Handle Me (Marvel) Lady-Fox

Steve smiled, relaxing immensely at Tony's promise. or as close to a promise as Tony ever got. "i really should have." Steve agreed, smiling at the waitress who looked a little worried about James. "he's been on rations for the last three months. he's been on tack and gruel on top of that because of a stomach problem so he's just going a little overboard." "oh the poor dear!" she said, looking quite sympathetic. "just come back from Iraq?" she asked, Steve shaking his head. "nah. he was sent to another place, i can't remember the name of it. they didn't have much food, water, or other supplies so he ha to make do with what little he had. he was hunting down a cell that had escaped and was trying to cause problems with some local farmers. never did find out what the cell was after." Steve lied effortlessly. the woman smiled and set down the new sundae and Steve glared at James when he reached for it. "no. James. you'll make yourself sick." James glared at him, furious for being told off by a stupid Captain but subsided because he was full enough that he was beginning to regret eating so much.
“....Such lies. So easily. I’m a little disturbed really.”Tony teased looking amused as he considered steve, loking amused as he rubbed a hand over his face. Snickering at james’ look. “You don’t want to throw up.It’s okay.”Tony muttered leaning into james a little, before smirking at steve. “He really isn’t happy you give him orders.”He teased a little before getting up to pay, cause he was ready to go home, and probably get some sleep. Sleep sounded good now that he was calmer.
"Nah. no reason to be disturbed. you more than anyone know me better." he admitted with a chuckle. "that's why you where such a bastard to me when we first met right? because you knew i was faking it. acting." he shook his head. "at the time though, i thought i had to. people wanted things from me and i didn't know what they where. you where the only person who never seamed to want something i couldn't, or didn't want to give." he admitted. "That means a lot to me you know. that you liked having me around, not because i was useful in any way." he admitted with a smile. "I might be the captain of this team, but you where always the most important part of it." he admitted with a smile before snorting. "i think he thinks he outranks me." he admitted, James snorting because he KNEW he outranked the whining Red White and Blue Captain. he outranked everyone but the Commander, the Handler and the Secretary unless his Handler otherwise specifically informed him otherwise. "here. i'll get it." Steve offered, smiling at Tony. "it all comes from your money anyway." he admitted with a chuckle because he had given in a very long time ago and let Tony pay for everything Steve needed or wanted. Jarvis was always happy to tell Tony when Steve bought something. at first it had just been food here and there, but now Steve bought dozens of books, clothes, more food than he actually needed, and lots of art supplies. now that he was in the tower the use of his card had petered off because he just asked Jarvis to order it for him instead. "you look exhausted. let's get you home." Steve suggested with a smile, though it was impossible to tell if he was talking to Tony or James, since they both looked very tired.
“well. Maybe.”Tony muttered looking amused before squirming. Cause he had been a bastard. “Well, my father was a idiot about alot of things, but yes, reading between the lines I knew you were faking that attitude, and I had your art journal from the war. No one would have drawn themselves as a dancing monkey, or that picture of Jamie, if they were really as virtuous and innocent as people thought you were.”Tony said rolling his eyes a little. “You are awesome to have around. I always need eye candy to stare at now that Pepper wont date me.”Tony said pretend sulking, avoiding the idea that he was teh heart of the team, before looking at james thoughtfully as he snorted. “Maybe...and okay. If you want.”Tony said rolling his eyes at the idea of letting the other pay, before yawning, “Late night. Couldn’t sleep, and the stupid museum and project I was working on, kept me up.”
"....oh god... you saw that thing?" he asked, biting his lip and going bright red because he wasn't sure he liked the idea of someone seeing James the way he had drawn him. half asleep, spread out and spent from orgasm, open and wanting more. but Tony had likely already seen it. he'd seen the way James looked at Tony, and the way Tony looked back. it didn't take a genius to know that they had feelings for each other. "I was a dancing monkey though." he grumbled, wrinkling his nose. "i hated those months, wearing that stupid outfit, punching fake Hitler as if was doing something useful when everyone knew i wasn't." he scoffed, shaking his head before smirking at Tony. "Should i rip another log in half for you?" he offered. "or maybe tear my shirt off with just my muscles?" he offered with a grin, not bothered at all by being eye candy. "I do want. i don't get to use my card as often as i like because anytime i want anything Jarvis orders it for me." he admitted with a chuckle. "i know. you'll get some time tonight right?" Steve asked with a smile. "i was wondering though..." he admitted, looking puzzled. "how come James sleeps with his arms tied up?" he wondered. "Natasha does that too, i was wondering why."
