Handle Me (Marvel) Lady-Fox

“Okay, the hangar. Easy enough to find.”Tony muttered watching her before moving further back from her. Careful not to crowd her before wincing a little. Oh yea. Steve was going to totally lose his mind. “Shush, no crying!No tears. It’s okay. It’s okay, you’re safe here. Jarvis tell her she’s safe!”Tony said looking panicked at the start of tears, fidgety and upset, twitching a little, before looking utterly relieved to see natasha. “Wanda, you turned me into a driven insane person who created ultron. You are anything but a pretty toy. You’re beautiful the same way a knife is beautiful. Deadly and sharp, and more then willing to draw blood. Don’t ever consider yourself less.”Tony ordered before looking at natasha, “No trouble at all. I’ll deal with what’s happening at Avengers base.”Tony twitched and upset, before looking at james. “We’re leaving now. Jarvis, tell Steve to meet me up in the quinjet, suited up and deadly.”He ordered even as he headed for the lab to get the suit, having every intention of scaring everyone at the base. “....And phil. And Clint. I need a pilot.”he decided.
she sniffled again, unable to hold back the tears, though she found Tony's hysteria quite amusing. she, more than anyone, really knew Tony. she didn't really understand him, but she had seen into the deepest parts of his mind and knew things even he did not know and so she did not blame him for being petrified at the sight of her tears. she had to smile when he told her she was beautiful and sharp. that really was a very lovely compliment. "okay Mister... Tony..." she whispered before letting Natasha tuck her away into a hot bath. James just nodded, he could not abide by rapists. Phil and Clint where waiting with Steve when Tony got to the Jet. Phil scowling very darkly and Steve looking about ready to run to the base if he had to. they where all in for a shock when they got there. the would be rapist was still there. he had tried to pin Wanda to a table so she couldn't hurt him. but hurt him she had. she had gutted him, and from the way he was sprawled, he had been trying to stuff his own organs back inside when he'd died. "where the fuck is everyone!?" Phil snarled, annoyed before checking his watch as if that would give him some answers. it did. today was Saturday for one thing which meant everyone was out by the water running water drills. everyone had to attend the once a month drills to ensure everyone could swim and maneuver in the water. that was why the base was empty and why Wanda had been alone. the Avengers didn't have to do drills. they had their own training. whoever had attacked her had made sure to do it when everyone else would gone. this had been planned. this person had purposly attacked her knowing she would be alone. the bastard.
“Don’t look so amused. I am not amusing!Stop!no crying just to upset me!”Tony sputtered waving hands at her, damn near hysterical himself. Though most of it was true fear of tears, he was playing it up, hoping for some sort of comfort. By the time they got the the base, he was in a rare sort of fury, it was worse then his normal bad moods. He always had flash temper, temper tantrums and annoyance, but this true fury, was something deeper, something brighter. The same sort of fury that had allowed him to become iron man, to bend and reforge himself in the heat of his fury in the desert. Wincing a little as he was aware of everyone was, he stared at the rapist before nodding slightly to himself. “Well then. James?we’re going to go be scary. Can you be your winter soldier self? All scary and awesome?”Tony said smirking to himself, and the look on his face made clint shudder. While tony had retreated, locked them out of dealing with him, he knew he still considered himself a avenger, a part of their team. And no one harmed their team without paying a price. It seemed tony was going to make sure everyone was aware that the price was going to be steep if they crossed a unforgivable line. Heading for the door, he paused to watch everyone working in the olympic sized pool, clint shook his head slightly as the agents noticed them slowly, to slow really for people who made lives out of discovering things. “There. Drag him out of the pool.”Tony ordered looking at james, pointing to the agent usually left in charge when phil or steve wasn’t on base. Especially since fury didn’t stay on base alot, it was left to other agents, who needed supervised better it seemed.
she offered a week, watery giggle at his antics, trying to brush the tears away because tears never solved anything.

