Handle Me (Marvel) Lady-Fox

“Ahhh, I see.”Tony said looking thoughtful before nodding. “Well behaved. He made me a hologram of the rainbow bridge. It was awesome.”Tony smiled. “It’s okay. He’s going to fuss no matter what he does james. He needs to eat.”Tony soothed, smiling slightly as he reached over to stroke james hair for a moment before nodding. “Yes, I guess your right. He’s settling.”He beamed pleased as he started to eat. Looking startled before looking at thor. “well, we probably have better food then asgard.”Tony said looking amused. “Earth’s not better at everything, tony.”Pepper said rolling her eyes a little.
"Did he really?" Thor asked, looking pleased. "i knew he'd like you." he admitted with a smile. "Loki doesn't normally give people things. he doesn't seam to even notice that other people exist to be honest. whose idea was it to give him the giant Teddy bear? it seams to work wonderfully, i wonder if he would take tot he smaller ones so well?" he mused, chuckling when James leaned into the touch like a cat. when Loki was having a very good day, he did the same thing. "Ah, alas. i believe Friend Tony is correct. Earth has many things much better than anywhere else in the nine realm." Thor admitted. "true you do not have magic, yet, but i believe you have solved any problems that not having it would cause us." Thor admitted. "Earth is still 'behind the times' socially, i think that's the word i'm looking for, but they are far more advanced than any of the nine realms where at this stage in their own development. the other realms greatly underestimate the people of Earth. it is like looking at a toddler and thinking it cute that it is looking at a book, when the toddler is actually reading advanced physics." Thor admitted, looking amused. "the other Realms will be greatly shocked when Earth starts vastly outstripping them." he admitted, smiling when Loki started shredding his meal instead of eating it and removed it from his hands and wiped them off, ignoring Loki's whining protests and set the watch in front of him instead and Loki happily returned to figuring out how it worked and what it was. "oh, Tony. here, i saved this one for you." he admitted, holding out a thick book. "i have no idea how far earth science would delve into magic, so i got you the base beginners. even if it's simple for you, it will be good to understand it from a magical standpoint." he admitted. the beginners book was bout the same as higher level physics for earth students. no wonder magic was rare, even in the other nine realms. you had to, not only understand how the world worked, but how atoms worked, how gravity worked, how everything worked and then learn how to manipulate said atoms, energy and physics forces to do things without trying to push them beyond what they could actually do. for example you could re-order the atoms into something new, but you still could not destroy the atoms or make new ones. it was extremely fascinating, deeply terrifying and as Bruce read from over Tony's shoulder, he felt himself getting both panicked and excited.
“He did.”Tony said smiling a little before looking at Peter.”peter’s. Thought he’d like cuddling something....and there’s plenty of stuffed animals up in your apartment, I’m sure he’d like them.”Tony said smiling as james leaned into his hand before beaming. “Ha. I’m always right.” “Now we’ll never hear the end of it.”Pepper teased though she looked more amused then nanoyed at the idea. “Truly? That’s awesome. No wonder loki seemed surprised when we beat the chitauri if everyoen thinks we’re that backwards.”clitn said making a face as they ate. “Hm?For me?”Tony looked up before taking the book, looking interested as he flicked through it, just looking to see if he knew any of it before beaming pleased. “Oh!oh this is close to what we already know. I’ll study this, and go from there. Thanks thor!”Tony said bounding out of his chair, heading for the living room and the couch that was his favorite reading spot, nearly cracking his head against bruce’s in his rush to get comfy and to read. To excited to even realize he’d nearly hit bruce.
