Handle Me (Marvel) Lady-Fox

James looked a lot less sour at the promise that Tony had indeed been sleeping but was seconds away from beating the shit out of Steve should the red white and blue man lay a finger on Tony. "it's for James?." Steve asked Tony. "i've always wanted a dog. i couldn't have one before. i had allergies." he admitted, smiling at Tony. "does he have a name? can i help with him?" he asked hopefully. Steve snickered a little. "i think James thinks the Fluffball is tiny and needs a protector." Steve admitted, looking very amused. "i don't think he's going to give the little guy up Tony." Phil agreed, looking amused as he handed James a brush and then showed him how to brush the dog. "Dogs are great for Therapy. Sam even says so." Steve agreed. "this was a super idea Tony... next time let someone know your leaving though okay? Phil nearly had a heart attack. i think he keeps expecting to find you face down in a ditch somewhere." he admitted with a chuckle. he knew better though, while he fussed and worried about Tony, he knew Tony was more than capable of taking on nearly anything. no mugger would get away with trying anything on Tony, Tony himself wouldn't allow it. anything more series and Tony had the suit, or weapons on him, or rather in him, at all times. even when Tony was in danger, he wasn't in any real danger unless it was something really bad. like Ultron or Loki.
“Yea...it is.”Tony said looking a little upset that they were all looking at him like he’d lost his mind. “Captain. His name is captain. And you can totally help.”tony said smiling a little as he leaned against the dog that was nearly as tall as him, before snorting. “The fluffball is tiny. And not named yet.....we should come up with a name....”Tony muttered sadly. “It’s okay. You’ll be able to visit both dogs, tony.”Clint pointed out looking at the man thoughtfully, trying to figure out what was wrong with tony. “I uh...okay. I just sorta was sleeping and woke up and....forgot I had people here who’d notice if I was gone.”Tony said maing a face.
Steve bit his lip a little, wondering if he was bing picked on or teased t the Dogs new name and then shook his head deciding it was just Tony being Tony. "he's certainly big enough to be a Captain." Steve agreed with a chuckle before smirking, glancing at James. "Tinkerbell?" he suggested, wincing when James turned and glared at him. "okay...not Tinkerbell then." "Cherub." James informed them imperiously, as if daring any of them to comment at all. "That sounds like a lovely name." Phil agreed, looking a bit surprised James had voiced an opinion at all. James glared at them all, nodded and went back to brushing Cherub. "Well as log as you didn't do it on purpose." Phil grumbled. "you live to give me heart attacks, don't even try to deny it... still, this was a very good idea." he admitted with a smile. "having some animals around will be good for everyone. i might go out and get a cat too. Natasha can't stand dogs." he admitted with a chuckle before smiling at Tony. "i wonder when you will learn that we really do care about you?" he asked softly, Steve jerking his attention away from Captain at that. "what!? Who the hell told Tony we didn't care about him?!" Steve demanded, enraged, Natasha leaping to her feet. "Someone told Tony we didn't care about him!?" she demanded, her voice low and dangerous before both her and Steve cringed when James snarled, not liking the tone of voice they had around Tony, taking them as a threat. "Whoever said it was lying Tony! of course we care! your our favorite!" Natasha huffed, Steve nodding his agreement, Bruce slowly relaxing, having gone sort of green when he'd heard that someone had been fucking with Tony.

"what's with all the yelling?" a half asleep Sam asked as he walked in. he'd been pulling triple duty at the V.A. and had been asleep since they showed up. "....oh awesome dogs!" Same said, grinning as he fell upon Captain and scrubbed him all over. "So what's with the yelling?" "someone told Tony we didn't care about him." Steve said hotly, looking furious and Sam blinked at him, glanced at Tony and then did it again before nodding slowly, catching Tony's eyes before looking at Steve. "Well, being all pissed off isn't going to help. your going to start scaring people. you have to calm down man." Sam explained. "Tony isn't like us, i explained that right?" Steve nodded. "yes. he needs more time alone, because people make him nervous." Steve agreed, Phil's eyebrows flashing up. seams like Sam had already started explaining to the Avengers why Tony had pushed them all away, they just hadn't fully made the connections yet. "well it also means that Tony is prone to believing the worst of himself too." "oh!..." Steve hesitated, looked at Tony and immediately understood and looked very guilty. "oh... oh Tony, i made you think we didn't care about you... i'm so sorry..." well, Sam was going to be a much needed addition to the team it seamed, Phil was instantly glad the other was there. he had a way of speaking that could make both Steve and Tony understand.
