Handle Me (Marvel) Lady-Fox

Wanda looked up at her and offered her a shakey smile. "no. i'm okay. Natasha keeps bringing m things." she admitted, glancing at the table full of melted ice-cream, chocolate and cake going stale. "Am i in trouble, for killing that man?" she asked, looking very worried. "Natasha says not, but i don't think she actually knows...." she admitted, leaning against Pepper because she was warm and soft and comforting. "...i saw into his mind... when he was attacking me..." she whispered. "he' done it to others, and he enjoyed it so much he kept parts of their feelings and emotions..." oh god, no wonder she was so shook up. not only was she attacked herself, but she ha to experience everything he' done to other girls too. women who had been raped, probobly even beaten and murdered. it was like Wanda had been raped multiple times all at once and that would have broken most girls. especially a girl who had never had any sexual experience before this. Wanda had never even been kissed. it was too much for a person to handle, let alone a nineteen year old girl.

James woke up as soon as he felt Tony moving and looked down at the other. "My Biology is broken again." James informed Tony, realizing that he was hard again. Loki shifted, sat up and blinked at the wall for a moment before standing up and headed out the door, likely to go pee, or find breakfast, or just got bored or something. hard to tell with Loki.
“Okay then.”Pepper said smiling a little as she stroked the other’s hair lightly, before laughing softly. “Natasha tries, but she wasn’t sure how to help you. Be grateful that they didn’t let tony up here though, otherwise this pile of stuff would be sky high.”Pepper said laughing a little before sighing. “No, you’re not. Really. I asked Jarvis what happened after you got here, and it seems the boys went upstate to deal with it....and that he took james with him. Seems he terrified everyone at the base, I don’t think you ever have to worry about that base again even if you go back. And James has adopted you as another person to look after, after tony. We’re going to help you through this, Wanda.”Pepper said looking pale and shaken at the idea of what had happened, having no idea how to deal with this.

“Yea, me to.”Tony muttered shifting in his seat, hard and wanting, looking up at the other as he sighed quietly. Tilting his head as he considered the other. “What do you want me to do about it james?”He asked, fidgety, knowing what he wanted, but having no idea what to do.
she nodded. "i know." she admitted before giggling a little. "he was there when i first came here. he was nearly as panicked as i was. it was cute." she admitted. "besides, Natasha says i'm not ready to see my room, so i think he got me things anyway." she admitted before blinking. "they went to the base?" she asked, looking worried. "what... what happened?" she asked softly, nervous, wondering if the Avengers where going to get in trouble too? "James? he... he scared them?" she asked, blinking a little looking much relieved to know she really wasn't going to be in trouble an that she had people who would protect her. she'd never had that before. Pietro had done his best, but he had only been a child himself and they had both often been completely helpless. "Thank you Pepper." she whispered before looking up at her. "did you know that Natasha looks at your ass every time she sees you? i wonder why?" she was actually baffled, unlike Steve. Wanda had never felt attracted to anyone, and so didn't understand the concept of 'checking someone out'.

James blinked a little at the other and then. "i don't know." he admitted, looking back up at the ceiling before turning to look at Tony again. "Do you want a blowjob?" he offered. "i'm good at them." he admitted. "i think... i can't remember. none of my other handlers ever wanted them." he admitted. "they where frightened of me. are you frightened of me Sir?"
“I’m sure it was. Tony gets cute when he’s upset, even if it’s worrying to.”Pepper said smiling a little before snorting. “Well, if he got things, it was probably what he’d already bought, instead of things he would have gotten after you were attacked. If he’d bought it after, he’d have filled the whole place.”Pepper said before nodding. “They did. And they found the man who attacked you was hydra, and Tony turned James loose as the winter soldier, not harming them, just I think they nearly had a heart attack all around cause he scared them.”Pepper snickered a little before smiling. “You’re welcome...and she does?”Pepper blushed. “Natasha is a lesbian, she is attracted to women.”