Peter flushed again as the attention was placed on him again and he looked about ready to cry when Thor swept him into a hug and Just about broke him in his exuberance. "there are many animals in my room! for i like them verily!" Thor admitted. "have any of them anytime if you have need for them." Thor said happily. glad that Loki had found something to make him comfortable. "that's great... can you put me down now?" Peter asked hopefully. "of course!" Thor agreed, setting Peter down. "Alas, twas not Loki who was surprised." Thor admitted. "that was why i was so confused during our battles. the Loki i remembered, had thought great things of humans. he said, and this is a direct quote, 'Someday soon their destinies will overpass those of our own, and it will be earth, not Asgard, who rules the nine realms'. he thought humans to be fascinating." Thor admitted. "he thought that within the next five hundred years, if humans could get over their... er. no offense meant here 'backwards thinking' that you would soon overtake the other nine realms completely and might even expand beyond them." "Backwards thinking?" Bruce asked, looking mused, Thor nodding. "aye. you all seam to think that, and i know this is not true of any of YOU, but your society as a whole seams to think that some people are better than others. women are inferior to men. people of color are not as important as white men, children with special difficulties not as pure as children who are 'normal.' they think that people fro 'third world countries' are worthless and so forth." "he's not wrong." Peter admitted. "that type of thinking IS holding us back as a species. we're getting better though." "verily so!" Thor agreed with a grin. "Many Welcomes Friend Tony!" Thor said happily, both Peter and James making an aggravated sound and stalking after Tony with food to make him eat, Bruce snorting when he witnessed this and looked at Pepper. "where in the world did you even find a kid like Peter? the kid is wicked smart AND he doesn't mind Tony's... differences." he admitted, glad he'd jerked his head out of the way or he'd be nursing a broken nose and the urge to Hulk out. he glanced at Loki to make sure he was okay and was amused to see the godling was putting the watch back together now. he'd be entertained for another hour or so. Steve chuckled a little and settled a fluffy blanket over Loki's shoulders. "he's really kind of cute, you know, when he's not trying to kill us." Steve admitted to Pepper with a smile. "how have you been handling things?" he asked, his head tilted.
“I know you do big guy. It’s why I got you so many. I’m glad loki likes them to.”Tony said smiling happily before tilting his head, looking amused. “Well. I’m not sure what to think on that. Though I can understand finding us fascinating. I’m very fascinating all on my own. Not to mention that I share a world with Steve, and Bruce.” “No one else?”Pepper said eyeing tony. “Well, I share with Natasha to, only because she’ll hurt me if I don’t say she’s fascinating.”Tony decided before whining a little waving off both peter and james, sulking as his reading was interrupted by the two. “I found him in high school actually. He just graduated and applied to the stark and osborn internships. Figured I’d better grab him before osborne did, otherwise tony would have sulked about it.”Pepper snickered a little before snorting.”He is kinda cute. And I’m doing....well. Things have been difficult with the board, and with Tony being....well tony, but there’s nothing really to do about that besides ask tony to stop, and that would just be cruel.”
"I verily do enjoy the stuffed animals." Thor agreed brightly. unconcerned that they were supposed to *be for children. "Well, you are very fascinating. i believe you may be the very first human capable of magic. full human i mean." Thor admitted. "that will certainly get people's attention." he admitted. "Tony? i think Pepper was talking about herself." Steve admitted with a chuckle. "They aren't going to stop until you eat Tony." Steve pointed out before smiling at pepper. "High School, seriously?" he asked, lifting an eyebrow. "that kid can do math that is on par with both Tony and Bruce, and you found him in High school?" he asked, quite impressed. "peter mentioned the board to Tony and Tony seams to be of the opinion that he, me, and James need to go in and scare the hell out of them." he admitted with a chuckle. "and Tony is being Tony. but he's doing better with James here to focus most of his attention on." he admitted. sounding quite affectionate. "James keeps getting jealous. it's really adorable, he locked me in the room Tony made for me and tried to do the same to Pepper." he admitted with a grin before lowering his voice. "i was going to ask Tony but after his reaction to the whole... anyway, do you know what a lesbian is? Natasha says she's one but i'm not sure what that means..." he ignored how Natasha spewed Soda all over the place because she'd tried, and failed, to keep from laughing when she herd Steve's oh so innocent question.