Tony grinned happily pleased steve hadn’t protested the name. He had his own reasons, but telling steve he’d named him captain because it would be good for james to have a big captain he liked around, was just not something he wanted to say. “I like cherub.”Tony agreed smiling a little. “I didn’t....just sorta didn’t remember you guys were here.”Tony said. “We should totally get a cat.”Clint said pleased with the idea. Ducking his head a little, tony stared down at the table, startled at their reaction, shoulders hunching a little. “N-no, no one did.”tony muttered looking up james, reaching out to gently touch his arm. “It’s okay. They wont hurt me.”He muttered as he looked up at Sam.

“Someone told Tony we didn’t like him.”Clint said sounding upset, though looking amused as he watched Captain nearly throw himself at sam’s feet and wiggle all over in response to the attention. “...I’m like everyone!I’m normal!”Tony said sounding upset and annoyed at the idea he wasn’t normal, even if he knew he wasn’t. So many landmines you could accidentally step on, leave tony out of sorts to consider everything. “It’s okay. I mean....you guys thought I didn’t care about you either.”Tony muttered burying his hands in captain’s scruff as the pup leaned against his legs.
Steve smiled a little and shook his head. "Cherub.... gods above that hasn't changed." he mumbled, glancing at Tony. "he's always had a bit of a spot for tiny cute things." "like you?" "shut up!.... yes like me, dammit..." Steve sulked though he was amused too. "That's fine. it's been a while since we came back. we shouldn't have stayed away so long." he admitted with a sigh before looking very angry that someone would dare mess with Tony. "Tony. of course your normal." Sam said, rolling his eyes. "just because your different doesn't mean your abnormal." he promised. "your very introverted and most of the people here are extremely extroverted. that doesn't mean one or the other is weird or strange, just different." he admitted, Steve nodding. "it's not that we thought you didn't care." Natasha promised him. "we just thought you where mad at us. we where wrong, that's all." she promised him with a smile, watching as James settled down again now that the yelling seamed to be done, though he was keeping a sharp eye on all of them. "it's not like any of us are 'normal' anyway. Steve has severe PTSD... don't think i hadn't noticed. and is from the seventies. i was dead for three weeks. Skye is an Inhuman, don't get me started on Natasha." "hey!" "James is... James. we're all a bunch of weirdos." Phil admitted with a smile. "weirdos that belong together." he admitted with a smile, patting Captain on the head while Natasha wrinkled her nose at the dog. she really didn't care much for them but, she wasn't about to say anything when it made Tony, and James, so happy.
