Handle Me (Marvel) Lady-Fox

Peter grinned a little. "i know. she was kind of annoyed when i told her what yu had given her." Peter admitted, showing in that simple statement that he was able to keep up with Tony level Math. something that, until now, only Johnny Storm and Bruce Banner had been able to do. even Reed Richards, Dr. Doom, even Dr. Pym hadn't managed that. "I don't know that she's tired of you, i think she's just getting frustrated because the Board are being dicks." Peter admitted. "they really are perfect rooms." Bruce admitted, highly pleased with his 'Yoga corner' and the very impressive cooking tools he'd been given to make his foreign dishes. "Well... i had thought you would be more hesitant of Loki.." Thor admitted honestly. "people have never treted Loki the way he deserves... i should have known better than to think you would be like them. you are greatly special Friend Stark." Thor admitted with a smile. "I had indeed planned on staying. Odin will rule for another five hundred years or so, during that time i will learn all i can." he admitted with a smile. "i don't know that Loki will respond at all to you Tony." Thor warned, looking worried Tony might get upset if Loki ignored him, he gently guided Loki to his feet, the Godling making unsatisfied sounds as he was raised to his feet, sounding very unhappy to being touched thought once Thor only had the tips of his fingers to the small of Loki's back he stopped fussing and let Thor guide him. "Wow!" Thor gasped, Looking around at all the things. "Friend Tony this is wonderful!" Thor admitted, blinking when Loki stepped into the room, laid down on a soft body pillow and stared at a rotating butterfly Mobile with a tiny smile on his lips. that got Thor so excited he had to clap his hands over his mouth to keep from yelling in joy. "he likes it! Friend Stark! you have done so wonderfully! i have not seen my brother smile in years! not a real smile!" Thor wrapped Tony in a tight hug. "i knew you would be the best to bring Loki to!"
"Hey, she should be aware of how many women are going to claim to be pregnant. I was only being helpful."Tony said so innocently evil that it was adorable before grinning utterly pleased peter would be able to keep up."ah....I'll go deal with the board."tony decided on a whim, because he totally could be awesome some days and beat up the board, even when he'd rather not. Smiling at thors words."hey if I was hesitant about accepting people who threatened me with violence, I'd never leave home."Tony shrugged.bspecial?you better mean that as a good thing, otherwise we'll be having words."Tony teased him before shrugging.all the better thrn!he can't tell me magic is superior and exists then. Tech will rule the day if he can't protest." "Oh god he's manic."clint muttered rolling his eyes, well used to tony's antics, as long as he didn't upset loki though he figured there was no harm to it.yelping and squirming as he was hugged he patted the others back."good I'm glad he liked it...you can let go now big guy."
Peter snorted and muttered something under his breath that made Steve laugh. "i think she would appreciate that Mr. Stark." he admitted with a smile. "please allow me to attend. i would like to video record it. for... blackmail purposes." Peter admitted after not being able to find more polite way to say it. "Yes, well...." Thor shrugged. "you did not have to offer him a home after the things he has done." he admitted. "even if the where not his fault the still happened." The God of Thunder admitted, knowing it could make people uncomfortable. "It is a good thing!" Thor assured him with a smile. "I have never met a man so kind and good hearted as you." he admitted. "plus you are of a superior intelligence. had Loki had his mind to him, he would have been very impressed by you." Thor admitted with a smile before blinking. "oh. no, Tony. you misunderstand. Mgic is not Technology. it is a science." he explained. "while we do have some technology, nearly everything in our realm is powered by the science of magic." he admitted. "it runs everything. all of our technology, all of our healing, everything we do is run by the Magical energy. we do not have electricity, turbines or other such things to create power, we have Magic. like all energy and power, it can be used to do so much more than just that. Magic is part of the universe. it is in every molecule in the universe. it is an energy of sorts that can be manipulated with the right training. sorcerers like my brother are supremely rare, because you must have the right way of thinking to actually be able to manipulate the energy." he admitted before smiling as he let Tony go. "i apologize. i know you do not care for my exuberance." he admitted, looking at Loki who was just laying there, staring at the butterflies. "he is already so much happier here. i cannot thank you enough."