"Well I'll be amazing then. I'm sure I can do it."Tony said pleased with thors thought that he would indeed be able to do magic."I was indeed. At least someone thinks I'm fascinating."pepper said smiling. "I'd find you more fascinating if you'd have sex with me again."Tony whined a little, unaware that everyone knew it hadn't been pepper who'd broken up with him, but him with her. "Okay give me the food."Tony sulked even as he started to eat while he read."yea seriously."pepper said smiling."he just graduated."good.they need it....I feel like I should feel bad about turning you loose on thrm, but they deserve it."pepper smiled a little. "That is adorable..."pepper said smiling slightly before choking a little."oh. Well. Uh...a lesibian is someone who likes girls. And is a girl. Like you know what yay is right?well lesibian is the female 23rd for it..."
Thor chuckled. "i am sure you can Tony." Thor admitted with a smile. "you are very fascinating." Steve agreed with Pepper, Natasha nodding her agreement and giving Pepper the once over because she couldn't help herself. if she didn't know better she might have sworn Steve was playing matchmaker. Steve had to smile at Tony's complaint because he knew Tony had to flirt. he'd loved Pepper for so long he didn't actually know how to stop. Peter was happy to leave once he knew Ton was eating, but James stayed and made annoyed sounds anytime Tony took too long between bites. "I'm more than happy to go 'Captain America is Very Disappointed in You' on them." he promised her with a smile. "we'll just have to make sure James is very aware he's not allowed to actually hurt them." he admitted with a smile. "Oh. yes i learned about Gay a while ago." he admitted with a smile. "i'm pretty glad that people like me aren't going to be beaten to death anymore..." he paused when Natasha spewed her coffee again an Steve had to struggle to keep his innocent facade. "You're GAY!?" she shrieked, staring at Steve who flushed hard and fidgeted before nodding. "No wonder you never agreed to my dates!" "no. that was because i don' need you setting me up." Steve huffed, rolling his eyes. "and i would have told you but... i didn't know it was okay..." he admitted. "i thought... you know. you'd hate me. but i know better now." he admitted. "Gay?" James asked, blinking at them, satisfied Tony had eaten enough. "A man who likes a man." Natasha explained to James who nodded. "Asset is Gay." he agreed, making Steve chuckle. "well that hasn't changed then." he admitted.
"I'm eating. Stop staring at me."Tony grumbled at james looks, squirming a little because he was definitely eating more now that he was being watched."good. I'll have to record it to watch. And I'm sure tony will be able to keep him from really hurting them."they might not be datkng, but pepper trusted tony. "W-what?"pepper stared at steve eyes wide as she considered the man, darting a look towards the living room, wondering if tonywas aware of this. Or if he was even paying attention. But from the quiet in the living room, she was betting he hadnt. EyebrowsRaising even moreat james words, shaking her head a little."poor tony. You two be nice to him, okay?"she said watching both Brooklyn boys, and feeling sorry for her poor socially adapted boss.
"No." James said simply, looking quite pleased to be allowed to disobey orders. "i'll make sure to take Jarvis with us so he can record it for you." he promised with a smile before blinking at her, looking nervous now. "uhm, was it wrong to... admit that?" he asked nervously. had he judged his teammates wrong? he h thought they would be just fine with him being gay. it was his... other, predilections he feared that they would have problems with. "No, Steve. it's fine. it's just a bit of a surprise." Natasha assured him. "i'm always nice to Tony..." Steve complained, looking confused. James just narrowed his eyes at her and plotted the best way to lock her in a closet. preferably with the Scarlet Woman. that would teach them to plot against his precious Handler. maybe he'd shove the red white and Blue man in there as well. not the sparkly woman though. the one Natasha fussed over. she was a malysh. and she had been hurt, he would protect her like he protected the too skinny dark haired one.
"No just surprising. Considering how many women throw themselves T you...not to mention tony always said you were straight."pepper said before frowning a little considering steve."I know. But he's socially awkward, and you're crushing on him aren't you? Knowing your gay sorta changes this whole awkward mess "pepper said frowning at steve worried, not upset, simply worried about tony.
