Handle Me (Marvel) Lady-Fox

“are not.”Tony huffed a little. “And you left me!And didn’t want help. You need punished....but....okay. Maybe a little bit of science.” “Such a softy.”Jemma etased looking amused at tony’s giving in, before shaking her head. Amused he was so serious about his coffee. “What?Of course I’m functioning. Look what you did Steve, upsetting James.”Tony huffed looking annoyed and huffy, the sparking from the heart monitor hooked up to bruce smoking slightly as extremis lashed out in response to his distress as he headed for the door.
"I didn't leave! Hulk did! i tried to argue with him but it's like arguing with a brick wall! your the closest thing to family I've ever had, why the hell would i leave?" Bruce asked, sulking. "Hulk didn't like the idea of 'puny humans' helping. the little dickhead. i happen to be one of those puny humans he was talking about." he grumbled before smiling at Tony. "i think he's learned his lesson though." Bruce admitted before giving Tony a sharp look when Steve looked way too crestfallen. not just because he's upset James but because Tony was still pushing him away. how was Tony so damn blind? honestly?! "Go Away." James growled, tense and unhappy. "Your making my Handler nonfunctional, go away." he growled, Steve holding his hands up and carefully getting out of the chair he'd been sitting in and backed for the door, not about to upset James any further, especially when he actually had the balls to snarl at Natasha who looked very unimpressed. thankfully James didn't seam to think Bruce or Jemma where a threat because he ignored them. Steve's sharp eyes noted the flash and smoke of the monitor and Bruce just yelped because he thought it was his fault. Gamma radiation did strange things sometimes.
“....”Tony shrugged a little, “Everyone left after I retired.”He muttered though he understood that it was part of his own doing that they’d all left, it had still upset him badly to be left alone, when he thought they were all angry with him for ultron. “Good. He better have learned the lesson. You’re not allowed leaving.”He grumbled before making a face at bruce at the look. “What?I’m serious. I’m fine.”Tony growled waving a hand at steve as he darted out the door. “You promised you’re staying!”He said as he headed for his own lab. “....is this normal behavior for him?I mean, trying to get away but still demanding you stay?”Jemma asked, concern on her face as she moved over to inspect the monitor, frowning slightly.
"We left, because you told us to." Steve said softly. "we left because you said you didn't want us anymore. we where annoying and too nosy and you didn't like it. that's what you told us." Steve said, looking quite hurt, Bruce grimacing because he realized Hulk's selfish decision to go off on his own had resulted in the biggest damn misunderstanding between Tony and Steve yet. "i'm not leaving, i'm just getting out of the room before he uses those scissors to gut me." Steve admitted, indicating the medical scissors in James hand. Natasha was already out the door, nose in the air in a strop because James was kicking her out. "yeah. pretty normal." Bruce admitted with a sigh. "it's because of his old man mostly. that and the few people Ton loved and trusted. Obi tried to kill him and was apparently Hydra and had Tony's parents murdered. James Rhodes abandoned Tony, Stole his suit and then took his place on the Avengers. Happy is now dating pepper. Pepper left Tony to be with Happy... he's used to being abandoned and seams to think if he does the leaving first it will hurt less, but he's desperate for affection so he just invites the abuse he knows is coming right back in." he admitted, watching James obediently follow Tony. "i think James is going to be good for him." he admitted with a smile. "i hope so anyway."
“...Well, you guys didn’t want me either!I figured you should just go and not have to deal with the ultron creator, and mass murderer and all that fun horrid stuff I do.”tony said looking equally hurt. Having taken the criticism and fighting about ultron definitely more personally then anyone had ever meant it to be. “Ah...”Jemma muttered watching James. Nervous but not reating, willing to see what he’d do before sighing softly. “Damn... Well. Maybe phil will be able to help. He fusses over Tony alot.”Jemma said frowning a little before frowning harder. “...So he doesn’t understand that he’s just making this worse?”She winced, worried about the man before nodding slowly. “Yes...I think he will be.”