"I will. I'll tell her over dinner. I invited her so she could catch up with everyons."Tony said sounding very pleased with himself, shrugging a little."you are a friend thor, and you love him. Its as esy as that, to have him here."Tony said because for him, it was that easy."good. Everyone should be impressed with me. I'm Very impressive." "And so humhle."clint teased. Tony frowned as he listened to that explanation before huffing. "Well then. I understand science. I will totally master magic, it's just science. I can do that."Tony babbled happily before making a face."I like you perfectly well. Hugging just makes me uncomfortable."Tony said smiling at him because he knew he had to explain, otherwise he'd hurt his friends without meaning to. Turning to leave he blushed at the thanks."no thanks needed. Need anything else? I have stuff to do in the lab."
"I know. that's why she sent me over today." Peter admitted with a smile. "she wanted you to have a chance to complain if you where unsatisfied with me." he admitted with a chuckle.

Thor smiled at Tony, it always amazed him how... unaware Tony could be. it amazed him how Tony could be so clueless about how amazing he was. "very humble." Thor agreed with Clint, not realizing the other was being sarcastic. "i will see about getting you Loki's beginner magic books." Thor promised. "i have to go back to collect his and my things anyway." he admitted. "i did not want to risk traveling with him and his things. he can get very..." he shook his head. "upset sometimes when traveling, i didn't want to have to handle him and the bags." he admitted, smiling at his brother. "i know it does, Friend Tony." he admitted with a chuckle. "i do not feel slighted by your unease with physical contact." he promised. "i will return to Asgard to gather our things... if you don't mind, i will lock the door. Loki can take to wandering when the mood strikes him and i fear he might get into things he should not if we let him have the run of the tower." he admitted, looking worriedly at his brother because Loki could get very belligerent if he wanted something he wasn't supposed to have. he wasn't dangerous, he didn't hit or bite or scratch, he just made those horrible screeching sounds of protest and curled around the thing he wasn't supposed to have like he was protecting it and made you feel horribly guilty about taking it away. what else where you supposed to do when he grabbed a very volatile power core though? or a gun, or pretty much anything from Tony's lab. "It will be fine Lord Odinson. i will lock any doors he is not allowed to go into." Jarvis said. "i know you do not like the idea of locking your brother up. anything he is not supposed to get into, he will not be able to." Jarvis promised, making Thor beam happily. "Thank you verily my good friend!" Thor said, very happy he wouldn't have to lock Loki in. he hated locking Loki in because, more often then not, Loki would sit in front of the door like a dog, waiting for it to open. it was heart wrenching.
"Heh. Awesome. That'll be good to have."Tony said very pleased at the idea of having beginning magic books before wincing slightly."yea no reason to risk either of you when it's simple enough to return. Don't worry we'll look after him."though knew he had no business looking after anyone, he figured he was already looking after james, he could handle loki. "Jarvis can keep perfect watch on him."he reassured before looking relieved that the other wasn't feeling slighted."anywhere he can get to, he can wander in. Jarvis will lock it if needed."Tony promised waving the other off."go, I'll stay and make sure he's okay."he said not about to leave loki alone.
"Yes, precisely." Thor agreed with a smile at Tony before looking quite relieved to finally have some help with his brother. Loki did not need much in care, but he needed to be told when to eat, guided to places and had to be monitored in case he did something, well, not very good for his health. Thor had come across him eating coolant at one point and had screamed at the healers for over an hour for leaving something so dangerous in loki's hands when Loki, in this state, didn't properly understand danger. Loki had seen the coolant and likely wondered what it would do to a Jotun and drank it, not understanding he could be causing himself harm. "you don't need to stay with him. so long as someone is watching him, like Jarvis, to make sure he isn't building a reactor or drinking chemicals he'll be fine." Thor promised. "he doesn't... understand." Thor explained. "he does dangerous things sometimes because he doesn't realize he can hurt himself. but Jarvis can monitor him for that and alert for help if he starts doing something... unwise..." he admitted, smiling at his brother who was currently dismantling the Mobile. "he also has no concept of 'that's not his' so i'll apologize in advance for the things he dismantles, mangles or destroys and endeavor to replace them."
"Are you sure?he won't want company or something?"tony said worried at the idea. Remembering how he'd felt being left on his own by everyone, so he didn't want to upset loki but nodding as he headed for the door."well jarvis can watch him."he said once thor had reassured him before waving a hand at the others words."don't worry about it. If he breaks something, it gives me a good excuse to make something better....hey jarvis what harmless stuff do I have laying around?we could totally toss some of my old projects"i.e.the ones tony had started in a manic spree and never quite finished,"in here with him. He can't harm them, and he'd probably like it."he said as he headed for the lab, eager to work now that he had a plan.
