Handle Me (Marvel) Lady-Fox

"Your welcome."Tony said making sure he was comfortable before looking over at him. Frowning slightly."what?do you not want me to sleep here?I can go somewhere else..."he said indeed already moving to climb out of the bed, not wanting to upset the other
James frowned a little, confused. "You're the Handler.You make the rules. i don't know what to do. you have to tell me the rules." he informed Tony, already settling down because it was pretty obvious Tony was just sharing body heat. it was rather cold. he'd shared body heat before. this was the same thing, only they would be sleeping. when Tony woke in the morning it was to James making confused noises. "Sir? i appear to be broken." he informed Tony once he realized the other was awake. He looked down at his crotch where he was having a 'morning problem'. it was gut wrenching to realize James thought having morning wood was being faulty in some way. "do i need maintenance?" he asked Tony, blinking at him. "i've never had this problem with my biology before." James admitted, sounding more curious than scared. "I've never slept with someone in the same area as me either, are the events connected?"
“Oh. Well, sleep here then.”Tony said shifting to get settled, watching the other before settling in to sleep. “hm?”Tony blinked sleepily, turning his head to look at the other, yawning softly as he considered James. Looking slightly disturbed that he thought it was broken, and swallowing down the near yes that he said to the idea of doing ‘maintenance’ on him. Dammit, he could take care of james, and not make a huge mistake and fuck up more then he already had. “Yes. It tends to happen when people sleep together, it’s a natural thing, when you are sexually aroused, that happens.”He said blushing.
James blinked at Tony a little. "Sexually aroused?" he asked, looking baffled. he hadn't been aroused, ever. which , really, it wasn't hard to imagine why what with Hydra being the way they where. they'd probobly not even thought twice about raping him anytime he looked sexually interested so his body had shut down. with him feeling safe with Tony, ridiculous thing to be considering his past experiences with Handlers, his body was starting to react normally again. not that such a thing was helping James at all. or Tony. "What do i do to make it stop?" James asked, scowling at his hard on. "i don't like it. it feels bad." he admitted, flexing against the strap on his arm, letting the bondage ground him, remind him that he was safe and in no danger of hurting anyone or being hurt because no one hurt him when he was bound. this was unusual but Tony didn't seam bothered so James figured it would be okay.
“Yes. It’s a natural reaction to things.”Tony said looking like he was drowning, he totally had no idea how to figure out how to explain things, he so wished bruce was here, would make figuring out how to explain perfectly normal things better. Bruce was good at things like this. “Just ignore it, it’ll go away soon enough.”Tony said sitting up, looking over at the other as he tilted his head. “Do you want the handcuff off yet, or do you want to eat breakfast like that?”He asked studying him.
James blinked a little. "Oh..." he looked down at himself again and then looked at Tony again. "Yes Sir." well, he was very good at ignoring things and it was now already out of his mind with the promise that it would go away on it's own. he paused, hesitating because his opinion was so very rarely sought before nodding. he couldn't eat without a hand and his metal arm was still down in the lab. even if he had it, letting one hand free totally defeated the point of the cuffs. besides, he didn't need to be made safe anymore, he was awake and aware and capable of obeying perfectly. he wouldn't need the safety net. "I would like the cuff off." he admitted. "What will the daily tasks be?" wondering what he would be assigned to do today. kill someone? guard duty? sit in a corner and not bother anyone?
Tony tilted his head watching the other. Figuring if he gave the other small decisions, easy decisions maybe james would settle better, and make it easier to find a life. “Okay. Free it is then.”he said undoing the cuffs, before tilting his head. “Well, we’re going to go eat. Then we’ll see about getting your arm fixed. And maybe Natasha might be here today. I don’t know. I don’t do that many exciting things James, I sorta stay at the tower and work all day.”Tony said looking a little distressed that he didn’t have anything for the other to do.