Later tony frowned, looking up from his work, looking over the finished arm, before looking at james. “You feeling well enough to put this back on, or do we need to let the area heal more?”He said looking at the other’s shoulder, fidgety and upset still, and ignoring the eletronical things he’d managed to burn out in the last few hours as extremis burned things. He was definitely startign to lose more control.
"Tony. for fucks sake. we don't blame you for Ultron!" Steve snapped right back. "you re not a murderer, you are not a monster and if you keep saying things like that about yourself i'm going to smack you!" Steve growled, wincing when James outright snarled at the threat and moved to attack Steve before remembering the no hurting others rule and stopped himself and settled for glaring at Steve. "i'm sure Phil will be a great help." Steve agreed with a sigh. "no offense or anything but Tony is kind of Phil's favorite." he admitted with a smile. "no. Tony's childhood was full of not being seen, not being heard and not being useless. he spent most of his childhood in a lab handing things to Howard and being with the overly religious nanny. he didn't have any socialization at all." he admitted with a shake of his head. "that's part of why he comes across the way he does. because he doesn't know any better."

James was dozing on the large fluffy armchair in the lab when Tony spoke, but he snapped straight to attention and blinked at Tony, not certain of the question. "physical condition is optimal." James finally reported once he understood what Tony wanted before glaring as Phil knocked on the door and poked her head in. "Tony?" he asked, looking around. "can i come in? i was hoping you'd look at something for me?" he asked, looking quite worried about something. "just... don't get mad at me okay?" he ordered, moving into the room and with a crunching noise, removed his gloved hand and set it on the table. something which got James attention. "Asset?" he asked Phil, wondering if he was an Ex-Hydra machine too? "No. i'm not an Asset. sorry." James didn't look too disappointed. "can you make me a new one? this one is shit." Phil admitted with a sigh.
“Oh no. No offense taken. We’re all aware that Tony is the favorite. I mean, he does offer to taze tony and watch supernanny with him. Though I’m not sure if phil means that as a threat or a endearing bonding time.”Jemma snickered a little before sighing softly. Staring at the door after tony left. It was painful to see someone like that. “That’s....horrible. Really. But it does explain some things.”

“”Oh. Good. Okay.”Tony grinned a little moving to put the arm back on, studying it carefully. Knowing he had to be careful, and definitely knowing that he’d have to have bruce look at this. “Hm?”Tony looked up, looking at the other, before frowning. Worried at the noise. “Okay...no anger here...”he said staring before eyes widened as he stared. “What? How did-what?You didn’t tell me this before?!”he sputtered making a annoyed genius sound at the low quality tech. “It is definitely shit!”
Bruce chuckled. "with Phil, it's impossible to tell." he admitted, shaking his head and smiled a little. "yeah. it's fairly aweful." he agreed. "especially when we first moved in and none of us had any idea." he admitted before yawning. "sorry... tired... gonna nap."

James watched Tony putting the arm on him and tilted his head. nothing ached, it didn't hurt, there was a slight pressure but it wasn't unpleasant. it was the best arm he'd ever had! "Yeah. no anger." Phil ordered before chuckling. "i wanted to tell you first and i wanted it to be in person. aside from the people i work with, your the first to know. i haven't even told Clint or Natasha yet." he admitted, ignoring James small growl and settled into the chair across from Tony with a groan. "i missed my chair. hello chair." Phil mumbled, going nearly boneless as he had when he was 'babysitting' Tony. "of course it's shit. it's based off of Hydra Tech but Fitz couldn't do it on his own." he admitted. "he doesn't do biology or anatomy." he admitted. "he and Simmons did their best but they are not gifted in prosthetic. i figure if you can make a suit, you could manage a hand right?"
“Very true.”Jemma said snickering a little before nodding. “Go to sleep. Rest.”Jemma smiled settling in to watch over him.

