avoided looking at anyone, already scampering towards the door. “Okay, yes, explosions. Come on james, we’re going to go to work.”
"Well, apparently they're out of their fucking minds." "Language!" James ordered firmly, making Steve snort. "you shut your mouth Barnes. you cuss twenty times more than i ever did." he sulked at Tony. "i can't believe you've got him doing it now too. does the whole country know by now!?" but he was amused and they could all see it. "Tony, you are three times the man those stupid guys are. they're trying to emotionally blackmail you into doing what they want, using me as the starting point." Steve said. "not only is that immoral, it's also very illegal. never ever think you ever anything less than perfect." Steve ordered with a smile. "You protect this country and you've saved the world, very nearly at the cost of your own life. several times. that means your a better man than most of this very country." he admitted. "they have no right to try and make you feel bad for anything."

"not the Hudson, water is filthy enough." Steve ordered. "might never recover if we dumped filth like that in there." Steve chastised. "We're trying to stop pollution, not add to it." "bury it." James suggested. "good for roses..." "I assure you Sir..." Peter said with a sharp sort of smile. "there are no traitors here. certain... elements have made sure of that." he admitted with a smile. between Jarvis monitoring every email and every call made in the building and certain mutants making call in's once and a while, anyone trying to turn traitor was quickly caught and dealt with. "why do i get the feeling explosion doesn't mean what i think it means?" Steve asked, looking even more amused, and a little bit heartbroken. ah well, he'd just give Codi a ring and take out his broken heart on his sweet little lover. Codi would love it.
“hey, I didn’t tell him about that. He’s scolding you on your own....and yes. Probably. Everyone knows about that.”Tony said squirming a little before huffing softly. Because Steve Rogers was probably one of the only things in the world that could be used as blackmail against tony. “....Okay...I’m perfect. Indeed. Very very perfect.”Tony said calming a little.

“...Okay. Bury them, and we’ll have a garden.”Clint snickered at james’ idea, even if they wouldn’t kill them, it was still amusing. “ “...Good. Awesome. No traitors.”Tony muttered relaxing at the idea, before flushing as he looked up at steve, eyes wide and panicked as he scampered out of the room. Because well, he didn’t want to be yelled at, even if he knew he deserved it. “Steve?”Pepper paused in the doorway, studying him as she considered the way tony had nearly lit something on fire in his haste to get away.
Steve sighed a little. "it's not my fault you know. i used to have to do that to Bucky all the time." Steve admitted. "during the fighting you sounded so much like him, and i was enjoying myself so much i... forgot." Steve admitted softly. though, really he'd just paid Tony a pretty damn high compliment. being compared to Bucky Barnes, Steve Rogers best friend, right hand man and American dream, even if none of that was actually true. "he used to give m shit about it all the time too. the jerk." Steve complained, grinning at Tony a little. "very perfect." he agreed before snickering at Clint. "not roses though. Wanda has allergies and i think Natasha does as well. maybe petunias or daffodils?" he mused before he smiled at Pepper. "it's fine... i was teasing Tony and i think i said the wrong thing." he admitted. "i'll apologize to him when he's not so upset. can you believe this bastard was actually trying to tell Tony i would be disappointed in him for not giving his things up!?" Steve complained, looking even more enraged than before because he hadn't wanted to upset Tony. "i'll kill the bastard if he so much as mentions Tony in a one sided conversation ever again!" Steve growled, glaring at the packet of information Phil was reading. "it's bad enough they stole MY Stuff, now they're trying to steal Tony's stuff too! well i sure as hell am NOT allowing this!" Steve admitted, cracking his knuckles. "if Phil, Clint and Natasha can't deal with the pompous asshole then i sure as hell am going to the papers. wonder how fast the Curator would be fired if Captain America publicly admonished him for stealing my stuff and trying the same with Tony?" he wondered. it was so easy to think of Steve as stupid and simple. not knowing most of the technology he had to deal with and not knowing the lingo and current history did that, but Steve was anything but dumb and the Smithsonian would be the first to find out if they pushed any harder.
“I know.”Tony said before looking up at the other with wide brown eyes, startlement showing in that look, as he considered teh compliment. Blushing brightly before he looked away. “I’m sure he did. Of course, you’re still a little punk, so you deserved it.”Tony said before nodding. “petunias then.” “Ah...well. Teasing tony is always a dangerous idea.”Pepper said shaking her head a little before sighing, because it pained her to see tony, and steve therefore, this upset over it. And knowing steve had hidden just how upset he was, to protect tony. “We’ll make sure he leaves tony alone. We’ll take care of things.”Pepper said before smirking a little. “Very fast. But save that, we’ll see how this goes before we go public....though save some of that anger, we’ll use it with the board later.”Pepper snickered a little.