"Thank you Sir." he said, rotating his wrist, more out of habit because he was used to it hurting, or at least leaving him numb. "Yes Sir." he agreed. he was going to be sitting in a corner and not getting in the way. easy day. he kind of liked not having to do anything sometimes and today was a good day for doing nothing. he followed Tony down to the kitchen and stared at the red headed Mission. he nearly reached for a weapon to take her out but he had fully disarmed himself. she looked relieved to see him though, he wondered if she felt bad for not being his handler. it was hard to tell, she was as blank as he was. "he needed to be restrained last night?" she asked, realizing he was rotating his wrist the way she did when she needed that. memories where impossible to overcome sometimes. "we haven't told Steve yet." she admitted to Tony, pouring Tony a cup of coffee and handed a bag to James who looked inside and saw the doughnuts his handlers typically ate. he handed them to Tony and waited for the gruel he was used to and the red haired Mission sighed and pulled out another bag and handed it to James. "Eat." she ordered him and he scowled at her. she was not his Handler. she had refused, she was not allowed to give him orders and he wanted to snap her pretty neck for thinking she could make him do anything. or maybe he just wanted to snap her neck because she made him feel things the way the other Mission did. the blond haired one in the funny costume.
“Welcome. And there’s books or something if you get bored you could read if you want.”Tony said fussing a little before pausing at the sight of natasha in the kitchen, looking a little relieved to see her. Good, she had been able to get away soon. Glad that she’d wanted to come see him. Having been worried no one would want to see him since he’d retired from the avengers. Taking the coffee from her he smiled a little.“He wanted it, and I had comfortable cuffs.”He shrugged a little at her question as he sipped his coffee, choking a little as he realized it was natasha’s strong ass russian coffee, but it was to amazing to put down. Eyeing natasha and wondering what she was thinking before frowning slightly. “you’re not going to tell him he’s here right?Please don’t. I only asked you to stop by cause I needed advice.”He said looking worried before taking the doughnuts and starting to eat, trying not to worry to much. He wanted to treat james like a submissive, but he was worried about doing it that way. What if he made it worse?Frowning a little as james scowled, “James!Eat.”Tony said putting enough whipcrack into his voice to make sure he paid attention and didn’t hurt natasha like he could tell she wanted to. “no hurting anyone without permission. That’s a order.”
James blinked at him and nodded, but it was obvious he wasn't about to pick up a book. "I know. it's because the Handlers don't hit us when we're restrained." she admitted. "and it stops us from attacking them in our sleep which... leads to horribly creative punishments." she admitted, pouring a cup for James who studied it with disinterest. "No. James is too dangerous for Steve right now Tony. he's too dangerous for me as well. he still has the orders in his brain, 'Kill the woman, kill Captain America' until he's stable he can't be near Steve. i'll defend myself. Steve won't." she admitted with a sigh. "It's going to be a horrid mess." she admitted. "i told him to go to Steve because i couldn't think of where else to send him. figured at the very least Fury might have a clue." she admitted. "i never thought he'd come here." she admitted. "i didn't know he even knew you existed to be honest.i thought someone he was familiar with in some way would be best, guess i was wrong." she admitted, blinking when Tony put the whip-crack in his voice. "Yes Sir." James said, reaching into the bag and pulling out a doughnut started to eat. "Yes Sir." James agreed, though he didn't seam to like the last order too much and Natasha hid a snicker behind her hand because she knew James was thinking Tony might be attacked and he wouldn't be able to defend the other because he had orders not to. she also knew that if Tony was actually in danger James would ignore those orders. "i don't see why you need help, your handling him pretty well it looks like."
