Ripples in the Water (Marvel)- Fox/Lady

"i don't know. i think he'd quite enjoy a Vanir. he has a thing for blonds." Loki admitted with a smirk, his own hair, without a single twitch of a strand, turned a very pretty blond. "well... yeah, but only because i know you never will." Dean huffed. "i just don't like the idea of some... god..." he wrinkled his nose. "taking advantage of you, that's all!" "ah. good for you to know then, i'm typically a bottom. Sam hasn't felt comfortable enough for me to top him yet and i'm not about to push him." Dean choked, sputtered and turned some very interesting colors. Dean was... alright, with Sam being... with Loki but he had issues to be worked through as well so he was torn on how to react here. instead of focusing on Loki an Sam however, he latched onto Cas's statement. "Who took advantage of you!?"? he demanded of Cas. "i'll murder them! name names!" "No.. food can wit. i have to make sure Johnny knows your mine." Tony grumbled, nipping at her a little more firmly to make her sit still. thankfully, he never bit her too hard. just enough to leaving small red spots that would last an hour or two.
“I do not have a thing for blonds. It’s just pretty blond.”Sam said rolling his eyes a little before snorting at dean’s logic. “That doesn’t make sense. And I’m most definitely the one taking advantage of him.”Sam snickered as dean choked, staring at cas he considered if the other was jerking dean’s chain or was actually serious. “A very nice woman and man in this hotel I was staying in. They very kindly escorted me to dinner and a evening afterwards when I bought them dinner.”Cas said smiling, because while he knew now what had happened, he totally hadn’t known at the time the two escorts had conspired to get him to pay for a evening entertainment. “Johnny knows.”Gwen muttered holding still at tony’s demand, rolling her eyes as she stared at Cas. “....did you just say you got it on with a escort?” “Yes, I think that is what she said her living was.”
"You do too have a thing for blonds." Loki teased. "you have Captain America trading cards, and Captain America Posters... and what is he if not a blond?" Loki asked, making Steve fight to hold in a laugh. poor Sam. "... you... you... you...." Dean sputtered before resumed slamming his head against the table. "Johnny doesn't know. he's brazen. he might try." Tony grumbled. "i won't have him trying, it will upset you." he growled, now simply nuzzling her neck instead of nipping at it because he had noticed Johnny's attention was quite fixated elsewhere. "you don't even know what an escort is." Dean groaned, still thumping his head because it totally sucked. he'd wanted to be the one... wait! no he wasn't! oh god dammit!
“....I hate you.”Sam grumbled, sulking a little as he stared at the others, making a face, wincing a little at dean’s reaction. That looked like it hurt. “Dean stop.”Cas muttered looking worried for him. “Kay.”Gwen said rolling her eyes a little at tony’s reasoning, though she looked amused as she watched dean. “Yes I do. I mean, I was a escort to dinner, wasn’t I?”Cas said frowning a little, wondering just how much he could wind dean up before he snapped and just gave in to admitting to what he wanted.
"No! just.. leave me the fuck alone!" Dean snarled, slapping Cas's hand away and he stalked off, looking very agitated. Loki grimaced and stood up. "this has gone on for far long enough." he stated, giving Cas a firm look. "you will stay here. you are aggravating him overly so and he is under enough stress as it is." Loki stated before following after Dean. "...poor guy. it's hard to admit your gay when ll your life you where told it was sick and wrong." Steve admitted softly. "Bucky... he came out of the closet shortly before he was deployed and his three older brothers almost beat him to death." he admitted. "i can't imagine John Winchester was much better." he admitted softly. "or Loki's father either..." he paused when the phone rang and he picked it up. "hey Phil!....oh. so Thor broke into your compound, kicked your men's asses and failed to pick up a hammer. that's... swell. why do we care? ah, because he's blaming Loki. well, that's swell. he can stay in lockup then. clearly he hasn't learned his lessons." Steve stated simply. "how can he be blaming a man he hasn't seen in almost five years?"
Cas flinche, eyes going wide. He’d known he was getting to the other, but he hadn’t been sure if it was because Dean wanted him, or because he was still reacting to what John winchester had told him how gay men should be treated. He’d only been trying to figure it out, but it seemed that his understanding of humanity fell short again. “Don’t worry. Loki’ll help him. You didn’t mess up to badly.”Sam muttered watching the quietly upset angel, who despite appearing calm was actually really distressed, he could see it in his eyes. “Yes....I...”Cas started before shaking his head staring at the floor, not sure wehat to do. “....We’ll tell loki. Even if he hadn’t learned his lesson, loki needs to know thor’s pissed....and from what I know, he always has to blame someone.”
"It's alright Cas. Dean is in a very unique position. he not only, doesn't know or understand what he wants but he has a lifetime of being told things to work through as well." Tony admitted. "I was in that same exact place in collage with Johnny. he was flirting and Howard had always told me, and pardon the crudeness 'Fags should always be beaten'. it took me months to understand why Johnny wanted me and that it was okay to like it." Tony admitted. "Dean is doing way, way better than me, though it might be because i was fourteen and Dean is... what? Twenty something?" "i'm not sure we should. Loki's upset enough as it is just with Tyr being here. i don't know how he'd handle... well, Sam, you know him best." Steve admitted, looking at the man. "should we tell him?"
Cas frowned a little, thinking it over, before nodding slightly. “I know....but I shouldn’t be upsetting him....” “He’s going to be upset until he figures it out, no matter what you do, Cas.”Gwen said quietly, looking worried about the angel. As much as she worried about ean, she didn’t think he’d be rash. She wasn’t sure about Cas. “32” “Seriously?” “Yea.He’s old.”Sam snickered a little. Before sighing. Thinking it over. “Probably not, but if he’s doing okay I might after he finishes talking to Dean....we’ll see how his mood is.”Sam muttered looking worried.
"Relax Cas. i think it's because he likes you and he's jealous that someone else got to, you know. sully your virtues and that makes him upset." Steve admitted with a snicker. "i can't believe you had sex with a 'companion'. that's hilarious." he admitted with a grin. "i thought escorts didn't have sex with their clientele?" "Some do. it depends on the escort, how much your willing to pay, how handsome or nice you are. stuff like that." Johnny admitted. "i have a favorite Escort i call for political functions. she can dress the part of a rich snob extraordinarily well and it pisses Sue off to no end." he admitted with a smirk. "Very old indeed." Tony agreed with a grin. "Okay. we'll leave it to you then." Steve agreed, offering Sam a smile before looking at the clock. "we should all get some sleep. it's late." he admitted, Bruce smiling as he stood up. "come on Johnny. i'll take you to a guest room." Bruce offered, Johnny snorting but allowing Bruce to lead hi away. it wasn't Bruce's fault that he didn't know Johnny already had a room in the tower. perfectly furnished long before the other Avengers had even existed.
“....Oh. Well. I did not know that’s what they wanted at first. They said I was very nice.”Cas said making gwen laugh. “Or apparently, if you’re really nice to them, they want to have sex. That’s amusing.”Gwen giggled a little before poking tony in the arm. “I don’t want to hear it. You’re older.”She pointed out, teasing him a little. “Yes, let’s all get some sleep.”Gwen said holding the laughter back until her and tony were out of the room, giggling hard as she considered poor naive bruce, who didn’t know everyone was aware of what was going on.