That evening Tony huffed a little as he straightened his tie, looking to make sure james was dressed in his winter solider stuff, though minus the face mask, looking them both over, they looked dark and dangerous. “Let’s go then.”he said heading for the living room to find steve.
Steve snorted. "i am not a punk. i'm a troll. apparently there's a different." he admitted with a chuckle before nodding at Pepper. "yeah. i should have known better but he's so upset and twitchy. Bruce calls it Manic? his fight and flight response going into overdrive right? his emotions kick start anxiety attacks and then he's left with too much energy and frantic emotions and nothing to release them on right?" "that's right." Bruce agreed as he walked in. "he'll calm down once he burns off the energy." "Oh, that's right, Tony's dealing with the board of Directors tonight... Bruce, i was wondering, Jamie really needs to be armed..." "i was thinking the same thing." Bruce admitted.

James understood the mission. protect and intimidate. no harming anyone unless they attacked first. no getting in the way. no speaking. this was a job he was good at. he followed Tony, silent and glad there was no mask. he hated the mask. he loved the way Tony had carefully combed his hair and pulled it back into a ponytail as well. his Commander had done that too and it made his life much easier. "James!" Steve said, looking rather maniacal. "we have some presents for you."Steve admitted, indicating the table which was almost groaning with weapons. several knives. three tasers, a taser gun, three Icers, a baton and other various dangerous weapons that where, for the most part, non-lethal made James a very happy camper. he was tucking the various weapons into various locations before anyone could even say anything. this too was something James was used to, being provided suitable weapons before a mission only made sense.
“Ah, yes.”Pepper said looking amused before nodding, “It happens. Tony’s twitchy and upset so much of the time, that it’s easy to make it worse, even when you try not to.”She soothed before nodding. “indeed. It’s a cycle, it gets worse because the more manic he gets the more upset he is, and the more upset he is, the manic he gets...it’s vicious and he tries hard to work it off, but sometimes....well, he’ll be okay. Once he’s burned it off.”she agreed before laughing at the idea of arming james. This was going to be good.

Tony smiled looking james over, blushing ever so slightly because he’d enjoyed looking the other over, making sure he looked well before pausing, staring at steve. “What’s wrong with you?”He said eyeng the man before staring at the pile, his mouth falling open a little. “You...this is insane. What did you do, rob shield?”Tony teased a little.
"Yeah. i'll have to apologize to him later." he admitted before smiling at her. "i'm still learning, but i think i'm getting pretty good at handling Tony." he admitted. "i just have to stop engaging my mouth before my brain catches up." he admitted with a smile. "isn't there anything we can do to help?" he asked, looking worried about Tony. "if he's stuck in a cycle, surely there's a way to break it?" he asked, his head tilted a little.

"Nothings wrong with me. i'm just enjoying the idea of getting to handle someone personally for once." he admitted. "also the curator was caught engaging in some very illegal activities and was arrested by Shield." he admitted. "turns out he wanted anything he could get from you, or me, so he could sell it to the highest bidder, read, Hydra. he won't see the light of day ever again." he admitted before snorting. "No! i borrowed them! just because i didn't actually ask for permission first doesn't mean anything. besides, with the exception of the knives, everything is non-lethal. i wanted him to have something, just in case Hydra shows up or something." he admitted, looking pleased wth how dangerous James looked. "perfect. let me grab my shield."
“Yea....and you are. One of the best, besides Natasha, and Natasha is freakishly good.”Pepper snickered a little before smiling. “Don’t worry. You and tony both have the habit of speaking before thinking.”She teased thinking about it, biting her lip. “I don’t know. Last time he was sick with something he had no cure for, I couldn’t snap him out of it, only had to clean up the mess after. I don’t know how to stop it now.”Well, pepper knew what was wrong, or at least knew enough to understand, but still hadn’t told anyone, because tony had made her promise, but she’d assumed he’d told steve, since tony’d promised he would, just to make pepper stop worrying.