“Ah. I see. Okay, that explains why he was relieved about it.”Tony muttered mostly to himself, frowning a little as he considered those creative punishments. “....Ah. Okay. Makes sense why he was so very annoyed that everyone kept telling him to go to steve.”Tony said making a face before raising a eyebrow. “I am familiar. Or at least. I am by way of history. You’ve seen pictures of Howard, I could be a mini-me. Sorta am actually, I mean I’m smaller and more compact, but I look like howard...act like him to. So even if he doesn’t remember Howard per se, somewhere I am familiar.”Tony shrugged having given it some thought, before watching as james started to eat. Huffing a little as he saw the dislike. “Fine. Okay. If I’m in life threatening danger, and I mean real danger James, not the sort of danger that comes with working in the lab, you can attack. But beyond that, no.”Tony said correcting himself before looking at Natasha, looking fidgety. “I don’t think so. I mean. I can’t go treating him like I would in the middle of a scene. That’s just mean and horrible. I can’t do that Natasha.”He said lookign a little freaked out at the idea.
"Yeah. that and it's just familiar. We're used to it and the bondage can help us feel safe and secure." she admitted before shaking her head. "Tony. James was able to identify the target of three triplets. identical. so identical that with all three of them wearing the same suit their own mother couldn't tell them apart. he picked the single target of the three and dropped him. he can tell your not Howard." she admitted, James studying them. "Target #446 Howard Stark, Maria Stark, cause for elimination, payed Hit. buyer, Obediah Stane, level six Hydra." James informed them before biting into the doughnut and froze. he chewed once and then bent his head and spat the bite out into a napkin and set the doughnut down and stared at it as if he was trying to decide if it was poison or not. "huh. apparently he doesn't like doughnuts." Natasha mused, looking seconds from laughing at James. she'd honestly thought he'd devour them, her first taste of a doughnut had sent her into a feeding frenzy. "Yes Sir." he said, looking much happier with that order. "Why not?" Natasha asked, her head tilted at him. "he might not be capable of consent right now for actual sex, but most handlers from Shield who take on people rescued from Hydra are experienced Doms." she admitted. "that's why they're chosen. Phil for example, was one of the most experienced Dom's I've ever known. that's why he got Clint in the first place. Clint was only fourteen but he was already a trained 'sex slave' and needed someone with a firm, steady, gentle hand. being a Black Widow i wasn't much different, just a lot more deadly and that's why he got me as well." she admitted. "we're basically drowning submissive's Tony. so, treat him like an extremely abused Sub, it works because that's basically what we are."
“Ah. Okay. I understand that.”Tony said thoughtfully before frowning considering that. “Yes, but I still look like the bastard. Familiar people, familiar things, I mean. Why else would he show up here?”He shrugged a little before going still, frowning at that. Looking shocked and shaken at the knowledge of Obediah and his parents. Steve had said there was some suspicion that James had been behind the starks’ death, he just hadnt been prepared for the other to say it so bluntly. Swallowing thickly before snorting a little at the sight of james spitting out the doughnut. “That’s blasphemy. I’m not sharing the doughnuts anymore.”Tony huffed as he tugged the bag closer to eat before looking at natasha. “You can cook. Can you make him food?”he asked sounding vaguely pathetic, cause he totally sucked at cooking. Frowning a little at natasha’s words, fidgeting and upset. “Cause Nat, it’s me. Come on, you know I’m going to fuck this up. I always fuck up the people part of doing things. Look at what happened with ultron, and bruce. And the rest. I’ll fuck this up, and Steve’ll kill me in my sleep for not looking after james well enough, and probably do unspeakable things to my remains for it.”He grumbled.
She shook her head. "Tony. seriously, you don't look, act, sound or even smell anything like Howard Stark." she assured him, hesitating before looking down at her hands. "i would know. i met him." she admitted, swallowing thickly. "Howard Stark... asshole." James informed them, examining his coffee and taking a small sip, deciding he really liked it and took a deeper drink. when Tony informed James he wasn't going to share the doughnuts anymore he just handed over the bag and glared at Natasha when she tried to take it back. "Yes, i ca make food. but why not just tell James to? it will make him feel better to cook for you and he knows how." she admitted with a smile before she sighed and shook her head. "how can you be such an amazing Dom and yet have such a low slf esteem?" she wondered. "there's a reason Clint and i where always hanging around with you more than the others Tony." she admitted. "you made us feel better. you still do." she admitted with a smile. "you don't fuck up people Tony. Bruce left because that's what Bruce does." she admitted. "you know how anxious he gets when he's in one place for too long. and i was pushing him too hard. if anyone fucked up with Bruce, it was me." she admitted. "and Steve won't kill you and you know it. he'll be pissed but he'll understand." she promised. "you know. once i beat his head in for you."