Thor nodded. "he doesn't seam to be aware we're here, but if he wants attention he'll get it." Thor assured Tony. "he does sometimes. it's very rare though." he admitted. "mostly he doesn't seam to notice people at all unless they're touching him or trying to take something he's not supposed to have." he admitted with a chuckle. "i think Loki would like to have some half finished projects to play with." Thor agreed. "as long as they can't explode. he freaks out if things explode." he admitted with a smile, heading back home to get their things.

it was two hours later when Jarvis reported that Loki was outside the lab. he had sat down in front of the door and was staring at it like a heartbroken puppy with something clutched in his fingers. Jarvis had reported an hour ago that Loki had stolen one of the speaker ports off the wall, but it wasn't a big deal, Tony had dozens of backups to replace it. he must have dismantled it and made something new and wanted someone to acknowledge it and probobly decided the one person behind a door he couldn't go in was the perfect person to see whatever it was he made.
"Hm?"tony frowned looking up from the shield he was working on before looking around, making sure there was no dangerous and deadly things in the immediate vicinity before getting up and heading for the door. Half glad he'd sent james upstairs to start dinner. Last thing he needed was james upsetting loki by looking him in a closet or something. Opening the door he smiled slightly."hey loki. What can I do for you?"he asked stepping back to let the other in.
Loki looked at Tony, well, more like looked through Tony and stepped through the doorway and stopped in the middle of the widest open space he could find. he set the thing, whatever it was it was a mangled mess of a thing, on the floor and then sat down and stared at it. as if he wasn't sure how to work it. "Sir. according to my scans of the device, i believe it is safe to activate." Jarvis informed Tony before he could ask. once the button was pressed, and there was only one button, the air around them flickered and danced and suddenly, they where in outer space. or at least, a very long distance view of space. they where looking at the Milky way in three dimension. Loki brightened, pleased with the view and reached out and poked a spot. "This is the location of Earth." Jarvis informed Tony, sounding curious. Loki nodded, as if to himself and mumbled something and then prodded another spot. then another. and another and soon he had struck nine tin glowing dots into the image. then he traced them, and the nine dots formed what looked like a scraggly tree. then he got up and wandered back out as if bored. was it a gift, perhaps, for the bright colors in his room? hard telling when the man never spoke, or made noise, or looked at you, or expressed anything at all. Jarvis was quick to report that Loki had gone up and was sitting at the kitchen table, staring at nothing while Jams cooked and that James didn't seam bothered by Loki's presence. James probobly didn't veiw Loki as any kind of threat. "Mr. Stark. Ms. Potts is here." Peter informed Tony, poking his head in. "is there anything i can get for you before i take her to the sitting room?" he asked Tony, having been told by Pepper where Tony usually met his guests and had it approved by Jarvis.
“Okay then. Let’s see what it does.”Tony said looking interested then startled at the image, looking around them as he stared at the milky way. Looking amused as he nodded. “Indeed it is....it seems like he’s given me a representation of the rainbow bridge I think...this looks like Jane’s drawings.”Tony said thoughtfully watching it before looking amused as loki left, mostly focused on his present still. Jumping a little at the sound of peter’s voice he whined softly before shaking his head, turning off the gift. “Nope, Let’s go inform pepper about my sex life.”Tony said perking up, because he loved harassing pepper, because pepper was the one person he allowed himself to lust after, despite their breaking up, and definitely was ignoring the tight ache of lust that tightened his stomach if heconsidered James. Definitely didn’t want to think about that. “Pep!Pepper!honey pot, how was your day?”Tony said smiling at the woman as he walked into the sitting room with
"You think this would allow us to form a bridge between worlds on our own?" Jarvis asked, sounding curious. "this is n exact replication of our Milky Way Universe. it would appear the nine realms Thor often speaks of, are clustered in our own Universe." Jarvis admitted, sounding quite delighted. Peter offered Tony an apologetic smile and nodded. "as you please Mr. Stark." he agreed. though they all knew that his sex life was non existent at the moment. Don't worry. i've already informed her about Loki." Peter assured Tony, opening the door for him before going to get coffee for the both of them before leaving again. he was so damn perfect for this job. before Pepper could reply there was a fuss in the kitchen. "Hey! no! that's not yours! you can't have that! put it down! no! Loki!" then there was a high keening cry like a wounded, frightened animal and some cursing. "Drop it! Loki! Drop it right this instant! that's not toy!" Peter poked his head in the door. "it's fine. Nat was cleaning her gun and Loki took it. it's not loaded but he doesn't want to give it back." Peter explained. "he's throwing quite a fit."