“....Ah. I see.”Tony said eyeing steve before wincing, “That’s horrible. Good. The curator should be arrested then.”Tony shuddered at the news that his stuff had nearly been sold off before snickering. “I’m telling that to phil. That you borrowed them.”Tony giggled a little nodding. “Makes sense.”Tony agreed smirking as they headed out, smirking at the sight of the two with weapons armed and ready to go.
He nodded. "she's the one whose been helping me, and Sam too. Sam's pretty amazing at stuff like this." he admitted. "he's been helping me a lot with my PTSD and Loki even seams to react to him. though, i think Loki reacts to Thor the most with Tony a close second." he admitted with a grin before pouting at her. "now that's just not nice." he complained before grimacing. "that's what we all think too... i think Tony's dying and he doesn't want anyone to know..." he admitted softly. "i... i shouldn't say anything but... the electronics have been... reacting, to him. i think that drug, the one that lets you set yourself on fire? i think it's killing him.probobly because of the remnant palladium in his system." well, again, no one had ever said Steve was stupid.

"Oh, he was more than arrested i'm delighted to say. he resisted arrest you see, and so Clint and NAtasha... well, they had to put him down, it wasn't their fault if his fingers got slammed in th door during the scuffle, or got his leg caught between the desk and the floor, or tried to punch Clint and had his arm broken for it. a broken leg, four broken fingers and a broken arm will ensure he never, ever tries to cause problems for Shield Agents ever again i'm sure." Steve admitted, looking even more maniacal. "he was still struggling though so Phil maced and tazed him." he admitted before smirking. "you go right ahead, i don't think he'll mind. i don't like the idea of James being unable to defend himself." he admitted before giving James a sharp look. "you just make sure you don't point that gun at me, Nat or Pepper." James just narrowed his eyes right back as if saying 'your not the boss of me, you're just a captain'.
“I’ve told tony he should talk to sam, but I don’t think he has. He might consider it if you suggest it though.”Pepper said before snorting. “Everyone reacts to tony. It’s tony.”She said before going quiet, staring at him for a long moment before nodding slightly. “Tony doesn’t give you nearly as much credit as you deserve, Captain.”She said smiling slightly. Thinking about it, wondering if tony would hate her but...well. She’d rather have him alive and pissed then anything else. “...Extremis allows him to connect to electronics....in one of the most technological advanced cities in the world”She said, only breaking her promise just a bit, to give him a idea of what tony needed, if only to talk. Having a feeling it wasn’t that being extremis that was hurting him, but being so connected to everything, without having a buffer between his mind and his electronic world.

“Really?”Tony grinned looking utterly delighted. “I’m sure they were appropriate and sincere in the sorrow that it had to come to that.”Tony grinned snickering a little before shrugging. “You’re right. I don’t like the idea of him not being armed either....and James, that’s a order. Don’t point guns at my team.”Tony said sighed softly, before smirking as they stepped into the board office, smirking at the shocked and startled looks on the boards faces.”Gentlemen.” "Good evening, mr. stark, Captain. Mr. Barnes."Pepper said tilting her head a little as she considered three of the hottest men she'd ever seen
Steve nodded. "i've already suggested it, but Tony has to want to. forcing him into it will only make everything worse." he admitted with a shake of his head. "it is Tony." he agreed with a small, heartbroken smile. he was really falling hard for Ton and everyone but Tony could see it, and Steve wouldn't do anything because he was too scared of hurting Tony. James however, was paying close attention to things and even if Tony was down in the lab, distracted, James was not. James was plotting. Jarvis was helping. he liked Jarvis a lot more now though he still got very scare when Jarvis spoke. they communicated through other means, texting mostly on the tablet James often borrowed from Tony. he was learning fast, very fast but was uncertain how Tony would handle that. none of his handlers liked it when he knew too much, he had gotten very good at hiding it. his previous Handler had never found out, but his Commander had. Commander had been very nice to him, nice the way Tony was, only no explosions. Commander had helped James to remember, and to think and to survive. Commander wasn't there, it was only his precious Handler, the Secretary Phil Coulson who gave the orders, and the red white and blue Captain who thought he was in charge but wasn't. he was not sure what they wanted from him until he did, his learning would be hidden.

