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The Incubus ((Silver and Lordhack ))

Elie suck on his cock as her tongue swirled around his him. Her tongue touching his sensitive spot as it swirls. She moaned as he pinched her again and licked. The moan sending viberations through his member.
"That's right mmm... Moan and scream into your little gag my perfect little pet." he said, the last word sounding quite like a moan, as he extended the finger on the hand at her ass, and gently, began running it up and down the crack of her ass, his fingers returning to a motion of thrusting and out of her. He gave her another kiss, blowing softly against her belly as he did.
Elie sucked hard as he started to thrust his fingers into her again. Her sucking was mixed with moans that would just add to his pleasure. She felt his lips in her stomach and smiled softly to herself.
She was eager to please, that much at least he could be sure of, and he enjoyed it very much. He moved his lips slowly off of her, and slipped his finger into her ass just a little bit more, since she hadn't given any obvious protest, not that it would be easy for her like this. "Ready to cum?" he asked softly. "Ready to taste my seed fill your mouth? If you swallow every drop, I'll give you a nice little prize. If not, there's always time to improve. If you're ready, try to struggle against he tentacles." he said, his fingers going faster and faster in and out of her pussy.
Elie gasped and moaned loudly. She sucked harder on him as her back arched up off the bed. Her hands gripped tightly to the bed. She was soaking wet and starting to tighten around his fingers. It all felt so amazing. It was better then she ever thought.
He felt her tightening, and grinned, even though she hadn't really struggled against her bonds, he could tell she was ready. His finger followed her as she arched her back, sinking deeper into her rear, as the ones inside her moved faster still, even as she tightened around them. He thrust his cock into her just a little bit further, it wouldn't be long before he would cum. "Just a little bit faster..." he half growled.
Elie moaned louder as her back arched higher. Her body started to go stiff. She sucked harder and harder. Her hands gripped tighter to the bed. She started to struggle against the tentacles. Her eyes went wide as she screamed out a moaned as she sucked him. He would fell hot, sticky cum flow out of her pulsing pussy and surround his fingers.
He felt her struggle, but knew it didn't matter, she was being brought to orgasm anyway, by his three little fingers. And he wasn't going to be far behind. He didn't stop thrusting into her, even as her cum began coating his fingers, and she sucked at him harder and harder. Finally, she elicited a moan from the demon, and his cock began to shoot his hot, sticky seed into her with surprising force.
Elie's eyes went wide as his hot cum shot down her throat, forcing her to swallow it all. She moaned soflty as she swallowed every last drop of his cum. She turned her head to the side as she finished. She panted and gasped for air. "T-that was... amazing."
Slowly, he pulled those three fingers out from her pussy, and began slowly spreading her cum along each thigh, than up her stomach, as he lay sideways across it, slowly pulling his cock out of her mouth. "So than, did I manage to make your first time special?" he asked, grinning.
Elie smiled, "Yes.. At least my first time being finger fucked. How did I do?" She asked before licking her lips. She relaxed on the bed.
"Not bad, you did swallow every drop after all." he said, turning slightly, moving a finger from his untainted hand and stroking her lip for a moment, before leaning in and giving her a gentle kiss. Than, he took his other hand, and rubbed the rest of her juices over each of her breasts. At the same time, both tentacles tugged slightly at her wrists, than relaxed again.
Elie kissed back and moaned as she felt him spread her cum on her breast. She pulled back from the kiss. "Can I ask something of you? Something I have wanted to feel for awhile. Can you... eat me out?" She asked softly.
"I was going to do that next even if you begged me not to." he said with a wide happy grin, though she couldn't see that. "I'm sure you taste fantastic." he continued, licking her neck slightly. "But I have a request of you in return." he said, moving his body downward, as he moved lower down her body, beginning to kiss her left breast gently.
She gasped softly as he kissed her breast. "Oh? What is that?" She asked as she shifted a bit to get ready for him.
"Accept a gift of mine. One I'm certain you would have not have even considered before we made our deal." he told her, continuing to kiss at her breast for a few moments, before moving down, kissing her stomach, and then the spot just above her legs. "Oh, and spread your legs nice and wide for me."
"What is the gift and your incharge of spreading my legs.. not me.. remember." She said softly as she smiled att all his kisses. "You have soft lips.
"mmm, you like them?" he asked, grinning a bit. The tentacles pulled at his legs, making sure they were nice and spread, again, bringing them so far that she'd feel a bit of pain, before returning them to a comfortable position. His lips were right above her lower ones. "A dildo." he said simply, looking up at her blindfolded. "Something you can use when I... have to be away on business."
"Make it a viberating out and you have a deal." She said after wincing from the pain in her legs. She could feel his breath on her pussy and bite her lower lip.
"Ooh, it didn't take long to make you a naughty little girl, did it?" he asked, licking just above her pussy, and than just below, teasing her. "Don't worry, it will have all sorts of special features." he said, continuing to tease around her pussy with his tongue, blowing hot air into it for a moment, but not doing as she'd requested.
Elie smiled, "No. Not at all." She said. She groaned as he teased her. "Stop teasing me... " She whimpered softly.
"Why dear? The hunt, after all, is more fun than the kill." he told her, before slowly moving his lips against her, his tongue gently pushing past the spread lips of her pussy.
Slowly, he slid his tongue out, dragging it against the upper wall the whole time. "You like that?" he asked, once his tonge was free, slowly sliding it back in before waiting for an answer.
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