Handle Me (Marvel) Lady-Fox

“He did. It hurt Bruce!And then he threatened to do it again if I didn’t stop talking.”Tony grumbled sounding very upset that his friend had threatend him, even if he knew Clint would never willingly harm him to hurt. Clint would be very upset indeed to know this had been his reaction to being threatened, upset and hurt hadn’t been his intent, only to stop tony from talking. “No he doesn’t. He does play flappy bird though.”He muttered. “Uh..”Simmons to, looked a little shocked to be having this conversation, watching them all. “Why....do you want us here?”Simmons said eyeing the avengers, wondering just what was going on. “They need intelligent people. They’re running on a lack of brains. And no, we’re not inviting the hacker. She’ll do weird things to jarvis or something.”Tony huffed a little squinting a little at the woman walking towards them, studying the young girl. Well. Maybe she’d get along with scarlet witch.
Bruce smiled at him. "he didn't mean anything by it Tony. you know how it bothers Clint that he can't understand you when you really gt going. he's half deaf remember? you talk too fast for him to keep up with." Bruce reminded Tony. "and sometimes his ears hurt and your babbling can make him grumpy, he didn't mean anything by it he was just being grouchy." he promised with a smile. hopefully that would help Tony feel better about it. "i hate Flappy bird." Bruce mumbled. "it's a sin against physics..." he mumbled. "We need the help. saving the world is hard." Natasha admitted with a sigh. "you'd mostly be working with Tony, but there would be chances for field missions if you want them." Natasha admitted, pausing when Fitz shook his head.
“Oh. I forgot. His hearing aids are so good I forget he’s deaf.”Tony said ducking his head a little, blushing because he’d really forgotten about it. “Ah. He is grumpy sometimes.”he said sighing quietly, before snickering. “It is a sin.”he agreed before looking up at the other two. “You don’t want to work with me?”he said with wide eyes. “No, we will. It’s field missions that don’t appeal...but we already have a job.”Simmons said biting her lip a little as she saw phil and skye heading their way.
Bruce nodded. "i know." he admitted, smiling at Tony. "a very big sin." he agreed with a smile before chuckling. "relax Tony. they're just super loyal to their team." Bruce promised, Fitz actually looked very torn. of course, Fitz didn't realize that the Avengers knew Phil was alive. he didn't want to leave Phil, but he desperately wanted to work with his Hero, at least once. "Phil!" Natasha crowed, looking delighted. "How long hve you been back in the states?" "about three hours when we heard about an explosion in Nevada." Phil admitted with a smile. "Bruce got lucky and got our attention through that explosion." "Hulk managed to save up just enough energy for one last change." Bruce mumbled, half asleep on Tony. "It's going to be a while before he'll recover." Phil admitted. "Do you have a doctor?" Phil asked, wanting to make sure that Bruce would be well taken care of.
Tony sighed, calming a little as he tilted his head. “Oh. I can see that. I’m loyal to my team even if I’m not on the avengers anymore.”Tony said. “Well, I’m sure you can stop by and visit for a bit. You can always go back to your team later.”Tony said looking thoughtful before grinning, standing to look at phil. “he’s a friend.”Tony warned looking at james, knowing the man was probably a little freaked at all the new people. “Well, you can come home and recovre...and no. My doctor is bruce.”Tony said making a face. "Sir, we could always go with them for a bit."Simmons said frowning a little.
Fitz grinned a little and Both Bruce and Natasha snorted. "Tony, you are always going to be part of the Avengers." Natasha promised him. "no matter that you said you've retired you are always an integral part." she admitted. "even when your not there. a few days ago Steve almost started crying because you hadn't called." she admitted. total over exaggeration of course but Steve had paused when he'd yelled at Clint that 'Tony could do that in his sleep!' and then left to 'go lay down'. James glanced at Tony and nodded at the reassurance but remained tense and skittish. he didn't like all these people. "You're just saying that because you want to get into Dr. Banners Bio Lab." Fitz teased her, Phil chuckling at that. "I think that's a good idea." Phil agreed. "my team could use a rest and it sounds like you could use some help." he admitted, examining James who narrowed his eyes right back. "where's his arm?" Phil wondered. "Arm is Nonfunctional." "i told you not to get so fancy with it." Fitz complained to Jemma with a sigh before he looked at Tony,unable to take it anymore. "Can i have your autograph Mr. Stark!?"