"Why doesn't Jarvis act as interference, or a buffer?" Steve wondered to Pepper, surely if Tony was semi electronic, then Jarvis could help? "or we could get him one of those inhibitors like the mutants use. the ones that dull their powers until they gain control. that might help too..." he muttered thoughtfully. "of course an inhibitor might very well make it worse too so we'd have to be very careful." he admitted. "i'd say take Tony to the country and let him get used to it, one bit of tech at a time but i think he'd murder us." he admitted.

HE had to grin at Tony. "oh they where very sorry they had to hurt him so much to force his compliance. but i think it's turned out alright." he admitted, watching James as he sighed, sort of. it was mostly just a brief puff of air out his nose but it was there nonetheless. it was answer enough that he wouldn't attack any of Tony's teammates. unless they attacked first and then, James supposed he could be nice enough to avoid doing any real harm, for his handlers sake. he immediately wanted to beat up most of the people in the room. he'd leave the red headed devil woman in heals alone of course, Tony liked her for some reason, but the rest, he was already fingering the baton as he looked at the men, pleased when they all went very tense. "sorry for the interruption Ms. Potts, but Mr. Stark has been hearing some nasty rumors about the Boar of Directors here." Steve admitted. "He wanted to make sure they where intrude. or make sure if they where true, the board was disbanded." Steve admitted. "it's more than his right, after all. the only reason the board exists at all is because Obediah formed it to try and help Tony. if we have found you to be... perverting that system, your gone. isn't that correct, Ms. Potts?" Steve asked. he'd memorized this speech from Phil.
“I’m sure he’s already tried, now this is only a guess at what he’s tried, but something’s wrong. I don’t know what it is, but it’s messing with him. I tried talking to him, and he tossed me out of the tower for two weeks. You try.”Pepper said, looking relieved now to have someone else know, to have the captain on the case, he’d help to. “He’d kill us in our sleep if we tried to leave the city. Nature is hell on him, and camping is a topic of discussion never to be brought up.”She snickered a little.

“I’m sure they were.”Tony snickered a little. Smirking a little as the whole board went tense at the sight of james fingering a baton. “Yes, of course you are welcome to come and see to the board.”Pepper said. “What?You can’t do that. We’re a necces-” “Actually no. You only exist because I’m not a business person. I might own it, I might run it, but I don’t have the patience to deal with it. So you people exist.”Tony shook his head, looking at pepper. “I’m going to be looking at the board for the next week. We’ll meet again at the end of that week to see if we’re going to disband it or not.”Tony decided running a hand through his hair.
"...i'll do so then." he admitted. "if i can get him off footed i might have a bit of an advantage." he admitted before snorting. "let me guess. that asshole Stark the Elder is to blame?" he asked, his eyes narrowed, muttering that he aught to have castrated that asshole. better a Tony who didn't exist than a Tony who had been tortured by his own father. too late now he supposed.

"Yes, i thought so." Steve admitted, smiling at Pepper. "as it turns out, someone on this board has been embezzling money as well." he admitted, handing her the folders. "for the next week, Jarvis is in the building." he stated simply. "and there will be Agents from the Strategic Hazard Intervention, Espionage and Logistics Directorate." Steve informed the Board and Pepper. "they are taking a... special interest in this, i would suggest you cooperate. the last man who tried to flee while being questioned broke four fingers, an arm and a leg." he warned. "with Pepper here, your board of Directors are actually quite superfluous. You only have your jobs still, because we where under the opinion that you would be assisting Pepper, not getting in her way, causing her stress an arguing with her." Steve said, giving them all the stink eye. "your jobs are on the line gentlemen. i suggest you start shaping up. anyone caught in criminal activities will be arrested and fired on the spot and any money paid while you where engaged in criminal activities will be fined, in full to be returned to Stark Industries. unless of course, you turn ourselves in." he stated. "Phil Coulson of S.H.I.E.L.D. will be here in the morning. you have until then to clean up your act and decide if you want to risk being in debt or owning up to any crimes you may, or may not have committed. good day gentlemen." Steve said firmly. "Jarvis? wrap it up." he said, the A.I. responding from the speakers that anyone trying to cover anything up would be caught by him and would stop them. James went tense at the voice, but recognized it as Jarvis so they where able to avoid a freak out.
“Yes, you might.”Pepper agreed before nodding. “Indeed. Camping with a technological genius who didn’t understand tents or fire or outdoors, made things harder for the elder to like Tony.”Pepper sighed softly.