He shrugged. "it was a Secrete, back in the War." he admitted. "I could have been... well Dishonorably Discharged was the lightest sentence they could have passed." he admitted, shaking his head. "they could have had me, er, culled i think is the word for it? or euthanized? something like that." he admitted. "or even put in a mental hospital." he admitted. "not even the Commandos knew." which explained why Tony didn't know. "Peggy did, but she was fine with it. she thought it was hilarious." he admitted with a smile before going bright red and nodded. "Tony's... Tony... who wouldn't be attracted to him? i'm in a relationship, of sorts, already though." he admitted. "and i'm not going to break that off just because Tony might, might, have an interest in me. i know he's, at the very least, Bi, but i'm pretty sure he has a thing for James." he admitted with a shrug. "not that he'll do anything about that, being as James is... well Tony won't want to take advantage." he admitted with a shrug. "i imagine that James has already staked his claim though. can't imagine why else he's taken to locking me in closets." he admitted with a snicker.
“Ah. Well that makes sense.”Pepper said smiling. “It’s better now.”She said before tilting her head as she watched him blush. “really?Well, good for you. It’s good you have someone.”She smiled patting steve’s arm, looking a little relieved. Because steve was such a mental obstacle for tony, it made him insane sometimes, it was almost better steve wasn’t interested. “He is bi, says he’s so amazing he should be able to sleep with everyone, since everyone loves him.”Pepper said rolling her eyes, knowing it was more then that, but that was all tony had ever willingly said about his sexuality. “No, tony wouldn’t take advantage....and well, maybe you just look good in closets.” “....are we playing 7 minutes in heaven?We locking us in closets again?”Tony asked as he walked in, looking around thoughtfully as he put his empty plate in the sink.
Steve nodded. "yeah. it's... i'm not sure the right words. i'm not the only one he sees?" he asked, looking at them for clarification. "im not looking for anything, you know, too serious because... well it's a dangerous life and it's dangerous times and i don't want someone getting hurt just because they're, you know, close to me. everyone here, they can protect themselves you know?" he asked, shrugging a little. "plus i haven't found anyone i really... you know. like." he admitted with a smile. "if Tony where interested i'd totally try it but he's not and i don't want to make things worse." he admitted, well aware Pepper was worried about him fucking with Tony. "i do look good in closets but James doesn't remember and he's in no shape to agree so i'll have to leave that burning stick alone." Steve admitted with a chuckle before blinking at Tony. "what's seven minutes in heaven?" he asked, his head tilted, James rushing over to wash the dishes before blinking at Tony. "Asset is gay." James informed Tony, making Steve snort. "Asset is Propositioned. Three Dollars for a Blo...." "Okay!" Steve interrupted, blushing hard. "they don't want to know that Buck." he informed the man. "...we lived... near the, er... red light area and James was pretty so people would, er... offer him money in exchange for... you know... apparently he remembers that." "Blowjobs where Three dollars." James informed them, making Steve groan and press his hand over his eyes, well aware of where this was going. "i was good enough to charge five." James admitted, making Natasha choke and Steve made a small whining noise that made Loki sit up a little and look around, thinking there was an animal nearby.
“Ahh... Open relationship. You know, you and tony have more in common then I thought. He sees alot of people most of the time.”Pepper said, though she was well aware that was more because tony didn’t understand relationships enough to figure out how to be in a single one. “”You’ll find someone.Eventually.”Pepper said relaxing, nodding slightly. Realizing steve knew what she was worried about before snoickering. “Yes, leave the stick alone.” “It’s a game. A make out game where you’re in a closet with someone and...really?”Tony stared looking utterly amused and entertained at the idea of james being paid for blowjobs, even if he was trying really hard not to respond to the idea of james being gay. He couldn’t handle that. “I’m sure you’ve very good at them. Even to make more then five. I mean, gotta remember inflation, gotta pay morethese days.”Tony grinned, looking utterly delighted at the shocked and amused faces around him, this was the most fun he’d had in awhile.