Steve wasn't doing much better than Tony was, his face was hard as a rock and he was more than ready to rip someone to shreds and James just sat in the back, rather mild and passive. Phil was so closed down only the Avengers knew he was going to be cutting some fingers off later if he was unsatisfied. James looked at Tony, nodded once and in an instant he was the murderer on the bridge, the Assassin on the roof. cold as ice and sharp as a steel knife. he was frightening enough that Steve shuddered and then followed Tony, more than willing to let Tony run this pony show. James moved immediately, tossing Agents out of his way when they tried to stop him. the man they wanted made it easy by getting out of the pool himself and following the glaring James obediently. he wasn't stupid, he knew better than to tangle with pissed off Avengers. he took one look at Phil and knew no matter what, his time here was done. he was going to get shipped off to Alaska or Russia or the arctic. "James. he's walking too slow." Phil stated, the man yelping as James hauled him off his feet and THREW him to Phil, the man landing in a heap at Phil's feet. Steve grinned, delighted at James solution. "are you aware that there is a man here, who dared to attack one of the Avengers?" Phil demanded, his voice a hiss, James growling because he didn't like the way the Agents where staring at them. there where only fifty, maybe seventy. he could take them. unfortunately they where keeping their distance and Tony had said no hurting anyone, so he'd have to wait till they attacked him and they didn't look at all inclined. maybe Tony would let him beat up the Coward on the floor?
Tony smiled, sharp and deadly as he watched James. Ignoring the spike of lust that hit him at seeing that assassin. Oh he knew he was sick, but he hadn’t realized he would think this was awesome. Watching James he snorted slightly as he watched the agents get thrown around, whining softly. “I was sorta looking forward to watching him get pulled out of the pool.” “maybe a accidental drowning, yea.”Clint said watching the man got thrown, staring down at him. “Thank you James, from prompt and swift delivery.”Tony said smirking. “James. He’s not answering quickly enough, please come influence him to be talkative.”Tony asked, his voice pleasant and quiet as he watched the sputtering agent. “Not just attacked her. Tried to hurt her. Rape her. On your watch.”Clint said watching the agent, glancing at the others. Wondering if they could get away with cleaning house on the lot of them.
Steve made a small sound of amusement at Tony's words and another at Clint's 'accidental drowning' comment. "Yes Sir." James said, not sure what being thanked was so taking it as a reward for good behavior. "Yes Sir." James said, advancing on the man who squalled in protest and tried to scamper away from James before gasping. "Her?! But no one would DARE try to attack Romanoff! no ones done that since she first joined Shield!" he wailed, protesting when James gripped the man's wrist in his metal hand and gripped the pinky with the other, waiting for the order to snap it. "who said it was Romanoff?" Steve demanded, making the man suck in a shocked breath. "Maximoff?!" the man whispered, sounding so horrified it was easy to see he really had no idea anyone would dare. "she's just a child! a little girl! What sick bastard would dare hurt that sweet thing?!" the man demanded, not even caring that his fingers where about to get broken now in the face of someone trying to hurt Wanda. she was the youngest, after all. she had only turned nineteen three weeks ago, and had been so confused when they'd tried to throw her a birthday party and give her presents. it had broken Steve's heart when she clung to him later and sobbed because Pietro would have loved having a birthday party and eating cake. Phil scowled at him and he cringed and shook his head. "I take Call every time we change locations!" the man protested. "no one has been missing! no one!" "then why is there a dead rapist in the hangar!?" Phil snarled, making the man suck in a gasp. "LINE UP YOU SICK BASTARDS!" Phil roared, blinking when he realized. "...no one is missing. there's no holes in the line." "See! See!" the man protested, yelping when James grip tightened. "it's not one of my boys! i make sure!" Phil stalked up and down the lines, checking every man's face intently. some looked worried about Wanda, they had become friends with her. some looked disgusted or upset that someone would attack a little girl. some just looked bored or indifferent. caring that someone was attacked but detached because it wasn't personal for them. no one looked like they knew anything and that pissed Phil off because that meant whoever had done this had planned it meticulously and had either not told anyone, or had told someone who wasn't here anymore. this was a meticulously planned attack, targeting Wanda specifically.