“Truly?Well then. It seems that things have gotten out of hand gentlemen.”Pepper said shaking her head a little, looking vaguely amused that they all looked to cowed to even protest what they were hearing. Not even protesting the crimes or such, simply sitting there staring. “Well then, lets leave the dumb sheep to figure out what they’re going to do next.”Tony shook his head and headed for the door, utterly disgusted with everything, because he’d stayed out of it because he’d thought he had given pepper a good company, he hadn’t realized what a mess it was. He felt stupid and horrible now, and had every intention of drinking even if it made controlling extremis worse.
"oh very out of hand." Steve admitted, giving them all a firm glare before snorting at Tony. "They're sheeple. they need to be told what to do." he reminded the other. "it's not your fault Tony." Steve said simply. "i didn't think about it, but with Obediah turning out the way he did.. of course he hired a board of Directors just as twisted as him. they behaved for you because they had no choice... no one thought they would change their actions for Pepper. we're handling it now." he promised the other before pausing. "fuck! Jams?! where did you go!?" Steve demanded, feeling his stomach sink to his knees and his heart follow suit. until he realized James ha stopped and was staring at. "really? I-Hop?" Steve demanded, realizing what had caught James attention. "are you hungry James?"
“I like that. Sheeple.”Tony snickered a little before frowning, shaking his head a little at the other. “No...I should have looked into it. I thought Pepper was going to be okay. I mean, she’s better for them, I don’t do business, she would be better.”She sighed a little before pausing, frowning worriedly as he looked around for james, before laughing a little. “You want pancakes?Let’s get pancakes. They have crepes to. I want crepes.”Tony said his stomach growling as he bounded into the place, not caring if they were following or not, he loved I-hop, so he was excited to see it.
"yes. Sheeple. sheep people. followers of the herd." he shook his head. "there was no reason to look into it. we all thought Pepper was doing fine. she never mentioned anything. i think this is a recent uprising. like, just within the last week or month or Pepper would have said something before now." he admitted. "we can't see everything all the time Tony. it's not possible." he admitted before smiling as he followed the other, James following as well. they all settled into a booth, there where nervous glances at the Soldier but with Captain America and Tony Stark there they figure that the Soldier was an Agent of some sort and no one said anything. "what can i get for you gentlemen?" a perky waitress asked. Steve ordered two pots of coffee for the table and the stuffed french toast. Tony ordered what he wanted and James just pointed at the picture of the blueberry pancakes. "Almighty, we'll be right back with that." she promised happily, heading off, completely unconcerned that she had three superheroes at her restaurant. when the food came, James searched the syrup rack for a moment before pouring red syrup all over his pancakes and tucked in at such a rate you would think he'd been starving for years. perhaps he had been. he ate so fast one might have thought he was going to choke, but he looked as if he was trying to savor every bite at the same time and Steve could only sit there and gape at him.
“Ah. Good word for them.”Tony laughed a little before frowning, thinking that over. Before sighing quietly. “Yes...maybe...okay. I’m sure pepper would have said something.”he muttered relaxing with that knowledge before huffing a little. “I can!I totally can see everything.”Which was totally why it was killing him, but he could do it. “Some chocolate covered crepes please.”Tony grinned a little as they ate, watching james with slight worry. “James?Are you not getting enough food at home?”
"Tony. isn't that part of why your having so much trouble?" he asked, raising an eyebrow. "because your seeing too much and your human brain can't handle it?" he asked before smiling a little at his order. James paused and looked at Tony, red syrup dripping down his chin and from the corner of his lips and whispered with almost reverence. "Pancakes." like they where god reborn and Steve glanced at Loki as James returned to tearing into the pancakes. "have you had pancakes before James?" Steve wondered, James swallowing. "it's a secrete." "...what? Pancakes are a secrete?" "yes." "....okay then." he studied James. "do you even know what a secret is James?" "Secretes consist of information that does not need to be included in the mission report to the Secretary." James informed Steve who paused. "well, neither of us are the Secretary. can you tell us?" Steve asked, making James pause and consider that for a long moment and then. "No." and returned to shoveling his face.