“That’s just horrible. If I had known, I could have had a hand ready for you. As it is, you’re gonna have to wait for a bit. You should be glad I just finished designing James’ hand, it wont be that hard to just make the hand.”Tony hummed a little, perking up.”Oh. Good. I like knowing things no one else knows.”he said pleased to be the first to know before snickering. “It’s a good chair yes?Though, Stevie tried to claim it. Told him he couldn’t.”He said before grumbling at the idea of him having such a sucky hand even as he started working on a new one. Tugging a spare iron man gauntlet over, instead of doing a whole new one, he was improvising and repurposing a hand. “I’m more the capable of designing a hand. I made a arc reactor in a cave, with spare parts. Destroyed ultron’s murder machine with Friday, you know. This is gonna be easy. “
he nodded. "i know. but i wanted to tell you in person so you could see for yourself i was fine. i knew you'd fuss relentlessly otherwise." he admitted, smiling at Tony. "thanks for doing this for me, i know your probobly busy with stuff." he admitted before chuckling. "i love this damn chair... would you kindly stop hovering? your making me nervous." Phil informed James who hesitated and then backed up to his own chair, deciding Phil was safe enough. "well. i might have allowed him to borrow it. he is Captain America.... but only for an hour. this is MY chair." Phil mumbled, rather half asleep. he had spent hours in this chair before, doing paperwork while Tony worked on various things. "i'm sorry about Ultron Tony." Phil admitted, watching Tony. "I think it would have worked you know, if the Mind Crystal hadn't corrupted the system." he admitted. "if Jarvis had been the mind behind the system i thin it would have worked perfectly." he admitted before smiling at Tony. "how have you been feeling?" he asked, looking concerned at Tony. "seriously... your sick again, aren't you?"
“Ah. Well. Okay. Maybe you’re right about that.”Tony said making a face, before smiling a little. “Not that busy. Just finished with James’ arm. And haven’t started Natasha’s new toys yet. Or any of the avengers toys yet. They’re angry with me, so I have to make something epic, that takes planning. Haven’t decided what yet.”tony muttered looking intent as he worked, glancing up at james. “He’s okay. Promise. He wont hurt me. Relax, Jamie.”Tony soothed softly, before going back to work, rolling his eyes. “I’m surprised you have propositioned him yet, considering your fanboyness yet.”Tony said smirking, amused as phil napped. “Yea, well. Me to. Ultron wasn’t supposed to be....ultron.”He twitched a little. “I think not. Definitely to much me in there to be a good thing. Don’t worry, I’m stopping with Vision. That’s the only robot who’s getting a body.”He said rolling his eyes a little, before shrugging a little. “Alone. Not to bad. About normal. And why does everyone keep thinking I’m sick? I’m so not sick.”At least, not in a way that normal people would call sick.
"I am always right." he admitted before smiling at Tony. "Tony your you, even if your not actively working on something your mind is." he admitted. "your always busy." he admitted with a smile before shaking his head. "Tony. why would you think the Avengers are mad at you?" he asked, looking baffled. "They Left." James reported, deciding that Phil was Tony's S.O. "They Abandoned him." "Ah... yeah i can see why you would think they're mad at you. you know what i think they'd like?" Phil asked with a smile. "they're own rooms. they're all still living int he guest quarters aren't they? maybe they think you don't want them here?" he mused, he knew the truth of course, but he also knew Tony wouldn't get it unless he put it in a perspective that Tony would actually understand. Tony didn't realize he was pushing people away, but he knew Tony could understand not realizing you where welcome. Tony would understand the Avengers might have thought Tony didn't want them around if they didn't have a permanent place to stay there. this would help Tony realize the Avengers weren't actually mad at him. "as i recall, you never intended for Ultron to hav a body at all. according to the reports Bruce filed, he made it himself." he tilted his head. "i'm sorry Tony but there wasn't any of you in that being. according to the reports... Thor actually went and spoke to Loki about it. Loki reported that the Mind Gem retains personality traits from the minds of those it took over. it had a bit of Clint, a bit of various Shield agents... and a bit of Loki." he admitted. "and of course there's a bit of the ones who where supposedly in control of the Gem too, meaning The Mad God... Thor couldn't get a real name out f Loki, apparently even giving a title took hours. something about that one terrified even Loki." he admitted. "Ultron was a creation of millions of minds that where raped. of course he was fucked up." he admitted. "he was created to protect humanity. clearly he thought the only way to do that was to protect them from themselves, ultimately by culling them all. culling us all." he admitted before smiling a little. "i think Jarvis could be okay with a body." he admitted, blinking when Jarvis politely declined the offer. saying he had enough stimulation just speaking to Vision. he didn't want a body of his own, thanks. he carefully ignored how tense James went at the sound of the voice, but he was starting to understand that Jarvis really wasn't going to be mean. "as for propositioning Steve i think Clint would have issues with that. besides, i'm into the Scene and i don't think Steve's anywhere ready for that." Phil admitted with a chuckle. "Tony.... please." Phil said, looking pained. "look me in the eyes and say that. something is wrong, i know it is and it hurts that you won't trust me..." he shook his head. "you have an STD don't you? you contracted Aids from Pepper right?" he asked, looking well on his way to freaking out. "maybe cancer? you have prostate cancer and that's why you've been celibate for way, way too long?"
“Ah. True. Though I’m currently considering how to con the good captain into cooking for me.”Tony muttered before ducking his head, shrugging a little as he worked. “They didn’t come back after I rebuilt the tower.”He said adding onto james’ answer. Before startling. Frowning a little. “....Oh. I didn’t...they had rooms before....I didn’t know they’d want them back.”Tony said hesitating, wondering if he’d fucked up because he hadn’t thought they’d want to come back. Nodding a little. “okay. Yes. I’ll do that. You can have rooms. I can totally make rooms.”Tony said sounding pleased with the thought before making a face. “I hadn’t. Though I might have made one eventually...and really?”Tony said eyeing phil, trying to decide if he was just saying that to make him feel better before paling slightly. “Now that’s worrying. Something to terrify loki.”He muttered shivering a little. Relaxing, accepting a little that maybe ultron wasn’t completely his fault. “He doesn’t want one. Already asked.”Tony said snickering a little as jarvis answered to. Smiling pleased as james didn’t have a violent reaction to jarvis. It was getting better. “Hawkass might have a problem with that. But considering he’s as much of a fanboy....maybe not.”Tony teased a little before looking at the other, staring. Looking so shocked and stunned at the list of problems he looked at a loss on how to answer right away, even with the light coloring of extremis starting to light his skin as it responded to the attack, even if it was just a verbal prodding rather then a physical one. Wincing at the iron man gauntlet reacting as he accidently fried the circuits, he huffed slightly. “Of course not. And I’ve not been celibate for to long. You’ve been celibate for to long. And okay....maybe I’m not feeling well. But I got it handled. Really.”
Phil smirked a little. "Have you tried just saying your hungry or asking him to make something?" he asked. "you might not realize if but Steve likes to take care of people." he admitted. "cooking food for you would probobly make him happy." he admitted. "They didn't come back, because you didn't invite them." Phil stated. "they didn't want to intrude. they're freekily polite like that." he admitted with a snort. "Did they have rooms before Tony? or just rooms that you gave them?" he asked, his head tilted. "there's a difference you know." he admitted with a smile. "make rooms tailored to them, not how you think they should be. give Steve a personal gym, some art supplies and a lot of books and he'll be very content. throw in a super snuggly bed and armchair and he'll never want to leave. Clint, for example, loves to watch TV and play video games. give him a huge TV a couple of consoles and i'll give you a list of Games. throw in a snack bar, a couch and several chairs so he can invite people in for games and he's happy. toss in Netflix and he's even happier." he admitted. "Clint loves being with other people, so set up a communal area too, maybe suggest a movie night or games night, Steve would enjoy a games night." Phil suggested. "it might help James too." he admitted. "and i know Fitz could do with some proper socialization."