“oh good.”Tony muttered looking happy and relaxed at the knowledge that he would always be part of his team, whining softly. “really?I’ll have to call him.”He muttered looking upset at the idea that he had upset his captain, making a mental note to call steve when he got home. “I would never say that just for the lab. The rest and looking after him would be good.”simmons said smiling as she blushed a little. “Yea, we could use some help. Though, gotta warn you, none of the others are living with me anymore.”Tony said looking at the two, growling softly, tense and worried, ready to defend james if needed before wincing. “Broke it. It was fairly mangled by the time he turned up. But I’m making a better one....”he trailed off realizing he was about to insult simmons work. “I didn’t get fancy. I fixed it enough to be able to use it, he wouldn’t let me do more.”Simmon said looking annoyed. “Wha-Oh. Well. Back at the tower kid. I have a phone call to make while you guys fly home.”Tony said looking worried even as he stepped back into his suit.
"You should call him, he's getting more and more upset because he thinks your really that pissed off at him." she admitted with a chuckle. "and he can't figure out what he did that would actually make you leave the Avengers." she hesitated. "to be honest, i can't figure out why you left either..." she admitted. "Well, he is kind of cute." Fitz teased Simmons grinning at the now fully asleep Bruce. "i know." Phil admitted. "I'm not sure of why, but i know that there has been a... separation of sorts. knowing Captain Rogers it's likely from a rather misplaced attempt at protecting you." Phil admitted, rolling his eyes. "Arm is dysfunctional." James agreed. "Relax Tony. i did tell you it was Hydras technology. Simmons probobly did a fantastic job patching it up but even the most brilliant genius can't hold up against crap like Hydra Tech. she wasn't his handler nor was she under orders from his handler. he could not accept a new arm from her. it's part of the control." Natasha admitted, offering Simmon's a smile. "don't mind Tony. he's just upset." she assured the brilliant woman. "we're very grateful you'll be coming with us. Bruce is a brilliant doctor but he makes a shitty patient." she admitted. "you must have some kind of power over him to make him sit still like that for you."
Tony frowned a little looking down. “no...I thought you guys didn’t want to talk to me anymore....”he muttered before wincing, looking away. “I’m tired, and I’m getting old. Retiring made sense.”he said not about to admit to why he really had retired, or why he hadn’t metioned it. He knew the others would freak if they knew. “He is.”Tony agreed standing up. “”Huh. Well, I’ll call him.”Tony muttered worried about steve now before looking at james. Sighing softly. “True, you did.”Tony sighed a little. “We tried but he wouldn’t take it.”Simmons said sighing a little. “Oh....that makes sense.”Tony frowned relaxing a little. “over more then just james I sense.”Simmons said frowning, looking worried about tony, moments away from fussing over him before snorting. “Most doctors are. And he’s to exhausted to do anything else, not anything I did.”Simmons said smiling as she stood. “Come on, let’s get him home.” “Go with them, watch over bruce.”Tony said smiling at james before stepping into the suit and lifting off, calling steve as he did so, wondering if his phone call was going to be ignored or not.
Natasha shook her head. "Of course we want you to call us Tony." she huffed. "we love you. in that 'you an annoying little brother' sort of way." she admitted with a smile. "you know, the three year old whose smarter than you?" she asked with a grin. "very annoying." she teased. knowing Tony would take it as a compliment. or she hoped so anyways. she'd told him things like that before and he'd always been smug for hours after. "Yeah, call him." sh suggested before shaking her head at Simmons. "it's not your fault." she promised the woman. "the training is bone deep and the punishment is extremely harsh. he wouldn't have taken the arm until he had a handler to tell him to. truthfully he took a hell of a risk just getting you to fix it. if he was still with Hydra they would have punished him severely for the infraction. then again they would have punished him severely for breaking it in the first place." she shook her head. "yeah, you might be right. we'll find out once he starts getting his strength back." she admitted. "Yes Sir." James said, snapping to attention at the order, delighted with having instruction and he carefully, gently lifted Bruce out of his seat and into the Helicarrier because this was his Handlers friend and must be treated with kindness.