Tony raised a eyebrow at Steve’s words, before laughing out loud at the explaination. “You were cute and tiny. Adorable.”Tony teased snickering a little before biting his lip. Considering what the other was telling him, nodding a little. “Oh....well. Good.”Tony muttered relaxing at sam’s words. He was normal!Completely. Good. Howard was wrong, he wasn’t weird, and unnatural. Though as he eyed his team, he knew better then to voice that thought, well aware they’d be angry over howard’s actions. “No not mad.”Tony promised squirming a little, because it made him anxious, made him want to make up for the misunderstandings by getting them there rooms together. But not wanting to tell them about it until he got it all together and perfect. They needed perfect things! “Ah...yes. No one’s really normal here. We’ll look after each o-” “I’m not a weirdo.”Tony said fidgeting a little, as he leaned into captain as the dog pressed against him. “We’ll get you a kitten. You’ll go kitten shopping with me? I have lots of pictures of cats. Pepper sends them to me. We’ll find a kitten.”tony promised looking up at natasha with wide brown eyes having seen her reaction, ad wanting to help. Clint frowned slightly watching tony, wondering why he had a problem with ‘weirdo’, and why he was being this weird. Maybe phil could explain it? hed have to ask later, when tony wasn't around
Steve huffed. "was not..." he grumbled, sulking because he really had been and that had damn chaffed because even back then he had been anything but submissive to anyone, no matter what people thought of him. "no Tony. your not a weirdo." Natasha promised, smiling at him, running the tips of her fingers over his cheek and then down his jawline. it was about the same as her giving him a hug and a kiss. if she did things like that, which she didn't. doing what she had done was as physical as she ever got with anyone that wasn't Clint. "Of course i'll go Kitten shopping with you. we'll have to carefully pick the most perfect one." she agreed with a smile, Steve snorting. "you just want to drag hi all over the city so he'll get distracted and buy you shoes." "...that's not the only reason. i want a handbag too." she admitted with a laugh, brushing her lips, barely a touch, to Tony's forehead. "now. where's food?" she demanded, James hopping to his feet to get the food he had made. with the red white and blue man's interference. little pest. James was going to lock him in a closet. yes that would be good. very good. he'd have to find a good sturdy one. Tony was his, not the Red white and blue mans and James wouldn't let the blond slut get in the way. still, it was pleasing to see the jealous look on the slut's face, eyes flicking from Tony to the scarlet woman. the red white and blue man thought they where having relations but James knew better. the woman was lesbian and no threat to his handler 'in that way' the way the blond slut was.
Tony smiled a little at natasha’s touch, nearly wiggling in place like a excited puppy, because he knew Natasha didn’t do touching alot, so he knew she meant it. Smiling happily. “We’ll get the perfectest kitten. We’ll take James and Cherub to. Make sure the kitten’s okay with puppies.”Tony said before perking up. “You want shoes? And a handbag?”Tony said perking up at the idea of being able to buy her things. If she wasn’t careful she was going to wake up sometime to a whole room of just shoes and handbags. “James is getting food.”Tony said smiling happily as James brought in the food, starting to eat, already plotting Natasha’s room. Blushing lightly as natasha kiss to his forehead, ducking his head a little.“Thanks James.”Clint smiled at the man as he started to eat, eyeing tony. Wondering just what the genius was so happy about. He looked quite pleased with himself really. "Anyone else need anything, I mean. while me and nat go shopping?"Tony asked tilting his head.
Natasha smiled at him. "that's a very good idea. getting James out of the tower for a while will be good for him. get him socialized a little bit." she agreed before smiling at Tony. "Yes. just one pair of shoes and only one handbag. i will point them out and you can buy them for me." she promised. out of everyone, she understood him the best, always had. even Phil didn't have the same knowledge of Tony as she did. actually... "Tony? why don't you take Natasha down and tell her about that plan? she would be perfect for knowing what to do." he admitted, Steve scowling. jealous that Natasha got to help when she already got Tony all the time. "uhm..." Steve hesitated, fidgeting and then sighed. he hated to ask for things but h needed to. "i need a new heavy bag..." he admitted. "i broke my last one and Fury said he won't replace it until i ask you to design me a new one." Steve admitted, sulking. not because he had to ask, but because Fury was a jerk. "i know your busy but i can't sleep if i can't wear myself out and running is fine but that can take hours." he admitted, examining Tony, hoping to find no trace of annoyance. "I need a new best friend." Sam reported and much to everyone's shock Steve replied with. "we'll gt you one of those blow up sex dolls. it would be about the same mental capacity as you... what?" he asked, wondering why everyone was gaping at him. "i can't know what a sex doll is?"