"Had Ultron been the psychopath in the computers he was when he had a body i'm pretty sure you would have humanly euthanized him." Phil admitted, shaking his head. "as it is, the first thing Ultron did was murder Jarvis." he admitted. "so that you would never realize he was doing anything. and yes, really." Phil admitted. "turns out, Loki wasn't entirly in control of his own actions during the invasion. it's why he gave up so easily. he's residing in what amounts to an insane asylum for dangerous people. Asgardian Version. he's getting the help he needs, which is, apparently, a lot. Sif reported that Loki has a previously undiscovered psychological disorder, not to mention finding out you where adopted, discovering you where the equivalent of the boogeyman and your entire life was a lie probobly didn't help anything." Phil admitted, shaking his head. "and of course the whole mind taken over and falling into a gaping abyss. mans a complete wreck. for a while there he couldn't even string two words together, or so i've heard."

"well. okay, your right. Clint wouldn't argue a single night, but can you really see Steve Rogers being okay with me ordering Clint to kneel and worship my balls with his tongue?" he asked, lifting an eyebrow. "or be okay with me smacking the shit out of him while calling him 'good pet'? i don't think that would go over too well. especially not if i use the bondage and the blindfold." he admitted before sighing, relaxing. "thank god. those where the worst i could think of." he admitted. "i thought it had to be really bad if you where keeping it a secrete instead of playing it off like you usually do... you promise your going to be okay? i worry about you Tony. your like the Son i never got to have." between being gay and bing sterile because of... certain experiments done on him when he was a child, Phil would never have progeny of his own. though he was totally starting to slightly hint at adoption to Clint.
“...No. I mean, he would do it if I just asked?I usually have to order out to get food....”Tony frowned a little. “They’d already been living here. I don’t know why they thought I wouldn’t want them to visit.”Tony said, sounding quite confused before frowning. “They had whole apartment suites. Stuff for themselves.....you think they’d like rooms personalized for them?”He questioned, looking hesitant about invading his friends privacy enough to do that. While he had given them rooms, he hadn’t thought they’d want him to decorate and help make the rooms personal for him, so he’d simply left them decorated how pepper had set up the guest rooms. So, they needed personal things? Okay. He could do that. “...I can do that. I’ll totally do that.”he said sounding pleased with the ideas.