"Hello, Rogers phone... who is this? my phone didn't tell me who this was..." Steve said, as gloriously awkward with tech as always. honestly, most people didn't answer their phones when they didn't know who it was. He sounded slightly out of breath, probobly in the middle of a workout and Steve cursed a little. "Dammit Clint! i'm on the phone!" there was a burst of laughter and steve's incredulous. "did you just shoot me in the ass?" "You did stop very suddenly." Vision pointed out, Steve growling in the back of his throat. "You shot me, in the ass!"
"Oh...okay. I'll call then."Tony said perking up at the idea they wanted him to before indeed looking very smug at her words."I was definitely the smartest 3 year old in the world "tony agreed looking pleased and so smug you knew he'd forgiven her for what had been mostly his own misunderstanding of what was going on. Though since it was a emotional thjng, it wasnt surprise he'd not understood."kh...well. that does make me feel better about not being able to fix it more."simmons muttered relaxing a little before nodding."indeed. For now, he needs mostly rest and food. I'll be homing up a iv for him...should I wait till he's awake to put it in?"simmons asked as they moved to the plane, glancing at natasha since she knew bruce best.

"Hey old man, your as awkward as ever."Tony said before flinching so hard he nearly sent himself spiraling for a moment before he managed to correct it. He missed that. Kidder the teasing and joking so much that for a moment he'd lost control of extremis. Flicking on steve's speaker phone remotely he huffed."barton, stop it. Otherwise I'll report you for ruining the national treasure that is captain America's ass."
"Good. do that." Natasha agreed with a smile. "you where the best three year old ever." she agreed with a smile. "good god girl do you want him to hulk out int he plane?" Natasha asked her. "wait until he wakes up. he's been on an I.V. for the last god knows how long. if he wakes up with an I.V. in his arm he's likely to freak out and Hulk out again." she explained. "we'll wait until he wakes up." she said, smiling at her to take the sting out of her words. "you'll be flying with us right?" she asked with a hopeful look. as bad off as Bruce was, he could likely be having some kind of organ failure or something, Natasha wasn't sure how thin you had to be before things started getting dangerous but she was pretty sure Bruce was there.

"Old man! Old man!" Steve squawked in protest though he sounded just as amused as indignant. "i'm going to assume you've forgiven me for being a dick if your teasing me about my ass again." Steve said, sounding hopeful. "i really am sorry for being mean Tony. can i come visit again?" he asked hopefully. "i miss hanging around the tower." he admitted. "Clint and Vision miss you too." he admitted. "and it's creepy because when he's not paying attention, Vision keeps calling you 'father'..." Steve admitted, sounding amused. "That only happened once!" Vision protested, sounding embarrassed because it was an embarrassing thing really to think of Tony as a father when Tony wasn't really his father. "Can i come home now Tony?" Vision asked hopefully. "it smells strange here and i don't like all the people. i want to be a part time avenger."
Simmons winced, looking down at bruce for a moment before swallowing. “No, I hadn’t really considered that.”She’d been thinking about getting the nutrients and foods into him as soon as she could, having not considered how he’d take it. “He should be okay till then.”Skye said even if she didn’t know for sure, he probably would be. “Yes, I am. The others will take the bus back to the tower.”Simmons promised as she got on the plane with antasha, well aware that bruce needed looked after 24/7 for awhile, at least till he got out of the danger area. “Don’t worry, I’ll look after him.”Simmons promised with a smile.

“Yes, old man.”Tony said his voice sounding so quiet and hopeful, and a little confused. “...you weren’t the dick....and I never said you couldn’t visit. I thought you guys didn’t want to visit.”Tony said sounding quietly confused, and so painfully hopeful that they still wanted to visit him. “....That’s amazing. And horrible. I am not old enough to be anyone’s father!”Tony huffed a little, before biting his lip. “Yes...you guys can come here. Nat and bruce are on their way back...”Tony said before stopping eyes going wide. “No!Steve. Sorry. You can’t come here yet. I’m still rebuilding everyone’s places and no one can come yet. Sorry.”Tony stuttered so upset and anxious you knew he was making up excuses, not because he didn’t want to see them, but because there was something he didn’t want them to see. Which was a tone of voice steve was well able to read, because he’d heard it before. When tony had told him he was retiring as a avenger. The fact that he was hiding that, and something else, meant he was really really upset, and just as obviously, not upset with his team.
Natasha nodded. "i know. it's not your fault." she promised Simmons. "if he has to have it, we could remove it as he starts waking up but we are still running a risk." she admitted. "Hulk can be handled safely enough i think so it's a risk that we could take if he has to have those things." she admitted, worried about it though. it would be better if Bruce didn't waste calories he didn't have trying to transform if he freaked out. "Thank you for coming with. Bruce is pretty special to all of us." she admitted, stroking his hair and glad that there where a couple of strong men to carry Bruce into the jet. even as thin as he was, Bruce was damn heavy. "So, have you enjoyed working with Phil?" Natasha asked with a smile. "has he started calling you his ducklings yet?" under his breath, yes he had.