“....Whatever.”Tony said making a face, because he still considered himself still on the level of asshole as howard, but not protesting against the others right now. Looking amused as he took the doughnuts, nibbling on them. “he doesn’t like them, I want them.”he said smirking a little before glancing at james, “Okay. James, can you make something?There should be some food here...”he said, though he probably needed to go grocery shopping. Or get someone to do that sort of thing. Frowning at natasha he sipped his coffee. “Yea, cause I sorta made things blow up, and Clint totally wanted to watch.”He grumbled going quiet as he considered what sh ewas saying, thinking it over before snorting. “If it concerned anyone besides James, probably. But steve is going to kill me. And you know it. He nearly killed me over ultron, this is going to be bad."He whined a little.
Natasha smiled a little because Tony didn't seam to make the connection that Natasha wasn't old enough to have met Howard. or shouldn't have been anyway since everyone said she was in her twenties. "at least give me one. i haven't eaten yet." Natasha complained, sulking. "you and James where supposed to share." she admitted. "Yes Sir." James said, perking up at the simple request. he went to the fridge to see what was there before setting about making food. which turned out to be omelets since Tony had a lot of leftovers and almost any leftover could go into an omelet. "I'll go shopping for you. I'm planning on sticking around for a while." she admitted with a smile. "things have been slow and Vision is an annoying bitch." she lied with a grin. "he's discovered planking and it's all Clint's fault." she admitted, blinking when James set down the massive six egg omelet, looking very pleased with himself.
“Okay. I’ll share those with you. As long as your being nice. I’ll bribe you to be nice.”Tony said passing them over ot the other, before smiling as he watched james cook for a moment before focusing on natasha again. “You are?”Tony said looking so utterly pleased that the other was staying, that it was sorta painful to see. “....when is it ever not clint’s fault, and you could always tell him to stop you know.”She said smiling a little before looking at the omelet, looking startled before smiling pleased with james, even if it was alot of food. “Thank you James.Sit, have some.”he ordered even as he started digging in.
She chuckled a little. "i'm always nice Tony." she admitted with a smirk, pulling out a french cruller and biting into it happily. "yes i am." she admitted with a smile. "i worry about you here all on your own." she admitted. "It's always Clint's fault." she agreed with a grin. "i could, but it's much more fun to tell him to have fun and leave while he's torturing the others." she admitted with an impish grin before smiling at James when he offered her a slice. "no thank you. i'm allergic to home cooked food." James paused, confused by that before giving her a sidelong look that said he didn't believe her but his Handler liked her so he wouldn't hit her for lying. he sat down and ate everything that Tony didn't and was happy with the plain cake doughnuts Natasha managed to talk him into eating. "so, just out of curiosity, why is his arm missing?" Natasha wondered, had James torn it off? she hoped not. "Arm is in need of maintenance." James informed her, making her sigh, relieved. "thank goodness, i was worried he'd ripped it off himself." she admitted to Tony. "I'm sure you could see when you took it off why that would have been a bad idea. he's had to do it before. it shredded his shoulder and the socket." she admitted. "it took him weeks to recover enough to be mobile again. and that was without the whipping he got for loosing the arm." she admitted, looking sad. "Yes. the Arm was stuck." James agreed. "you remember?" "yes. they made you do it for loosing me." James admitted, making Natasha cringe. she'd almost forgotten about that. "you cried and then they beat you too." "...yeah. why don't we talk about something else."