“uh-huh. Scarring to a 6 year old who didn’t know about sex.Even worse cause I totally asked dad about it.”Tony said not about to finish that thought of how howard had reacted to tony asking about that. Cause he hadn’t understood that he was seeing something horrible that his father would be pissed about.”Hm, you were useful. Even if you weren’t in a fight, they needed money. Bonds sales went up. Might not have been what you had planned on, but it was needed....besides, if you hadn’t been a monkey, you would have never been in the camp when the last of the 107th was dragged in.”He pointed out before grinning. “Hmmm, yes. Ripped shirts and torn logs. I like it.”He said before rolling his eyes at steve. “Well, he knows what you like. Of course he orders it.”he huffed a little before “Yea, I’ll sleep tonight. And well, something about not wanting to cause damage to his handler should he attack in his sleep. probably something hydra did to them."
"....i bet that went down just swell too." he mumbled. "i really should have torn that man's balls off." he admitted. "the hell was he even doing with my journal?" he wondered. "i'm pretty sure Peggy was the last to have it." he admitted before shrugging it off. "well, you can keep it." he promised. "i guess your right, but it was still pretty humiliating." he admitted. "Bucky never let me live it down." he admitted with a smile. "James doesn't remember though." Steve often referred to James as Bucky when speaking about the past, but when he spoke of James as the present, he called him James. a way of reminding himself that Bucky was gone. good as dead. James memories might return but he would never be Bucky again. "i know. i am a sexy beast right?" Steve asked with a grin before nodding. "he does a great job but sometimes i like to use my card. it's fun. i've never been able to buy whatever i wanted before." he admitted. "i've always been too poor to even buy food whenever i needed." he admitted. "so being able to go out on my ow and get anything i want with a card full of money is... amazing. euphoric almost." he admitted with a smile before nodding. "i can see why Hydra would be concerned." he admitted. "James, and Natasha... giving them a chance to wake up and knowing anything that would make them rebel must have terrified them. i wonder if it makes him feel better or if he just wants it because it's familiar?" it was impossible to tell, because James himself didn't even know, or understand the difference.
"Oh yes. It was quite the day in the stark household."Tony said before shrugging."I dunno, it was just in a box, I figured aunt peg gave it to him or something. I dunno."Tony shrugged before grinning, pleased at being allowed to keep the journal."I'm sure he didnt."he agreed smiling quietly, glad steve was handling this so well."you okay?...I mean...with everything?"he muttered before looking amused."you are a sexy beadt."he agreed before noddijg. Okay then. You Can Pay Anytime then."Though It'dDrive Tony Up The Wall To Let him, He would."Yea Probably scared then shit less really...and I dunno...probably both."
"I'll just bet it was a fun day. Howard never did like it that me and James. well. i don't know if he was homophobic or jealous to be honest but he used to bully James relentlessly at time." he admitted. "more than likely he stole it and anything else left behind when i fell. i know he was able to keep a vial of my blood. never did learn what he did with it." he admitted. "I'm... doing alright. it hurts a bit. knowing he's... moved on." he admitted before smiling at Tony. "he and you both deserve a bit of happiness though and i think your good for each other. he can't even remember me so..." he shrugged. "honestly it hurts more that he wants to gut me than it does that he doesn't remember me." he admitted before smirking at Tony. "has he given you a Blowjob yet? he's always been very good at that." he admitted. "he used to set my asthma off teasing me. the little shit." he admitted before he chuckled at Tony. "Tony. it's all your money. the only thing i do is get to swipe the card. i don't have a job anymore remember? being superhero doesn't pay much, especially now that i'm not a Shield Agent." he admitted. "Yeah. probobly." he admitted, holding the door open for Tony and James so they could go into the Tower.
“Homophobic if my childhood was any indictation.”Tony made a face before wincing a little. “WEll, maybe. Probably....and Aunt peg poured it in the hudson. Made sure no one got it.”Tony said smiling a little before frowning, looking up at the other. Huge brown eyes wide and anxious, upset because he totally hadn’t wanted the others to know, because he was so afraid of taking advantage. “...Well. If it makes you feel better, he’s settling for locking you in closets, rather then killing you.”He pointed out before looking even more anxious at the other’s words. “I-uh-,I....”He stuttered to a stop before bolting into the tower and leaving the others behind as he headed for the lab.