“Well, it is. But it’s also cause he’s not going to let me go anywhere by myself.”Tony said shrugging a little before frowning at natasha, before sighing a little. “Fine. One pair and one handbag.”He agreed sounding sad at being limited before perking up again, looking at natasha. “She would be good at planning. She’s awesome at planning. You should help me.”Tony decided before looking at steve, looking eager to help. “Oh!Awesome. I’ll totally do that.” Clint frowned slightly eyeing tony,finding it utterly fascinating just how pleased tony looked with being able to help. Before sputtering at steve’s words. “What? No. You’re supposed to be a virgin steve!No sex dolls for you.”Tony declared before pausing. Looking at him. “Unless you want a sex doll. Did you want a sex doll?”He asked, it was horrible to see how eager and happy tony was, and as if he wasn’t quite sure it was a good thing, but tony wanted to give his friends what he wanted.
"that too." Phil agreed with a chuckle. "he is a bit overprotective isn't he?" Phil asked, looking amused before chuckling at Tony's pouting. "if our very good i'll let you get me two." she promised with a smile. "i am good at planning. i'd be glad to help." she agreed happily. "thanks Tony." Steve said, wondering if Tony was drunk? no. Sam had mentioned once that people who had bad anxiety, when they got all worked up, they acted Drunk because they where so overwhelmed. Tony was having a panic attack? "uh... who said i was a virgin?" Steve asked, looking baffled. "i'm ninety, i'm not dead." he pointed out. "no. i don't want a..." Steve paused, considered it and then. "yeah get me a sex doll. i'm going to hide it in Fury's office." he decided, Natasha snorting, hiding the laugh behind her hand while Sam howled with laughter. Phil was very careful not to look amused because if Fury found out he ad laughed, he was going to pay for it in paperwork, or worse, babysitting the new grunts, yuck! "Your going to hide a sex doll in Fury's office." Natasha said, lifting an eyebrow at him. "course i am. it'll be hilarious. i'll blame that jackass Clarke." "i'm in." Natasha agreed. "Come, Tony. James! we're going out." James was already there, ready to defend Tony and Phil was attaching a leash to Cherub and held it out to James who stared at it, not understanding. "you hold it, so Cherub doesn't run off without you." Natasha explained, taking the leash and pressing it into James hands and then led the way outside to find out what plot Tony had in mind. she adored the idea and was quick to start listing ideas. knowing things was something Natasha was good at. knowing things was Natasha's specialty. she knew things about everyone. she knew that Steve loved colored pencil and charcoal but couldn't stand chalk or pen or markers. she knew that Clint loved RPG Games but hated sports games. she knew that Sam and Rhodey liked to have Halo and Call of Duty battles and liked to Co-op on others. she knew that Clint had a nasty allergy to wool and they had to keep it out of his room and that he liked to have various targets set up so he could throw knives or darts when he was bored or distracted. she knew that Steve had a veritable appetite for books but could never figure out how to work the tablet the gave him and knew that Phil liked to sit in a huge armchair at night and drink tea with a newspaper or a crossword puzzle. she knew everything Tony needed to know to make the perfect rooms and even knew what colors they would like the mst. like Steve who loved red and blue but hated white because it made him think of hospitals and how Clint liked blue and white but never red because it made him think of blood. Jmes even spoke when Natasha asked him questions about what HE liked, though he looked very uncomfortable, because he was a machine, he wasn't supposed to want things. but he did. he wanted a cushion, so he could sit down by Tony's feet and he wanted a bed to sleep in because he didn't like sleeping on the floor, it made him ache, and he liked the color of Tony's eyes the best he supposed. he did mention that his most favorite thing to do other than being useful, was to watch birds. how she had managed to get him to admit to that he didn't know, but he didn't like it. she would go with the red white and blue man in a closet... separate closets.
“He is a bit. But it’s okay.”tony said smiling before making a face at phil as he huckled. “Okay. I’ve very good.”Tony said with a eyebrow wiggle. “Welcome.”He grinned smiling at steve. Before huffing. “everyone!You’re pure and virtous and all that crap people think about cap.”Tony said before snorting at the other’s words, before grinning. Laughing out loud. “Awesome. We’ll totally do that.”He grinned happily as he followed after natasha and james, pleased at being able to get what he wanted.