Following Sam back to the guest room, cas bit his lip nervously as sam knocked on the door. “You two okay?”
"Of course not. they likely wanted your wallet." Steve agreed with a smile. "the 'Companions' are much better than whores, but still they do what they do for money. they likely thought your naivety to be supremely adorable." he admitted with a chuckle. "i am not older! i'm only twenty two! barely an adult!" Tony lied, shoving his nose in the air because he knew no one was going to believe that. "Bruce is anything but subtle." Tony admitted, looking very amused. "still. at least Johnny will stop flirting with you for a while." he huffed before sulking. "honestly i don't know if i'm jealous because he's flirting with you, or because he's not flirting with me." he admitted honestly. he was always honest with her. and it was kind of cute.
“Maybe. I’m sure Dean will be explaining this to be as soon as he calms down.”Cas said sounding a little amused, because despite how upset the other was sometimes, it usually pleased him to know dean cared enough to fuss over him. “...You are not. I’m the young one in this couple remember, the golddigging twenty-something year old?”Seh reminded me, having indeed heard that insult once or twice since people had figured out they were dating. “That’s adorable. Really.”She teased kissing him as she changed into her pj’s. "We should get some sleep. I have a feeling tyr's still up to something."She muttered, still worrying about that. she just knew it was going to be bad.
oops! forgot about the other half of the reply, sorry ^^; )

"your just as rich as i am after all those popular books, how can you be a golddigger?" he asked, looking baffled. "besides, this thing will keep me running for several lifetimes." he said, tapping his arc reactor. "Actually. that is slowly killing you." Phil admitted. "i have people working on it." "wait... what!?" "Palladium is poisonous Tony. and it's inside you. you didn't notice?" "no!" "...sorry. i thought you knew." Phil admitted sheepishly. "it's good that you haven't been displaying symptoms though." "Is Bruce Aware of this?!" "i don't know..." Phil admitted softly. "it's not adorable!" Tony whined. "I'm sure he is, but he seams to be a bit afraid of Loki so i think it will be fine."