“Most definitely. I would have even had a funeral and everything.”Tony snorted a little before considering that. Wincing a little at the mention of loki, but hopefully the man was getting the help he needed. “Well. At least they’re getting him the help he needs.”Tony said smiling slightly, not about to mention his desire to meet the man, because well, he was fairly certain someone would have a problem with him wanting to play mad scientist with the magic man.

“....Okay. No. I really can’t see Cap being okay with that.”Tony said making a face. “And while we’re on that topic, thanks for that. To much about your sex life, Agent.”Tony said shuddering a little. “I have been totally playing this off. You people are the ones who keep talking about it.”tony grumbled as he worked, staring down at the hand he was working on. “....I...I think I’m gonna be okay. I got it under control though. I promise that. I wont hurt anyone else.”Tony said swallowing hard.
Phil nodded. "i know. i've already taken the liberty of sending someone out to get enough food to fed an army. your fridge was fairly barren." he admitted. "we'll soon have more than enough food to feed everyone." he promised with a smile. "have you considered asking James to feed you?" he asked, his head tilted, James perking up at the suggestion he might be allowed to cook for his precious handler some more. "Because people are stupid Tony and you're hard to understand sometimes." Phil admitted. "they took your complete lack of ever being seen and the lack of anything personal in their rooms to mean you didn't really want them in your space. instead of you trying not to invade theirs." he admitted with a shrug. "it was a major miscommunication, one that we can fix." he promised Tony. "good! it will be done then. i'll help you." he promised with a smile. "to keep you from going overboard." he promised with a smile.

"i would totally have come and helped you mourn." Phil agreed, nodding seriously. he knew how attached Tony could get to the things he had created. even the ones that didn't think on their own. "well. i don't know that he's getting all the help he could. from what i understand Asgard isn't very... capable, with mental disabilities. they do their best to make their patients comfortable and happy but they can't do much to actually help." Phil admitted. "we probobly won't see a Sane Loki ever again, but... i suppose he's enjoying himself. they actually set him up in a lab. he's very happy." he admitted before chuckling a little. "yeah, Cap would not be very happy with us. and you've heard worse from me." he reminded the other. "as i recall you got a play by play one night when we got drunk and we ended up rubbing off on each other.... Clint was pissed for a month because Jarvis refused to share the video with him. he belted my ass pretty good for it too, the little bitch." he complained with a pout before watching Tony intently and nodding. "okay. i believe you." he admitted before glancing at James. "you want me to take him with me? getting him to make dinner with Steve could go very well, or very badly." he admitted, his head tilted because he knew Tony was tired as hell and could use a nap, but wouldn't if he had to take care of James. "Might be a good idea if he had a second Handler in case you get sick or something." he admitted, watching Tony. "Steve maybe? so long as James doesn't try to gut him or something.... do you think he'd try to gut him?" he wondered, his head tilted. "Handler has indicated causing physical harm is undesirable." James informed Phil, looking very sulky at the order and Phil snorted.
“Good. Thanks. Take out gets boring sometimes.”Tony said making a face, before eyeing James. “Oh. No. I mean. He cooked breakfast from me and Nat yesterday....maybe he should cook for me.”Tony said looking pleased at the idea before waving a hand. “I am not hard!You guys just make things difficult.”Tony whined, even if he knew he was totally, utterly inept. “...Oh. I was working.”Tony said frowning, biting his lip. Considering what he was hearing. He was totally not good at this. “We’ll fix it. And awesome. And I don’t need help!Things are never to much. I can decorate!”