Steve shrugged. "i don't see more than one." he admitted. "not a whole lot of people i, you know... Codi is the only one i see, but he has... more needs than i could even hope to handle so he has others too." he admitted. "he's really cute, maybe i'll introduce you sometime." he offered. "i am definitely leaving the stick on the ground." he agreed with a smile, unaware that James had been listening. "make out? is that like makeup?" Steve asked, looking even more baffled. "necking, Steve. it's a necking game." "oh!... i didn't know they made those." Steve admitted, blushing hard before nodding. "sometimes, when we had no food, no electricity and no heat, we'd... well. work the corners." he admitted. "Bucky was always better at it, but there where a few who, well, liked how small i was so i'd come home with ten or twelve dollars too." he admitted. "it was always enough to get the heat turned back on an get some potatoes at the very least." he admitted before shrugging. "Handler would like a Blowjob?" James asked, making Natasha evacuate before she died of laughter. no handler, ever, had taken James up on THAT offer. they where all too scared of him.
“Ah.”Pepper said looking curious and amused before nodding. “I’d like that.”She said before snorting at steve’s words. “Modern times have alot of those. People like tony just like having a excuse to make out.”Pepper snickered a little. “....I have no idea what to say to that. That’s....amazing.”Tony sputtered flushing brightly as he considered the super soldiers before staring at james, looking about ready to die. Poor poor man, so confused. “You could accept you know. Just imagine, a blowjob worth five dollars.”Pepper said patting tony on the arm, just to listen to him make that high choked sound that sounded like he was being strangled.
He snorted. "You don't know Tony at all then." he informed her. "he doesn't want an excuse to make out. he's just... lost." he admitted. "he wants what he thinks he can't have is all." he admitted softly. "amazing?that's not quite the word i would think to use but sure." he agreed with a chuckle. "he wouldn't mind i don't think." Steve admitted, looking a bit strained at the idea of Tony dating his once best friend. "oh come now. he's worth a lot more than five dollars now." Steve admitted, looking amused. "of course, you have to get over the terror of having a trained assassin... you know...down there." he admitted with a snigger. "Just make sure not to set him off because i'm not cleaning up the blood if he bites it off." Phil said simply from where he was sitting at the table, eating as if nothing was happening. "and stop teasing Tony, he's going to have a heart attack."
“....Seems you know him better then most. Good for you.”Pepper said offering him a small smile, because she didn’t know tony as well as she pretended, but she knew him well enough to make a guess about alot of things. “It is amazing. I mean, you already look like a spandex model, and everyone thinks you’re this pure virtuous, virginal person, sorta amazing to know it’s not true.”Tony snickered, because he’d known it wasn’t true. Whimpering quietly at the teasing. “It would be a mess if he bit it off wouldn’t it?”Clint said thoughtfully as he ate. “I am not having a heart attack!’ “You totally are.”Pepper snickered as she watched the man flee the room. He was just so awkwardly adorable.
Steve smiled at her. "Tony is one of the few people on this god green earth that treats me like person." he admitted. "instead of a doll to be tossed at enemies or a god of some kind. he treats me the same way he treats everyone and that means a lot to me." he admitted before laughing at Tony. "it depends on your idea of virginal." he admitted. "I've never had sex with a woman after all." he admitted, letting Tony make his own conclusions to that. "but no, i'm not as naive and innocent as people seam to think i am. i'm just... not sure whats what in this new Era. things have names when they didn't back then and a lot of the lingo has changed too. it's... baffling at times." he admitted before snorting at Clint. "i doubt James would bite it off." he admitted, watching Tony flee, James following after, making distressed sounds because Tony was upset. "oh boy. now we're gonna get it. James won't forget that we upset Tony." Steve admitted, looking amused, blinking when Loki slid off his seat and trailed after Tony like a lost kitten, watch reassembled in his hand to hand to Tony. there where no alterations, Loki had taken it apart, put it back together again and was content knowing he could do it.
“I know. Which I find amusing, since people so rarely treat him like he’s normal....well, he’s not normal, but he treats everyone like how he wants to be treated....in a insane, out there sort of way.”Pepper snickered a little. “....”Tony stared at Steve, making quiet whimpering noises, oh yes, he was definitely losing his mind. “I think we just broke the genius...”Clint said looking thoughtful as he watched clint leave.

Looking up when loki handed him the watch, tony tilted his head as he sat on the work bench, “Thanks Loki.”Tony said smiling slightly, swallowing hard as he looked up at james, sighing quietly. “You should get some sleep, Jamie.”