“Of course not Romaoff. Everyone knows the first rule of shield:Anything you can do, Natasha does better. And she’ll make you hurt if you hurt her.”Tony wrinkled her nose a little watching the agent. “Yes, Wanda.”Clint said watching him, calming slightly as he realized just how horrified the other was. “Someone here.”He said simply. “....James. Let him go.”Tony said looking frustrated that whoever it had done it, wasn’t shield. Someone had known that the avengers would rain hell of earth on them, had assumed they’d strike out at them before checking to see. Blame them all. “Dammit.”Tony cursed a little glancing at the agent, “In that case. Lock the base down. We’re going to go through everything. And I want to hear everything wanda’s been up to these last few days since they others were at the tower.”Tony said already turning away, no longer interested in the agents here, more interested in figuring out how someone had done this. Heading back towards the base to find the video, even if some of the computers were smoking inside in the heat of his fury, losing some control because of extremis. by the time he got inside, he paled a little. not looking at the others. "You'll have to search the videos. I have something to do."Tony said looking at the slightly smoking computers, and knew he couldn't be anywhere near their evidence, not yet.
The man nodded, everyone knew that 'rule'. "I'll slaughter the fucker!" the man snarled and that was when both Phil and Steve realized that this man may as well have birthed Wanda himself. he was the one Wanda had spoken of with such passion a few days after they had moved in. she had never named names but had explained she'd been up from a nightmare and he had made her pancakes and cocoa and held her while she cried about her brother and sang her a proper Russian lullaby. she had spoken of him often after that, sometimes she'd go to Steve for comfort after a nightmare if she couldn't find her брат. her 'Brat'. which meant Brother in Russian. this man had practically adopted her and he was nearly apocalyptic with rage. "she's been sulking." the man, Aleksanteri explained. "she didn't want you all to leave but she doesn't want to stay either. poor thing, she's pretty confused because she trusts you but she doesn't want to because she doesn't think she should... Adults have been... not the best for her." Alek admitted with a grimace, leading them to the computers while ordering his boys to stay put and that if anyone moved out of line they'd be taking refresher courses in interrogation resistance. no one twitched. "...Tony." Steve said, watching him before nodding. "go get her things." he agreed, thinking Tony couldn't bring himself to be there because he didn't want to see Wanda get attacked. "That is Viti!" Alek yelped when he watched Wanda get attacked. "He is here to... i forget. hold on..." he started tapping away at the computer and nodded. "Yes. he's here from Shield headquarters to examine the 'health and safety' of the new recruits because someone has been complaining." he admitted. "According to the paperwork he was sent by...." here he looked at Phil. "you." "what? i never signed anything about this." he said, scowling before he winced. "it's a fake. Viti is a fake. likely Hydra or a new enemy who wanted us to tear everyone apart and distract us. fuck."
“Wanda already has. But we’ll let you help us find the rest.”Clint said smiling slightly as he realized who this man was, tilting his head slightly. “Agent Aleksanteri right?”He asked, figuring the man was probably going ot be returning ot the tower, at least for a bit, to check on wanda himself. “...she should have come then...I didn’t tell her not to come. She understood that right?Steve?”Tony said looking up at Steve anxiously, worried that he’d made it seem that he didn’t want the woman near him. He hadn’t meant to. Really. Smirking a little tony waved a hand at james. “Stay here and watch over the baby agents. It’ll be good for them.”Tony said looking pleased because just cause they weren’t involved, didn’t mean he wasn’t going to scare them a bit. And letting james babysit them, was more then scary. Nodding a little as he left to go get wanda’s things. Clint frowned slightly watching him go, before looking at phil, raising his eyebrows. Well aware that it wasn’t the video that had set tony off, so it had to be something else. Which was worrying, before frowning at the idea of viti. “....Yes. But its not going to happen. We’ll go through every report from you, Maria, Fury, and Cap, see if they’re real or not. If Hydra or someone’s doing this, they might have faked more then just Phil’s reports.”