“....I...”Tony stuttered biting his lip a little, staring at the other, shifting slightly. “No, I’m not frightened.”Tony said because he wasn’t, not really. He was just worried about taking advantage, of being like everyone else. Wincing a little as he sighed, shifting to lean back against the work bench. “okay, yes. Let’s do this.”he was going to go to hell, he was going to be horrible, but...”Okay, yes I want a blowjob.”
she nodded. "he is cute. he's nice... everyone here is so nice." she admitted. "i keep waiting... but it never happens." she was waiting for the catch. waiting to see what the price for such kindness and niceness would be. she was waiting. she was beginning to realize she was going to be waiting for a very long time. "i've never had someone to buy me things before. everything i've ever owned i had to fight or work for." she admitted softly before sucking in a harsh breath. "I thought Hydra was dead?" she whispered. "i didn't see any hint of Hydra in his mind... though, that could be because i was... swamped." she admitted, her lip trembling a little at the realization they had protected her, even after it was all done with they where taking steps to make sure it would never happen again. "Yes. she does. and i understand that, i just don't understand why she always looks at your butt? what's so great about butts? Steve is always looking at Tony's butt and Betty looks at Bruce's butt and Tony keeps looking at James butt... what's with butts?"

James looked pleased that Tony wasn't scared of him and he brightened happily at the acceptance of a Blowjob and settled over Tony, working the others pants down before setting to work, quite happy to be doing something that Hydra had never allowed. his long hair tickled Tony as he licked and sucked the length bared to him and with a hum he happily slid Tony down to the root, swallowing around him and sucking, the loud slurping noises only making what was happening more apparent. James was quite clearly enjoying himself because he was taking his time and savoring it. then he reached out and gripped Tony's hand and pressed it to the back of his own head, a silent invitation. encouragement even.
“Yes, they are. As odd as we can be, they’re nice.”Pepper said looking amused before smiling. “I know. Most people don’t buy as much as tony, simply because he has no idea how less to show that he likes you guys. So if you ever have a problem with it, just tell him. He’ll understand. Or at least he’ll try to figure out what else to do for you.”Pepper said before wincing. “Me to. But Steve found a hydra tattoo on him so...”Pepper shuddered thinking about it before smiling, shrugging. “I dunno. She must like it. Some people just like butts, sorta like how some people stare at other’s breasts or cocks, it’s just something attractive.”Pepper said looking at a loss how to explain.

Tony moaned, whimpering as he gripped the edge of the table he was leaning against, trying very hard to not thrust up into the mouth he was enjoying. Whimpering quietly, simply enjoying what was going on, growling as james took his hand, growling as he slid his fingers through the other’s hair, moaning as he both pressed the other’s head down and thrust his hips up a little.
she smiled a litte. "they are nice. and they aren't so strange." she admitted. "i like them. they aren't so... you know. normal. people who are normal aren't usually all that nice to me." she admitted. "normal people don't like people who are different after all." unfortunately that was all too true. "okay. i will." she promised before smiling a little. "i think it would be easier just to let Tony buy things. if i don't need them, i can always donate them. he wouldn't mind that, right?" she asked, her head tilted. "Huh. weird." Wanda admitted. "adults are so very strange." she admitted before smiling at her. "i feel better now... thank you." she smiled a little. "do you think there's any food left?" she asked hopefully.

James hummed at the other, sucking and slurping and enjoying himself, making a happy, pleased sound at the hand in his hair, forcing him down further, taking control. yes, this was what James liked the most. well, when he was giving blowjobs anyway. his precious handler was doing so well. his own hips thrust into empty air, his own hard length still trapped in his pants. he hummed again, suckling on the length because Tony tasted fantastic and he was being deliciously perfect.
“True.Normal isn’t always better, no matter what anyone says.”Pepper said smiling a little, crushing down the slight sputter of anger, because more then anything, she just wanted a normal life, a quiet life, and being with tony, even just running his company, made that impossible. So she dealt with it as best as she could. “No he wouldn’t mind that.”she said before snorting. “Adults are weird. And you’re welcome.”She said before nodding. “There’s always food. Do you want me to bring it down here, or do you feel well enough to go up to the penthouse? James made dinner, there’s alot left probably.”

