Handle Me (Marvel) Lady-Fox

"The young man won't be arrested. this isn't the first poor kid this bastard has raped." one of the Officers assured Tony. "we'll want to take his statement later but we understand there's an Agent living with you? he can take the statement and forward it to us." he promised. "there's enough video evidence. that we on't actually need his statement, it's just formality and procedure at this point." he admitted. "now we have to get Mr. Byron to the hospital. he refused to leave until we found his. ah, friend."
“:Good.”Tony smiled a little before nodding. ‘We do. I’ll have Coulson send it over as soon as Codi’s well enough to talk to anyone.”Tony promised before saying goodbye to everyone before heading home. Pausing as he headed into the apartment, “Hey, anyone still up?”He asked as he walked into steve’s place, looking worried about them all as he stepped in.
Steve smiled as he walked into the kitchen and pressed a finger to his lips, tilting his head as a motion for Tony to 'come look at this'. laying on Steve's bed was James, one arm curled around Codi who had latched onto James so tightly it was hard to tell which arm was Codi's and which leg was James. James was laying there, asleep like a normal person and Codi, the leach, had squirmed his way into James so tightly that Steve had worried Codi would actually try to burrow into the poor assassin. James had tolerated it though and now both where asleep and really, it was kind of adorable. "how's Frank?" Steve asked softly.
Tony raised a eyebrow before following him, looking amused as he looked at the two. Though a little sad, wondering if james would be more comfortable with codi then him. Even if james wanted him, he was still insecure, still so emotionally screwed up he couldn’t trust it. “He’s going to be okay. He’s hurt, but they took him to the hospital...police said whenever codi’s up just have Coulson send in a report for what happened, just routine.”
"James seams convinced that Cody is broken like Loki is. nothing i say about it will convince him otherwise." he admitted with a chuckle and a shake of his head. "thank goodness. Frank is Codi's rock." he admitted. "his favorite, as it where. Frank means the world to Codi." he admitted. "if Codi was a little more emotionally secure, he'd ask Frank to be his Master. i think that's the right word right?" he asked, hesitating. "in any case, Frank loves Codi, Codi's just too... hurt, to see it." he admitted before smiling. "good. Codi's not too fond of the police." he admitted. "he likes Phil though so at least Codi won't be sullen when he gives his report."
“Ah. Yes. Well, james is convinced this is where all the malyash in the world are sent to be looked after. And you gotta admit, we have more then a few people who need looked after.”Tony snickered a little before smiling.”Ah. And yes, master. He’ll get there, eventually. And if not, well, frank’ll still look after him.”he said sighing a little before snorting. “No one in this tower is fond of police. But agent is good. And I’m going to go check in with the rest of our wayward people, if you’re okay staying with them.”Yep, he was totally running away.
"Huh. you know, lets be honest here we have a habit of collecting people who are pretty messed up." he admitted. "ourselves included. i don't know of anyone more messed up than me." he admitted with a grin. "okay, Master then. honestly i think Frank and Codi would be perfect together." he admitted with a smile before chuckling. "don't be surprised if Frank shows up before he's been allowed to leave the hospital to make sure Codi's really okay." he admitted with a chuckle. "well, let's be honest, Phil isn't much of a cop." he admitted with a chuckle before gently taking Tony's hand. "you'll come back, right?" he asked softly, his head tilted. "you should go do some lab time. today was a bit stressful. building stuff might make you feel better." he admitted, smiling at him a little. "i'll send James down too once he wakes up." he promised. "he'll probobly be annoyed you left without him but he'll forive you."
“Yea, we do.”Tony snickered a little, “I’m more messed up. At least you like socializing with people.”and understood people enough to make sure they knew when they were wanted. Which he didn’t. “They will. I’m sure they’ll figure it out.”Tony said shrugging before snorting. “I’ll tell Jarvis to let him up when he arrives. And he isn’t, but Phil is definitely better then any cop.”he looked amused before pausing as his hand was took, tilting his head a little. “I...uh. Yea. Okay.”He stuttered a little, before nodding. “Lab time after checking in. Yea. That sounds good.”he muttered squirming away, and nodding. “Okay. Well, james forgives me for alot of stuff. So it’ll be okay.”He said looking amused as he headed for the door.
