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The Incubus ((Silver and Lordhack ))

"Mmm, I know it did." he told her simply, moving the hand off her breast, and to her forehead. "Lay down." he told her, but the second he did, he pushed her head down roughly, her landing would have hurt if it wasn't into a group of soft pillows. "Close your eyes." he said after wards, waiting for her to comply, before he took the loincloth that covered his crotch off. She'd never seen a real cock, and for some reason he wanted to keep that true. He then took the simple cloth, and quickly tied it around her eyes with a single hand, the other pinching at her clit again. "Do you trust me enough, that so long as I uphold my vow to protect you, I may violate my others in order to pleasure you?" he asked, giving her clit another pinch, softer this time.
Elie squealed softly as she was pushed back on the bed. She landed with her arms spread out and her legs still spread. She closed her eyes as he commanded her too. She felt the cloth go over her eyes. She squealed and jumped again as he pinched her clit again. "What do you mean?" She asked softly.
"It turned you on to be motionless, yes, but what you really desire is to helpless. For me to be able to do anything I like to you, and not be able to do a thing about it. You're just lucky Sam sent a sex demon, and all I'll do is please you. However, you've wisely limited what I'm allowed to do to you. That will keep you safe, but that's not what turns you on. You want to feel as if any minute, I might slit your throat, or tie you up and throw you in a closet, or melt your mind so you're nothing but an eager whore. Give me permission to do what I like with you. You know that even as the idea scares you, it's also turning you on."
"I can't... I don't wanna be hurt.. promise you won't hurt me." She said softly as she started to sit up and move a hand to remove the cloth. "I want to feel helpless, but I don't wanna feel like you are gonna kill me or lock me up. That will send me into shock."
"Fair enough. I won't hurt you, and as soon as I'm done touching you, my... additional rights will be revoked. Would that be ok?" he asked, moving his fingers together as if he was going to pinch her clit again, but than he didn't.
"During sex you can use magic to bond me into any postions you desire. You may take me in any hole you please.. but slowly the first time for each. No using magic to harm me." She said softly as she laid back down, never having removed the cloth.
"Fair enough." he said, and with a snap, she would feel something leathery wrapping against each of her wrists, pulling them above her head and spread apart slightly. They were the same tentacles from her dream, but she probably wouldn't realize that without being able to see them. He snapped again, and two more appeared, going around her ankles, and spreading her legs further, to the point where it would almost hurt, but stopping right there. "How do you feel about gags?" he asked, grinning, pinching her clit again, and moving slightly, though she wouldn't see how.
She squealed out again as he pinched her clit again, "ARe you sure you wanna gag me? Or would rather hear my moans in all there glory? I thought moans of a virgin were the best." She asked softly as she felt her body being spread and bond. She couldn't move an inch.
"They are." he said, moving now so that he was straddling her stomach, and facing her legs, his long cock brushing against her stomach. "I'd love to hear you moan, to scream, to beg me for more, though I don't know if the last is in your... personality." he told her, moving slightly to rub his cock against her. "But this time is about pleasing you. There will be plenty of moans in the future, after all." he said, trying to fit a third finger into her, his other hand pinching at her left thigh.
Elie shifted a bit.."Why are you sitting on me? Your not light you know.." She said teasingly. She gasped as she felt something on her stomach. "Was...that..?" She asked. She moaned as she felt a thired finger enter her. She squealed as he pinched her left thigh.
"Maybe I will shove a gag down your mouth, even if you'd rather I not." he teased back, shifting slightly to move up, and putting less weight on her, sitting now just below her breasts. The tentacles spread her legs a bit more for just a second, so just a jolt of pain would go through her, just for a second, than he pinched her clit again.
She snickered at his comment, but the snicker was short lived as the tentacles spread her legs even father. Elie screamed out in slight pain as the jolt shot up her spine. She squealed and moaned as he pinched her clit.
He thrusts his hips up, than down slightly, rubbing his cock against her stomach again, and moving himself back a bit further. He was no longer sitting on her, in fact, he was floating above her breasts, his cock pointed down between them. His free hand moved down, circling around her pussy, and beginning to pinch. Meanwhile, he began to slowly move the fingers inside her slowly out, than thrust them back in, out, in, out, in.
Elie gasped softly as she felt him rub his cock on her stomach. She started to moan as he circled her pinched her pussy. Her back arched a little as he started to move his fingers in and out of her in slow thrusts.
He could she that she liked feeling his cock on her, and began to rub it into her further, getting it between her breasts, than moving it so it flicked against each nipple with the head. Slowly, he began to move up, rubbing it against the top of her breasts, as his fingers began moving faster, twisting slightly each time they entered, than untwisting when they came out.
Elie gasped softly as he moved his cock over her breasts. She moaned as he moved his fingers in and out of her. Her pussy starting to get wetter.
"Like that, huh?" he asked, his free hand beginning to try to move under her leg, the tentacle lifting it if he didn't have enough room, and slowly stroking up to her ass, as he plunged his fingers in faster still. "Ready for that gag? I did promise whichever hole I used, I would be gentle." he said, as he was still floating above her, moving his cock against her neck, than just below her chin.
She gasped as she felt his cock moving up towards her mouth. "You want me.. to.." She studdered out as her moans got louder.
"Admit it, you want to know how it tastes, how it feels in your mouth. I know you won't be great your first time, but you'll get the job done. And I promise, I won't gag you, won't force it into your throat, just feel your tongue and your lips around it." he said, placing it just above her lips, than lowering it when he saw them close, as if it was giving her a kiss, before pulling back up. He pinched an ass cheek, hopping to get a soft scream, followed by a moan, as he thrust all three fingers hard into her, and left them there, beginning to pinch at her clit again.
Elie nodded, "Okay.." She screamed out as he pinched her ass. Her body jumped a bit in reaction. She fell back into moans as he started to thrust into her with three fingers. She squealed as he pinched her clit.
"Open your mouth, and stick out your tongue. Lick the head of my cock, it won't be hard to find." he told her, grinning, and placing it right in front of her lips, slowing his movements inside her so that she wouldn't be too busy moaning to take him in.
Elie slid her tongue out of her mouth and licked the tip of his cock, once she found it. She started to lick his cock like a lollipop.
He grunted out slightly. "That's it, try to get the spot just under the bulge, you can feel that right?" he asked, pinching both her clit and her ass at the same time as those fingers worked at her, wanting to hear her moan one last time. "And pucker up for your first kiss." he told her, slowly moving his cock past her lips.
Elie licked past the buldge. She moaned loudly as he pinched her clit and ass. She gasped as she felt him slip his cock into her mouth. She lightly started to suck on his cock.
"Mmm, yeas dear, just suck as hard as you can, and lick on the underside, right there." he told her, as she got a sensitive spot. "And whatever you do, don't bite down." Gently, he began moving his cock down into her mouth, until he hit her throat, at which point, he immidiatly pulled out just slightly, not wanting her to gag. He wasn't entirely inside her, but he wanted her to feel comfortable, and he pinched both spots of her body again, before leaning his head down, and kissing her belly button, his tongue sticking out to lick it gently.
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