Tony whimpered, shivering as the other hummed, shivering. Whimpering as he came, hands fisting in the other’s hair as he gasped, nearly collapsing back onto the bench, james’ hold on him the only thing that was keeping him from ending up on the floor.
she nodded a little. "a normal life would be nice, but not for me i don't think." she admitted with a shake of her head. "i would get way too bored." she admitted with a small smile. "good. because i don't like the idea of things going to waste..." she admitted softly before smiling at Pepper. "i think i could be okay going to the penthouse." she admitted. "i was scared they would be upset with me." she admitted. "i just... there's not too many people up there is there? i don't know i could handle a crowd right now..." she admitted anxiously.

James hummed, swallowing around the other, swallowing the others release and sucking him dry. he hummed, licking the other clean and drew off of Tony, looking quite pleased with himself. "all better." he informed Tony. and indeed his own hard length was gone, replaced by a wet stain. James had cum simply by sucking Tony off. how hot was that?
“Probably not.”pepper said looking amused before nodding.”I know. While tony has good intentions, getting that many things, is just to much sometimes. He wont be offended if you donate some of them, as long as you tell him you don’t mind him buying things. Otherwise, he’ll probably tie himself up in knots over wondering if he should buy or not.”Pepper snorted a little before shaking her head. “No, no wanda, no one’s upset with you. We’re worried about you really...and no, at this time of night, the only people who might be there are either steve, tony and james, and in all likelihood, considering how upset tony was, he’s probably built a den in the lab and hiding out. So, maybe just steve.”She smiled heading for the door, “Come on, let’s get some food.”

Tony whined softly panting as he looked at the other, eyes widening as he stared at the other. “y-yes, I can see that.”he said sputtering a little. That was hot, so hot. Shivering a little as he stumbled slightly getting to his feet. “Lets go to bed. I’m still tired, and my head’s killing me.”Though not as much as before. Maybe sex would help extremis?
"yeah, but he's nice so i don't mind getting things. i thin he doesn't understand how else to show emotions, yeah? he thinks people can only like him if he gives them things?" she guessed. "i won't upset him." she promised before smiling a little, looking very relieved that no one was upset with her for causing so much trouble. "okay. Steve would be okay." she agreed, following Natasha, holding her hand because being outside of the room kind of scared her. "Hey." Steve said, looking up at them and smiling as he set a Crepe in front of Loki who had come up for food. h always seamed to know when someone was making something he was going to want. "oh, hi Steve." "do you want some? i have plain, powdered sugar and some stuffed with whipped cream and some stuffed with chocolate... well i had some stuffed with Chocolate pudding..." he admitted, realizing Loki had eaten all of them an was currently a mess. "...well now i'm going to have to figure out how to get him into a bath..." that made wanda giggle and she sat down to eat the Crepes with sugar on them.

James looked very smug and then nodded. "Yes Sir. will i be restrained?" he asked hopefully. with the new metal arm, he didn't trust himself to really relax without the restraints. true it was doubtful the restraints would actually restrain him, but they would sure as hell slow him down if he accidentally mistook his handler for an enemy.
“No, he doesn’t understand any other way. Most people, or the ones who mattered to him when he was young, showed that the only way he was of use to them ,was if he was giving them things. Now, when he does have people that don’t care about that, but want to look after him, he doesn’t understand how to not give them things, because he was taught so young, he can’t break the habit, though he has tried, but it distresses him.”Pepper smiled a little before smiling at steve. “Hey. And crepes sound good.”Pepper said smiling a little as she held wanda’s hand before laughing quietly. “Well, you could ask James if he will give loki a bath. James probably wouldn’t mind.”

Tony smiled a little standing slowly as he did up his pants, studying the other thoughtfully before nodding. “Yes. You will be.”He said, understanding that while it was sorta distressing to him to think of james sleeping like that, the other needed it. And he’d do it if he needed it. “Let’s go then. I was a snack then bed.”Tony smiled as he headed upstairs, pausing at the sight of all the people in his kitchen, flushing nearly to the roots of his hair, even if they didn’t know what happened, it was still embarassing to be caught doing the walk of shame.
She nodded. "i can see why that would leave a lasting impression." she admitted softly. she knew things ha always stuck with her. the lesson her parents had taught her, that nothing in life was free. they had loved the twins, but they had been poor, very poor and they often spent nights in an underground tunnel where it was warmer, or cooler depending on the time of year. hunger was a prevalent sensation and the twins had learned very young that no one would give you something for nothing unless you took it. living with the Avengers had been a shock, but she had understood, in her mind that she was fighting for them, so she got food, shelter and companionship for it. finding herself in the tower with Tony... that reasoning didn't work anymore. sh was getting things for free, with no reasonable explanation other than people liked her and she wasn't sure what to do about that. "I'm not sure i'd trust James not to freak out if Loki freaks out. i'll just get Thor up here. the last thing we want is Thor thinking we're taking advantage of Loki." he admitted with a smile.