the man nodded and then nodded again. "Aleksanteri Järvinen." he introduced himself before blinking at Tony. "Tony. calm down. that's not why she didn't come." Steve assured Tony. "she's been hurt by adults Tony. people just like us who pretended they wanted to help her. people who where nice to her. she can't tell the difference between good people like us, and bad people like the scientists and Ultron." he explained. "she's scared, but she's getting better. she knows you wanted her there, but she was scared to come because people who are kind to her have always been a trick or a trap." he explained before watching James turn to watch the Agents, they where nearly holding their breath now and no one, not a soul would be moving, not even to scratch their ass. Phil glanced at Clint and made a minute movement, a shake of his head, a silent order to 'not press right now'. they would fuss over Tony later, Wanda needed their help for now. "we'll get Jarvis in on this. there's too much to do. Maria, Fury and I always keep copies both physical and electronic of everything we sign for this very reason. and everything we send out has the same done on the receivers end. it will only take Jarvis a few hours to go through everything. less if Vision helps."
Tony frowned not looking like he believed them but relaxing, knowing steve wouldn't lie to him about something like that. Making a face."I'm telling you, people suck."Tony huffed a little Glas though that wanes had known she was welcome to come whenever she wanted. Smirking a little as he eyed the agents. Leaving james in charge was just cruel, not one of them was going to moving.nodding slightly at phils nod he pulled out his pyone and texted nat."I'll have nat start, and get jarvis and vision working. Hopefully there's some lead to follow, seeing as our current one is dead."not that he blamed Wanda for killing him, it would have just been nice to have a lead. Sighing as he shook his head, "but I don't think we can do much more here....we should get back to the tower."he said fidgety and worried wanting to check on wanda, even if nat said she had everything under control
Steve smiled at him and nodded. "yeah. people really suck." he agreed, shaking his head a little. "they're never going to step out of line again." he admitted with a chuckle before nodding. "Nat would be a good person to have in charge for now." he agreed, offering Clint a grateful smile. "Well. there are other ways to get information." Steve admitted. "he might be dead, but there are still things he can tell us." he admitted, heading out the door, Phil looking baffled. what was Steve on about? he looked at Clint and followed Steve who was now in the process of examining the dead body for anything. he found it. "Hydra." he informed them. pointing to a mark on the soul of the man's food. a Tattoo, the Hydra skull and tentacles. "and a few notes. his cellphone is likely to supply some information when Tony get's his hands on it. lets see.... ah. here we go. mother-load." he stated, holding up a USB Drive. "how much you wanna bet this is full if stolen information? our, information?"
Clint snickered. “They really aren’t. And we might consider sending nat back up here, though maybe not....might consider moving things back to the tower if tony doesn’t care...safer.”Clint muttered frowning slightly as he stared at steve, wondering what they could find. Startling as he saw the tattoo. “That’s dedication right there.”He muttered before smirking at the USB drive. “no bet. I guarantee it has info on it.” “...I got all her stuff.”Tony said walking in carrying a few duffel bags, looking calmer now.
"I believe we can leave Mr. Järvinen in charge." Steve admitted. "he seams to have a good handle on things, but from now on everything here is locked down. no strangers in, no strangers out. they must be in the system before they are allowed in. facial and fingerprint recognition. clearly security here isn't strong enough." Steve admitted, Alek muttering that he'd been wanting that for months now but none of the higher ups would approve and Fury hadn't been around. "well we don't need 'the higher ups' approval. this is Avengers Base, NOT Shield and they can kiss my lily white ass... what? i can't swear?" ".....Tony is such a bad influence on you." Phil admitted, looking amused. "you are correct of course. from now on Mr. Järvinen any complaints or requests you have will be sent directly to the Avengers." Alek looked quite pleased by that. he knew the Avengers would actually consider the request instead of turning him down before he even got a chance to open his mouth. "most of the True Believers have marked themselves in some manner." Steve admitted, looking up at Tony and smiling at him. "she'll like having her things." he admitted before blinking when Phil's phone went off. "Ah! it's Thor. excellent." Phil said, flicking the phone open and answering, assuring Thor it had all been worked out and approved and Steve's eyes narrowed suspiciously and he glanced at Tony. "that man is NOT bringing down a pet Bilgesnipe. i refuse."