And indeed, the next day, tony had kicked them all out of the tower for the day under orders that he had things to do and that they needed to go away. But the idea that they needed to go, not because he didn’t want them there but because he needed to work on a surprise for them, was something phil had had to tell them, making sure everyone didn’t think tony was angry with them. By the time tony let them back in, he was a wiggling happy mess of a puppy dog person, nearly as hyper as Captain and Cherub as he leaned against the big dog as he looked at steve, having made everyone wait in the penthouse so he could show the rooms off individually, the man was seriously focused. Looking up at steve as the two dogs and three humans walked into the flawless melt of 1940s and modern, perfect for steve. “Well?Good?”He asked fidgeting as he stood next to james.
"Very good." she agreed with a chuckle before snickering at Steve's baffled look. "but if they think i'm so virtuous why do they put all those dirty pictures of me up on the E-ternet?" Steve asked, looking baffled. "...Cap? have you been looking up dirty drawings of yourself?" Natasha asked, looking a bit worried. "no. i was looking up Art. i wanted to try some more modern techniques and i found this place called Deviantart on the E-ternet and it was full of dirty drawings of me.. and others... cartoons too actually." he admitted. "pretty much cartoons and dirty drawings..." he admitted. "i wasn't sure if that was actually what people do for art these days so i forgot about it, but the question remains." "it's because they want to be the ones to defile you, of course." Natasha explained, making Steve blush furiously. "oh..."he was a little horrified at being kicked out, what had they done to upset Tony this time!? it took Phil all of five minutes to explain that Tony was 'manic' and overly excited. Sam had to spend a few minutes explaining what Manic was and suddenly a lot more things about Tony made sense. they settled down once everything was explained and played card games or in the case of Sam and Vision, napped.

"Tony? do me a favor?" Steve asked, looking rather affectionate, "take a breath before you pass out?" he asked before stepping into the room and freezing. it was... amazing. there was a stereo, but there was also a record player full of the music Steve loved the best, not just the 1920's music but the modern as well. there was a small art area set up with his favorite kind of paints and brushes and easels with Canvases already set upon them waiting to be used. there was a T.V and bunches of movies but there where also a few rows of bookshelves stuffed full of books. on a table there where empty sketchpads and a few dozen empty journals because Steve had taken to writing everything down. it helped get the emotions out. "Tony." Steve breathed, looking at the other with wide, stunned eyes. "did you do this for me? this is... this is perfect... thank you so much." he babbled, moving over to the wall, looking delighted to see photos of all his friends there. even Fury! though how they'd gotten that picture Steve had no idea. "this is perfect Tony!" Steve gushed again, blinking when James slid the door closed and he had to laugh at Tony's protests when James lodged a chair under the handle so Steve couldn't escape. "The Scarlet Woman next." James ordered, grabbing another chair, only making Steve laugh harder.
“Cause you are awesome and everyone wants to see you naked.”Tony said though he looked interested and amused that the other had been looking for pictures of things. Snickering slightly. “Well, yes, that is art these days. You should totally consider posing for pictures.”

“Hm?oh-yes I’m breathing!”Tony said though he drug in a huge gasping breath as he looked at the other. Grinning happily as he watched the other. Bouncing in place as he watched the other look around. “Good right?”He said before nodding, looking at him. “Of course it’s for you. Unless you know another geriatric super soldier who hasn’t figured out tech and doesn’t like modern things.”Tony teased smiling as Captain ran after the captain, as excited as he was. “What?James?”Tony sputtered, looking confused. “What did you do that for?Let him out.”