"Oi! Not an old man! i listen to Adele you know!" Steve complained, sulking. "...oh... i thought you where mad at us and that's why you left." Steve admitted softly. "we all kind of miss the tower, except those that never really went there." he admitted before snorting a little. "technically speaking, you did make him Tony. so you kind of are his father. at least you never had to change his diapers or tell him about puberty and sex." he pointed out. "To be honest, i never actually went through puberty." Vision pointed out, Steve muttering 'lucky bastard' under his breath. "Bruce!? you found Bruce? or did he come back? Smack him for me! I've been worried sick!" Steve complained before pausing at Tony's frantic excuses. "...You found James didn't you?" Steve asked softly. "i knew he'd shown up. Phil emailed me." he admitted. "he doesn't want to see me right? i guess it's to be expected..." poor Steve sounded like he wanted to cry. "you're taking good care of him right? he has a bad habit... or he used to, of not wanting to take care of himself so make sure he eats and sleeps. and make sure you take care of yourself too okay? you don't eat enough, or sleep enough, and your not careful with the power tools.... fuck this, i'm going to the tower." "I'm coming too!" Vision ordered. "Tony clearly is perfectly capable of taking care of himself but i would feel better if he had some sort of assistance."
"If he starts getting worse quickly we'll put it in. But for now he's okay."simmons said frowning a little."I'm sure he is. I've never met him, but from what I've seen, he's a good man."simmons smiled before lauching as they settled in for their flight."I enjoy it. He's another good guy. And he has, even if he's not aware we know he says it under his breath."simmons snicker ed a little.

"That says nothing of your age."Tony snickered a little."no...I was upset but I still wanted you around."he said avoiding why he'd really left. Steve would throw a fit if he knew."...thanks for that disturbing thought ateve. I didn't want to consider that."he whined at the idea of being visions father."yes I did. And sort of?I found phil found him, and I found phil. And no, he's hurt. We're notscolding beuce."Tony ordered making a face. "What?no!why would I have him here. Nope, no super soldier here, captain."Tony said sounding even more upset and trying to hide it not wanting to upset steve. Whining quietly at the sound of near tears, distressed at the others reaction."I can take care of myself!"tony said the sudden sound of surprised yelping and the crunch of metal proving that maybe he couldn't as he went plowing through the billboard in front of him.
Natasha nodded. "okay, sounds good to me. he's a strong guy, he won't let this stop him." she admitted with a smile, hoping to god she was right. Bruce wouldn't let this beat him right? he was going to recover from this. "Hulk is just... an extension of Bruce's fight or flight response really." she admitted. "as Bruce explains it, Hulk is a personality adapted from the response to fear and has grown from there." she explained. "it took a while, but he is more than that now and he and Bruce are now able to communicate, kind of. and Hulk responds well to people, especially women because as far as Hulk knows, they are less of a threat to him." she admitted. "Betty is the one who handles him the best, but he trusts me pretty well too." she admitted with a smile. "he likes Tony too for some reason, but only if he's not in the suit." she admitted before smirking. "Good. means he likes you." she admitted with a chuckle. "means he trusts you." she admitted, well aware being called a duckling was supposed to be an insult but it had turned into more of a family based 'nickname' of sorts. sort of like calling your kids 'monkeys, pests or brats'.