"Yes Sir." James said, sounding quite pleased. he paused a moment to clean himself up and then followed Tony. "Food." James agreed, his own stomach gurgling. he didn't have the stomach capacity yet to eat like Steve did, so the others just fed him as often as they could, usually candy bars or breakfast bars or something. "...." James paused at the sight of Steve in his kitchen and scowled so darkly that Wanda pressed herself against Pepper. "oh relax! you can share the kitchen! i like to cook too James." Steve chastised. there was a flicker of emotion across the Soldier's face and Wanda nearly giggled when she realized that James was sulking! he did eat about six crepes though and Wanda hesitantly helped herself, still wary of taking food that hadn't been directly offered to her.
Tony nodded. “Food it is.”Tony said pausing as he considered the other’s before heading into the kitchen with a amused look.”James, it’s still your kitchen, but he’s using it to.”Tony said looking calmer and more relaxed then he had been since the other’s had arrived, or really, since ultron had happened. “eat, eat. Food, you need food.”Tony decided looking at Wanda as he started to eat quickly, truly he loved crepes, even if these ones were a little thick and a tad burned, they were still good. Yawning as he relaxed, stretching as he looked at the others. “....You look happy.”Pepper said eyeing tony thoughtfully. “yea, well, relaxing times down in the lab. It was good.”
James scowled at Tony because it was HIS Kitchen an Red white and Blue was mangling it! "i am eating." Wanda pointed out with a smile. rolling up some of the plain crepes and dipped them in some Jam that was supposed to go on the toast that Steve had accidentally burnt. he wasn't very good with the modern appliances yet. "I helped." James informed Pepper. "Explode." he admitted with a wide grin that looked... frightening. Steve laughed, assuming that James was talking about exploding tech, not orgasmic explosions. "well i'm glad you like explosions. just no explosions near Loki. he gets scared." Steve ordered, James nodding because he knew that already. he scowled at the fat, rather lumpy 'pancake' on his plate and huffed, shoved Steve out of the way and did it the right way.
“Good. Just making sure you are.”Tony said blushing a little as he looked at wanda, eating himself as he nearly choked on what he was eating at james’ words. Well, that was one way to put it. “...Just no blowing up the building. If we have to call the fire department for one more fire tony’s caused, someone’s going to scream.”pepper teased grinning at tony’s protesting sputtering that he never would cause that much problems to blow up things. Whining quietly as he watched james cook, absently watching him as he ate.
"i am." she promised with a chuckle, smiling at James now that he wasn't glaring at everything before snorting because Loki was using the chocolate filling from his mangled Crepes to draw butterflies on the counter. "no." James informed Loki sternly who stopped, but somehow seamed to be sulking even though he never changed posture or expression. "Explode?" James asked Pepper. it was strange. when James was with other people his vocabulary rapidly deteriorated. when he was alone with Tony he could speak fine, though, it was in clipped mechanical sentences. James ended up throwing the pan at Steve's head when the man was hovering too much, it was a bad pan for Crepes anyway and Steve got the picture and sat down and sulked a little as Wanda giggled away. all was forgiven when James set a perfectly crispy, perfectly round, delectable Crepe in front of Steve as if to say 'ha! that's how you do it!'. he made more tender ones for the others, humming happily before presenting Steve with a couple more that where nearly burnt to a crisp and this time it was Steve who was snickering at the obvious announcement that James didn't like him. passive aggressive little shithead.
“Good.”Toyn beamed a little before shaking his head at the sight of loki drawing. “Don’t make a mess Loki.”Tony said looking amused that the other was sulking. “Yes. Explode. Don’t burn anything down.”Pepper said looking at the other, frowning slightly. Amazed that tony was the only one that james usually talked to. “You okay?”Tony said looking amused that steve had gotten a pot thrown at him, even if he had scolded james for it, sighing quietly. Stretching, “We should get to bed, James.”Tony said rubbing a hand over his face, now that he was calmer, starting to crash.
Loki gave no outwards impression he heard the orders, but a sleepy Thor appearing told them all Jarvis had informed the man that no one wanted to upset Loki by bathing him but where otherwise unsure how to clean him up and Thor sighed. "Loki... really? we've talked about this brother." Thor scolded. "now i have to give you, yet another bath. one would think you just wanted to be naked in water at this rate!" he complained, Wanda choking on a laugh. Steve didn't bother, he nearly collapsed he started laughing so hard. "i'm Fine." Steve promised. "you go to bed. you look wrecked. i'll clean up here." he promised, James looking at Tony. "Yes Sir." he said, following Tony. pausing to scowl when Loki made fussy noises while Thor gently led him out of the room to go take yet another bath. Loki, for some inexplicable reason, always ended up filthy. it didn't matter how carefully a person watched him, he ended up filthy. Thor was more than suspecting Loki was doing it on purpose. Wanda wondered what was wrong with the boy, but figured she wouldn't be allowed to look and shelved the idea for now an simply tucked herself against Pepper and went to sleep. feeling safe for the first time since Pietro ha died.
“He’s like a puppy. Hasn’t figured out bathes happen when he gets dirty....though maybe he does like being naked.”Tony snickered a little before nodding.”Thanks steve.”Tony smiled a little as they headed for bed.