“Yes, I think so. I think with enough fiddling with tech, we might be able to.”Tony said studying the map for a moment longer. “Oh!Good. That would have been a awkward conversation.”And one he was glad to avoid. Grinning as pepper started to answer he frowned, startling when he heard the fuss in the kitchen. “Hold on Pep.”He mtutered before walking into the room, lookign worried. “Ah...Hey, loki, Loki?It’s okay. She just doens’t want you to hurt yourself. You’re okay.”Tony said easing into the room towards the godling, trying to sooth him and trying not to get upset himself. “It’s not a toy, she doesn’t want you to get hurt. How about I give you something else?Something totally better?”Tony soothed, before calling. “Peter, will you go grab the watch that was sitting on my lab table. I think after his hologram map, Loki will find what I was working on quite interesting.”Tony said biting his lip for a moment before reaching out, gently brushing his hair back out of his face. “You’re okay, Loki.”
Loki was curled up on the floor, making those horrible pathetic sounds as if they where beating him to get the gun back. problem was, no one was touching him. no wonder Thor had looked so damn tired when he'd dropped Loki off. Natasha had given up on trying to verbally remove the gun and was gently poking at his arms now, trying to get him to relinquish his hold. it only made him keen louder, as if the touches hurt and Natasha huffed out her nose in annoyance because she hated causing people distress but she couldn't let him keep her favorite gun either. peter grimaced because those sounds where heart wrenching and he didn't like it anymore than the others did. "yes Mr. Stark." Peter said, fleeing and returning. they had all backed off of Loki and he had stopped making that horrible sound but he still refused to uncurl, or hand over the gun. Loki winced and flinched away from Tony's touch as if he expected it to hurt. when it didn't he settled down and allowed Tony to stroke his hair. hen Peter returned with the watch, Loki took no notice of it until it was dangled right in front of his eyes and it took another moment before he abandoned the gun and took the watch instead, clutching it in his fingers but when no one tried to take it away he uncurled and sat on the floor, as if they didn't exist, and poked around with the watch. "huh! that worked. i didn't think it would." Natasha admitted, examining her gun. "hey Pepper. Tony, how many things do you have that Loki might like? i have a feeling we're going to have to play the trading game again and it seams to work quite well." she admitted. "Would he like stuffed animals?" Peter asked. "he seams to like bright things, perhaps a brightly colored bear or something? he could use it to clutch when he's upset, instead of grabbing guns and speaker panels." Peter suggested. "That's not a bad idea. i think Tony loaded a bunch of stuffed toys into Thor's rooms because Thor likes them right?" sh asked, looking at Tony. "we'll go grab one and see if he'll switch for the watch. just to see."
“Hey loki.”Tony muttered watching the other, shaking his head. “Don’t. Just...hold on...”Tony muttered nodding a little at peter, before looking pleased as he handed over the gun. “See, it’s okay.Here you go.”he muttered smiling quietly as he watched loki dangling the watch in front of his eyes. “Yea, we wont take it. You can keep it.”He promised watching the other before looking up at Natasha. “Doubt for my genius shouldn’t be allowed.” “Tony, stop being dramatic. Hey Nat.”Pepper said smiling a little before snorting. “You mean like everything he ever works on when he’s upset? I think he has plenty we can trade for stuff.”Pepper said looking amused. “You know, he probably would like stuffed animals. There’s tons up in thor’s apartment.”Tony agreed smiling a little. Before nodding heading out and soon enough returning with a bear nearly as big as him, putting it down in front of loki. “Got somethign else for you.”