Loki looked up and smiled at Sam and Cas. Dean was laying with his head on Loki's lap, sleeping peacefully while Loki stroked his hair. "it's okay. I think we've made progress." Loki admitted. "it's sort of hard to argue with a God." he admitted with a chuckle. "i think he'll be better now. we talked for a good eal of time." "you where only in here for twenty minutes." Steve said, holding a tray full of hot cocoa. "Temporal displacement." Loki stated simply. "we've been in here for about four hours."
“Apparently cause only a young female with ‘no real job except those cute little doodles’, can’t be anything but a golddigger.”She rolled her eyes before looking up at phil anxiously, eyes wide and worried. “What?It’s what? We-what?”She said looking scared and upset instantly, because tony was the foundation of what she’d built her life on, the idea of him dying was enough to make her instantly confused and panicked.

Cas smiled slightly, “Good.”He said looking relieved before snorting a little at sam’s words. “Why?I argue with you all the time.”Sam teased a little before raising a eyebrow at loki. “Why didn’t you just do that to study if you were feeling so anxious about it?”He asked before smiling as cas fidgeted, obviously wanting to make loki move so he could sit down, but not sure how to move him without disturbing dean.
"Who the hell told you that? i'm gonna punch them in the face." he sneered, rolling his eyes. "they don't matter anyway. they never did. i just thought they did." he admitted. "because i was a bit stupid really." he admitted before paling. "relax. at the minimum we have a year before he's actively dying. we have our best scientists and doctors working on a solution. we had thought that Tony and Bruce already knew and where working on the problem as well. i didn't realize... but we'll e getting Loki involved as well, who knows what magic could do? we could ask Cas too." Phil decided. "i'll have Bruce informed in the morning and we'll start working on it right away." Tony agreed, smiling at her. "i'm not going anywhere without a hell of a fight. don't worry my love. i won't ever leave you, even if i do die. i'll haunt you for the rest f your life, and then we'll go into the afterlife together." he promised with a grin. a bad joke, but perhaps it was because it wasn't a joke. he could became a dormant poltergeist, playing little tricks to amuse his lover while he waited.

"that's a bit different." Loki teased before looking flummoxed, opening and closing his mouth before looking very sheepish. "uh. i forgot..." he admitted shyly before he stood up, leave Dean's head hovering there as if held up b invisible wings. "i've had him for four hours. it's your turn." Loki informed Cas. "have fun, just don't sit on his head." he warned. "i don't think you can go translucent can you?" he wondered. "anyway, good luck. he's probobly going to punch you when he wakes up."
"Every ex- sex partner of yours I've ever met, and my stepdad."she made a face as she leaned into him."oh ...okay....that's good to know..."gwen muttered taking calming breaths, following what pepper had always told her to do. Master your breathing, you mastered yourself."true....between you and the god, and cas, I'm sure we'll find something."gwen said sighing before snorting a little."you'd be a horrible poltergeist. You'd make working impossible."she snickered.

"A bit...and you are adorable. Really."Sam snickered at the idea that he had forgotten."no I can't but I can manage not sitting on him."Cas said rolling his eyes a little as he stripped down to just his jeans and t shirt, not wanting to wear the trenchcoat to bed. Slipping onto the bed he smiled as he pillow the eldest winchesters head in his lap, settling in to nap himself.
Tony snorted. "the Ex's are jealus bitches who i dumped specifically because they wanted my money." he pointed out. "they're pissed because they don't have the capacity to understand that you actually love me and don't want me for my money like i do. they just think your just like them because that's all they know. they lead shallow, pathetic lives. as for your stepfather he's a fucker of epic proportions and he's having some very interesting legal issues. something about tax evasion and what not. from what i understand, one of the Board of Directors fingered your step daddy to try and save his own ass. we're finding out now if dear old stepper was really involved or not. in any case, i'd make a great poltergeist. i'd never bother you while you where writing." he promised with a grin.

"i am not, how dare you!" Loki protested, even if he looked amused. "good because he's pretty pissed at you, so i don't think sitting n him would help your case at all." Loki admitted with a chuckle as he led Sam away to do 'naughty things' Loki had his first test in the morning. he was going to pass with perfect marks. no matter what, and he was not going to cheat, ever.
“Yea I know.”Gwen shrugged a little before smiling at him, “They do. And I live a sex filled amazing life, it’s good.”She said before wincing, paling a little at the idea that her father was in on what was going on at the company.”I’m sorry tony. That’s horrible....though not overly surprising from him really.”She sighed softlym before smiling as she kissed him. “You totally would. I’d totally feel you sitting there and staring.”she whined a little before pushing him to his feet. “Come on. Time to get some sleep.”She ordered.