He nodded. "makes sense. i was like his favorite pet or toy for a long time. one of his favorite things to do was point at me from a distance and brag that 'I made that'. i don't know that he was aware that i could hear him." he admitted before looking pleased. "good. i never did like that they where able to keep samples of my blood. people i didn't know. didn't trust." which was a remarkable statement because both Tony and Bruce had rather impressive amounts of Steve's blood. happily handed over when they asked. "did you ever get anywhere with my blood? maybe the Serum could do something for Extremis?" he wondered. "We'll have to see." he admitted before smiling a little. "don't worry so much Tony. if you where taking Advantage of James the whole Tower would know it because you'd be dead." he pointed out. "he's been brainwashed but do you really think he would tolerate anyone touching him if he didn't want it?" he asked, looking amused. "well. considering i've been in the closet all my life, i would really rather stay out of it now, thanks." he admitted with a chuckle before sighing a little as Tony took off. "god dammit Steve. what the hell is wrong with you!? you know better. you frightened Tony... Stupid... idiot!" he grumbled, heading to his room. James just scowled and followed after Tony with tablet in hand, texting with Jarvis. the red white and blue Captain and his precious Handler needed help. the sooner the better. it would be done by tomorrow night. perfect.
“Yes....he treated most of us like pets. Prized things to look after, even if we didn’t act like how he wanted us to.”Tony made a face before smiling slightly, pleased that he was trusted. “...Uh. I know bruce was looking at it but never...hmm...”Tony rowned for a moment, distracted at trying to pit the super serum against extremis. Whining softly at steve’s words he sighed quietly. “I don’t know. Maybe. Stop looking amused.”He grumbled before snorting quietly at steve’s joke even as he bolted inside. Yep, definitely not sleeping tonight. Which was why, it was nearly the next morning before he crashed and got any sleep, curled up in james’ lapm cuddling close.
He shrugged. "i never had to live with him though..." he admitted softly, offering Tony a sympathetic smile. "well, we'll have to ask Bruce if he found anything then." odd how Steve was so overprotective of his blood and yet hadn't thought to check in with Bruce to even see if he had found anything. Steve really did trust Tony and Bruce in a way he trusted no one else. not even Natasha or Phil. "i am always amused." Steve admitted with a smile, watching Tony flee he sighed and shook his head. James glared at Steve at noon the next day when Steve, silent as a mouse, brought them both breakfast and settled it close by so Tony could fall onto it in ravenous feast once he woke. the second tray was piled high with pancakes for James for when he too could eat. he smiled at James, pressed a finger to his lips to indicate Jams should stay quite and crept silently back out, returning a few minutes later with two pots of coffee and two mugs so Tony would have hot coffee when he woke up. then he was gone, leaving Tony with James who sulked at the obvious bribe of pancakes.
Tony did indeed sleep through steve bringing down food, even though he stirred quietly as he smelled teh coffee, blinking slowly as he sat up. Looking stupidly at the man sitting next to him, rubbing a hand over his face as he frowned slightly. “You look unhappy, jamie.”he said watching him, sitting up to grab the coffee, food coudl come second, coffee first.
James huffed and scowled harder an muttered. "Pancakes." which was likely explanation enough for Tony. James didn't want to eat what Steve had brought but he wanted the pancakes. it was a problem he was having trouble deciding on. eat the pancakes or ignore them? accept Steve or continue to view him as a threat to his Handler? he supposed he could no longer do the latter after tonight. decision made he started gulping down the pancakes with his voracious appetite. "Pancakes." James informed Tony, looking much happier with Syrup dripping down his chin. he was so damn messy sometimes. not nearly as bad as Loki who, had apparently found shaving cream in his room last night and had spread it all over, according to Jarvis who had thought it adorable and taken pictures and video.
“So I can see.”Tony said looking amused as he ate himself, looking pleased as he considered the other, helping him clean up after he was done eating. “Come on, sunshine. Let’s go see what the others are doing.”even if it made him angsty and upset as he considered what the others had to be thinking about him, since he was sure steve had told everyone what he’d been up to. “Bruce?”Tony stuck his head into the lab looking for the other, smiling slightly.
James looked confused. "i am Asset, or Soldier. name is not Sunshine." he complained. though he knew he others called him James, he wasn't sure if that was his name or not. he'd never been called that before, though he remembered, vaguely, the red white and blue man called him something else. Buddy? Bunny? something like that. He followed silently as Tony headed over to Bruce who was fixated on something too small to be seen, a set of super powered electric microscope's fixated over his eyes as he worked with an electric needle. "come on in Tony, i'm almost done." Bruce said, James blinking as he looked around the med lab, very uncomfortable. he didn't like medicl labs, where they would poke an prod him, take his blood and make him pain and cold and hot. testing him until he was ready to drop dead from exhaustion and pain.