"It totally does. no old man would listen to cold play, imagine Dragons, Adele or stuff like that!" he protested. "i do like that CD you loaned me though, can i keep it?" he asked hopefully. "oh your very welcome." Steve teased with a chuckle before he paused. "Bruce is hurt? Tony what happened?" he asked, worried. "Bruce doesn't normally stay hurt..." terrified for Bruce now. "Tony? you are a terrible liar." Steve pointed out. "it's fine, Tony. honest. i just... i thought if i found James things would be fine, he'd remember me and he'd be better... but things don't work that way..." he paused and then. "what did you just fly through?" he wondered. "Tony, please tell me you didn't fly through a building again." he pleaded. "that's it. we're all coming to the tower, unless you have an actually valid reason why we can't."
“No he wont.”Simmons agreed smiling, before thinking about that, nodding slowly. “Yes, that’s what he is. ,It makes sense really.”She said considering the nature of the hulk and bruce, before snorting. “Have you ever seen tony on a full on science lecture binge? Hands waving, gesutring, fratic and weird? Of course Hulk doesn’t see him as a threat. Probably thinks of him as a pet or something, something to look after.”Simmons snickered a little before relaxing, sighing softly at the idea of being trusted. “Good. We trust him to.”

“Does not.”Tony huffed a little. “And of course you can keep the CD.”Tony said making a face a little, before wincing. “Ross happened. It’s bad. But he’s being doctored, and phil’s team is looking after him.”Tony promised before whining softly. “No they don’t. He’s only upset because he doesn’t want to kill you, and he’s afraid he will be. At least till he figures out who you are. You’re his mission, until he remembers more.”Tony sighed sotly, before groanign as he sat up on the ground, sitting back on the sand, shuddering a little. “No, it wasn’t a billboard.”Tony said wincing as the suit hit the ground in pieces around him. He was going to fucking die someday if he couldn’t fix extremis.
"Yeah. Bruce has been doing a lot of studying." she admitted. "trying to find out what Hulk really is and stuff. i think he knows already, or rather always has, but didn't have the words or terminology or the full understanding or something. he's complicated." she admitted with a chuckle before laughing. "yes i have! i lived with him." she admitted with a grin. "you've been to his lectures i take it?" she asked Jemma with a grin. "i really do think that's what Hulk thinks of Tony. but then, i'm pretty Sure Thor thinks all of us are pets too." she admitted before smiling at Jemma. "he really does adore all of you. his emails are always packed with stuff about you, Leo and Skye." she admitted. "the others too but mostly you three. i think he feels like you three need the most protecting." she admitted. "but don't feel insulted, he thinks me and Clint of all people need protecting too." she admitted with a grin.

"Great! thanks! this ACDC band is really great." Steve admitted. "i still don't approve of you blasting their song in the middle of battle though." he admitted with a huff before sucking in a breath. Ross, that son of a bitch! "if that fucker aint dead i'll kill him myself for touching Bruce." Steve snarled, the room behind him going silent because Steve normally tried to moderate his mouth better than that, especially around Vision and Wanda. "he'll be okay then?" Steve asked, relieved. "wait, you said Phil, is Phil back?" he asked, sounding very excited. "He doesn't want to kill me. that's an improvement!" Steve admitted, trying to lift his spirits. "well, we'll have to ask Natasha how to make it so i'm not a mission anymore." he decided before wincing. "Tony... seriously... what's wrong?" he asked, his voice begging, pleading with Tony. "you don't fly through things, Jarvis doesn't let you."the best thing about using programs like that,was that there was always a backup. Jarvis in the tower was a previously backed up version. Friday had been moved to the new Avengers Base for which Steve was very grateful.
“Ah, doesn’t surprise me. Most people would want to knwo what the other guy is.”Simmons said thoughtfully before snorting. “Yes, I have. A few times. Doctor Banner’s to. It’s easier to learn from Bruce’s, he jumps around on topics alot less, tony is sorta like a ADHD kid on a sugar rush during lectures, he doesn’t focus on just teh topic on hand. But it’s fun to watch.”Simmons snickered before nodding. “Probably. I mean, they’re both sorta big and lovable. I’m betting they think of us as pets, to look after. Though I doubt Thor would ever describe it like that.”Jemma snickered before blushing, looking pleased at her words, before snorting. “You and clint?Not tony?”