“Are not. I have nightmares about you pretending to be the legal aide at SI still.”Tony teased looking amused before grinning, pleased that the other was coming. “Awesome. And I’m fine on my own!I told steve I can function as a adult. I don’t need a babysitter.”He pouted a little before smiling at james, “ignore her. She’s teasing james, and making sure you eat enough.Eat.”Tony said watching the other carefully, making sure he wasn’t going to snap out at natasha before looking at the missing arm. “Still making a new one.”he said shrugging a little, before wincing, “....yes I saw...and that’s...”he shuddered at the idea of ripping it out, wincing at the conversation. “Yes. Different topic. I’m redesigning the arm. Any suggestions to what to add to it? I mean, I want to do stuff to it but I can’t do anything about what I want, cause bruce isn’t here, and it’s annoying, so your my backup plan figuring out what to do.”
she smirked at him a little. "i never stopped you know. I'm still Pepper's legal aid." she admitted. "you can function on your own, sure. that doesn't stop you from feeling lonely or abandoned though." she admitted, watching him. "your my friend Tony, i don't want to stop being your friend just because i work someplace else now." she admitted before smiling sweetly at James who only looked like he wanted to hurt her more. "Yes Sir." he said, munching his food now. "Your making an entirely new one?" she asked, her head tilted. "i don't know much about arms." she admitted with a smile. "but i think that a way to be soft with it would make him happy. you know, gentle. so he doesn't crush or break things because he forgets and uses the wrong arm." she admitted. "his old arm can't do that, it's deadly, meant to be deadly, used to be deadly. making it capable of being gentle might help him understand that things are different here." she admitted before smiling sadly. "still no word from him then?" she asked softly. "i shouldn't have pushed him so hard i guess." she admitted, shaking her head a little.
“...That’s disturbing to. You as a avenging aid.”Tony teased shivering a little before frowning at the other. Annoyed that she’d figured out that he had indeed been feeling very abandoned and upset that they’d all left, even if they’d all made the decision to not live in the tower, it didn’t stop him from feeling left behind. “Well good. Cause you’re stuck with me. I’m a lifetime sorta person. To bad you don’t want to date me, it would be the beginning of a beautiful thing.”Tony huffed a little brushing off the serious emotions with a joke before nodding. “I am. It was crap. It was hydra crap that needed a whole new thing and well, I don’t know alot about biology to, but figured between the two of us we could come up with something.”Tony said before thinking about that. “I’ll do that. Gentle things.”He muttered making a mental note before shaking his head. “Nope. Not a word, and believe me, when I do eventually find mean green I’m going to give him a piece of my mind. My intelligent conversations have been lacking in nature since he left.”
"isn't it" she asked with a smirk. "Pepper needed help you know but she's so damn paranoid that she won't accept help from anyone but Me, You and Bruce." she admitted with a sigh. "well, she used to accept help from Phil too but..." she shook her head a little. "anyway i think the only person more paranoid than her is you." Natasha admitted with a smile. "i'm glad to have you stuck to me." she admitted with a smile. "you have way of wiggling into person and staying there." she admitted with a smile. "your a very good man Tony, and it's watching you make yourself better and better day in and day out every day that makes me want to be better too." she admitted with a smile. "Tony... sweetie. why is it that your the only man who hasn't noticed?"she wondered, amused. "Dottie is gay." "...it's Natasha now." "Natasha is gay." James corrected. "see? James has figured it out." Natasha said with a chuckle. "not to mention, i think you might be gay too Love." she teased Tony with a grin. "well, it's Hydra, what did you expect?" she asked, her head tilted a little. "anything they use on the Assets is designed specifically to hurt, restrain and control. they use crap tech, because we don't need better." she admitted. "i'm sure Bruce will be back Tony. we just, need to give him the space and time he needs to do what he feels he needs to do." she admitted before smiling a little. "well. i'm not as smart as you, but i can at least tell you to stop being stupid from time to time." she offered with a smile. "i just wonder what he's doing..." "Do you need me to track someone Sir?" James asked. "Hey Jay? can you get the coffee going?" Natasha asked, blinking when James went very tense and instead of answering Jarvis just hit the coffee. "i take it he freaked when he met Jarvis?" Natasha asked sympathetically. she hadn't done much better herself, she'd just hidden it very well because she was undercover. she shook her head and accepted the second pot of Coffee, knowing better than to bring attention to it. once James realized no one was afraid of Jarvis he'd start to calm down.