Steve shrugged. "i hate people actually. at least people i don't know. i like the Avengers, they don't ask questions or make me feel stupid or press about things i don't want to talk about." he admitted. "It's not so bad with the people here, but... the rest of the world? not a fan." Steve admitted with a smile and a shake of his head. "Yeah, Phil's kind of awesome." he agreed before smiling at Tony, letting him squirm away, hating himself a little bit for upsetting Tony so much. still, he didn't say anything and watched Tony flee with a sigh, wishing he could make things better. truly, he had no idea what he was doing here.

an hour later Jarvis announced that Frank was there and had let himself into Steve's apartment to snuggle with Codi and that James had nearly killed the man because he thought he was trying to hurt Tony. James was fairly annoyed that Tony wasn't there to be protected but was calm as he headed down to the lab. Bruce was with Frank, patching him up and Steve had gone to Natasha's rooms to lay down, citing that 'being beaned over the head with a metal arm kind of hurts.' fun times. James stared at Tony for a moment, looking decidedly worried. "i broke Captain's nose..." he had broken the rule, no hurting anyone, and now he was terrified of the punishment he was about to face.
“Ah, well. Then you’ll fit in just fine here.”he snickered a little, before sighing a little. Shooting the other a look, worried. Because well, he knew he had upset the other, but he wasn’t handlign things well, and needed the lab time to calm down before they could talk. It’d be okay.

You what?”Tony frowned looking startled as he looked up from what he was working on, tilting his head. “Hey, Jarvis, have steve come down would you?”He asked needing to look over the other, and worried about how james was responding. Expecting more damage then a broken nose to have caused this reaction, not realizing what was wrong.
"Of course Sir." Jarvis reported. Steve was soon there, a huge bruise on the side of his head where James elbow had caught him and his nose was indeed broken, though it had been set straight by bruce already. Steve's eyes where already going dark with bruises. black eyes from having his nose broken. "hey, Jay said you needed me?" Steve asked, not looking bothered in the least. James grimaced, looking even more miserable because he hadn't realized he'd gotten the other in the head either. shit. hopefully his Handler didn't think he'd tried to leave that out to save himself punishment. That had happened before, it had not been pleasant, no, not at all. he hd suffered terribly for that. how much would he suffer this time? his Handler looked very upset. this was going to be bad. should he take his shirt off and assume the position? but what would he use? the whip? no Handler didn't seam to have a whip. perhaps they'd put him in the chair. oh how he hated the chair. he didn't even notice he had started trembling.
“Hey. James said you got hurt. Just wanted to check for myself you weren’t doing the brave thing and hiding away from it, cause you thought we’d be upset.”Tony said as he bounced out his seat to move over and look steve over, tilting his head down to inspect the damage. “Well, at least you don’t look to badly. It’ll be healed soon.”He said before pausing, realizing james was being quiet, turning to look at him, frowning a little. “Jamie?You okay?”He asked looking worried.
Steve snorted a little. "it was my own fault. i didn't warn James that Frank was coming in and James freaked out because there was a stranger near his Malysh and freaked out even more when you weren't in the room. he went to attack Frank and i stopped him and he sort of slammed his fist into my face. i'm not sure he was really aware of what he was doing." he admitted, letting Tony look him over as he liked. "Asset awaiting Punishment." James informed them, his voice shaken and frightened. "Shall Asset assume the position?" "...oh god... you told him not to hurt anyone... he broke a rule so he thinks we're going to... something. whatever Hydra did to him..." Steve said, looking sick. "...you want me to go, uh, get the paddle... or something? i don't think he's going to calm down unless we do something..." he admitted, looking pretty horrified at the idea of actually having to punish James even if he understood.