Loki was transfixed by the watch, his head tilted a little as he played with it, Peter smiling a little. "you know. i wonder if he'd let me take a brain scan?" Bruce wondered. "do you think he'd be okay with that?" he wondered. "he almost acts autistic." Bruce admitted. "if there's brain damage, that could easily explain the loss of certain functions such as recognizing people and his communication skills and such." he admitted before smiling at Pepper. "hello Ms. Potts." he said with a smile. "i have things Loki could have too. i think this will work out okay, though i wonder what's taking Thor so long?" he mused, watching Tony leave and laughed when he saw the massive Teddy bear had attracted James attention too, the food done he had come over to investigate. he had not even twitched an eye at Loki's Temper Tantrum, focused entirely on completing his handlers mission of making dinner. much to all of their pleasure Loki almost immediately abandoned the watch to poke at the Teddy bear before he laid against it with a small smile. cuddling the teddy bear the way he wouldn't cuddle a person. "good thinking Mr. Parker." Bruce said, making Peter blush. "i... i was part of a volunteer program called 'Big Brother'. one of the little girls i spent time with had autism. she didn't like being touched either but she really liked this soft Captain America doll her parents got for her. it's.. where i got the idea." peter admitted, bending down and picking up the watch and handing it back to Tony. "He seams perfectly content now. we should let him rest and see if we can't get him to eat once dinner is done." Bruce admitted, watching James stare at Loki, looking almost fascinated. it was the first real expression James had ever shown.
“He might. Thor said he’d let you direct him to do things, he might let us take a scan....and considering how much Hulk threw him around my living room, and what thor said the tesseract did to him, I’d be surprised if there wasn’t some sort of damage.”Tony said thoughtfully. “Hello. And well, he was going home. He might be visiting with friends before returning.”Pepper said trying not to worry to much. Grinning pleased as loki took the teddy bear, “Peter, that was amazing.”Tony praised pleased before pausing tensing a little as the dogs walked in, captain so huge and bulky next to cute little cherub. Smiling relieved when both dogs simply laid down on the on the kitchen floor, not interested in anything but the food. “JAmes?”Tony asked raising a eyebrow at the look the man was sporting, frowning a little as he considered him, looking worried.
Bruce nodded. "we might want to try. from what Tor said, Loki had a mental problem even before all the problems he's had with the Tesseract and the Big Guy." Bruce admitted. "if we can figure out what's wrong, we could find out how to help and give him some of his life back." he admitted. "actually. i think it's more like Thor is trying to figure out which books belong to Loki and which books belong to Asgard..." Phil admitted, looking amused as he walked in. "Loki, i've heard, has a thing for books." he admitted. "Thor mentioned once that Loki had a bit of a private library. and Thor's probobly trying to figure out what books he's supposed to bring and what books to leave behind." Phil admitted with a smile. Peter flushed at the praise and mumbled something under his breath, looking just as uncomfortable with praise as Tony did. he blinked at the two dogs, Peter hadn't met them yet, and smiled when they proved to be very well behaved. "Asset?" James asked, indicating Loki and Natasha cringed and muttered under her breath that sometimes an 'asset' like James and.. Her, had an... accident with the brain wiping machine and they ended up in a state not unlike Loki's or worse, completely brain dead. they where almost always 'put down' and informed them that James probobly was confused as to why they hadn't 'put down' Loki yet. James likely thought Loki was a very special Asset that needed to be put back together so they could get the final bit of use out of him before being put down.
“We’ll try then. Though we’ll wait till Thor gets back. He trusts thor, might be easier to have him here.”Tony said before laughing out loud. “Okay, I can see that.”He said before looking thoughtful. “Wonder if we could get him to use a kindle or tablet. I mean, he had no problem creating that milky way display, wonder if he’s together enough to figure that out...”Tony said looking thoughtful. “We could try. Later, tony. You need to eat first.”Clint said not about to let tony run off without eating. “Hm?Oh. Well.”Tony looked thoughtful, wondering if it would be a problem to go with what james understood before deciding. “Yes, he needs looked after. James, when you aren’t looking after me, and making sure I’m not doing badly, will you please look after Loki? He doesn’t act like most people, he just needs cared for.”
"i think that's probobly a good idea. Loki is familiar with Thor." Bruce agreed. "He'll be ore willing with someone he's comfortable with." he admitted before smiling. "i'm sure we could give it a try. give him a cheep one first, he'll likely dismantle it first." he pointed out, indicating that Loki was now taking apart the watch. "We all need to eat." Peter stated, giving Pepper the stink eye and glancing at the still way to thin Bruce. James frowned though, not understanding the orders and Natasha smiled. "Loki is malysh, James." Natasha explained, making his eyes flash in understanding and he nodded. "Soldier will care for the malysh." he promised Tony, making Natasha smile a little before going to remove the foo from the oven when the oven beeped, but yelped when James shoved her away from the oven and Glared at her for DARING to intervene in his care! she could be trying to poison his handler after all, she wouldn't get anywhere near his food. she just sighed and rolled her eyes and moved to make sure Loki wasn't dismantling his teddy bear. he wasn't, he was still working on the watch while laying down on his teddy bear.