Steve laughed. "i don't hate Tech!" he protested with a smile. "i just haven't figured it out yet... well, not all of it anyway. i've gotten a lot better!" Steve promised with a smile before he nearly made himself sick with laughter. "Tony. ot's okay, really. i think James is jealous!" he admitted with another laugh. "he doesn't like you paying so much attention to me is all." he said, looking amused. at least, that's what he thought, especially since James just walked away to go get Natasha so he could lock her into her room too. or stuff her in a closet. unfortunately Jarvis had warned them all that James was locking people in and the others where all very wisely refusing to go with James. of course, with James gone, Tony could remove the chair and let the still laughing Steve out and Jams immediately sulked when he saw Steve free and with Tony. Natasha hid her snickers behind a hand as Steve launched into exultation about his rooms to the others and they all perked up, looking very eager themselves and Phil chuckled, waiting his turn patiently while the others asked if they got special rooms too? "Dibs! me next!" Sam begged Tony with his eyes, wanting to see what Tony had gotten him. he'd never even met Tony before he followed Steve to Stark Tower, but he adored the man already. Tony was odd, insane even, but he was so affectionate and sweet how could anyone not love him? besides, he wanted to get Tony alone for a little bit and ask the man if he had ever been professionally evaluated. He would have to be very careful about how he asked though, if he upset Tony the rest of the Avengers where going to turn him into a paste. speaking of... "where's Vision?" "He's been plugged into Jarvis since we got here. i think he misses himself." Nat admitted. "...somehow i think there's something wrong with that sentence."
“You have gotten better.”Tony agreed looking amused before huffing. Making a face. “Really?He’s weird, steve!really. You have weird best friends.”tony decided as he let the other out of the closet. Heading back upstairs, tony smirked a little amused at james’ sulking before looking at steve amused that he was this excited. Pleased, so very pleased that they understood he wanted them there now. “Okay, okay. You next, flyboy.”Tony said rolling his eyes at sam’s words before laughing. “He does miss himself, jarvis gets bored just talking to me. He needs vision to talk to.”Tony snickered a little as he waved a hand at sam, “Come on. Let’s go.”He said eagerly heading for the man’s rooms. Nervous, because he hadn’t been quite sure what to give the other for a room, and simply made it a tasteful modern room, with books and tv and anything he could think of really.
Steve chucked a little. "Tony, James hasn't been my best friend in years. he doesn't even remember me and in any case he's not... Bucky, anymore." Steve admitted. "he won't ever be Bucky again and i know that." he admitted with a smile. "i have a better best friend now." he admitted, watching Tony. "Yes! you're my new best friend man!" Sam admitted. "living with the avengers is great but the rooms there suck!" he admitted, Steve snorting because they really did. he knew Tony hadn't intended it, but all the big rooms had been turned into office spaces and 'important' stuff and all the smaller ones where turned into the 'personal bunkers'. most of them where barely the size of a walk in closet. it was fine for people like Sam and Rhodey who had homes they could go back to. but for people like Wanda and Steve, that was all they had. something that way too many people tended to forget. Wanda, who was still back at the Avengers Headquarters for now because she was always nervous around people, would love her new room that Natasha had helped Tony make for her. "oh man! it's massive!" Sam said, looking stunned as he headed into the room. "oh. my god. i have my own fridge! now Clint can't steel all my beer!" he admitted, bouncing from thing to thing before pausing, looking shocked. "Tony... is this..." he picked up the slim folder and stared at it. registration for online collage courses. Sam had always wanted to finish collage to become a certified psychologist. he hadn't been able to afford it and then he'd been too busy helping save the world. "Tony... did you pay for my collage!?" Sam asked, gaping at Tony because that was... that was the nicest thing anyone had ever done for him. "i'm sorry man, i know you don't like contact but this has to be done." he admitted, wrapping his arms around the other tightly. giving him a strong, but brief hug. "that was a man hug. which means we never tell anyone." he ordered before beaming at him. "your the best! can i live with you forever?" he asked hopefully before blinking when James glared at him for hugging Tony and he looked at the billionaire. "...yeah, we're going to have to work on socializing him some more. does he glare at everyone who shows you affection?" yep.