Clint eyed the man with them before nodding. “Yes, it does look like he has a handle on things...”he said before frowning. “You should have said something to us. I hadn’t realized you wanted to improve things....never really considered it really.”Clint frowned slightly as he considered Alek, looking a little sick that they hadn’t considered it not secure enough. And knowing if they’d simply given in and asked tony earlier, this might not have happened. Tony had a serious paranoia that went deep, he would have everything on lockdown. Before snickering at steve’s words. “Not sure it’s tony’s influence. I’ve seen videos of Barnes, man cusses like a sailor on shore leave.”Clint pointed out. “Good. I’ll have to get her more things, if needed. I want her comfortable. Hopefully she likes her rooms at the tower.”Tony beamed pleased at steve’s promise she’d be glad. “Hm?”Tony said looking up at phil’s phone before grinning at steve. “I promise, it’s not a bilgesnipe. Something better....or maybe worse. Matters how you feel about me having access to magic.”
Alek flushed a little and shrugged. "we where informed to never bother you." he admitted. "Fury didn't want the recruits or the higher ups pissing with your time on stupid stuff that wasn't ours to have to handle. normally he'd be right, most of the stuff i have issue with is Shield jurisdiction. i just never thought about going to you after that. figured you just, wanted Fury to handle things." he admitted. "oh, i don't think it's Barnes." Phil admitted with a smirk. "i think it's Sam." "it's totally Sam's fault." Steve agreed with a wicked grin before he smiled at Tony. "i'm sure she will. she's never had her own room before though so don't feel bad if she doesn't sleep there. she usually snuggles up to someone at night, she doesn't like to be alone." he admitted. "she'll likely stick to crawling into bed with Natasha though." he admitted before going very still. "Tony. right now, the only reason why i'm not screaming is because i trust you... why the fuck is Loki coming with Thor to the Tower?" "because Loki was not in control of his actions." Phil said, snapping his phone shut. "because of a mental imbalance already in place in Loki's... uh, brain, the Tesseract was able to take him over as soon as he saw it. it used him to do the things he did and the events have left him completely... he's harmless but he's well and truly insane and the Asgardians have neither the medical knowledge nor the inclination to help him. he was innocent of ever doing anything wrong but they treat him as a monster because he can turn blue." Phil admitted. "I agreed to Thor's request to bringing Loki to earth for treatment and i had hoped Tony would agree to shelter him. he did. i never realized the Avengers where moving back into the Tower or i would have informed all of you." "...okay then. good thing we have Sam and Bruce. we better get back before Thor and Loki get there and the others freak out. we'll pick up James and leave this dead asshole for Alek to clean up." "Be my pleasure. might borrow the body though, my boys could use a lesson on dissection." Alek admitted.
“...Damn. I’m going to have words with Fury over this. Security and such should have been something for the avengers to be concerned with. Even if we didn’t need to be involved in everything, if you need something, and the idiots on high are being assholes about it, ask us. From now on.”Clint said tilting his head a little before snorting. “I can totally see it being sam’s fault.”Clint agreed.. “...oh. Well. Okay. As long as she’ll tell me if she wants something else in the rooms. Nat didn’t let me get everything I wanted to. So she’ll have to tell me.”Tony said relaxing with the knowledge wanda would be okay with her rooms before sghing. “I know...sorry. Should have been nicer about breaking the news.”Tony winced a little before sighing a little. “Besides. Except for the whole throwing out the window thing, me and loki sorta sound like each other. Did you ever notice that?Sorta wanna keep him around like a pet.” “....you only want him around cause you want to figure out magic.” “It’s not magic!It’s just technology I don’t understand yet!James. We’re leaving!”Tony said heading off towards the jet in a huffy strop, definitely annoyed with the existence of magic. “....oh. This is going to be interesting.”Clint muttered before snickering. “Go for it. Everyone can use a dissection lesson....and if you need anything else. Don’t hesitate to call the tower.”Clint said before following tony out.