“It is. And it totally works for battle, don’t protest.”Tony huffed a little before wincing at the other’s words. “He’s dead. Promise.”Tony said before nodding even if the other couldn’t see it. “Yes, he will be. He just needs time to recover.”He hoped anyways. “And yes he is. His team’s moving in with me, to look after bruce.”He said before sighing a little. “yea, he doesn’t want to. He doesn’t understand why, so he’s hanging out till he figures that out.”Tony said before wincing, loking to steve’s tone even as he stood up, starting to gather up the pieces. “He does when I’m not paying attention. Don’t worry, I’m okay. Promise.”well, at least as okay as he could be. “Now, are you coming to the tower tonight?Should I call the others and tell them to have rooms ready?”He said already suiting up again to see if he could make it home this time.
"I think Bruce, at first, wanted to kill Hulk. then he moved on to simply wanting to control Hulk. I Think he's finally starting to realize Hulk is a person just lik him." she admitted with a smile before laughing. "you are exactly right. that's pretty much what Tony is. we can't prove it of course but i'm quite sure he has some form of ADD or ADHD or something similar." she admitted before grinning. "that and Thor has lived for hundreds of thousands of years." she admitted with a giggle before smiling. "Tony's special." she admitted. "he's our favorite even though we're not supposed to pick favorites." she admitted. "everyone loves Tony. Phil especially. Tony's not a Duckling to Phil. Tony's just a son." she admitted with a smile. "he's a little brother to all of us... when he quit the Avengers we where all rather crushed." she admitted. "turns out there might be something wrong so i'm really worried and Steve, poor Steve is nearly frantic with worry." she admitted.

"It doesn't! it's annoying and clogs up the comms!" he whined, looking amused if only because he knew Tony couldn't see him. "Thank god... is that why Hulk left in the first place? got a tip on Ross?" he asked, sounding worried. "awesome! it'll be great to see Phil after all this time. i need to yell at him for dying yet. stupid asshole. who takes on Loki with a gun they don't know how to use or even what it does?" he huffed. "i am allowed to yell at him at least right?" Steve asked hopefully before sighing. "Bucky doesn't remember me at all then?" he asked softly. "i'm glad he's with you Tony. you'll keep him safe." he admitted with a smile before snorting. "Tony, i'm halfway there already." he teased. "i'll be there in a few hours. i need to pack some stuff." h admitted. "Clint and Vision are apparently coming too and it looks like Rhodes and Sam are as well if they're frantic waving is anything to go by. Wanda will probobly follow on her own time. she likes you." Steve admitted. "but she's awkward and doesn't want people to know she likes you. kind of like how you are with us." Steve teased with a chuckle. "Go Pack!" Steve commanded. "Stop standing there and staring at me! it's creepy!"
“Sounds about right. Good thing he had you guys, from what I can tell, Tony’s treated hulk like a person all the time. It just helps that you all did to.”Simmons said thoughtfully before snorting. “Sounds about right.”she said before snickering. “It’s not supposed to happen, but everyone chooses favorites. And I know, hearing from Tony makes his day sometimes....when he’s not ranting about reckless geniuses of course.”Simmons smiled looking amused and interested before frowning. “I’m sure he has his own reasons. You’ll figure out how to help him.”She said smiling slightly as they got to the tower, looking relieved that they’d made it back to the tower without bruce crashing on them. Looking up. “Wonder what’s taking tony so long..”She frowned a little looking for the iron man.

“You like it. Don’t lie.”Tony huffed a little before shrugging. “Maybe. I think so, at least that’s what bruce said before he past out. I’m not sure what all happened, but we’ll find out when he’s up and about again.”Tony said before snickering. “yes. You can yell at him. He’s yellable at.”Tony agreed sounding pleased with the idea, before wincing. “He remembers a bit. Of now. He doesn’t remember anything from before...he remembers DC...”Tony muttered before nodding. “Okay then. I’ll see you there.”he said hanging up even as he flew back towards the tower, hping none of the others had realized the trip had taken longer then it should have.
she shook her head. "i didn't at first." she admitted. "i was terrified of him." she admitted. "thought he was a beast, like a rabid dog or something." she admitted before smiling. "i know better now." she admitted. "yeah, Tony seams to be all of our favorites." she admitted with a chuckle. "Well Phil's not happy unless he has something to fuss over." Natasha admitted with a chuckle. "I'm sure i will. i just hope it's before he has a mental breakdown or something." she admitted with a sigh. "the last time he acted like this he was dying... so 're all really worried about him." she admitted before snorting a little. "he either crashed into something, paused to pee or stopped for doughnuts." she admitted. "he'll be here on his own time and never before." she admitted with a chuckle, carefully helping get Bruce settled into bed, carefully not reacting when Bruce woke with a violent gasp, jerking wildly away from them. "N...Natasha?" Bruce asked, hesitant before relaxing, recognizing his own room. "Oh.. i.. i'm home..."