“Ah, I see. He just came down and said he broke your nose. Confused me. Worried me to.”Tony said frowning a little, relieved to see it wasn’t so bad as he dropped his hand, before pausing, looking at James. “I...”He stuttered looking confused as he considered what james was upset about. Pale as he considered it, swallowing thickly. “Oh shit....dammit...”he swallowed thickly, looking sick himself before nodding. “Yes. Get the paddle, but the soft one, not one of the heavier wider ones. Or...a riding crop if you have it.”He said before moving over, gently stroking james’ hair out of his face. “Okay. We’re going to go upstairs okay?to my bedroom. A safe place. You’re safe james.”He said smiling a little.
"ah. well he bashed me good but it wasn't entirely his fault." he admitted with a smile before shaking his head a little. "it's okay." Steve said, taking a deep breath. "it's just like when Codi needs to drop. that's all this is, James just needs a drop." he decided. "James did something naughty and feels he needs to be punished for it just like a naughty sub. that's all." Steve decided. "it's just like that." he decided. "i have a beginners paddle and a horse crop. i'll bring them both over." he promised, nearly puking when James flinched at the hand that stroked his hair, clearly expecting someone to grab him by it. likely to 'put him into position'. Steve swallowed the bile that rose in the back of his throat at James being so used to being abused he nearly dropped to his knees at the first hint of trouble. he was going to dream tonight, he was sure of it. James followed Tony, trembling violently as he headed up the stairs into Tony's rooms and stripped off his shirt and settled onto his knees, gripped the foot of the bed and waited, back exposed and ready to be whipped bloody when Steve returned, crop in hand and a wide, padded paddle in hand. "...Jesus... they really... they..." Steve closed his eyes, struggling to control himself as he handed the things to Tony. "better use the crop. i don't think he's capable of bending over for you right now..."
“Yea, I’ve had subs react like that. Though usually it’s me who needs to drop.”Tony said because ti was true, this was the longest he’d ever been in control in a relationship. And while he preferred being in control for a short time, he usually wasn’t in long term relationships, so it never mattered before that he had problems being in utter control all the time of things. “I can do that. Take care of him.”He muttered before nodding. “Thanks Steve.”He muttered swallowing thickly as james flinched under his hand, resisting the urge to grab it simply to keep the other still and not move away from him. Nearly whimpering because this was hard, so hard for him to see james afraid of him. “It’s okay, come on Jamie.”He muttered trembling himself as he watched the other. Struggling so hard to not lose what thread of control he had. “Yea....they did.”he swallowed hard watching james kneel as he took the crop. “Okay....we’re okay.”he muttered to himself, mostly trying to calm himself. And mostly ignoring that steve was there as he took the crop, gently touching james’ back with it, moving around to look at his face. “James, if I hurt you, you are to tell me okay. And it’ll just be 10 strikes. And you’re going to count them okay?”
he nodded. "if you 999*/ever need to be punished, i'm more than happy to." he offered with a smile. "or if you need to drop, or just want a Dom to look after you..." he offered. "i really like you, you know?" he asked with a smile. "i'd be more than happy to keep looking after you. enjoy it even." he offered. "your good at taking care of James." he promised. "we should try letting him be in charge once... over me maybe. no need to push him too hard, i don't know he'd be able to dominate you, but i think he'd be pretty eager to put me in my place, eh?" he asked with a grin. "It's alright Tony." Steve murmured, gently stroking Tony's hair. "he'll feel better after. be more assured of the kinds of people we are. it's okay." he promised, hoping to god he was alright. "...Sir?" James asked, sounding confused. this was supposed to hurt, wasn't it? that was the point. to hurt him. still... his Sir had issued a Command. he would agreed. "Yes Sir. Ten Strikes. I will count them." James agreed, gasping when the first one hit, back bowing as he felt the searing heat. "One." how strange. it hurt, but it wasn't... it didn't cut, it wasn't cold, it wasn't pain. this was... this was... he didn't understand and he felt the tears burning in his eyes. that was new too. he'd never cried during punishment before. pain couldn't make him cry. but this wasn't pain. "Two." he gasped, arching into the blow, a sob spilling out of his throat and Steve checked in on him. "Are you in pain James?" "I... No.... No. Not Pain... it's... Not Pain." he whispered, sounding quite stunned. "Hows it feel?" Steve wondered and James swallowed thickly. "it's warm." James whispered.