"i don't think Fury is aware."Alek admitted. "i haven't seen him in months." he admitted. "i think something big happened. some guy broke in a few months ago that could shrink and totally kicked Falcons ass...."Steve burst into laughter at that. "and ever since then anytime we see him he's totally pissed." Alek admitted. "didn't seam the smart thing to do to bother him." "someone broke in here?" "yeah, all they did was take some old tech though." Alek admitted. "and it was proven later that..." here he made a choked sound that Steve recognized as the man trying very hard not to laugh. "'Ant man' used it later to save some lives because some Dr. Pim didn't want Mr. Stark to have his shrinking suit." Steve rolled his eyes. "why on earth would Tony steal someone elses tech?" "dunno. but Pim is old and the previous Shield betrayed him so i think he's still stinging about that." Alek admitted. "it's probobly a good thing Nat didn't let you get everything. poor Wanda cried because we baked her a cake. she's never gotten anything before. everything she owns she had to fight to get." he admitted. "she'll probobly cry when she sees all the nice things you got for her." he warned Tony. "so you might want to let Nat take her. i know how you get around crying girls."

"Well... you and Loki are pretty similar. well, maybe not so much anymore if Loki's off his nut, but... i think it would be okay to have him around so long as he's not dangerous." Steve admitted. "Thor has assured me that he is not. not even to 'frailer humans'. from what i understand Loki is extremely compliant and non reactive. he doesn't... notice people, though he will let them guide him around so long as they don't actually touch him. he seams to get upset with contact." Phil admitted. "so... at the moment he.. kind of is like a pet." Phil admitted, looking sheepish when Steve scowled at him. "people aren't pets Phil. he's a hurting man who needs a lot of help." he said simply before pondering. "although, there are people who are like pets? in pretend i think. i read something about it." "ah... int he bedroom right?" "yeah. i didn't understand most of it, but it's consensual i guess. i don't think Loki can consent though can he?" "no. i doubt it." Phil admitted, smiling when James walked over. "i will... i don't have a number..." "it will be forwarded to you." Phil informed the man.
“....Ant man?”Clitn said choking on laughter, because even if Natasha had told him about it, he couldn’t believe someone was going by that name. That was just amusing. Snickering quietly as he frowned. “Cause Pym worked with my father, and the original Shield workers. Sorta was a huge fuss over it when he left, apparently they had tried to take it from him.”Toyn said shrugging a little.”Not the first time someone didn’t want to be near me cause of my father.”Tony shrugged a little before frowning a little. “....oh. Well. Okay. Maybe it is a good thing....I have to go with her. But I’ll natasha go with me.”Tony decided.

“...yea, it’ll be okay.”Tony agreed thinking that over before grinning. “Just think, it’ll be good for you guys to. I can talk at loki when I’m feeling the need to babble and you guys wont have to listen.”Tony snickered a little before pausing, staring at steve. Raising a eyebrow. “What in the world were you reading?”He asked curious as he settled into the plane, absently playing with james’ hair when the man sat next to him. Closing his eyes, settling in to get some sleep before they got back. He had a feeling none of them would be sleepign for awhile once loki got there.
"Yeah. Ant Man. it's hilarious." Alek admitted with a snicker. "and this... ant man, kicked Falcon's ass did he?" "yes. yes he did." Alek admitted with another snicker and Steve laughed. "oh he is never living this down." Steve admitted with delight. "ah. well... Pym is probobly old enough that he's too set in his ways. maybe this 'Ant Man' will be a little more open minded." he mused before smiling a little. "alright, just try really hard not to freak out okay?" he asked Tony with a smile. "Well, i like listening to you babble." Steve admitted. "i never understand any of it, but it's cute." he admitted with a smile. "and i think having Loki around could be good for James too maybe?" he mused before shrugging. "i learned about this thing called the 'Don't ask Don't tell' and i found out what Gay was." he explained. "Gay wasn't used to explain homosexuality back then." he admitted. "or if it was i didn't know it." he admitted. "i looked up that next, homosexuality i mean, i didn't realize that it was... you know. okay." he admitted. "so i kept looking into it and somehow Homosexuality turned into this thing called Safe Sane and Consensual Knk and Fetish and i'm still not sure what those are, though i get the Safe Sane and Consensual part." he admitted, watching Tony play with James hair, smiling a little. he was trying to ease his way into telling the people he cared about, it was harder than he thought it would be.