“we totally should have a funeral. It’d freak the others out, to watch me mourn Ultron.”Tony said with a slight giggle, before frowning. “......Wonder if we could convince Thor to bring him here. I mean. Humans are horrible people, but we could do mental care.”Tony said hedging around the reasons he was wanting loki anywhere near him, cause he totally needed a lab partner to talk to. “...I did. And that video is so going to be blackmail someday for Hawkass. I’m sure I’ll need to blackmail him into something eventually.”Tony said snickering a little before looking at james. “Yea. If you would. He likes cooking.”Tony said smiling a little, “Maybe....and no. He’s been told not to hurt anyone as long as I’m safe. No hurting Steve, James.”Tony said watching him. “”Go cook James. Then come find me when you’re done.”
Phil nodded. "it does get boring eating the same things over and over again." he agreed, shaking his head. "it seams like he's pretty interested in the idea." he admitted with a smile. "so that's something, right?" he asked, glancing at Tony before chuckling a little because James just watched them, like an excited puppy waiting for someone to throw a ball. "i know that, and logically they know that too. but Tony, even when you weren't working you didn't go and join them unless there was drinking involved or Pepper or Maria made you." he pointed out. "i know it was because crowds make you nervous but they didn't." he admitted with a shake of his head. "but they didn't know that. and Tony. i love you, but when you do things like this you tend to go too far and make people feel weird." he reminded. "there does need to be a moderation to this and your not very good at moderation." he pointed out.

"We can say Jarvis insisted." Phil agreed with a grin. "in a way, Jarvis was Ultron's father... mother? well, whichever. just think Tony, you and Jarvis had twins together." he teased with a snicker before he got that gleam in his eye that said Tony had just walked exactly where Phil had wanted him to go. "ow funny you should mention that! Thor had expressed an interest in bringing Loki here to recover away from the glares and sneers of the people of Asgard! i'll be sure to tell Thor you agreed to house Loki and i'll inform the others that Loki will be coming and why." Phil was such a little shit! he'd been leading Tony into making the offer the entire time! "Clint doesn't blackmail well. better phrase it more as a bribe." he suggested with a chuckle. "Yes Sir." James said, looking delighted at having an order and slipped away to go upstairs to cook and not hurt Steve, Phil chuckling. "he's kind of cute." he admitted with a smile before smiling at Tony. "your really good with him." he admitted with a smile.
“Yea he does look interested. We’ll leave cooking to the super soldiers then.”Tony hummed pleased with the idea, chuckling himself when he realized how james was watching them. That was just adorable. “well. They were being groupy and together and all.”Tony shrugged a little, fidgeting as he poked at the hand was working on, cause he knew phil was right. Crowds made him horribly nervous, so he’d avoided them and saw them as individuals when he could. “....I do not!I know what I’m doing. And I’m perfectly good at moderation. Don’t listen to pepper, pepper doesn’t know what she’s talking about.”Tony whined a little.

“We totally should....and Jarvis is totally the mother. I’m the father in this relationship. Of both Jarvis, Ultron and Vision....does that make Vision my grandson then?”Tony said looking way to thoughtful at the idea, before whining a little. “You wanted me to ask. Tricky, tricky agent.”Tony said not about to let the other know how much he had wanted loki to come here. If he did, well, they might change his mind about letting loki anywhere near him. “Fine. Fine, bring him here. I’ll set up a room for him to.”He huffed as if it really bothered him before smirking. “Bribing it is then.”He agreed nodding as he stretched. “he is cute. And I’m not that great. Steve would be better, but he’s stuck with me, so I’ll try.”Tony shrugged waving the other off. “Go supervise. I’m gonna get this hand done, and maybe nap.”
"i think that would be best. i can cook a great steak but not much else." Phil admitted with a chuckle before nodding. "they are exceptionally social people, likely because all of them are somewhat neglected in their lives." Phil admitted. "Natasha and Clint especially, Bruce too though Bruce mainly gets what he needs, socially speaking, from you." Phil admitted. "they need attention nd to b around people, Steve more than everyone. he needs to be with people or he gets mopey and sad." Phil admitted with a chuckle. "so they just cluster together because they all need the same thing. they don't realize that you need something different." he admitted before snorting. "Tony. i know from personal experience that you have no moderation. when i first admitted that i kind of thought you where nice, you went out and bought me fifty thousand dollars worth of Cap merchandise off of an auction site. that's way, way overboard." he admitted. "you can't do things like that with Steve and Clint and Natasha or they'll get scared." he explained. "they won't understand Tony because they don't think the way you think and that's fine. you just have to let someone help you and they communicate. okay?" he asked with a smile.