"I hate it." Steve lied with a chuckle before grimacing. "is there anything you need me to get for him? we have huge medical stocks here. i think people are worried we're going to get hurt every day and they're going to have to keep fixing us." he admitted with a chuckle. "great! i might as well get to yell at someone." Steve admitted with a chuckle before grimacing. "the one thing i wished he didn't remember." he mumbled dryly. "D.C. was a bit of a cluster-fuck." he admitted before smiling a little as Tony hung up on him. now he was really worried. he would be there in no time to see what the hell was going on. he just needed the time to pack his things. he knew Clint was already on his way, eager to see Phil. he'd pack his things too.
“It’s a little disturbing. Maybe he’s a mutant, making everyone like him.”Simmons snickered a little before nodding. “Well, he’ll have plenty of people to fuss over now.”She said before sighing quietly. “We’ll find out what’s going on Natasha. Surely he can’t keep a secret with all of us staying with him now.”She said before snorting. “really?He’d stop for doughnuts?”she chuckled, startlign a little when bruce woke, swallowing hard.”You are home. And we need to get a IV hooked up, Doctor Banner.”

“Well, bring a little bit of everything I guess.Might help.”Tony said before snorting. “You guys do have a odd habit of getting hurt alot. Of course you need the bandages.”He said amused before wincing .”I know. But he’s working on remembering more.”Tony said before landing lightly on the balcony. Smiling slightly as he stripped out of the suit and headed downstairs to see how everyone was doing.
Natasha chuckled. "i doubt that or everyone would like him, there are plenty of people who hate him." she admitted. "people who don't bother looking past his mask mostly." she admitted. "or people who just want to hate him." she shrugged a little. "which happens more often than it really should." she admitted with a sigh before she snorted. "why do you think he's so happy?" she asked with a grin. "he's always happiest when he has a full nest." she admitted with a chuckle. "yeah, he's done it before. doughnuts tend to make him feel better." she admitted before smiling as Bruce settled down, wincing at the mention of the I.V. "D. do i have to? there won't be drugs?" he asked, begging Jemma to be good to him. to not hurt him. "it's okay Bruce. your home. your safe." she promised. "okay... but there's no drugs?" "no, Bruce. there's no drugs." she promised softly, gently swabbing Bruce's arm, wincing at the scattered bruises and scars from having the previous I.V's inserted and likely ripped out by Bruce whenever he could manage it. he looked like a junkie to be honest.

"I'll do that." Steve agree before chuckling a little because, well. yeah, they did tend to get hurt a lot. like, a lot. "I'll see you later Tony." Steve said with a smile. Phil was waiting for Tony when he landed and lifted his eyebrow at the other. "if your going to stop for doughnuts you should warn someone first." he pointed out. "Bruce is awake and a little freaked out."he admitted. "but they have the I.V. in him." Phil admitted before smiling at Tony. "it's good to see you again. it's been way too long. do you have any beer?"
“Ah....yes, I could see that.”Jemma smiled a little before shaking her head. “People are stupid.”She said before grinning, amused because she knew natasha was right. Phil was happiest with all of them close. “....that’s amusing.”She decided shaking her head at the idea of tony stopping for doughnuts before wincing, sighing softly. “yes you have to. And I’m not giving you drugs. I promise. Just nutrients, food. You’ve been starved enough that you wont be able to eat enough to start getting better just yet. The IV and real food will help.”Jemma said looking him over, shuddering a little at the sight of his scars. This was hard. Horrible. She just hoped he would trust her to let her help him.

Tony paused, stopping for a mment before shaking his head. “Sorry. Didn’t consider it. Though I’m sure James is worried....”tony frowned, looking anxious and upset at the idea, hoping phil would think he’d stopped for doughnuts instead of digging into it. “Damn...Okay. I’ll see him next.”Tony swallowed hard, worried about bruce before nodding, heading for the kitchen.”Yea I have beer.”
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