while Tony was sleeping Loki and Thor appeared. silently. completely silently and neither made a noise. Phil had, in that time, warned the rest of the Avengers so when Thor walked in the front door with Loki, no one raised a fuss. Natasha just led Thor to his new rooms so Thor and Loki could get some rest. and when Tony got up Loki was sitting at the Kitchen Table with Thor fussing over him and Natasha was talking to a young man who looked very uncomfortable in a suit that didn't fit quite right. "Tony." Natasha said, looking very amused. "this is Peter Parker. Pepper sent him to be your new Intern slash Secretary slash babysitter." Natasha admitted, Peter offering Tony a shy, rather nervous smile. "it's an honor to meet you Sir. i'll do my best." he promised, glancing at Loki who was staring off into space. he hadn't stopped, though occasionally he would shift his eyes from one empty space to another if someone blocked his vision. it was... creepy. "Loki. eat.." Thor ordered, gently tilting Loki's head down, ignoring the short sound of protest that came from the godlings throat. once Loki realized there was food in front of him though, he began to slowly nibble on it, making Thor sigh.
“That’s awesome. He’s never gonna hear the end of it.”Tony agreed before snickering. “Like you, old man?”Tony teased smirking at steve, before nodding. “I can not freak out you know. I’m in perfect and amazing control.”Tony said ignoring clint’s snicker at that. “...Maybe. I mean, they’re both quiet and sorta working on recovering.”Tony said looking thoughtful before snickering at steve’s words. “Well, lots of words are different now. Like Boner.”he teased before snorting. “Google does that. Gives you alot of things to think about.”he teased sighing as he relaxed, content to simply be touching james, and ignoring the spike of arousal that was still making him a little sick to consider. He just wanted to take care of james, he didn’t want to sleep with him. He didn’t. He wasn’t a abuser. He was so twisting himself up over it.

“....Morning.”Tony muttered blinking sleepily, looking around the kitchen, frowning at the kid as he shuffled over towards the coffee maker. Before pausing, turning to look at peter before making a little flailign motion.”Natasha!I already have a keeper. Two-no three keepers!I don’t need another one. Isn’t you, Barnes, and Rogers more then enough to babysit me?”Tony whined looking upset and fidgety before pointing at the coffee machine. “Good to meet you to. Now get me coffee, minion.”He ordered throwing himself into a chair with a long suffering sigh. he was such a drama queen.
Steve snorted. "i'm ninety Tony. that's not nearly old enough." he admitted with a chuckle before smirking at Tony. "i'm so sure." he agreed, shaking his head. "wait... Boner doesn't mean a mess up anymore?" he asked, looking baffled. "what does it mean then?" he asked, looking confused when Phil leaned in and whispered in his ear and Steve went a little red. "....well that would explain why Pepper almost died when i asked her to help me with my boner..." he mumbled. "oops..." he mumbled before smiling again as he watched James settle at Tony's feet with his head on the others leg, simply soaking up the attention.

"Ah. Peter isn't our caretaker, he's here to help with paperwork and stuff." "i'm here to make your life easier." Peter explained. "and to learn whatever you care to teach me." he admitted. "and according to Ms. Potts, the cute murderer isn't a good minder because he needs a minder of his own, Natasha would encourage you to do terrible things and Steve is a soft hearted idiot who doesn't know any better... she said it, not me!" he protested when Natasha and Sam stared at him before he offered Tony another shy smile. "of course Mr. Stark." he agreed, pouring the other a hot cup and headed over to the other, everyone still staring at him because most people found Tony acting like this to be very grating and insulting. especially those who didn't know him. this boy was just, accepting it. "Anything else Mr. Stark?" Peter asked, and Steve realized the boy was amused! "I Like this one!" Thor informed them, his voice was quite though which was unusual for the normally very exuberant Thor. Steve suspected it was because Loki didn't like it when Thor was loud.
