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The Incubus ((Silver and Lordhack ))

Elie thought it over. "Wow.. that sounds fun. I like that idea. You can do that." She said through her soft moans.
He grinned, kissing her again, and the tentacles released her, going under her bed, and seeming to dissapear. "I thought you might." he said, still rubbing at her gently. "You're going to fall asleep. When you wake up, you'll remember getting ready for bed last night, and maybe remember the rest of the night for 3 or 4 seconds, until it escapes like a dream." he told her. "When you awake, well, you'll be just like you were last saterday." he told her. "Now, look into my eyes." he said, continuing to rub her, but slowing down, and slowly beginning to chant. A few seconds later, she'd fall right asleep, as though she'd passed out.
Elie looked into his eyes, before passing out and going still under him. She woke up later and sat up. She looked around, "Strange dream.." She said aloud before realizing she was naked. "Why.. am I.. " She shook her head and just got up to get dressed.
Kelrock was there, but once more, completely invisible, he'd decided he was going to draw this out, they had plenty of time after all. As she went to her drawer, or wherever she kept her underwear, she'd find it was all gone. In fact, there wasn't a shred of clothing in her room.
Elie gasped as she looked around, "Where the heck are all my clothes?" She started to look franticly for her clothes.
Nothing. Not a single dress, or pair of panties, or even a bikini lie in that room, under the bed, in her closet, nowhere. If ever she bent over to look under or for anything, just for a second, she'd feel a hand spank her ass, than nothing, as though it had been done by a ghost.
Elie looked around the room as she rubbed her ass. She sighed and moved to her bedroom door. She planed to go look for clothes in the landury room.
Her bedroom door seemed locked from the outside, even if her door only locked from the inside, or had no lock at all. Now, she'd feel a gentle breath on the left side of her neck, followed by what felt like a gentle kiss.
Elie hit the door in frustration. She went stiff as she felt his breath on her cheek and the light kiss. She screamed as she run towards the bathroom.
The bathroom door was also locked from the inside, preventing her access from anywhere, though there was no more interaction from the "ghost". Perhaps she'd just imagined it...
"Spread your legs and lay back." It was whisper, but it echoed in her mind, and the worst part was it was in her own voice.
As she stood back up, her sheet came with her, wrapping around her stomach, and trying to pull her back down into the bed with a rough force.
From below the bed, two tentacles shot out, grabbing her legs like they had only moments ago, and spreading them, as she lay sideways across her bed. Slowly, right in front of her, Kelrock appeared, simply looking down her body.
He began slowly shaking his finger back and forth, before moving it over her, and flicking her breast with it, the nail digging in slightly to the spot just below her nipple. "You didn't say please."
She screamed out in pain, "Let me go! Please! Stop it! Don't touch me!" She struggled more against the tentacles.
"That's good." he said, moving inbetween her widely spread legs and grabbing her by the sides, just above where the sheet had wrapped around her. "Beg and scream and plea. I will so enjoy when the words at the end are stop and no, and become please and faster." he told her, moving the head of his cock right against the lips of her pussy, but not thrusting in yet. "Tell me what you'd do to make me stop."
Elie's eyes went wide as she felt his cock at her pussy lips. SHe lifted her hands and started to try and claw at him, "Get away from me.. Stop it!" She tried desperatly to get free. "I will do nothing cause your not putting that THING in me!"
He gave her face a hard slap, she had said he could be a little rough after all, and than he snapped. A pair of handcuffs suddenly appeared wrapping tightly around one of her wrists. The chain between them moved like a snake, going around her back. The other side found her other wrist, and clampped just as tightly around it. Than, the chain shortened, pulling her wrists behind her back. "Apologize little girl, and I won't make you watch."
Elie's head jerked to the side and she glared up at him. She continued to struggle. "NEVER!" SHe then spit right into his eye. "I am not going to be raped by the likes of you! LET ME GO!"
He ignored the spit, moving up to look right into her eyes. "But you are, little innocent Elie. Enjoy your last moments of virginity." he said, leaning down and giving her what she'd think was her first kiss, biting her lower lip roughly, before pulling up. He spread her legs a bit further with his hands, and thrust his cock into her.
Elie gasped at his words and winced as he kissed her and bit her lower lip. She looked up in fear as he spread her legs a bet further. She screamed out in pain as he thrusted into her and stole her virginity. "No!!!" She cried out as tears started down her face.
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