“....okay. I’ll remember that.”Tony said looking up at steve, blushing brightly before ducking his head a little. “I like you to.”He muttered looking tense and worried at admitting it, even if the other had started the conversation, waiting to be punished for wnating him. “We should...and he already took control last night...but I think he’d like being in charge of you more.”He agreed sighing softly as the other stroked his hair, shivering a little. “Okay. We’ll be okay.”he muttered before looking at james. “To hurt, it’ll sting some.”he said watching the other, before nodding as he drew his arm back and brought the crop down, watching he other, making sure he wasn’t overdoing it. Relaxing at james’ words, he smiled slightly. “Good. It’s okay james.”he muttered as he gave the other the last blows before moving in, gently stroking a hand down the other’s back, over the marks gently. “You okay, sweetheart?”
Steve smiled at him and kissed his forehead. "i'm glad." he admitted, glad that Tony liked him too. "well. not really. he only did what you wanted him to. really. we had to walk him through it. he probobly won't be so hesitant with me." he admitted. "and we can always teach him how to dominate you as well. he was always a Switch, both of us really." he admitted. "he tended to Dominate more than he wanted to Submit, but it worked because i tended to enjoy submitting just a little bit more." he admitted with a chuckle. "you prefer subbing right? like, nine times out of ten or something like that?" he asked curiously before watching James, his head tilted. "Ten!" James gasped, his entire body shuddering as he sobbed. it was a sob that Steve was used to though, the deep wracking bawling of a man who had never been able to let go the shuddering, shaking, gasping sounds of a man letting go, giving in and setting himself free. the sob of a Sub, dropping for the first time in years, or the first time ever. the sound of a man who was finally recovering. "Yes... yes... I'm okay. yes. Tony..." James gasped, leaning into the hand running down his back. so open and plaint and willing to do anything to make his Handler. his Tony, happy. it was the first time James had used Tony's name. normally he said Sir, or addressed Tony as 'Handler'. it was a big step in the right direction.
“Ah....that’s true. I remember last night...but it’s also sorta fuzzy....don’t remember alot of the details besides enjoying it.”Tony said blushing a little, before nodding. “That would be fun. Really.”He said sounding interested even as he made a face, nodding slightly. “Yea, usually. I can dominate obviously, but I prefer not being in charge. It messes with me to know someone else is relying on me.”Tony said making a face. Smiling slightly at james’ gasp, tossing the crop on the bed as he smiled. Grinning really. “Good boy.”He muttered moving around to brush a kiss against the other’s forehead, kneeling down, wrapping a arm around him as he leaned into him. “You’re good. So good.”
"I didn't think you would really. but some Subs can remember what happened during Subspace... Codi can, that's why we have to be so damn careful with him. he doesn't have any insulation the way most do. i was worried i'd have to do some pretty serious aftercare for you." he admitted. "it's partly why i didn't make you stay this morning, i thought you where having a panic attack because of... you know... i pushed too hard or something. plus, the way you dropped, it was pretty sudden, that can mess with people too. i know if i drop without preparing for it, i'm pretty fucked up when i come back up." he admitted before smiling at him. "oh Tony. just because we rely on you, doesn't mean that youre responsible for us." he admitted. "you honestly think that we're going to let you take care of James all on your own?" he asked, looking amused. "you can't barely feed and care for yourself, of course i'm going to help you." he teased with a smile, hoping it would make Tony feel a little bit better. "we rely on you, yes, but you can rely on us too." he promised.

He could only smile as James clung to Tony and sobbed, sobbing himself out because he couldn't stop now that he had started. "Tony. he's asleep." Steve said, gently pulling James into his arms and settled him up onto the bed. "this is the most relaxed i've ever seen him. even before, you know?" he asked, smiling at Tony. "you did a good job." he frowned a little. "i'm going to go see what they... did to him. that was a hell of a reaction..." he admitted. "are you going to take a nap too? i was thinking of one, i have a hell of a headache." he admitted, rubbing the bruise on his head. "One of us, or both, shuld stay with James though, who knows how he's going to react to the subspace. i don't know that he's ever dropped before."