“...Yea. He’s not.”Tony said looking relieved that the other was aware that bucky would never really be bucky again. Before whining softly. “I’m not sure calling natasha your best friend is a good idea. She’s liable to take offense or something.”Tony said making a face before smiling at sam. “Ah. Well. I’m sorry. Didn’t know that the warehouse was that bad off.”Tony said with slightly wide eyes as he looked at them all. Looking around the room he nodded. “I figured you’d like that. Clint has his own fridge now to. So he can keep his own beer.”Tony said before fidgeting, avoiding looking at the other. “Well. Maybe. Yea. I guess.”Tony said fidgeting as he looked around, not liking the attention on him for that, before whining louder at being hugged, though he didn’t try squirming away. “good. No one should know.”he decided before snorting. “I guess. If you want to. No promises though, most people don’t want to live with me forever.”Tony said shruging glancing at james. “Yea. He locked steve in a closet for it I think.”
Steve nodded. "i was upset at first... but Sam helped a lot." he admitted. "you should talk to him, Sam i mean. he knows a lot about people like us." Steve admitted. "you know... people who have, trouble, with other people." he admitted, smiling at Tony. "he really helped me learn that it was okay that i had PTSD." he admitted. "and i only tried to strangle him twice." he admitted with a smile. "it wouldn't have been so damn bad off if Fury hadn't fucked it all up. that fucking asshole." Steve grumbled. Fury was his friend, but he was still an asshole and there where many days when Steve hated him. "anyway think about it, Sam's pretty damn good at it." he admitted.

"hell to the yeah!" Sam agreed with a grin before smiling at Tony. "seriously man. thank you. i know this is hard for you." he admitted. "i know holding back must have been really hard for you, but everyone is going to seriously love the rooms you made for them if mine and Steve's are any indication." he admitted. "everyone wants to live with you forever Tony." Sam admitted. "it's just that not everyone can see past the walls and shields you put up. your pretty damn good at them." he admitted. now. whose next?" he asked with a grin, ignoring James glare and snarling when Sam looked him in the eye and told him he had to share. James did not Share. his handler was HIS and ONLY his!
“That’s good.”Tony smiled a little at the other, glad that sam had managed to help steve, before frowning a little. Staring at the other for a long moment, “...maybe. I might.”He agreed sighing a little. About as close to admitting that he’d see a therapist as he’d ever get.

“Yea, well that’s why I have Natasha. Nat told me when to stop.”Tony said shrugging a little before frowning, thinking about that. “You sound like phil. Stop it.”Tony said squirming away before smirking. “Clint and Phil”He said looking eager to show off the captain fanboy room....not that he’d done the whole apartment as captain america, but well, there was some stuff from his personal collection in there for phil, and a epic archery room for clint. Grinning as he headed into the living room. “Come on Clint, phil. Your turn.”Tony said brushing a hand against james’, trying to be comforting even if he knew the other was upset.
Steve smiled at him. "just think bout it. that's all i ask." he said, gently patting Tony on the shoulder. "thanks for the room. it's perfect Tony." he admitted. "thank you."

Sam grinned. "well, that's probobly a good thing. people get uncomfortable when they get too much all at once." he admitted. "makes them feel as if they are being bought and people don't like being 'owned' like that." he admitted, trying to explain it to Tony. "sometimes when you give a person too much all at once, they feel like things themselves." he admitted. "so that's why we have to moderate ourselves." he admitted. "of course i sound like Phil. it's because i'm right, and since Phil is always right, we sound alike." he stated with a grin, letting Tony squirm free before laughing as he headed back up. he'd go to his house and the headquarters to pick up his personal stuff later. he'd keep his house, but he would be living at the tower for as long as he could. Phil smiled and stood up, following Tony, looking stunned at all the stuff Tony had gotten dor him and his lover. he and Clint would be supremely happy there. mostly Clint, Phil was happy anywhere he could be near the people he loved. "this is perfect Tony. you did wonderfully." Phil admitted, chuckling as he realized there where hammocks on the ceiling and Clint was already tracking how to get up there. "Clint will be busy for days finding all the secrets you put in here, won't he?" he asked Tony with a grin. "i'll not get any sex now, he'll be too busy exploring." he complained, a laugh in his voice, winking at Tony. "i think i'll take a nap with him now." he decided. "so that i can get my fill before he gets too enraptured." he teased, grinning impishly before blinking when Jarvis reported that a Wanda Maximoff was there. he hadn't been expecting her for a week yet. he was enraged when he found out why from Natasha later, but for now he was content to seduce his lover.