"Huh. you know, your right. Vision is more like Ultron and Jarvis's child... does that mean incest do you think?" he wondered, looking a bit weirded by the idea. which was really rather awesome because it meant he really thought of Jarvis and even Ultron, as real people. "i did want you to ask." Phil admitted with a chuckle. "Clint mentioned some things to me that got me thinking about it. then i spoke to Sif, and then Thor and all of them confirmed. Loki was out of his mind long before he ever invaded earth. Thor said the tesseract had taken hold of his mind from the second he laid eyes on it. something about the mental problems Loki already had making it too easy for the Tesseract to latch hold. the Doctors couldn't be totally sure, but they think he was half mad for years before Thor's coronation. it started when he was hitting puberty and has only been getting worse since then. now he's so bad the Asgardians don't think he'll make it another year before he goes completely unresponsive. he'd have to be hooked to life support then and he wouldn't last another two years on that. it would be a pretty miserable experience too from what i gather." only telling him this because he'd already agreed. he was a manipulator but even he had limits. "besides, i think being around someone as smart as him would do him some good." Phil admitted, grinning at Tony. "admit it. you wanna play with the magic man." he teased. "Steve wouldn't have the first cue what to do Tony. honestly. can you see Steve ordering James to do anything?" he asked. "James needs order, discipline and consistency. all things that you excel at. and that Steve, well... doesn't seam to be. he's a good leader, but James doesn't need a leader. he needs a Dom and your one of the best." he admitted before smiling at Tony. "that sounds like a good plan." he agreed. "i'll keep James busy while you get some rest." he promised. "he'll obey me for an hour or three simply because he seams to think i'm in charge of you." he admitted with a grin.
“I can’t even cook that. I’ve been forbidden from trying.”Tony sulked. Even without pepper there, he still followed the rules. Frowning a little as he considered that. “Makes sense....never considered it that way.”Tony muttered thinking about it, before shrugging a little. Before huffing. “You love that stuff! Admit it. If I’d just gotten one thing you would have been upset with me.”Tony whined a little squirming a little, cause he was well aware that he’d sorta gone overboard with that. Not that he’d ever admit to be aware of it. “....fine. Okay. You can help me communicate.”He agreed.

“....no!It totally is not incest. That’s creepy and weird and stop making it weird!”Tony whined making a face. “....Ah. Well. That sucks. Royally. We’ll see if we can figure out what’s going on with Loki.”Tony shrugged a little,looking thoughtful and having every intention of seeing if bruce could help them figure it out before whining. “I would never. I’d totally never wanna play with the magic man.”Tony was so not admitting that. “....Yes. Maybe. He has no problem ordering me to do things. Eat. Sleep. Shower. Stop working....”Tony made a face, shrugging a little. “Yea...I guess I’m okay with james...”Tony sighed a little before smirking. “You are totally the babysitter in charge. I mean, I don’t let anyone else threaten to taze me.”Tony said as he shuffled over towards the couch, and was asleep within minutes.

About two hours later Clint paused in the kitchen door, frowning a ltitle before moving over to phil, sitting down next to him as he signed the question of ‘have you seen tony?He’s not downstairs’, not voicing it outloud, not wanting to uspet the two super soldiers who were finishing the final touches on dinner.
Phil smirked a little. "that's probobly a good thing." he admitted. "your even worse than i am." he admitted before nodding. "you get most of the social needs met by talking to Jarvis." he admitted. "or, when your feeling particularly needy, Bruce, me and sometimes Steve. he admitted. "you don't need the kind of Social interaction they do, and that's just fine, so long as they understand that." he admitted with a smile. "i hadn't realized that they didn't understand." he admitted. "so i didn't think to prep them for it. or help you adjust either. i'm sorry for that." he admitted. "i was fine without anything. people can like you just because they hang out with you, you know." he admitted with a smile. "i know you don't understand that yet, that's okay." he admitted, making a mental note to warn his team and the Avengers both about Tony. clearly even after all this time the Avengers didn't understand Tony at all.

"i'm sure you and Bruce can help Loki better than any silly asgardian wanna be doctor." Phil agreed with a smile. "as soon as i can get a signal to Thor i'll let him know." he promised before chuckling a little. "that's because he's a leader and he wants you to be happy and healthy." he admitted with a smile. "he worries about you." he admitted. "i'm am th babysitter in charge." he agreed. "now get some rest before i actually taze you." he ordered, brushing Tony's hair back before heading upstairs to supervise James who kept shooting annoyed glances at Steve who was helping him cook. James didn't want help, e could take care of his handler on his own. stupid Target stupid orders. if he stabbed the red white and blue man he'd go away. he stopped glaring at Steve when Phil gave him a quelling glance and ordered James to never wake Tony up when he was sleeping unless it was an emergency. James felt the unusual urge to roll his eyes. as if he didn't already know that.