“It is. And she is totally more paranoid then me. I’m not that bad.”Tony sulked a little before studying her, looking thoughtful, “I’m not that great. You make it sound like I didn’t nearly end the world recently you know.”He said huffing a little before frowning at her. “Dottie?”He said raisint a eyebrow before frowning a little harder, “.....Are you and pepper dating?Is that a thing that I have to worry about?You two ganging up on me?”he said eyeing her before shrugging. “I am not gay. I’m happily bisexual and totally taking advantage of it. Haven’t you heard, I’m having sex now that you people aren’t living with me to complain about people being here.”He said smirking a little, because he wasn’t having nearly as much sex as the rumor mill said he was. Before making a face. “Hydra’s stupid. And I’ll do better.”He said pleased before huffing. “Not sure about that. I’m alot stupid sometimes....and no, not yet James. Maybe in awhile if he still hasn’t returned.”Tony said looking thoughtful at the idea before nodding, “He did. So jarvis is communicating by text if needed till I figure out how to convince him it’s not.....the other computer.”Tony said making a face.
"Yuo are that bad. how long did it take you to like me?" she asked, looking amused. "Tony, you didn't nearly end the world. Ultron, in Theory, was a damn good idea." she admitted. "it was just using that damn scepter that ruined everything. you think Bruce would have let it go on for so long if he didn't agree?" she asked with a smile. "you both just got too impatient, that's all." she admitted. "it was m name before i became Hydra." she admitted. "when i was Red Room, my name was Dottie Underwood." she admitted. "they made me dye my hair back then to this ugly horrible blond because it would make me fit in better." she admitted before she chuckled. "nah. not dating yet." Pepper promised him with a smile, wondering how long it would take him to realize the 'yet' meant Natasha wanted to be dating Pepper. "You haven't had sex in two months." she informed Tony. "you think i'm not watching this place? because i am." she admitted with a chuckle. "i can't trust you to take care of yourself after all." she teased with a smile. "your not stupid at all, just overly excitable." she admitted with a smile. "Yes Sir." James said, a bit disappointing. he loved tracking missions. he could go outside on tracking missions and breath fresh air and see the sun and the grass and just enjoy life for a little while. he could even pretend he was free, even if he never was. "the best thing to do is just act the way you normally act, both you and Jarvis. once James realizes Jarvis isn't dangerous he'll calm down." she promised with a smile. "especially if he sees you and Jay arguing like an old married couple. that's really what made me calm down, though i hope no one noticed i had a mini panic attack every time he talked."
"Well you stabbed me with a needle. And locked me up in my house with Agent. It doesn't endear a person to you."Tony said making a face at her before frowning thinking on that."okay...maybe. you might be right."which was probably as close as he'd ever get to believING it wasn't his fault."ah....I don't like you as a blond. It'd be weird."he decided curious about her past but not pushing it. She'd tell him if she wanted."....so you do want to date her. I feel like I should warn her or something."Tony muttered before jumping a little. Frowning at her."I've had sex. I've had plenty of sex."I can take care of myself."he whined a little."well give him a few more days, then we'll track him."tony said seeing the others disappointment. "Okay...we can do that."Tony said relaxing at the advice before shaking his head."i, at least, never noticed. Don't know about the others."
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