The next morning Tony scowled a little as he glared at the tablet in his hands, looking annoyed and upset as he considered what he was reading. Yep, definitely wasn’t a good mood Tony. In this mood, he was more then likely to lash out at anyone who got near him, even if he was offering quiet smiles to james whenever the man got close to him. Punching angrily at the tablet touchscreen, you knew whoever was on the other end of that email, was about to get a mouthful of patented tony stark snark. “Morning steve.”Tony growled, definitely wasn’t being a morning person today.
Jams made an unhappy sound as he realized Tony was upset and set about making breakfast. he had already asked Tony what he wanted. he made another unhappy sound when Tony started punching the Tablet with his finger and Steve moved over and gently set a hand on Tony's shoulder. "Tony, your angry, calm down a little okay? your upsetting James and scaring Loki..." he said softly. and indeed Loki was sitting in the corner clutching a massive, but smaller than his 'bed teddy', bear. this Tedd was bright pink and had a large purple star over it's eye and was as big as loki's Torso and he was clutching it as if it was his last chance at salvation. "What's wrong?" Steve asked, worried about Tony. "do i need to beat some...." he paused when James snarled and Steve cleared his throat. "does James need to beat someone up for you?" he corrected, James looking very pleased by that. he could beat people up for Tony, no problem!
Tony frowned a little as steve touched him a little, frowning as he looked up, staring at the two men. Flushing brightly as he realized he was upsetting everyone. Letting out a near whimper he ducked his head, sighing quietly. “Okay...I’m okay....”he muttered, glad that at least extremis was behaving and hadn’t blown any eletronics due to his temper. “...No you don’t.....he doesn’t.”Tony sighed softly. “Stupid museum wants your stupid stuff and wants to take it out of my dad’s stupid room, and they can’t have it, it’s mine and tehy got nasty about demanding it and I don’t care. I don’t have to share my stuff, it’s mine. And I don’t care if they have a avengers exhibit, they don’t need a iron man suit, or need a interview or anything, I don’t want it.”Well, for a man who usually thrived on being the center of attention, it seemed he was setting his heels down about this for some reason.
Steve smiled, relaxing as Tony did, Loki and James following suit a moment later. though Loki didn't stop snuggling his new teddy. though, that was probobly because he thought it was soft and nice and was nuzzling it. "...i'll take care of it." Steve promised. "i already turned the bastards down myself. matter of fact i'm currently fighting them for my things that they have." he admitted. "i want Bucky's things too, and they don't want to hand that over either. i think they're attacking you instead because they think they can make you make me back off." he admitted, flicking his phone open and texting someone before snapping it closed, a sadistic smile on his lips. "i just told Phil they where bothering you." he told Tony, James perking up because he vaguely remembered Phil was bad-ass. he wasn't sure what that meant but one of his Commanders ha said so. he had also said Natasha was the best at everything, so he was delighted when Natasha strode through, looking pissed. "I'll take care of it. can i borrow James for a while?" she asked hopefully.