“Probably. I usually am. Though all doctors are still horrible. Except bruce. Bruce is okay.”Tony decided looking amused before nodding. “I’ll let him have the prototype stark tablet, it’ll probably fascinate him.”Tony said looking amused as he watched loki take the watch apart, not even worried about it. Well aware that even if it had been something he was making for steve, the man wouldn’t care. “We’ll eat.”Pepper said looking amused and rolling her eyes at peter fussing over them. Good. He’d make sure tony ate. “Malysh?”Tony muttered tilting his head at natashabefore snickering a little at james’ possessiveness. “You should let the others help james, they’re just being nice.”
"i'm glad you like me Ton." Bruce admitted with a chuckle, smiling as he watched Loki taking apart the watch, making the occasional sound of discovery. "he'll be content for a little while at least." he admitted with a smile, blinking when a bright flash of light appeared, followed by... nothing, no sound. Thor was looking very smug when he walked in. "i apologize for taking so long. the Librarians had tried to claim all of Loki's books belonged to them." he admitted. "they have been well and truly smacked down and now they have to pay for trying to steal from my brother." he admitted. "so Loki now has even MORE books than he did before..." he hesitated. "i do not think they will fit in the room." "They can be placed in an area of the Avengers Library." Jarvis reported. "there is room in there." "ah! Loki would very much like a library." Thor agreed. "and he won't mind sharing his books, so long as you treat them with care." no one would hurt a book, everyone in the tower liked books too much to be rough with them. "Baby." Natasha explained. "it means baby, but for James it means someone who cannot train or be useful, yet. it's about the only way i could think to explain it in a way he would understand." she admitted before smiling. "he knows i used to be an Asset. he fears i will try to kill you." she admitted with a chuckle, blinking when James examined Ton at his order and did something he had never, ever done before. "no." he refused what was basically an order, and went back to work finishing dinner.
“You should be. I don’t like a lot of people, feel honored.”Tony huffed a little, nodding looking pleased that loki was indeed being kept busy. Startling a little at the light, raising a eyebrow. “Some impressive stuff there, thunder boy. No thunder.”Tony teased looking amused. “Even more books is always a good thing.”Pepper said, leaning up to kiss his cheek.”Welcome back, thor.”She smiled as she sat down again. “Good. we’re good wtih books, we’ll take care of them.”Tony promised before tilting his head. “Ah. Yes, that seems about right.”He said before sighing. “Well, okay. No sharing cooking.”Tony said looking startled at the refused order, before looking around for steve, needing to check in with everyone. Make sure all his people were safe.
"I know Tony." Bruce admitted with a chuckle. "The loud noise frightens Loki." Thor admitted. "i don't like to frighten him. it can take days to calm him back down." he admitted with a sigh before beaming at Pepper. "Well Met Lady Pepper!" he greeted her. "Has Loki been well beha...." Thor sighed when he realized Loki was taking apart a... something, but no one was complaining so he supposed it would be okay. he was very surprised Loki was so calm with so many people around though, he suspected it was because of the massive teddy he was snuggled into and the watch. "I'm sure you will." Thor agreed with a smile, kneeling next to his brother and gently passing his hand in front of Loki's eyes, breaking his focus on the watch. "time to eat Loki." Thor urged, ignoring Loki's unhappy sounds as he gently urged the man to his feet and guided him to a chair, James looking about ready to attack Thor for upsetting the malysh. the only thing that stopped him was that he wanted Loki to eat to. "he's getting more comfortable here." Natasha admitted to Tony with a smile. "he knows he can refuse a 'soft' order without getting in trouble. that's very good." she admitted with a smile. watching James set out plates for everyone because he knew Tony would get angry if he didn't feed everyone so everyone got a plate, though he made sure to serve Tony, and Loki and Phil, personally before letting the others have the food. Loki blinked at it for a moment before picking at it as he had with his breakfast this morning. using his fingers, though that was because Asgardians didn't have silverware, he ate in tiny pieces that made no mess. Thor looked delighted. "He must really enjoy your cooking good friend!" Thor informed James who looked surprised. "he has not eaten two meals in a single day since he woke after... well, after he woke up like this." Thor admitted, smiling as he gently stroked Loki's hair, eliciting the same cringe response as Ton had gotten before he settled and allowed Thor to keep stroking his hair. James looked delighted that they liked his food.
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