“....Okay. No nicknames then.”Tony said looking amused a little, though slightly worried that the other did not seem to know his own name. Pausing as he considered bruce he fidgeted and squirmed, yep definitely still upset by the talk he’d had with steve, even as he reached out absently to take james’ hand, absently stroking the back of his hand soothingly as he held it, walking in further. “hey. So uh. I have a problem. That uh. I need help with.”He said well aware he was going to get yelled at for hiding
"Nicknames?" James asked, baffled by the new term. he wasn't sure what that was either. oh well. "Ah! right." Bruce said as he stripped off his goggles. "i was wondering when you where going to admit to it. you can't do everything on your own Tony." Bruce gently Chastised. "Don't touch that James, it's sharp." Bruce ordered, James blinking at Bruce before removing his hand from a broken beaker Bruce hadn't bothered to clean up yet. "finger please." Bruce ordered Tony, giving him a smile before poking Tony's finger and then pressed the tin drop of blood he' drawn onto a slide an slipped it under the microscope. "....hmm... yeah. this is bit different than the samples that Phil sent me." Bruce admitted. "Phil and his team came across something similar, labeled 'Centipede'. Centipede is a lot more crude than the stuff you have. what's his face must have been tweaking with it on his own but the compound Jemma made might... ah...no... that's not a good idea...." he admitted, watching the blood. from where James was sitting he couldn't see anything at all until all of a sudden flames started flickering on top of the blood. "well! whatever Killian did made it much more stable, but not stable enough..." Bruce admitted, scowling at the slide. "Finger please." he asked Tony, drawing another drop of blood. James had settled down a great deal now that he realized Bruce was a much nicer Doctor than what he was used to. "hmm... that's odd..." Bruce mumbled before looking at Tony. "i'm going to need a larger sample to work with." he admitted. "i have no idea what that rat bastard did to his version." he admitted. "i'll have to get some samples off of Pepper as well." he admitted. "this is very different than the explosive versions of Centipede." he admitted, scowling a little. "i wonder if we could get in contact with Mike Peterson?" he muttered. "i'll have to talk to Phil about that." Bruce admitted, James cocking his head to the side before offering his hand to Bruce, who looked surprised. "you want to donate too?" he asked, James nodding. "Centipede." James informed them, jerking a thumb at himself. it was all Bruce needed to understand. they'd used Centipede on James, trying to make his super soldier serum more potent. likely, it had worked.
"Yes. Never mind though."Tony said before fiegeting, looking so contrite and upset."I uh...I thought I could fix it..but I cant. Steve said I should help."he muttered before holding out his hand to the other, "okay..."he said before wincing."yes I heard about that....I stabilized extremis for pepper, but whatever I fixed, made mine worse and I cant figure out why."tony sighed quietly. Frowning a little as he considered it."I don't know. It just isn't fixed, which it should have been since it worked for pepper."he sighed before relaxing as james did."what?why?what's wrong?"tony said looking anxious at Donati g blood. He had a total fear of needles. Eyeing james for a moment he smiled looking thoughtful."you know that makes sense. James had already been changed by hydra, makes sense they kept trying to tweak it..."
Bruce nodded. "i can imagine." he admitted. "you might normally have been able to." he admitted. "however, i don't think ou and Pepper got the same type of Extremis. yours is lot more volatile, yet also more Stable than Pepper and Mike Peterson's versions." he admitted. "it's stable, as in you won't blow up, but it's doing damage to your body... i'd imagine it has a emotional context from what i've seen. the more emotional you get, the more Extremis reacts..." h glanced at Tony. "keeping your body calm will help a lot." he admitted, gently taking a sample from James. "you need to get laid more." he informed Tony, James perking up at that. Explosions! "from what i can see of James, he needs more sexual activity too. being celibate isn't very good for him." Bruce admitted. "we'll have to get both of you a fuck buddy.... can i volunteer?" he asked, looking amused. "No. Asset Does not like You." James said firmly, making Bruce snort and examine James blood again. "damn... we're going to have to be really careful with him. he has natural forming pain killers running through his system. means he could be shot, cut, whatever and he wouldn't even notice it until he was bleeding out on the floor." he admitted. "not to mention he's been trained to ignore what pain he does feel. he could have a broken leg and he'd walk on it without any idea he needed to tell us." Bruce admitted, looking worried. "Pains are to be reported to the Handler unless in active mission." James informed Bruce who relaxed at the... somewhat promise to let them know if he was hurt. "
“Damn....”Tony sighed softly, shaking his head as he considered it. “...yes. Though I do more damage to electronical things when I’m upset then my own body. Though my body isn’t dealing well with the strain of connecting to everything.”Tony sighed a little before sighing as he considered that. “I’m trying to be calm. And what?I get laid. I totally do.”Tony said stuttering and blushing and looking decidedly un-tony like at talking about sex. Pausing, staring at bruce. Trying to think about having him as a sex partner. “...I think we’d be talking science instead of sex.”Tony said frowning a little, before staring at james. “OKay, yes. If you are ever hurt, you have to tell me, james. No matter what.”Tony said frowning slightly.