"No. James won't be able to control himself." Phil said as he walked in, happily accepting a cup of coffee from James who made sure to treat Phil as if he was the Secretary. who was in charge of the Handler. keeping Phil happy would keep Tony happy. "Thank you James." Phil said, offering James a smile before snorting as he noticed Loki was rubbing his cheek against the Teddy bear. "Tony, i think we need to keep Peter. he's a brilliant little bastard." "thank you." Peter said as he walked in. "all the emails, phone calls and conversations between the curator and Tony and Steve Sir." Peter said, handing over a thick Manila folder over to Phil. "well done. thank you." "Jarvis compiled it and printed it. i just stuck it in the folder. Tony? Don't forget you have a meeting with the Board of Directors tonight at Seven. be sure to get James into something nicely intimidating. there is also a Aleksanteri Järvinen asking permission to come and check up on Wanda that needs your approval as well as a small list for Steve about improvements to the base." Peter said, handing over a second, much smaller folder to Steve who nodded. "i'll look it over right away." he promised.
Tony looked up at steve, eyes wide and needy. Yep, definitely was having problems with the museum, though he’d never admit to the memories attatched to it, or that he was actually bothered. “Oh?really?Good. No wonder they seemed certain that I had to hand my stuff over.”He muttered before snorting. “Phil’s going to kill them or something. It’ll be awesome watching them deal with it.”Tony said hunched up a little, upset and trying not to show it, before looking at natasha. “Of course. But if you do, you have to take him sh-What?No. James can control himself.”Tony whined a little.

“We are definitely keeping peter.”Tonyagreed. “I’ll go with Nat to the museum. Someone needs to have words with them.”Clint frowned as he studied tony, watching the man. Even if he didn’t know everything phil did, he could guess that something had set tony off more then just not wanting to share his stuff. “....Oh. Yes. That’s right.Meetings.”Tony made a face before nodding, “And tell Alexsanteri he can come up.Jarvis!Send him up, and tell wanda he is here to see her.”Tony said smiling at jarvis’ agreement, fidgety and manic, and working himself up again despite trying to be calm.
Steve smiled at Tony. "it'll be fine. we'll take care of it Tony. no one fucks with our Tony." he promised the man. "yes. they are pushing too hard, they are crossing lines they are not allowed to cross and they went well beyond what i will allow." he admitted with a sniff. "Phil is going to make them seriously regret even trying to speak to you for an autograph, let alone everything else they've tried to demand." Steve admitted simply. "At the least, the Curator is going to find himself out of a job." he admitted. "Pepper has been informed and turs out, it was only through loans from Stark Industries that kept the Museum open after they nearly went bankrupt. she can easily demand that money back. not sure how it works but Pepper does and we all know how protective she is of you." he admitted with a smile. "let me reiterate. James will not control himself since you where the one attacked and Natasha cannot control him and i'm not sure i can either." Phil admitted simply before smiling at Clint.

"I do believe Pepper is going to make her displeasure with the Museum very well known and you, me and Natasha will make sure the Curator knows his place. he'll be lucky to avoid prison, stealing the way he has been. no one donated the Captain America or Bucky Barnes things, so how he got them remains to be seen. we will reclaim them and demand he tell us how he came across them." he promised Steve. "more like a smack down. you where going to go force the board into behaving remember?" Peter asked with a smile before nodding. "i will go and meet him then." Peter agreed, offering Tony a smile. "you should go to the Lab, Sir. your about to twitch yourself to pieces." "Explode?" James asked, perking up because he liked both kinds of explosions. the fire ind and the sex kind, James was hoping for one, or both.
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