“Yea, yea that’s what Phil said.”Tony huffed a little making a face as he smiled. Looking amused as he followed the other two into their rooms, looking amused as clint ran around exploring everything. Glancing at phil he perked up, pleased. “Thanks. Natasha said I did good to.”He said before making a face. “Hopefully it’ll be longer then days. I think I put enough things in here to keep him busy.”Tony said whining as he made a face. “It’s not my fault if you don’t get any sex. You just have to work harder for it then”Tony said smirking a little before frownign at jarvis’ report. “Go have fun naked time. I’ll go see about wanda.”he said heading upstairs to find out what was going on.
Phil snorted a little as he watched his childish lover prancing around. "oh,he won't sleep until he discovers everything." he admitted dryly. "and then he'll sleep for a day, we'll have wild passionate sex and he'll explore some more." he admitted with a chuckle. "i will have to work very hard for it." he agreed. "Clint! Get your sexy ass over here! i want to christen the rooms!" Phil commanded, leaving Tony to go and greet a trembling Wanda who had dried tear tracks down her cheeks, a bruise on her cheek and clutching her tattered shirt to her chest, trying to save her modesty. she shied away from Tony but this, even Tony would understand. someone had tried to rape Wanda and she was too petrified to be near a man right now. it didn't look like whoever had tried had succeeded, but they had done enough to shake her quite badly. "Mister Stark..." her voice was just a whisper, hoarse from screaming and crying. "Is Natasha here? i... i have made a mess..." she explained, looking down at her bare feet which where covered in dried blood... blood that was not hers.
“Ah, I’m sure.”Tony snickered a little before rolling his eyes.”Have fun phil.”He said grinning amused as clint went to phil. Pausing at the sight of wanda, he tilted his head, before crossing the room, snagging a blanket as he did. “Tony, you can call me tony.”He said gently staying back, even as he held out the blanket towards her, glancing at james. “Go stay by the door james. Now.”he said the order in the voice, not willing to upset wanda more by having big and scary james near her.”I think so. Jarvis, will you have Nat come down here?”He asked before looking her over, “Now....I know that’s not your blood, so is there a mess I need to go deal with?Where?Your not in trouble, but I need to know what and where to go wanda...”tony said gently, hoping someone would be here to help.
James examined the woman before nodding at the order and stood in front of the door, completely blocking it so no one could get in. surprisingly, this seamed to sooth Wanda who was trembling all over. she hesitated before taking the blanket and looked at him, watching him. wrapping the blanket around herself. "the Hangar. i was in the Hangar. i was going to come and complain." she admitted, her voice so thick with accent it was nearly impossible to understand her. "he came from behind me..." she had been attacked in the Avengers Base. oh Steve was going to be a rolling ball of pissed off when he found out. "there was no one else there. i didn't know he was there... he came from behind and no one heard me when i screamed..." she told him, the tears starting up again. "he said no one would care, because it was all i was good for, and the only reason the others kept me around. because i was a pretty toy to look at." "Oh Wanda..." Natasha gasped, moving over to her. "oh you poor thing! Tony. go kill the fucker. make is slow. take James with you." "He's dead already..." Wanda told them. "I...I made a mess...." she said, quivering like a leaf in heavy gale now. shudders wracking her frame. "shhh, sweetie. it's alright. our alright." Natasha murmured, leading her away. "lets get you into a nice hot bath and Tony will take care of the mess." "i don't want to be trouble." "Hush, you are no trouble at all." Natasha promised her.
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