Phil blinked a little at Clint and then closed his eyes and took a deep breath and held it for a moment. the room tensed, aware that when Phil did that, shit was about to go down and the Tazer was probobly going to come out if someone annoyed him right now. for Clint it was all the answer he needed. it meant Phil did NOT know where Tony was and was mentally prepared to go haul him out of a dark cave somewhere, or save him from being kidnapped, or something. he looked at Clint and jerked his head to the door, order enough. 'Go find him'.
“Probably.”tony said before snickering. “Yea. Jarvis has always functioned as my social needs. And bruce when I need a partner in crime with you know, actual hands.”Tony snickered a little ducking his head a little. Shrugging slightly. “well, I didn’t tell them either.”He said biting his lip a little. “.....No they can’t. They never do.”Tony frowned at the idea of anyone wanting him just because. “Good. Thunder boy and the magican need to come here.”Tony said sounding pleased before huffing. “Yea, I guess. He worries about everyone.”he grumbled before huffing. “You wouldn’t taze me.”He muttered sleepily.

Clint tensed watching the man, swallowing thickly. Nodding a little. “Not to worried. Jarvis didn’t throw a fit before now. So he’s somewhere close, and safe.”Clint signed back before getting up and heading out. Within a half hour returning with what had to be the tiniest fluffball of a dog Wanda had ever seen. Followed quickly by a dog that tony could have ridden around like a pony. And was about to if the dog didn’t stop trying to pull tony around everywhere. "Hey guys!"Tony said nearly bouncing in place, yep definitely slid right into manic hyperness.
Phil chuckled a little. "That and Bruce actually knows and understands what you need too." he admitted. "he's intuitive enough to know what you need even when you don't. which is very good." he admitted happily before shaking his head. "you didn't know it was something that needed to be said Tony." he admitted before he smiled at the other. "you'll understand someday." he admitted before smiling a little at Tony. "he worries the most about you though." he admitted. "i would totally taze you." he admitted. "i have, in fact, tazed you haven't i? i'm sure i have." he admitted, looking amused.

"that''s true." Phil agreed, James pausing at Jarvis's name, glancing around as if to make sure he wasn't going to speak before going back to washing the dishes. he had kicked Steve out as soon as the cooking was done because cleaning his Handlers house was HIS job, not the red white and blue man's' job. he fussed for a moment when he wasn't allowed to go wake Tony for dinner but finally agreed that Tony needed sleep more than he did food. though he scowled at Tony when he realized he hadn't been sleeping at all, and had instead been outside where there where other people, alone and without backup! that was not allowed! he glared harder when Steve stood up and moved over to Tony, his fingers twitching like he wanted to strangle Tony. then his hands where around a neck, but it wasn't tony's. Steve just couldn't resist. he was scratching the massive dog all over and mumbling that it was the biggest dog he'd ever seen and asking Tony if he could share? "okay the big dog i get." Phil admitted, glancing at James and Steve, guessing the big dog was for one of them. "but what's with the baby fluffball?" he wondered, blinking when James walked over and stared at the pomsky. he looked at Tony, looked at the Pomsky again and then picked up the fluffy munchkin and carried it to the living room where he sat down and proceeded to glare at anyone who got too close unless they where Phil or Tony and even then he refused to hand over the dog that was just enjoying the attention.
“Oh...yea. I guess I didn’t know that.Even if I know everything.”Tonymuttered before snorting. “You have in fact tazed me.”he agreed.

Tony looked worried, “I did nap!I didn’t leave till a bit ago. I was careful!”Tony said squirming a little, because he totally had gotten over excited and forgotten that should probably tell other people he was going out. Tensing as steve walked towards him. “hey, hey big guy, it’s okay-”He sputtered relaxing when steve attacked the dog, grinning happily. “Well. Uh-you like the dog, but he was for...”Tony frowned looking utterly lost. “It does look like a fluffball...”Clint muttered smirkign at tony.”Ask him. He had a good idea.” “But-but...that wasn’t...he was supposed to take the mountain dog...”Tony said looking almost sad that he hadn’t gotten to keep the fluffball for himself before perking up. Iron dog. The beast could totally be a good iron dog. “Dogs are good for therapy. Everyone says so.”Tony said not about to even admit to the dream he’d had about a dog that had gotten him going for a dog. Nope. Not ever.
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