“You are. No arguments.”Sam snickered a little. “ I don’t think it’d help.”Cas said sighing softly as he settled in to rest, worried about how upset dean was still with him. This was going to be bad, he just knew it.
"You do have a sex filled awesome life." he admitted with a grin before shaking his head. "i'm not surprised either. i've suspected him of... something, ever since he introduced us." he admitted. "it's why i was so hesitant towards you when we first met, i wasn't sure if you where in on it or just being used by him. i forgot after because i was head over heals in love with you, but i remembered when i found out he might be involved." he admitted. "yeah, i'm tired." he admitted wit a sigh. "i had really been hoping for sex." he admitted with a huff. "i think i need cuddles though. it's not every day that someone finds out that your about to die..." he admitted with a wrinkle of his nose, whining when he was forced to his feet and headed to bed because he wanted to just curl up where he was and go to sleep there.

in the morning Dean did indeed punch Cas. right across the face. but it was okay because then he pulled the other in for a deep, intense and very satisfying kiss. then he stalked off, cursing Cas up and down with some very... interesting language.
“I know....I figured it was something like that. But we’re okay. We’re good together. Despite being introduced by him.”Gwen made a face before snorting. “Me to, but cuddles is good to.”she said smiling as she curled up with him.

Cas yelped as he was hit, not really awake just yet as he was kissed, not responding because well, even angels needed time to wake up. Following after the other he looked vaguely confused as he considered the other, not sure what to think, or what to say. “Well. Good morning Dean.”Gwen said raising a eyebrow as she considered him over her coffee cup.
Dean scowled at her a little and then grabbed a cup of coffee for himself and settled in to drink it and sulk. Loki was gone already, he was sure. he had those big tests today and Dean knew that man was fretting like a dipshit about it. this was why he hated hanging out with collage students. he was feeling much better after he drained half of his cup. "Morning." he said to Gwen ten minutes too late. "don't believe Cas. he's a little bitch." that made Tony laugh as he walked in. holding something in his hands. something heavy and big and he dropped the trunk, for it was a trunk, on the table in front of Gwen. "Surprise!" Tony said, looking very pleased. inside there where, well they looked like empty snowglobes with faintly glowing black bases. there where a good dozen of them. "...empty snowglobes? i think your about to get dumped dude." "you shut your filthy mouth! they are not snowglobes!"
Cas smiled a little as he settled into a seat not quite close to dean, but not closest to gwen, choosing the middle ground to give himself space to move if dean decided he still needed hit. “I am not a dog, Dean.” “I dunno, you sorta look like dog shit. What happened?” “Dean hit me.” “Oh.”Gwen said before being distracted by the sight of tony and the box. Frowning slightly as she opened the box, looking confused. “They do indeed look like these snow globes. I have seen many of them, they are quite adorable. They would be a good gift”Cas said though he looked confused at why tony was getting her empty ones. “What are they tony?”Gwen said looking interested, knowing he was up to something as she picked one up.
"You are a dog." Dean said with a huff. "and he deserved to be hit for pissing with me so much." he grumbled. "i should hit him again." he muttered, examining Cas who was sitting too far away to actually hit. "You shut your mouth too. they aren't Snowglobes!... well, they are kinda..." Tony agreed with a chuckle. "here. pick one up and then focus on your powers and make an illusion... uhm, do the butterfly!" he suggested with a grin. when she channeled her powers, the Butterfly appeared in the globe and stayed there even after she cut her powers. it fluttered just as realistically as it did when she was controlling it and Dean gasped, staring at it. "okay, that's cool!" he admitted, staring at the snow globe sitting on the table with the butterfly fluttering around inside. "i can make different sizes too!" Tony admitted. "i have a few the size of a bubblegum machine and some about the size of a marble... those aren't very useful i don't think but i can think of a few other things i could use them for." he admitted with a grin. "what do you think!?"
"I am not."Cas said looking vaguely offended before sighing softly at the others words. "And no you shouldn't hit me again." "Tony. Focus."gwen said not wanting him to go off and rant to the boys before picking one up, creating the butterfly eyes widening even as she cut the magic."that's, oh tony. That's amazing!"she said eyes wide and tearfilled as she held them all close to her, looking amazed and so pleased at the gift."oh" "These are amazing."Cas said picking one up looking slightly concerned for the crying female.
"I should. you where mean to me." Dean admitted with a huff before grinning when Tony beamed and swelled with pride that she loved her present, launching into an explanation that no one understood, mostly because he was worried the tears where bad tears and he didn't want to have upset her so he was babbling because it made him feel better when he was nervous.
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