He smiled a little. "well, truly speaking, is anyone 'normal'? i sure as hell aren't. i spent an hour in the bathroom this morning having a panic attack because my shower was cold when i stepped into it." he pointed out. "it took me another two to calm down enough to turn the water off." he shrugged. "no one in this tower is normal, that doesn't man we're weird." he admitted. "it doesn't mean we're not people. we just need to be handled a bit differently." he admitted. "speaking of being handled. i was hoping you could talk to Wanda?" he asked Pepper. "she was... attacked, and she needs someone who isn't Natasha." he admitted. "Natasha is wonderful but..." "i've been used as a sex slave since i was about thirteen years old. rape, sex, being attacked, i just don't... understand." Pepper admitted. "i can't give Wanda the support she needs, and Wanda likes you. trusts you." Natasha admitted to Pepper.

Loki blinked a little and went back to his massive Teddy bear for a nap an James scowled a little, not looking pleased to be ordered to take Rack when there where threats about that Tony needed protecting from. especially the Red White and Blue man, who Tony apparently really liked, and the Scarlet Woman an the Suit Woman who Tony seamed to have mixed feelings for. on the other hand, he was tired and he was pretty sure no one would want to harm Tony here, his precious handler was protected from physical harm at the very least. right? he picked up Cherub and settled against the wall to sleep as close to Tony as he could get. he would wake up if someone new entered the area or Tony tried to leave.
“Well, that’s true. This whole team is just a little weird.”Pepper teased a little, tilting her head. Because while she liked and enjoyed their company, their importance to tony and how they made him feel, left her feeling odd about everything. She didn’t want to be with tony anymore, but considering him being with james or steve pissed her off enough that she couldn’t see straight. And jealous because she had a feeling steve understood tony better then she ever would. “Hm?Oh, yes. I can do that.”She smiled kissing steve’s cheek before getting up. “Let’s go see wanda.”She smiled heading for the door.

Tony smiled a little as he worked for a little bit, though soon enough tony had curled up with both boys, using Captain as a pillow as the big dog cuddled in with the,. The two dogs and three men making quite a picture, cuddled together. For once, tony was sleepign well.
"yeah, but we shouldn't say that where Tony can hear. being called weird seams to bother him a lot." he admitted, scowling and muttered under his breath that he should have killed Howard when the asshole had tried to feel up Bucky. "thanks Pepper." he said with a sad smile. "i'd go myself but i think having a man around would scare her spit-less right now." he admitted, gently knocking on the door to Natasha's rooms, where Wanda had sequestered herself. "Wanda? it's Steve. i've brought Pepper, can she come in?" there was a long silence and then the lock on the door clicked open, letting Pepper in. poor Wanda was wrapped in several layers of clothing and had a blanket wrapped around her and she looked so pale and shaken and frightened that Steve wanted to go beat on the dead boy for a while.

no one bothered the boys but Thor who had come to check on his brother. finding them in such a cute position he snapped a picture and then covered them all with a blanket to keep them warm. James ha woken tot he sound of Thor moving around but went back to sleep once he was gone, he never moved a muscle and so Loki and Tony slept through it. James was happier than he'd been in memory. though he was a little annoyed about not being cuffed, he figured he could request it once they where in proper bed. besides this was... pleasant.
“Okay.”Pepper muttered tilting her head a little, because she knew that before nodding. “Yes, probably,:perpper agreed looking worried as she eased into the room, looking around before moving to sit next to her, “Hey wanda.”She said careful not to get to close, waving steve away. “Can I get you anything?”She asked gently, looking her over. Worried and upset at the sight of this woman, who she knew was stronger then this.

When tony woke, he whined softly, shifting, pressing his face into the chest he was laying on, groaning a little. Shivering as he realized his body was quiet happy to be close to james. Shifting away he sighed, ignoring the pounding headache that he had. This wasn’t awesome. Closing his eyes as he tried to relax, tried to ignore what he knew. That extremis was growing worse. Sighing softly as he heaved himself to his feet, settling in to work, he needed a answer, and it sucked that despite everything, he still hadn’t found one.
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