“Yea, I usually have a fuzzy idea of what happened, though if you add alcohol to it, I don’t remember at all. Which is disturbing, and a good reason of why I don’t drink anymore.”Tony made a face before biting his lip, fidgety. “no, I....I uh...was upset cause I didn’t think you like-liked me, and it was just....well. Something that happened....and I was messed with, dropping like that and well...I don’t handle things well.”he said looking embarassed as he explained, shrugging a little. “...Well...I...yes. I did. I thought I had to.”He said relaxing as he realized the others would help before whining a little. “I can totally take care of myself.”

Tony smiled slightly gently stroking james hair before leaning back enough just to see james’ face, smiling quietly. “That’s cute.”he muttered looking up at steve, blushing at the praise. When he wasn’t done, he’d never admit to wanting it, but it made him feel better to hear that he’d done well. “Good. He should be relaxed.”he said getting up himself before nodding. “You go ahead. And tell me if I need to know...”he sighed before nodding. “Yea, I’m going to stay, you could take a nap here to if you wanted. I mean, he probably wont want to hurt me when he wakes up, but might be better if we're both here if he reacts badly."
"Ah. well that's understandable. i'm not... good at expressing myself." Steve admitted. "miscommunication was bound to happen." he admitted with a smile at the other. "honestly Tony, i don't think any of us handle anything." he admitted. "none of us are very good at things." he admitted with a smile before chuckling at him. "your so cute, you know that?" he asked with a small smile before rolling his eyes. "no you can't, besides, i like taking care of you." he admitted. "it makes me feel nice to know that you'll eat my food when you won't eat anyone else's." he admitted with a smile. "it is cute." he admitted before smiling a little at the other. "i think we can finally start making progress. he broke down. a very human thing to do." he admitted, gently brushing James hair back and tied it into a ponytail. "now that he knows the punishment won't be... whatever he was afraid it would be, he might start relaxing." he admitted. "i hope so. it hurts seeing him so... robotic..." he admitted before he hesitated. "Tony i..." h chewed on his lip and then. "i'm not... safe. when i'm sleeping" he explained. "sometimes i... i attack people because i think they're someone else. i'm going to have... dreams, because of... of what James just went through i'm going to dream and they aren't going to be pleasant and i might attack you, or James, not realizing who you are..."
“None of us are.”he snickered a little before flushing at the praise. “Am not. Totally not cute.”He grumbled before huffing. “I can totally take care of myself. I can even cook.”no he couldn’t. “And your food is good. Everyone else can’t cook. Makes it easier to eat your stuff.”He said looking amused before nodding. “Yes. I think we’ll make progress now.”he agreed stroking james’ back gently before nodding. “It does. Hopefully this’ll help.”He muttered before looking up at the other, tilting his head a little. ‘James can take care of himself, and well,’He raised a hand. And while it wasn’t usually there, there was a slight glistening of fire from extremis under his skin. “I can protect myself to. And there’s a suit in here to. So come on, get in.”
"You are adorable." he agreed and chuckled as he kissed Tony's forehead. "i'm glad you like my food." he admitted with a smile. "James too." he admitted. "i have to admit, his Crepes are a lot, lot better than mine are." he admitted. "he smacked me the last time i tried." he admitted with a grimace. "the jerk." he grumbled before smiling. "he looks really good.." he admitted, gently stroking the marks, pausing when James sighed and shifted. "well..." Steve hesitated, looking worried before nodding. "okay, but you have to swear you'll stop me." he ordered, climbing into bed and settled down with a sigh, content and glad that Tony didn't mind that he was kind of fucked up.

Tony would be woken a few hours later to Steve snarling, his hands wrapped tightly around something,strangling it. James, on the other hand was looking very curious as Steve strangled his metal arm. "Sir. has Captain Broken?" James wondered, his head tilted, wondering if he should be stopping Steve, who seamed quite intent on completely strangling James arm to death. which was kind of impossible considering A. Tony had made it and B. it was made of metal and thus, lifeless. "he's trying very hard." James admitted. "i think he's getting frustrated." James admitted, sounding more curious than anything else.
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