“Yes it is.”Tony snickered before laughing, nearly choking he was laughing so hard. “yes, yes that would explain it.”he said giggling himself to sleep.

“....oh!good. I don’t like paperwork, someone else should totally in charge of it.”Tony said nearly wiggling in place in excitement at the idea of not having to force his dyslexic self to read paperwork. It was extremely hard for him, and even more frustrating because when he got frustrated with it, the worse extremis acted up. “.....She called him a cute murderer?”Tony said eyeing James before snorting. “Steve does let me get away with stuff. Awesome amazing stuff no one else woudl let me go.”Tony snickered a little. Grinning pleased when he took his coffee, smirking as he sipped it. “Not yet, minion. I’m thinking on what I’m doing today. Give me a minute to wake up.”Tony ordered before looking at natasha. “Is wanda up for a small visit?I want to show her her rooms, if you think she could handle it. If not, I have stuff in the lab to do.”tony offered, not wanting to pressure either woman into spending time with him,
Peter smiled. "that is Ms. Pott's opinion as well. i think she's tired of getting mathematical equations instead of paperwork." he admitted before flushing a little. "well...she actually called him 'The super hot assassin beefcake of doom' but she also said if i told you that she would make my life miserable." he admitted before smiling. "i figure it would be rather hard for her to do so while i'm working for you." he admitted with a chuckle. "i'm sure i won't be able to stop you if Captain America said it was okay." James admitted with a grin and a shrug before smiling as he was called a minion. "i don't know..." Natasha admitted, looking worried. "she cried herself to sleep last night, about three in the morning and she's still asleep." Natasha admitted. "i don't think she's ready to see all the things you got her... tomorrow okay?" Natasha asked Tony. "i love my room by the way. very well done." Natasha admitted with a smile. "you made a room for Loki too right? maybe you could take Loki to see his room instead?" she offered, Thor looking curious. "you made a room for Loki?" he asked, sounding very touched. Phil had helped Tony design it. Phil who had spoken to Thor about Loki so much he knew, at least a little bit, about what would get reactions out of Loki. bright colors, so long as it wasn't blue. he liked to watch things too, butterflies especially so there was a screen with nothing but a butterfly garden shown and there where soft bright pillows everywhere and a lab where Loki could do anything he wanted and of course, Tony's additions. Phil had told Tony to 'go wild'. Loki desperately needed some spoiling and he wouldn't react like a human would anyway. Thor and Loki where always happy to have anything Tony gave them and didn't get uncomfortable when he went overboard so Thor and Loki's rooms Tony had been able to do as he pleased. though, Thor admitted he wasn't sure he'd be able to eat all those pop tarts before they started going bad. he was overjoyed to learn that pop tarts didn't go 'bad' for like, years.
"I'm sure she is. I gave her the Mathematical estate of how much sex I could have at a given time last time she made me do something. She's probably tired of me."Tony said looking quite pleased with himself before laughing."beefcake of doom.I like it. Though I was thinking soviet murdering barbie.....his sulk could frozen and used as weapons."Tony grinned before frowning thinking that over."okay tomorrow...and thanks. It was fun getting the rooms ready."Tony said happily at having the others be pleased with their rooms, glad he hadn't messed natasas up before frowning a little at thor."of course I did. Why wouldn't i?you're staying right?you brought the magic man here to stay. Cause I totally have questions for him, even if he doesn't answer me."Tony said looking amused."come on I'll show you."Tony grinned happily as he nearly danced into the sharedsuite, happily pointing out everything he thought was important. Definitely pleased as he showed off everything he'd added, and how many bright and colorful insane toys and tech he'd shoved into the room. He really had gone wild.
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