“......Did you talk to Pepper? I knew it. Leaving you two alone is to much trouble.”Tony said making a face, trying to weasel out of answering before staring at james for a long moment. Shrugging at steve’s look. “Yea, I guess pancakes are that good.”He said looking curious about where James had had pancakes before, laughing quietly at james’ answer. “Okay then....as long as it’s not hurting him, we don’t really need to know I guess.”Tony said looking at steve for help, feeling a little at loss really. Despite everyone’s assurances he was doing okay, most of the time he felt out of his depth.
he shook his head. "no. i didn't talk to Pepper. i figured it out myself, mostly. she just gave me a few finer details once i proved i already knew." he admitted. "i might have tricked her into it." he admitted, not wanting Tony to be mad at Pepper. "well. that or he has an obsession." he agreed with chuckle. "Well. i think it's more likely that someone in Hydra fed him pancakes when they weren't supposed to and he doesn't want them to get in trouble." Steve admitted. "i don't think he really understands where he is." he admitted, smiling at James who was licking his fingers, he had, thankfully, avoided getting syrup on his metal hand and was licking his flesh fingers clean. "wow. i've never seen someone who liked pancakes so much." the waitress admitted, refilling their coffee cups. "can i get you anything else?" "....one more stack of pancakes and a round of sundaes please." "Sunday? it is Tuesday." James corrected, Steve smiling. "no. Sundae. it's an ice-cream dessert. you'll like it." Steve promised. James looked skeptical but he wouldn't say anything because he was getting more pancakes.
“Oh. Well. Okay then.”Tony sputtered a little squirming a little, avoiding adding anything else to that conversation. Because well, he didn’t want to have it. “Yes, he might have a obsession.”He agreed before looking thoughtful, nodding slightly. “That makes sense...and well. He sorta thinks I’m his handler, he probably doesn’t understand.”Tony pointed out thoughtfully before staring at james as he licked his fingers, shifting slightly. Hmm, that was a sight. Startling a little when the waitress stopped by them, he laughed quietly as she brought out their sundaes, “You’ll like them james. Eat. Though slowly, you don’t want to make yourself sick.”
"Tony. i'm not going to make you talk to me, or Sam, or Bruce but i would highly recommend it." he admitted. "this is hurting you, and none of us will ever be able to forgive ourselves if you get hurt irreparably, or worse, die, when we could have helped." he admitted softly before nodding. "it's all the same to him, things are better for him, but he still wants missions and stuff. i don't think he's realized, really, that his situation has changed. he might later, when his memory starts recovering or something." he admitted. "i don't think he understands enough right now." he admitted before smiling a little as he tucked into his Sundae. James ignored his for now, devouring his pancakes instead. only once he was finished with his second plate did he turn his attention to the Sundae and at the first bite he went very still. he'd never had Ice-cream before. it was col and for a moment he wasn't sure he liked the cold, and then the flavor hit him and he was devouring the Sundae like he had the pancakes and even had the audacity to steal Steve's, ignoring the Red White and Blue Captains pathetic whining.
Tony eyed teh other, before sighing quietly, nodding. “Okay.”He muttered makign a face. He didn’t want to discus it, but he knew he neeed to. “Ahhh...probably not. I can see that.”tony said eyeing james, before laughing quietly as the man ate his sundae, shaking his head as he waved down the waitress to get steve another sundae, rolling his eyes a little. “You should have known he’d steal yours.”He said looking amused that james hadn’t even tried stealing his.
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