He nodded. "it's Extremis lashing out to protect you the way Pepper sets things on fire." he agreed. "it's strange. i don't understand how your body isn't shutting it down. normally, your body should protect itself but yours doesn't seam to be wanting to. it's nothing your doing." he assured Tony. "you could do with more sleep which might help but it won't solve the problem." Bruce admitted. "i'd say you had an auto immune problem but i already tested you for that." he admitted. "yes, you get laid, but not enough. your libido is a tangible need now Tony." Bruce admitted. "just like mine, James, Mike Peterson's and even Steve's. though, unlike the rest of us, Steve can ignore his." he admitted. "you and James both need more sex. it will keep you healthy." he admitted with a chuckle before smiling at Tony. "I was teasing Tony. if you offered i wouldn't say no of course, but i know you have your eyes on someone else." he admitted before smirking a little. "isn't Science Sexy?" he asked, his head tilted a little. "Yes Sir." James promised Tony, his head tilted when Bruce smiled at him. "can i give you a physical James?" Bruce asked, James frowning, confused. "Asset Assessment?" he asked Bruce before hesitating and nodding his agreement before looking even more confused when Bruce ran a white wand all over him. he insisted on doing this to everyone at least once a month. it was the least invasive, and it gave Bruce every bit of information he needed. "...Asset Assessment?" James asked when Bruce headed back to his computer for the information. he'd need a small blood sample to check for anything like vitamin deficiencies but everything else was now on his computer. which confused James because nothing had happened.
“Ahhh...okay. Yea, like that. Though I think I do it more then she does.”He frowne a little. Because well, he wasn’t aware of it, but his emotional shortcomings, and stunted emotional understanding left scars deep enough that it was hard most of the time for him to understand, and the less he understood, the more he lashed out. “Well, I don’t know...it just isn’t....and I’ve always gone without sleep.”he said making a face before staring at bruce. “...what?It’s a...like food?I need to have sex?”he stared thinking about it before nodding. He could do that. Before laughing quietly. “Oh.okay....and it is...but if I have more then smart science person in bed with me, I start talking about just science and tech. It’s happened.”Not that he’d ever admit to having sex with Jane, well almost having sex with jane. They’d sorta gotten distracted by science. “He did. It’s a wand, it lets him scan you, without having to touch you. Watch, he’ll show you.”Tony said waving a hand towards the computer. “go see.”
"you do, but only because you are a bit more repressed, and emotional than she is. she's never had to hide her emotions like you, me, Steve, James... everyone else." he admitted with a chuckle. "you had a hard life and, like me, you have a lot of trouble understanding your own emotions. like Steve you have trouble understanding others emotions as well and that makes you frustrated and that means Extremis lashes out more often." Bruce guessed. "it's all theory and conjuncture right now of course, but it makes a lot of sense from what we've seen in others." he admitted before smiling at Tony. "yeah. sexual release, even if you just stroke yourself off helps. " he admitted with a chuckle. "you had sex with Jane? better not let Thor find out." Thor already knew, Thor had given her permission. he was gone a lot, after all and she had a healthy sexual appetite. he had permission too, but he hadn't yet. James blinked a little and headed over to Bruce who happily showed James his nervous system, muscle structure and other important things.

"it's like i thought, most of his nervous system is offline. we could jump-start it, but it would hurt like hell and it wouldn't do any good for him." Bruce admitted. "James, i need to take some Blood samples, is that okay?" Bruce asked, smiling when James offered his arm again and Bruce took two small vials, which only made James more baffled. he was used to donating a full bags worth. "i'll run his blood work and see if there's anything worth being concerned about but for now he's in good health. he's underweight still but he's gained plenty of weight, which is good. just keep feeding him as you have been and he'll be back up to health in no time." Bruce promised Tony with a smile. "and find him someone to have sex with. yourself would probobly be best since he likes and trusts you but i know how you feel about things like this." he admitted. "just remember, if he doesn't want to, he'll say no. he proved it just now when he turned me down." he paused and then. "you and James could offer to Steve, i don't think he's gotten laid... ever." he admitted with a chuckle because he knew how much Steve liked Tony. only a blind man didn't see it. poor Tony was so, so blind.
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