Ripples in the Water (Marvel)- Fox/Lady

he snorted at her. "i really didn't need to know that you and Tony where screwing on the beach." he informed her. "aren't you still recovering? you should be resting, not having sex." he pointed out with a chuckle. "alright, i can do that." he agreed, highlighting the section using a pink highlighter. "Fuck you Crowley." Dean snarled. "leave the baby alone. you owe me one and the baby is mine." the snarl was anything but human, eyes flashing completely black as something appeared in his hand, something that he thrust upwards into Crawley's Stomach. it was a blade, made from the jaw bone of a goat. the First Blade. "Go back to hell. and tell Tyr i'll fuck him up if he shows his face." Dean snarled, twisting the blade just to sink his point home.
“We’re not. I can’t have sex yet. We’ve had sex before though on beaches. It’s awkward.”Gwen snickered a little before tensing, wondering if she should try to run, or stay put. “Now Dean-”Crowley started before his eyes widened, surprise showing in his face, because the first blade could do something he never thought he’d have to fear. Kill him. Pulling off the blade he nodded a little, “I will. The baby is a hero. Or will be. That’s why he wants to kill it.”he supplied, if he was going to die for this, he was going to take Tyr with him. Even as smoke enveloped him and with a small flash, the king of hell died. It would be a mess, but at least they wouldn’t have to worry about the demons anymore. They’d be o busy fighting each other, to come after the baby. “D-dean?”Gwen stuttered, stumbling to her feet, looking for the others even as she realized cas and sam were headed their way.
"i bet. i hate beaches." he huffed, shaking his head before snarling at Crawley, smirking at the surprise on the man's face. "Cas let me have it back." he explained to Crawley. "to protect my Nephew. what you wanna bet, it'll hurt a demi god just as much as it hurts a Demon?" he smiled at the other. "thanks Crawley. sorry it had to end this way. i kind of liked you." he admitted. "you just sided with the wrong asshole." he admitted before banishing the blade again and glanced at Gwen. "it's okay. sometimes i can't... well Demon's are possessive and... i love the baby and sometimes when someone threatens the baby i can't.... you know.. control myself..." he admitted, flushing a little because there was still that Demon inside of him, and it tended to come out when certain things triggered it. like someone threatening a baby he had sworn to protect.
“I’m sure it’ll work on a demi-god. It would be good to see.”Crowley muttered. “o-okay.”Gwen swallowed hard, watching him. Trusting that he was in control, and that this was okay. “Well, if you’re going to lose control over something, at least it’s something I approve of.”Gwen said smiling a little. “Dean?”Cas panted as he ran up to them, indeed, he was starting to get a sunburn, but was ignoring it in favor of making sure all of them were okay, though SJ looked the best of them all, the baby was still past out asleep in his mother’s arms.
Dean nodded. "see you later Crowley." he said, watching the other disintegrate into dust. "it's totally fine." he promised Gwen, offering her a small smile. trying to be reassuring. "Cas keeps me in line if i loose too much control." he promised before chuckling a little. "yes, well... i do hope he never has to see me lie that. it'd be great for him to be rather... oblivious to the darkness in the light." he admitted. "i'm okay. it was just Crawley. he's gone now and Tyr just lost all of his demonic support." he admitted, shaking his head. "i just need a minute to calm down and he'll go away." he never referred to his demon side as anything other than what it was, another personality. a 'he', instead of an 'it'. kept the Demon from getting too annoyed.
Gwen smiled at him, “I’m sure he does.”Gwen said looking amused before nodding as she gently stroked the small wisps of hair on SJ’s head. “ would be good to know he never knew just how much darkness it is out there.”She smiled slightly. “Good.”Cas said relaxing as he looked at them all, glad that this was over. He doubted Tyr would try anything now, that he’d lost all his support. Life would be good now. “You’re good.”Cas smiled leaning in to kiss Dean’s forehead, glad to know he was okay, and that this was over.

The end?
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